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<br /> ; � � �ortion ox al]. of the Property, tv) take or rolaaee any ot.har or additivnal :��;-
<br /> � security for any Abliga�ion or indebtadrieea herein menti.oned, or (vi) malce
<br /> ,:� com�oeitione or other arrangemonte with debtoaca in relation theretot (i) in �,,,,
<br /> � addition to th� righta and powers given to the Truotee and Benaficiary
<br /> � �e�ein, �he Benogic3ary sha1Z ha�►e: all euch other rights bo�h in law and ,�,�-
<br /> �;�� e�uity for collection of t2ie indebtedneea eecurPd hereby ae it would hav� but
<br /> L-_
<br /> ��'`,� £or thic� Deed of Truet j (j) all cavenants and agreementa of Trustor set forth
<br /> �`""� �� in tY�ie Deed of Truet ahall be joint and eeveralJ (k) this Deed c£ Truet
<br /> �;�; ehall be gaverned by the lawe of the 3tate of Nebraskas tl) in the event any
<br /> - nne or tr.ore of the prov�isions contafned in thie Deed of Truet, or the NoGQ or
<br /> '�- any other security ineticument given in connection with the indebtednase
<br /> . ;�' , hereby secured ahall for any reason be held to be inva]Lidor une farcer
<br /> unenforceable in any reapect, euch invali.dity, illegal3ty,
<br /> �'�����.,-;. � abiliGy ehall, at the option of Beneficiary, not affect any other praviofon `
<br /> � of thie Deed of Truat, but thie D�ed of Trust ahall be conetrued as if auch
<br />`:°-�;`�y:' invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained hQMoin
<br /> � " or therein. If the lien of this Deed of Trur�t ia invalid or unenforceabbe as
<br />-1{;::��-�
<br />:-::;�t�►� =;a' to any part of the inde3a�ec�neea haroby �ecured or c�videnced by the NAte, or
<br /> -��; if the lien ie invalid or unenfarceable as to any part of r.he Property, t hQ
<br /> ' t�m��cured or partially secured portion of auah indebtedneae ehall be -
<br /> �,3,,:3�� completely paid grior ta the gayment of the remaining and secured or
<br />= ;W_;; partially secured pertian of such indebtedness, and all paym�nte made on. such
<br /> ---_'` .-� indebtednesa, whether volu�tary or under forec].osure or ather enfezce�mont
<br />:_;.:� action or procedu.xe, shall b� considered to have been first paid oxx and _
<br /> :.��■�o applied Co tho fu11 payment of that por,tion of such indebtedriess wliich i� �not
<br />"�``'�'�� secured or not fully secured by the 13en of thie Deed of Tx�uat j and (m? the
<br /> "'� aavenants and agreemente contained in thie Dc�ed af Truat ahall bind, an.c� the
<br /> �"� benefits and advantages hereof shall i.nure to the roepeative hwire,
<br /> —_--= ex�GV.tors, admisa�.8t�'a�oz's, �ucce�sQrs and aaeicns of the partios h��eto•
<br /> -
<br />