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- %' F;( .f ir.'� �. <..w�:l;i )�,:iii� r ��'.�%�'f.:a:'.•�:r''�t�t,sl%"i1.}fii . . .... <br /> ',I. •f�: ' :•�• -} ' '�• _ i�,, 1 �;4'•.�'.f7�i���,::�:,�'� , . <br /> '�i ""o I� --- - <br /> .. ',� - <br /> , . _ _. - - - <br /> ��::_:��- _- =�-� 93: soo�� <br /> S. Hw�d or Prnpe�iy lnrurnnoe. Rorrower �twll koap the improvementc now eai�ting or herafar erocted on Ihe <br /> _ Propcny insurai��inu lass by lire, huzurds inrludod wi�hin ttw�erm 'extendod cavcrage' und any nthe�h�ardA. including <br /> - flaod9 or flooding, tor which Lender requires insurancc. This iasurance shall bc m�int�ined in the Amounts or�1 far�he periads <br /> .-. =--•-"--�-- _- _.° tFwt Lendcr rcqwrc�. �iw iacurance rumer pmviding the in�uru�x.�c,l�ull be cl��scn by &►rn►wcr rubja:l t�� l.crNkr'�uppuwal <br /> which slwll nw ba unrcasnnably withhcld. If Bc�rrowcr Failti ta nmintain cave�age cic�sc�ihai alx►v�, Lender may, a� Lcnder'a <br /> . aptbn,c�Main rnverage ta protoct I.cnder'c rights in the Prop�ny in acrnrdsu�ce with paragrnph 7. <br /> o All insurance policles and rcnewuls shall be acceptable ta I..ende�and shall include u�tu�darrl mongage clau�e. Lende� <br /> , � shelt h�va tt�right to 1w1d the�allcles And r�r�c►r�ts. ff Lcndcr rcquirc::.Sarnm��cr shall pmmptly giv�ta lxnaer all receipts af c <br /> - paid preniiums and renewul In thc evcm��t'los�.Borruwcr shall givu prumpt iw�i�:c to ttk inw�wu�cwtl�r and Lcndcr. -- <br /> l.aider may make pmof af IaFS if nat medc promptly by Borrower. <br /> ° , ��. Unless l.etKlcr und Bomower athcnvisc agroc fo writing. insuronce prcxee�is shnll be npplied ta re�larotian or rcpair uf'thc �. <br /> Prop�erty damagod,if the res�oratian a�repuir ia econnmicully feuaible und I.erder'�xru�iry is not lesse��ed.If the reslorution ar __ <br /> ��"���� ��;,�; repnir is nat eronomically feusible or l.:nde�'s secu�ity would be lessened, the insurance pra�eeds tihall be applled ta the sums -- <br />�`'�� setured b this Secu�t losaum�mt, whethcr or not then due, with un excess <br /> ,�,�; ' y y y puid to Barcawer. If Bamawer Abnndons the <br /> -'!'!`�w '".:�'- PrapeAy,ar dces not answcr within:s0 days a ncxkc from Lcndcr that�hc insuraocc rurtier iws otl'er�d to scttic a claim. thcn �::� <br /> °=� L.eoder may callect the insu�unce pax�eeds. IxrKtar may use the proceals to repai� or rewtore the Pr4�perry or to pr�y sums - <br /> ��• , `�' secu�l by this Securiry lastn�mc nt, wheiher��r nc�¢6�n due.The 30-dAy pe�od will hegia whet►the noticr�::given. ���._ <br /> -f`T •' ,�:isl.r;f ltulrss l.eoder ard BuRawec o�heswise agree in writing. :�ny applicution of pracerd, to p�incipal shall nut rxeerRd or e'I;G:; <br /> �-����-. <br /> _ �+�''s'"•.•�; postponc tVce due date af�he maut+�;y payments refcrned �o in y,;;�agruphs 1 �I 2 0�clr,ung?�he��xwm of the payaccrnts. If �--_�= <br /> ' under paragreph 21 tl�i'n+perty i<Acquired by l.cnder, Borrower's�ight to ua�y invura�x:c pulicies aad proaeds resultiM�6rum - <br /> damage to the Propemy pri.�,t[o tP�e u�quisition sball pass to l.ender to the exae�t ai•►Pk cwma xecured by thi�Security InslQUment <br /> ,::,,-_•;��f�l immediately prior to tV�r accyuisla8a�n. <br /> . �� 'f� ,➢F}rs'�'�� 6.Uavp�u�cy�1'reservatiaa.:�Saia�ienanceand Protection otthe Pro�a���; Borro�ti�er's I.oan Applkattoa;Ixac��holds. �';� <br /> `��� ��.� Horrower shall accupy,esWhlisle,aacJ.u.rc the Propeny a.c Boirower's princi�u•1 residence within sixty days nfter the execution of .�';`" <br /> • this Security Instrumen�anc!shall carainue�o�xcupy the Propeny as Barr�w•er's principnl residence for at least one year after <br />