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<br /> ��=-� . 93=lo�z�s
<br /> - - p�ymema mry no lan�er be roquirod.a�tBe aption uf Lrndcr, if m�►rtQqQe inso�nn�e cavemgc lin Ihc am�wnl and far thc podod
<br /> th�t L.ender requirca)provided by an fnsurcr approval by Lender a��in ba�ome�pvpilablc And i�obtainal. Borrowc�ch�ll pry
<br /> � the pKmiums roquirod to nWntain moilg�ye insurancc in effoct,ar�o providc o I�r reservc,until thc royui�emem for awrt�o
<br /> �_— _ {�cp�a cr�ds in motd�rct tbkb t�Y tvritten egrcen�Mrwrw�snn+w►br w�d lendcr or applicable Irw. �
<br /> 9.lo�pa�tioa. Lender or iu r+gent moy maka reascnwble entrie�upon and inspoctic�ns ai the Prupotiy. l.cnder dwll pivo
<br /> _ Bomnwcr notke at the time uf or prior�o an iacpertian specifyin�reacnnrblc cauFC for the inspectian.
<br /> - _ 10. Cou�leamstbn. 7'he pro��eods of any eward or claim f�r damuges, dintit or can�quentiol. fn rnnt�:tinn wllh uny
<br /> - � condemnutfan a atleex teking u[�n�► p�rt of�IM Prr�erty.ar t'or conveyance in Ifcu of condemnation.uro hereby a�++ipood and -
<br />.,,. -- Ah�ll be paid ta l.ender.
<br /> In thc event of a total tokingof the Prapetty,the proccods ahall be Applied ta tt�e sums recured by this Se�:uriry Inalnimcnt. `
<br /> __— whether or not then due, wfth any excess paid to Borrawer. In the event uf a pa�tia) lukiag uf the Pn�peny in which tha fair _
<br /> muket vsdue of the Property immodietely befare the taking is equul to or greuter than the amaum af the awmx sccured by �his —
<br /> Secu�lty 1natMment immodiately beforo the wking, unless Borr+nwer and[.ender otherwisc agrer in writin$,thc sums secured by _
<br /> this Secu�fty los�mment si�ll tie�educed by the umount of 1he proceals multiplied by the follnwing fructian: (a) the total _ _
<br /> anwunt of thc sums secured iaamalfiatelp bcfore�tie u�lcing.divided by Ib►the fal� murket vulue of the Propeny immediately _-_-
<br /> '.,T , befom Ihe taking.Any b�a[anc�e s4a11 be p�id a Borcower. In 1he evem uf a PaAiAI tuking of the Property in which the fair —
<br />-3���� . m;ulcel vaiue oi tlie Property immodi�tel�r 6efore the tc+ki�g is 1�than the amiwnt of the sums secu�ed imn�adiately before ttie
<br /> -'—'-- talcing,unless 13arower aad l.e�der dlierwise agree in writing or unl�sa upplirable la�v otl�erwise proviiks,the proceeds shall !
<br /> `:'' ' be apPlieai to the sam�s secuted by 11►iti•Securiry Iact�ument whethec or not Ihe sum+ure then due.
<br /> �' �•�• :�r a�e�1�openy i�s►b�a�xtaned by B�rrower,or jf,after nc�l:ce by I.ender to Borrower that the condemno�oft'erg ta�rawice an
<br /> ti'�j'�s� , uward or sattle A claem far damq�es.BcerruL�tir fa�ills t,� �nd tn I.eauler wiahin 3U duqs mher the dar.�:ihe naticr is givrn�. �b��,
<br /> �'�''� �,,��`�y' l.ender is uuthodzec9 te�onllcet a�d upyfy rt�r procecds,a�ias o�t9a�,eia�r tr retearatacn or r�e�a�r���e�'ro�+eny ar tA t�e.umc -=
<br /> -.��t�� •`r' "�'s,;4� seiu�ed by this Securiry Instmme�u, whce?�er a�r�at�i�en clue. �yc�:
<br /> ' �' '� ►���w��?, � Unless [.ender and Honawer athen�7se Agr�ee i�a w�ei^.+ng. uny ap�Bdraa+o�n aS praeeds to prir�cipa! shuai noi extenc! �nr �r
<br /> 1 � �1. Nwri
<br /> >��{{���d�,�ti( ': � :'" } postpone zhe due date of the monthly�payra�e�oa:+referre�l•;-,*6^,�arugraphs 1 un��or change the amount of such payments. .r.----
<br />-`'�'�' � • ' � � ll. BoITOwe�Net Ateleascdi Farbearance�3y�.e�wler Nut a Waiver. Ex¢ension of the time fo�payment or modificution =
<br /> _:,��•,a; _�
<br />.:.�C�S�Y�Pit'1 't��:,r•`u' �
<br /> �`,�.�.,�: of amortization af the sums secured by this Security In;tn�ment grAnted by Le+►cter to uny successar in interest af Barrower shall
<br /> . J �_
<br />�~t not operate to relea.te the liabilityof the original DoRawer ar Borrower's successors in imerest. [.ender shall�mt be requircd ta _____,
<br /> commence ptoceedings a�alnst any suaesr,or in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or othcrwise modiFy amartization �"'�
<br /> '�` �=,: of the suma seeurecl by this Security Instrument by rcason of siny demancl made by the originul Bc�rmwer or Borrower's �
<br />- ;,�;. .�,;:� ; --
<br />.iz� "°„•� ,�.�4�.X;�}� successors in interesl. Any fortxarance by Lender in exercfcing any right or remedy aiwll not be a waiver of or preclude the _._
<br /> '�:3,.",>.'-���Y aaercise of uny�ight or,remedy. —. �
<br /> �:��: '���`:;-i !2. 3�ors and Ass4�na Boundi doint a�st! Sever�! I�lebll�ty4 G�I�ners. The cavenenta und ugreetnents of this __
<br /> . r ; Securily In�rument shull bind und henefil the r�ucce�son and usxignx oP l.ender und &►rmwer, subJect io the pmvihinn� af �
<br /> :''�;�i'' �;:,- '�,,!'��;��•,;*-'u p�rograph 17. &ttmwer'x rnvenontfi und agroemem.r shull Mc j��int und +everlil. Any Bc�rmwer wl�� r�►-.ign+ �hi�c Ser.urity �_
<br /> ��� Inr�rument hu� d��rti not executc�he Notr: lul i�c�rtiignfng thi� S��curlty In�trument only a�nwng�ge, grunt and cunvey Ihat �ys,_
<br /> z'• &muwer'v lntenc�l in�hc Property unJer thc tcrni+af Ihi,S�ruriry Imtrumcnl: Ibl i.r n�H prrM►nvlly��bliguted to puy thc�ums ""
<br /> a:,=-
<br /> -- ���- -- nc�ural hy thi��cturily Inslrumem: c�nl Icl agn�,�hat l.cnJe�u�Kl uny othcr&�m�w•cr may ugn.•e 1�exlcrxi,m�d�ly, lorl�r or • -
<br /> .�',�._.
<br /> m�lce uny uccomm�xlu�ians with regunl tu the temix uf thi�Seru�i�y In�trumenl or the N�NC withoul lhut Barmwer'+ronsem. '��•-
<br /> . ``�`�'�!;`. 13. I.own Chp eg. If�he In�n �ecured b thi,,Seru�it In�trun�m i�,ub ect to a luw H�hich setF inaximum loun chur es "'�
<br /> ;� 4�, ��:� , �s >� y 1 s •�
<br /> , ;��;. ,�,;,;,�; uiKl thul luw in linnlly intemreted u�Ihut �he intere�i or other k►an rhurEe�coQ��c�c�l or t��1►e collected in connection with the .
<br /> ' �r.�»r,,=.-_. �, Icwn exe��ecl lhe perminc�l limite.,ih�n:la)uny�urh loun rhorge+hull be rcKlucal by�he umount necexwry to reduce the churge —
<br /> ' ^4�F1�.4"° `'����. to the permiued limit:and Ib) vny tium� alrcudy a�llectcxl fn�m BoROwer whirh excecded permitted limi�s will t�e rafunded to • •
<br />_. ,, . ,
<br />'i' �.�.�.•;. � ��.�"' &►rrower. I.ender r►Wy chause a nwke this refund by reducing �he prinripul owed under the Note or by making u direct
<br /> � .:�'';,,;°.:•. '� :. t,.,,: puyment w Bormwcr. If a refund rcduces principul. thc �durtinn will be treuted as n punial prepuyment wilhnut any �
<br /> r •'7��'�""'���' � ' rc ment chur e undcr the Nrnc.
<br /> �_.:— � ;;�,.�,�, .,,�. P PAY B �t n.
<br /> .. � 4��`�E Y: -� �`
<br /> .�`,. � �+,, �; l 4. N o t l c 4 w.A n y n Mi c e to Borrower pr�rvided fi�r in this Securi�y Instrumem ahull 6e given b y deliverin g it or by mailing
<br /> ��;���" � t�, it by Grst cluss mail unless applicable law require.use oP amither methad. The notice shull he Jirected ta the Pmperty Addreas �tr'
<br /> �-�,1�?' or uny other addrc�� &�rruwer de�ignutes by nuti��e w l.endcr. Any nrnice to L.ender shall he given by fir�t cluss m:�il to 1�.�.�''
<br /> ��4�� ''' �j� l.cnder'n nddress up1eJ herein or uny��ther Addre�ti Lcnder desigoutc� hy noticc to &ma�vcr. Any nutlre pruvided for in this ,r.:_:
<br /> , �^'�° r'�
<br />:-;u}� ���'-;��� Security lnstrument shall be deemed 10 huve t►ecn givcn to Borrowcr or Lrndcr when given ati provided in this pars�gruph.
<br /> '��`� ' IS.Governing l.aw; SeverabllRy. This S�uriry Instrumeni shull hc gaverned by feder�l lu�v und the law of the '
<br /> �.�i�c�� � .
<br />;;;;,;; ��,1°��,,,�t•��: jurisdiction in whirh�he Pmpehy is Incated. In the event Ihut uny pmvixion or rluu�e uf thix Security Instrument or the Note • `..
<br /> ;�;�;'��'j4";�;�i���; con0icts with applirnblc Inw,such c�mflirt shnll not uffect other pnwi+ion+uf thi�S�tiurily Imtrument nr the Note whinc�an be �' •�
<br /> `�';� „•• �•....:�,. . s'.
<br /> �f �•`-;•� a++�t .• ;';•� given effect wilhout the conflictiag provi.i�►n.To this rnJ�he pro��i�iuns af this Security Imtrununt anJ�he Nnte are de�:lureci
<br /> ry � • � ' 10 be severAble. �
<br /> . • . • 16.Borrower's Cepy.Born►wcr rhull t►e givrn anr conlimn�Yl copy of�he Note unJ ot'Ihf�±Securny Instrument.
<br /> - - �+�`.� � :""�. Form 3028 9180 .
<br /> �� _. ;, ' .,. .' P�{M l ol B :•..
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