. M�fi�+'�i.i: -'r–. --T,_..._ . . .. , . -» � T .�
<br /> }� - .. ; � � �..,. . . ..
<br /> ;:.i ..Y '# . � ��•�;�L__ ��k c a
<br /> • , '�'�, ia�, � 9�I� !Y J .. _.. .n _. .
<br /> . '—__._ _' .____.____'.. _'_ ..
<br /> �. __�_�. _�
<br /> 93=io��
<br /> - - 17.Tra�Pa ot the Avperty or A&r�llcl�l inta�t In Borro�rer. If all�r a�y pan af�ho Pn►pehy ar any lntcnst in it
<br /> ir cald or triuwPemed lor it a tieneiicirl intercct in Barnuwer ip snld u�tmn.�ferred�nd Harmwcr is nd a na�urul pe�anl whhaut
<br /> -�- Lcrrler'� p r ior w�iucn cc►nsent. Lender may. at itR uptiuo, r ulrc immediule pAymenl in Itdl of pll sums socurod by this
<br /> Saurity Instr�ment.However,thir option�tWll not bo exercirei�y Londer if exerciFe i�pmh�bUed by feden►I law A�nf tNe date
<br /> "-— -� of tius 5ec�rcity lnurumcnt.
<br /> !f Lendt+�exetci�ex this optian,I.endor shall�ivc Borrnwer notice af acelemtion.The natice whwll Pmvide u pedod ai nat
<br /> Ics�tt�n 3D dwyx from the dute �he n�tice ia dcliveral or m�Nod wi�hio which Bnmuwer must pay all wms securat by this
<br /> Socu�jty Instrumcnt.If eorrawer iuils to pay�hesc sums prior�o thc expirutinn of thir periad,L.ender may invoke uny►emedies
<br /> , permiued hy�hfa 5ecu�ity In�uument witUaut furiber notice ar denwnd an&�mwar. �._
<br /> _�'—__ -- 18. Borrowet's Right to Reln�te. If 8c►rtuwer mats artoln canJilionK. Bc�rtower shall huve the nght tn huve
<br /> enforc�nent af thiA Secu�ity Instn�ment discontim�od w uny �in�prior �a�h�eurlier uf: (a)S Juyc Wr such ather period us �
<br /> _"�;' upplicable lew may specffy for reinctotement) beforc rale of the Propeny pursuant ta u�y power��f r,�le rnntuinod in this
<br /> = Security lnstn�ment;or(M)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Securfty Instn�ment.Thnse candltiona ure that Borrowcr. (a)puys =_
<br /> l.ender all surt�which then would bo dua w�der this Socu�ity Instrument and the Nate as if no acceierndnn hud occurnd; lb) _
<br />___- ___ _ = wres any default of nny other cavenunts or Agreemen�s; (c) pays aU expenr�es incurned in enforcing this Secutity Inastrome�t, �,,;,
<br /> ^ ����i inciuding.but not limited to,reASOnable uttorneys' fees; �nd (d)takes such uction us I.ender mAy reusonablY require to msure =�
<br /> .y��� that the lirn of thiR Security Instrume�N. l,ender's�ights in the Property und Bom�wer's obligation,to�+y the sums secur�ed!bY �^
<br /> ,� ---�.�,� nhis Socu�ity Insttumem slwl! continue nr�changod. Upun rein�treement by B�xrower. this SixunRy [ox.urument �neR Uee �
<br /> � -_-- abligations secu�ed hereby sl�all remain iully ef�'ective a�if no aooeler�uion h'rd accurre�.Hawever.lhiY n��ec ta reirc;tr�te stwll ���-,
<br /> not applY ia the case of'ucc��eration under par.+gmph 17. � �''°---
<br /> ;' . . - 19. SWe of Note;Clw�e ot Loaa S�rvicer. 'I�h� Nae or a partial.ncetes:�: e� thr 1�cKe fcaM��-c��cr wit7i ttt� �rih' _-.
<br /> � � ''} ,.�. � I�stniment►may be sold dme or more cienes N ithoua��i,x�rat�ce e�a&?rcvwet. .�sAle muy result in a change in the enllty(knc►wn . _ _
<br /> J:' �� � �;{�'r�M���' ' 'At 111C"l.�an Servicer')thuz collec+s mc+mtfi0}•4+ayme�ts d�ae w�x7�.-r thc Note nnd this Secu�ry Instrument. There ultio muy be ane =-
<br /> -- a�,.. ������ ar more chingrs af the l.oan Secvicrr unrelaYed a��A w�r c�6the Note. If Ihere i s u c hu ng e a f t b e L o u n S e rv i c e r. Bc►rrower will be
<br /> � r,�;: ,.t �#y_ . --
<br /> ,'r�r�,.} 1�Q��� giver,wrilten nutice o£the chanFe in a�cnr�3aa�ce�;ifh pars�graph 14 above un�l Applicable Inw.The natice will state the nome and
<br />�����"±���� "_?�__.-.— a d d r ess o i t 3 n e r r aa �a�n Servir er And t�e�r::�s ta which pa yments should be mude. The notice wiil �Iso canlwin any uther - .r
<br /> ;��T' .T � , ?"��{-- in6�t i�on rPqui7e:l bv Applicuhle law.
<br /> �° ' ��'�r,�R;�,� ' ZD. }Lnzardous �ubstances. �orrower shall na cause �tt permit Ihe presence, use,dispaszd, stamge. or rele�se af any -�.
<br />__',� �� �fy��3�°,��r,`�,�,��' Hazurdotos Substa�xes on ar in Ihe Prapeny. Barrower shnll not clu, nor allow anyane els� to da, unything affcctin� the ".
<br />'�i;� ;��t"!rs.h���q;;�j� Praperry that ic in violution af any Envimnmentul Law. The preceding two sentences shull nrn upply to Ihc presence. use. or �:±�
<br /> ' ��,-°�;� �,• ,c R�oroge on the Propeny of small quantities of Hazardous Subsiunces that are genen►Ily recognixe� ta be appropriute tu normul ��.;.
<br /> �" '�;�,�•�,�.1:' resWentlal utces nnd ta maintenunce of the Prapeny.
<br />". ��,. *►+`'����°'� ' Barrower ghall prampUy give Lenda wdtten notice of uny inves�iguUim,c1Aim, demand, luwsuil or othar uctio�by any
<br /> �'''+`�•+::'��� avernmental ar re ulata a enc or r�vate n involvin the Pm rt wKi an Hazard�ws Sub+tance ar Environmentul I.nw
<br /> ": ••�1-„p',` ....-,.,,, 6 8 �Y 6 Y � Pa Y 8 Pe Y Y �,;�
<br /> ,;�;; T � �„�.,r;_ of which Borrc►wer hus acwal koaw ge. If Bc�rmwer leums,or iF notiti��d by any�overnmenlal or rcgulu�c�ry uulhurily. tiwl _
<br />- ' ".' ,�, ;'",;�,;d.. `� uny rcmoval or othcr mmeJindon of uny Hazu�d�w�Sub,tuncc affecting Ihc Property i���eswry.�►m►wc�.Iwll pr�►mp11y wkc �,;;
<br /> ull ncx�es�ry remcdiul •�riinns in+�raniance wi�h Gnvi�nmentW Luw. -
<br /> 1�:�i� A� u�cJ in Ihi� pu�ugruph :U. "Ha�ariluu. Suinluncc�" :uti lhn.c wb�unrc.r dcfincd u�tnxir or huw�elsw� �ub�tunre� by �
<br /> - --- Envirnnmemul I.uw unJ the f�Quw•ing +ub.tancc+: �uu�linc. kern.ene. �Nhrr Ilammuhie or u�xic p�tr�dcum pnxiu�hn, u►aic �.��
<br /> pc��f�IJeti anJ IkrbiriJr�,vulutilc u�lvcnt+, mutcrfal.r rnnwining utihc�tu�ur fimiu�IJ�hyd�.anJ ruJi�►xtivc n�tcri�l..A,uktii in �'�
<br /> . ��
<br /> ' � :� �,� Ihiti prrugmph 211. "Envimntn�ntul l.uw" �xan. fcdcrLl lowa a�ai Inw► at'�hr jur�rdlction whcrc the Pn�ny f+► I��IOJ Ilw�
<br /> ' �� •''.ti+.' ��„'�, .. ralyte tn healih,wfety nrenvir�mmenwl pn►tcclian. �'
<br /> • i •.1�••• .c NON•UNIFURM CnVENANTS. pormw•er unci l.c�xlcr funher��rvcrwnt�u�J ugaw u�fi�lk►w,,: �-..
<br />- � • -� -� � 21. Accelr�•s�Non;Remedlcc. I.ender shall gtcc notice ta Hnmo�ser pMor to eeceleratlnn folbw�ing R�m►wer'�h�ch
<br />: ' "�.':•.;;�:.,. `�rt#�f';. of any covenant or a�reement in thix �arurity Inctrument Ibul not priar lo �cceleration underparAgrnph l7 unless —��-�-`
<br /> ;�;�;r�;,. _�.'•,��, Applicable IWx•provides othen�i�e).7'he nutlec shAll speclfj�: (a) thc defwulh (b)the�Mion nequired to cure Ihe de[aull; �,`'"
<br /> '• � � ��• (e)u date,nat les4 tlwn 30 du��s f�+um the date the nollre is given lo Borrower, by whkh the detaWl must be cucedi und
<br /> ...i�... � . ��
<br /> ,•,. (d) ttwt tuilure tu cure the defoull an ur before the dale tipecified tn the notice may resalt in pccelerntlon of the wms ��;:
<br /> �. �,� � ,:,'r.:;.�,,- securnl by� thls Securfl�• Inqrument pnd wle of the Prnpc�t�•. The nattce �hall furlher infurrn&�rmw�er ut the rl�t to --_
<br />_!'� " ��{,'��r�is:�,: �'.� �rin.gtate aftier s�ccrlerutlon and tNe rl�ht to brfn�u caurt acUon to asserl the non-existence of A de�ault or eny other
<br /> j � � '•� ..�.�� '�° 4 defense of Borrnw�cr to accelerAtian und cnle. If the default is not curcd on or before Ihe date specified In the nottce.
<br />,x �`'�`��'i:°. . l.ender, ut its o ion. mw uirr immediatr paymenl in full ot all wms secured bv thi�Securlty Inalrument withoul
<br /> #�.' . ',"' '.. P� Y�I �,,�•
<br /> ` � ,��"it���r�'Pi�a � —
<br /> ��. , �.M;,;.{,;,;�r��f'�r Purlher demend and moy in��okc the��w•er uf sule And pn����ther remedic�s permlttcd 6y applirable Inw. Lender shAl!E;
<br /> :. �t..� ;. , � �•�4���,� —':a
<br />�:;;��, ;,j,`.���.�;��s�������:r i entlNed to calk�rt All expenses incurred in pun:ulnR thc remedies pravided in this parngraph 21.fncludln��but not limiled
<br /> -•, � ,,�� t� f ���.4-� to,reusonablc pttorneyfi fe�c and co!+is of titic evidence. _�
<br /> �'�S"��", �,'�4�r�'i� I U the pOwer of s�le is invnked, Trustec shall record u notice ot dei'ault in each cnunty In which any part of the -
<br />�� �' s`"'�'�°'•� •3�t���`..)�,�n' Prnperty Is located and shall mail coples of such notice in the manner prexcrlixd by applirable law to Borrower and to '�4
<br />_1'��., '�1`. `.a�`.1 .Il�j:ylll' .
<br />,�._� •� .�`-. I►� • P�'�'•� 3 PP 1 Y PP R P �it_."
<br /> j;3,r�..,�� .r. �:;,.•�A� the other rw�n4 ribed b•o licuble law.Ai�er thr Ume rec ufred b a licable law,Trustee slwl! ive ublic notice �,
<br />"°� r�'+�``�`°?�'�'fs�'2'��„ of sale tu Ihe perr+�ns and in the mnnner pre�crllx�d b�•uppHcahle law.Truatee.N�ithout dems�nd��n&�rrower,shall �ell �'_�
<br />-��� ':'"�*t,r�`':.,,�,,;�`;�:�' the Propert�•at publlc auctlon to the hlphest bidder at thc tlme und pls�m nnd under thc lerms dc�iRnuted in the noNce uf _�
<br /> •?• ��"5� sale in one or more parccls and in an�•nrder'1'ru,tee dctcrn�im�s.Tru�tcc ma� pns/pnne wle of all nr any pnrrel of the �-
<br /> • '�, �`` ,� t� :,`';u,' PropeKy b�� pu bllc annnunccment ut the Umc und placc oP any pmvinu.l� .ch�dulcd wlc. I.cnder or its dc,�l{�ncc rnay
<br /> '' t ' �• p a t r h�e t h e 1'r o p e r t y e l a n y x a l e. `
<br /> .�.- '� �,�'
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