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<br /> �' 7'Ot3BTHBR WITH all the iraprovemente aow or eetea��r�� ��d a�didoas�ah�all also be covered � �
<br /> �� appurtennaces,nnd tixtures now or hereafter a part af the prop rty p
<br /> by thls Security Ineu'ument.All of the foregoing le referred w ln this Security Inatrument na the"Proper�Y.�
<br /> Basaowes Cavkw�rn's triat Borrower ia lawfully selsed of the estate hereby conveyed end has the rigbt to grnnt nnd
<br /> convey the progcrty rind that the Pcoperty is uaeacumbered,except for eacumbrances of record. Borrowec warrants and ' �' '
<br /> • ,;, � wUl detend geneinlly tha tiUe to the Pmperty against ati ctaims and de�nands,subjcct w aay eacumb�nnces of record. _
<br /> TNIS S6CU(UTY INS'fRUM6NT COIIlbl11e8 11111Y0iri1 COV6II8III8 fOi Il8t10AA1 USC 8nd QOA-unifotm covenents with limlted ��,�:{e._:
<br /> � . variations by jurlsdlction to consdtute a unifocro securiry inauumeat coverlag real property. `,�
<br />- -.:��� UNtr�ow�+CovENnNTS.Borrower and I.eader wvenaat and agree as followa: y � �„
<br /> .�°•,�„, 1.Payment of Principsill and Wtaresti PrePaYment aad Late Ch�'�ent end Iate char�es due nnderAthe Na edue _:F:-
<br /> the principal of aad interest oa the debt evldenced by the Note and any prepaym 8 _
<br /> • Z,k�nds tor Taxes aad Imsurette�•Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by I.ender, Borr�wer ahall paX
<br /> • to Lender on the day montbiy payments ars due under the Note. until the Note is pnid inifWio�a�sutn CF�a��y�ly _ __
<br /> .. yearly texes aa d sssessmen t s w h i c h m a y a t t a i a p r i o r iry o v e r t h l s S e c u r l ry I n s t r u m e n t a s a inauraace p r e m lums;(d)Year 1Y , °:
<br /> , ' '� leasehold paymenta or IIcound rente on the Property.if aay;(o)Yearly hazard or property
<br /> , . fl o o d i n s u r a n c e p r e m i w�a s.i f a n y:(e)Yeart y mart gage insurance premiums,If any.and(�enY sums payable by Borrower �::-_`�_
<br /> � ` to Len.der, in accordaace with the provisions af pa�aBtaPh 8� in l teu o f t hep ayme n t o f m o rt B a g e i:s s u r e n c e p r e m i u n a s• 6__-__
<br /> Thesa(tetqs are called"Bscrow Iteans." L.ender inay.at a�y tim��collect an�l�for B rro�e's�escrowt�couat uader the E,�;
<br /> maximum amount a leader for a federally telated martgage loau may reci
<br /> . . ..�� . federnl Real }3state Settlement Pracedurea Act of 1974 as amended fc+nm tiwe to ti�ae. 12 U.S.C. § 2601 et s2q. F,-�
<br /> ,� � . '' ("RESPA").unless t�nother law that ap it�he l�esset amou�nt�Lende�r ma�it mtat f the amount mofaFuads duon�We basls of
<br /> hold Funda ia an amount not to ex �"-
<br /> '� current data and teasoaable estimates of eapeadltures of futuce Fscmw Items or otherwlse in accordaa►ce with applicable �`
<br /> � Isw. ipstrumentality,or entity
<br /> :`:�+_f; � , The Fuada shall be held in an institution whose degosits are iusured by a federt+ll ageacy. _ -_
<br /> (iacluding I.cnder. if Lender ia such an insdtution)or in an Federal Home LAan Banlc.1.ender shdlapp1y���$ �
<br /> pay the �scmw ltema. Lender may not charge Barrowe��rrh�a anBomowe=pint�erge.gthoaFthe Funds�aadapplicable lnw �`''=---
<br /> � escrow accovnt,or verlfying the Esemw Itema, unless P Y � ��w� to pay a ona-tirao cherge for an f_-
<br /> ' � , perndts LPnder to make such a cherBe. Hoaever, Lender may req �__
<br /> unless applicable law ptovides
<br /> ind�p"�il�cnt real estate tax reporting servlce usod by L.ender in connecdon with thia loan, _—
<br /> ' oWenvlse.UNess an agreement is made or applicable law requires latemst co be paid��hOW��°������°�,�be ---
<br /> Borrower aay interest oreamings on the Funds.Borrower and[�euder may agree in
<br /> ��u
<br />� -+.1 paid on the Fuada.Lender shall give to Bormwer,without eh�s �,en a�u►ue1 accouadng o the Fuads. ahowlag credits nnd _
<br />�; .:. dc�ilts to th�� and t�e�.�rgos�f4r which each debit to�e Puads was made.The Funds arc pledged as uddlHonal ,
<br /> .: security for all awas se�umd by Wis Sc�urlty Insuament. Lendet shaU account w
<br /> ` If the Funds �e�d by Lender exceed the simow►ts p�nnitted w he held by applicable law.
<br />- ,.';,,q Bormwer for ihe excesa Funds in accordance wlth the regutreme�n►e of appltcable law. If the amouat af the Fuads he7z1 by
<br /> , 'r.:tr,�... m Lender may so nodfy Eorrower in wricin�,smd.9n
<br /> ; �,,,,f1�, ' Leader at any time ie not auffioient to pay the Bscmw Items whcn due,
<br /> v,.,f'°,-,•�,���. auch case Borrower sheli pay to I.eader the amount necessary w make uP the deficiency. Borrower eha11 make up tAe
<br />:�������,J�'... deReieacy In ao more thnn twelve monWly puyments.at Lender'o sole discredion.
<br /> • ����}.��'���„ . Upon pay�ent in full of Nl sunts secured by ehla Securlty Instrumeat, I.ender shall prompdy refund t rior to the _
<br /> �,�:'s 3�;`�'';��*. any Fuada held by Leader. 1f, under patagraph 21. Lender sball acquire or scU the Property� I.ender� P
<br /> . f•`r:`.�:.� . 1 an Fuads held b Leader at the tiAte of acqWstdon or sale es n credit
<br />',,�r�,;;t�r 1`, •' a c q u i s i t i o n o r s a l e o f t h e P r ope r t y. s h a l l a p P Y Y Y
<br /> n=���;s`.4 agaiust the snms socured by thia SeauitY Insuum�t.
<br /> ns
<br /> ' • � 3. AppUcutioa of PaymenW. Ualess appllcable lav�provides oihecwise, aU paymenta reoeived by L$nder r
<br /> '� , � P�Pha 1 and 2 aheU be applied: first�to anY P�PaY�t charges due under tho Note�second. W amounts payabtc
<br />- '- :':``� �d� aragcaph 2: third.to interest due;fouith,to principal due:end lesa,to any late charges due uader the Note.
<br />-�;::�::�1+�� pq.Charges;Lieas. Borrower shall y ali taxes. agsessmente,cher8es�t3nes end 1mPos[dwns azulbutable to the
<br /> ��� y
<br />::`�;=;;t,���•� Pro which mny attala prlority over Secv�rlry lavtnunent. and leasehold payments or�roun� rents� if en .
<br /> ��-`'`�`"'•a�`--� gorro�wer shall pay these obligations ia the manner pmvided in P�8�Pb 2,or if not psid in that marmer.Bon+ower shaU
<br />-,�z�;;'"� a thena on tlmc dltecdy to ttie persoa owed pay�aent.Bo�rower shaU proraptly fiuniah to Lender all aotices of amouata
<br /> , �,�;... p y fumisb to I.ender
<br />_��'���5 . . w be paid w►der t'�h.is pacagraph. If Borrowes makes these paymenta diiecAy. Borrower shall pmmptly
<br />-� �;.��-
<br />��� .•..s... receipts evidendn��e payarente.
<br /> y'..,,;s�;:�_''� Horrower shali protaptty discharge any 11ea which has prlorlty ovcr this Secudry Insuumeat unless Boirower:(a) ----
<br /> •s:%,���,�°` ' agrees ia wri�to the paymen2 of the obligation secured by tha lien in a manner acceptable w L�nder:(b)coatests�°
<br /> ;-`7k;`��`"'� good faith the 1 en by. or defencls against enfurcemem of the Uea in� IeBsl moeed9ngs which ia We Leader's opint�n
<br />,-�.;,i�.: t satiafitctory to
<br /> -=- -=i;�� operate to preveat the enfore�nent of the 11en; or (c)sa,wes from the hol er of the li�of� p��8 BllbjOCt i0 tl
<br /> ~.�-�-',_'�'� Leader suboDdL�tI1P I�C11 tA tW8 SBCUtII}�InSt1UlGed1. If Lender detes�mines that anY P
<br />�'-'�:°��1 1ten which maY prlorIty over tLia Securtty Insmiment• Leada give Borrower a aodce i en ling the lien.
<br /> ��.-", _-- - —-
<br /> __--_-.�.� F3clTrowef BhAU BelinPy iltC li�l OC t8k8 aIIC OT IIx3ir Of ille:tt�li0l1S S{t f4[t�}A ve uithln 14 da�s of thR�iving of notice.
<br /> , _ ----.__......._ . ._
<br /> i., ....... e a.+cr
<br /> ,,,�,i�� S.Ha2urd or Prop�ty Ilmsnreuoe. �rrower snaii iceep we iuy�,.,.�,.A;,�a...,............e...$°_!e?_PF- --taA�n the =.
<br />�_.°_:s;;:��.!; � p�PertY �sured a8ainst loss my 8re� hazerds included within the term "extendc�9 eoverage" end uny other hazards,
<br /> ,-.- Form 5018 9180 fAaBo? 181
<br /> #
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