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<br /> ,. . . �,:
<br /> :,n :
<br /> . 99° ����� f_y-
<br /> - � . belou�r to �he payment: �=
<br /> " � � (1) Coat c�f any evidence af title procured in connect.ion with such h
<br /> ° .� ; eale and of any revenue rsquired to be paidj
<br /> �, _ �;
<br /> � � � �� (2) All eume then aecured herebyj `
<br />. ��� .�,• _
<br /> (3) The rsmainder, if any, to the person cr persons legally _
<br /> � entitled thereto.
<br /> ,�,...--•_
<br /> Each af the partiee to this Deed of Trust hereby requeats that a copy o� any
<br /> Notice of Default ar�d a copy of any Notice of Sale provided for hereinabove •
<br /> ?a be mailed to each auch party at the party's post office addreas aet forth
<br /> '"' `4 hezein. ZTpon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Beneficiary shall have
<br /> ��� the option to forecloae this D�ed of Trust in the manner provided by 1aw far -
<br /> the foreclosure of mortgagee on real property.
<br /> �'� '"' ��. Trugtox �s�SRC�fically agrees that (a) Truator, at ita expense,
<br /> . `.�`+•� will exeau�e and deliv@r to Beneficiary, promptly upon requeat, auch security
<br />�����°�r'�' inetrumenta as may be required by Beneficiary, in a form and subatance
<br />, y�,...� satisfaatory to Benefi.aiary, covexing any of the Property conveye3 by this
<br />-�=_�=��� Deed oE Txuet which security inetrumente shall be additional eecurity £or
<br />-�...
<br /> �? TruetAr's faithful perfoz�mance of all o£ the terme, covenante and c�onditiono
<br />_����?.':'�;�. of this Deed af Truat, the I�Tete and indebtedness secus�ed hereby, an3 any
<br />"`�'° other aecurity instrumento ex�cuted in connection tvi�h the inciebtedness
<br /> ��1 j�_,: eecur�d by thf a Deed of Tr.ust; �snd all auch inatruments ahall be f ilod and
<br /> :.���=a�� recorded at Truator's expenaet tb) Beneficiary may, fxpm titne to timo, by
<br />-;;�::x,� written inetrumant executed and acknowledged by Ben�ficiary, mailed to
<br />-r�-=�-�Y�;� •t�r»ator and recorded in the county or counr ies in wh3ch the Propezty ia
<br /> -�;a:��..m.�a loaated arad by etherwise aomplying with the provisions of the applicable Iawa
<br />`�'""'��"��� of the 9tate of Nebxaeka, aubet3tute a eucceseor or eucceeeoxs to the Truetee
<br /> ^��--- named hereir� or acting hereunder j (c) although L•he Txv+�tee, or Truatee�s
<br /> ==-�?��� succea�or or succeseore, may be an agent of, or atterney for, or otherv�ise -
<br /> -- '�� cannec�ed with the Bera�ficiary, suckn fact shall not be canstru�el ta
<br /> __� disqualify Truetee to act ae euch Trustee, nor ehall auCh fac� prevent tho
<br /> _ -- Truatee ox Heneficiary from baldding at a sale and buying any part or all of
<br />-_--�= the Property at any sale hereunder j (d) that if it should be neceesary or
<br /> ���� appropriate for the protection o£ the secur3ty hereby conveyed or enforcement
<br /> -= of �he debt hereby secured, fos the Truatee or the Beneficiaxy to inetitute
<br /> or become a party to any proceeding or suit in a courC of bankruptcy or
<br /> probate o� other court og general or 7.imited juiriediction, all expenses and
<br /> coete .properly incurred by safd Trustee or said B�enef:Lcfary (including , ,
<br /> _ .__. reason�►��.e attorneys' fe�s) paid or inciarred by such Truatee or BenefEf�i.ary
<br /> in maia��aining, proaeau�3ng or defend3tag such proceeding or protect3.ng��1�eir
<br /> ��tespective rights h�r�un�ler ehall be an additional debt secured by thi� Dsed
<br /> __.___ -_-_�� �s�f 1`rust in like man�er wi�h the principal debt herein deaaribedt (e)
<br /> Beneliciasy, or ito ag�sits, representa�ivos or workmen, are �a.ithorixed to
<br /> enter at any reasonakale time upan or in any part of t�e �rtsg�erty Eor the
<br /> __�__� purpose of ins�eating the same and fox the purpooe of �+�rforn�iag any oE the
<br /> acta iti ie authorized to p�rfoxm under the terme of thie Deed of Trugtt tg)
<br /> --—_- any forbearana� t��r Be�xef i.ciary ar Tru�L� �u ac�rci.�in� aaby r���t c�r xem�d}•
<br /> ---_
<br /> hereunder, or x��Asrwiee af£orded by applicable 1aw, ehall noc �� a waiv@r vi
<br /> ---- or preclude the exercise of any aueh right or remedy hc;rQUnderp eimilarly,
<br /> -� ---
<br />