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<br /> leecludin�tloode ar flaoding,far v�hich Lender requires insurunce.'Irije lnsurance shs�li bE maintaiaed in the nmounta nnd �C...,�_;,
<br /> t'or the petioda thnt Lcnder rcqulres.Tho inAUranve cnrrier providing the Insuronce sh�l1 be choseu by Bonower eubJect ta
<br /> °� Lcndea'e npproval which shaU not b�unsensonubly v�it&held. If Borrowcr fdls ro maintuin covcrnge descdbed above, �__
<br /> " Lender mny,nt l�;ader a option,obiAia coverage to protect Lender's right� !n tde PrupenY ia+�ccard�uice with ptuagrnph W�--
<br /> .a , �•
<br /> G � �..��
<br /> � pIi iasw�noe policiea c�d renewnls shall be scrxptaUle to Lc:aider aad�iwll include u stt►ttdar�4 mort e �slnusc. _
<br /> ,�; rr L.ender shail hAVe the dght to hold the policies t�►d renewula.If L,eader requlres.Borrower shall promptly givc to Lender
<br /> �� � oll rec�ipts of pnid ptPmlums en�d temewtil nodcea. Ia th@ event of loss. Borrower ahall give prompt notice to the insurnnce =
<br /> � cn�rler and Leuder.I.ender m�y m�tce proof of loss if not mnde pmmptly bY Borr�wer.
<br /> m
<br /> � �"��� UAlesa Lo�tder and Borrawce othenvlse agree in wdt�n8.insw'ance p�c�dg�e��be applicd to restoratton orre�air
<br /> "'�� �s of the propecty dumaged,if the restarfltlon or repuir is ewnomicaily fea�ible aad l.�nder's security is not lessened. if the �_
<br /> " " ' restoration or repnir fs aot econam3cnUY feaslble or Lendor's securlty wnutdbe tessened.the iasurance procceds ehell be
<br /> m _
<br /> � y applied to W� sums secured by �his Securiry lnsaument,�yhether or not ttte�due, with any excess pald to Borrower. If =-
<br /> " " �� Borrower abaadona tbe Proparty.or does not answer within 30 days a notia fmm I.ender that the insuPance cualer has
<br /> '� ,� offered to settle u cl�im,t hen L en dee ms y c a l l e c t t h e i p a u r a n c e proccede.i.eades may use th e Pn'c�da t°m pnir ar restore M
<br /> the prope�ty or to puy sume secural by this Securiry Iastnunent�whether or aot then due.'I he 30�day pe r iod will begia �_
<br /> when the nodc�is given. °
<br /> .. � k , Ualees I.�nder sud Borrower atherwise ugree ia wricing.s�nY applicatioa of proceeds to pi3ncipal ehall not extend or _
<br />_ k poatpane tlte dus dute of the montt�lly PaYix►ents referred to la part�raphe 1 and�or c.hange the amount of the payments. If
<br /> undeac paragraph 21 the Prugerty isacquired by L,euder. Borrower s right to any iasw�aac�policies aad proceeda resulting
<br /> , "., � from d ga to the Property P�ior t the acqulsitiaa shall pass to l,euder tu the e�nent of the sum.v secured by this Secur�ty _
<br /> , �� Iast�umea�t Immediately prior ta th�e acquieition. , �,:•.
<br /> 6. Occupancy,Pre�rvation� Mainteaamce and Protecdoa of tLe Pro�erty; Borrower a Losu► Applicattmn; .�.:.
<br /> ' ��' I,easeleoldn.Borcower shall o�cupy�establish, Aad use the Property as Botrower s principal restdence wlthln sl�cty days �,-
<br /> , ...,. . after tha executioa of thts Securiry Iasuument aad ehall contiuue to occupy�PE��&�whtch consent shall no be
<br /> for at least onB year aRer the date of occupancy. unl�s L,et►der othenvlse in
<br /> u ...-� unreasonably withheld.or ualeas eactenuadng circumstances eatst whiah are ixyonA Borrower s controi.Borrnwer shell not �,;_
<br /> . destroy.dcurtage or impait�he Ptoperty. allow ehe Favpertl+to deterlorate,ar comwit waste on the I�roperty. Bonower _
<br /> shnll be in defuult if any forfeiturB actlon or pro�din8.ahether civil or aimicnl.is begua thac in 1.ender's good faith _
<br /> judgmeat could tesult ia forfeimve of the Property or otherwlse rnaterialiy impair the lien created by this Security
<br /> : Insuvment or Lender's securlty inSRrest.Borrower may cure such a defeult�ud reiastate.as provided In paragraph Y8. by
<br />- causing the ectioa or pr�1»g to be dismissed wtth a rulin8 that,in I�der's good faith detem�inatioa, piecludea
<br />��r+' _., �,. : I forfeiWra of tho Borrower'e interest ia the Propecty or other materlal ain�t of the lien created by this Securiry _
<br /> �,,r,n-, ° jnsini�t or Lcader's�a.�ity iai�rest.Fc+rrower shail also be in default if Bosaower�duda$the loan application process� _ -
<br />- • • �� ' guve matcttiaUY felse or inaccunV.e infarmadon or�tatements to Lender (a t�iied to provide Lcndcr wii�i s�,y iaai�lat =
<br />�;>;�;... :F..�;�f% informufloa)in connecdon with tt►.loan evidenced Dy the Note.�ncludln��but not linnited to� representetlona wncemwg
<br /> q;����,��•.,;:�'.:ra;�, Borrower's occupaacy af the Ptoperty as a pdncipal reaideace.If this Sec�lry Instnuaent is on a leasehold.Borrower s�isll
<br /> �.: :�. ,:,:,t,
<br />•,�, „� .f cnmply wIth all the pmviaioas of the lease.If Borrower ecquires fee dtle a the Property, the leasehold and the ee e
<br />�-`:'�.``t��+�t,—._ shall not merae untess l.Ender agrees w the merger in writing.
<br /> --?�±�.�:.�:� 7. Aatc�ton of Lend�'s Rig�ts in the Progerty. If Bornower fells w pecfoim the covenants and ts
<br />=_�,�..-�----
<br />°}'.,;;s,l_:4« oontaine� ia thie Security ias�t, or Were is�►legal pmceedins that may aI�i�cantly affect Lender'�d ts in the
<br /> ' -�:�;r.��� property(such as a proceeding l�n bankruptcy, Pmbate. for coademnadoa a forfe3ture or to enforce laws or regulations),
<br />��� rotect the value ot tlhe Property and Lender•e c i$hts in the
<br /> _=��;, �.: t h e a L e a d e r m a y do anA pa y far whatever is aece�eary w p
<br />_ �° << ptoperiy. Lender's actions m3y lnolude paying eay sums s o c u�e d b y e l i�n w h i c h h a s p r i o t i ty o v e r t h i s S e c u a ity
<br /> `��='�•,-�`�°�i ap e,arin�in�owrt�paying reasonable auorneys'fces and entetins on the Property W make repairs.Althou g h
<br /> - '' �` ���t' Lender dces not have w do so. —
<br />=�,:`;�� Lender mny�e acdon umdae t l�s paragcaph 7.
<br /> ~ "•`r'�� Any umounts disb�reed by Lender ander thie paragraph?ehall be�ome .nddidonnl debt of Bosrower secuced by tbia
<br />- _a_�f l..,_ �� Secuc{ty Inctn�eat. Unl¢¢�e Bmrower a n d L ea d e r�e t o other unas of p a y r i w►t.�hese amouats ehall bear interest fcura
<br /> e
<br />-;_s�-a°�r!,�:��r;riiG11� tho dnto of disbutsemeut at tAt Note rate and be payable� wlth 3nterest� upon nottce from Lea�der to rrower
<br />--__�,��;:�� cequesds�tg payment.
<br /> 8.Mo�ege IIun.�an�. If Lender rEquired mortgage insurance av a candition of matdag the loan secured by
<br />---_-��— Se�rtty Iastiument, Bo:r,rowex shatl pay the premiums required w mdatain i�e mortgage inaucance in effect. If,for any
<br />=.'T:''-"-��� reason, the mortgage ix�,vumu�x oo�era8e reclui�'�bY �er ��fies os ceasES to be ia effect, BorroweT shall pay the
<br /> Tn���-�� p���q�d W obt2iu•cover�ge substantially equivalent to the at�rgage insurance previously in eFfect. nt a cost
<br /> ---=��r�� aubstondally equivt�ten►to the wst t�Aorrowes of the moKgage insuraace p►eviously ln effect.from an alteruate mortgage __
<br />-=°=—�—:��� iusvnsr apprnved by Lendee. If sdebstantiallyeq uivelent raortsage insurnna coverage is not available,Borrower shaU pay
<br /> -'�-�=�'�� to Lender euch moatL a sum equat to one-twelfth uf the yearly martgage imurauce premittaa b�ing p�id by Borrower when
<br /> _ '- the insurance coverage la�sed or ceased w be ia effect.Leader wUl aa�cPt�use aad retaia these paymeats as a loss reserve _
<br /> =`-� in liau of raortgajte irsurucce.Los�reserve pAYmen�e n�y ao longer be rc9ulred�at We 4ption of L+ender. if mortgage
<br /> _ �:.�.:.� i�c»ranrv r.�ver.►ge tin irYee emou�ll itud for tltc pertod tb::t Izudrt z�qtt#�:}�roti-ided by aa lasnrer a�.+mved by Lender -
<br /> -.—��-•`ifi»: again b�oomes available a¢d ie obialned. Horrower stiafi pa� �6e prau.uu►� .W�:Sced tc sua9atala mastgage l���!�±±,-e+n ---
<br />�,=..�;;,,...
<br /> --. � - -4�1� effi�t�or to pmvide a loss rese=v�e� unttl the requiremeat for�nortgap,e Insurance ends in ar.cordeace with eny wrltt�n
<br />'�?-_��"w`;":; agr�ment between Homovrez acd Y.ender or applicable law. Fonn 382�s e�fpnge o 1
<br /> i�'.-��-:..:,,.�7�
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