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<br /> .. ab�zdnaed Pro�2rty, Borrower ahull also be in dafs�ult if Borrower. durlag the toan application process� 8ave ��;Y-
<br /> :t materially fatse or tnaccurate information or statements�o Lender(or fniled to provlde Lender wtth anY meteriul �`
<br /> m �•
<br /> ' � iaforrc�ntlon) in connectlon with the lotm evidenced by t�►e Note.
<br /> including. but aot 1lmited co. ��epcesentat ons .
<br /> _ . con.camiu� Borrower's ocenpancy of t}is Ptopsrty s�s a pTincipal residence. lf tlnis Secudty Instrument is on a �:N—
<br /> =,;�` learahold, Borrower shail comply with the provisions otthe tease. lf Horrower acquires fee title to the Pro�sertY.the ��-_-
<br /> � • �•°`*._ IeasehoId and fee ti[la shnil not be merged wiless l.ender agrees co che merger in writing. ___
<br /> dliect or conse9uentlal.in connection wtch
<br /> -- 6.Condemtiutiop.The pmceeda of aay uwtud or cialm for damages. ._.._.
<br /> � �y r,qndemaation or other tutcing of any part of the PropertY. or for conveyanee in plaee of conc4emaat�on. acES __-
<br /> • , hexrb y assigned and shali be pald to Lender to the B�t s d n i l a�l su c h p m c e e d s oe the redu�etion of the la�debt�edaess _
<br /> � � un�!es the Note and this 5ecuritY Instrnmec►t. Lend r PP Y
<br /> .,: � w�der the Note and tdis Securitynlne��t��Y p plyca ion of the p�roceeds to th p rinc pal hall no ex e d or
<br /> :, P�Ph 3,and then to prepaya� p A� which epre refe x r e d to i n paregrs P b 2.ar chan ge tue am°uc�t of such _
<br /> �� 1; postpone the due date of the monthly payirte _
<br /> n.. . �y��r��t�. pny exc�ss p�s over an amouat required to pay all outstandin�indebtedness w►der the Note aud this L `.
<br /> ,;. ��a�,���t shall he pald co thc entlty le�aily cntitled thereto. go�wer shall pay all —_
<br /> „ �i 7. Char�� W Borrower and Pro4ectton of I.ender's �ightg in tke Progerty h 2. Bocrower sGail pal►
<br /> , ` � �overnn�ental ar munictpal charges, fines and imposidons that are Aat�ncluded in paragcep __
<br /> 0
<br /> a'r�se obligations oa tirae dlrecclY to the entity which is owed the payment. If fallure to PaY�vould ssdversely ect
<br /> ' ;;'s� � A�ntier's iaterest in the Property. upoa Lender's re�u�st Bormwer aLaU promptly ftunish to Hxader receipta —.
<br /> ' ,`t�.`' �,•c.ideuciag these payments. --
<br /> ,,i' � If Bortower faila to make these payments or che payments requtred bY Para�raPh 2,or fails w perfora� any other
<br /> � covenunts and agreements contaiued in c6is Securlry Iastrument.or tb.ere is a legal proc�ng thnt may significaady
<br /> �` �{'�ct LendeT•g dghts io the pmperty(such ag a pttsceediag in banlauPuY�for conde�nation or to eaforce lawa or --
<br /> , " to roiect the value of the Property end 1.eader's
<br /> '� ' ,,;`.:,; . �a�Wauona). then l.cnder may do and pay whatever ia ae�essuc7+ P
<br /> � .:� tnclad6ng peyment of taxes�hazard Lisurance and other itetns mentioned ia paragrePh 2.
<br /> ° ri�hhta in the Pcop�rtY. .�? ora h shaU heconte an additional debt of Aortower and tre
<br /> -
<br /> -=r_- �: pny amounta disb�usw �y L�nd�r wxles P�- P .
<br />_� �. se�ured by this Secudty Instnunent. Theso amouats shall bear iuterasa from the date of diabucsement�cu che Noio
<br /> ri'���ri:Y:'`• sate.and at the opdon of Lender.shall be immediately Cue and payable. ��nt��� ��wer.
<br /> ,1"�,. :; -
<br />-x. ;��' Horrower shall promptly dischar8e aAy lien which has priodry over this �y
<br />�''�:��'?-��� nt of the obli ation secured by the lien in a munner accePtuble w LendeT; (b)
<br /> ._.,..,z�;.. r��� ag�in wcidag to the PaY� � s which im t4�e
<br /> _�--`��'.�:/••. wntests in good faith the lien by� or defen�s against enforcement of the lien in, legal pmce�ding
<br />=:�.:--�;�, ,
<br /> --�=-•.�t'»-�v Ixader's opinion operate to prevent the enforcem�nt of the lieu; or (�) �� �� �8 hmlder ot the en an
<br /> —:�;ti,'
<br />-�'R�`��:•�• ►� agreement sattafaxory to T�ender suhordinnting tUe lien to thLs S�winJ inst�°e°t.If i�;nder determ�n ae!�y g�Ve
<br />�-:`::;:;'�� of Wt Property is subject to a lien which may atta[n p�iority avar this Securiry Iasteument,
<br />, - r,.'�
<br /> _�..,...
<br />�,�;;�,"•.,;;:'�„��s,w Sorrower a aotia identify�n�'the lien. Borrower ahall satiafy thc lien or ttike one or mare of the acdons set o
<br /> "."''s=�y%` above w[thin 10 days of the r�iving of notioe.
<br />_���;:;..:��r.c�r�a�rri
<br /> -_� - - 8. Fees.Lx�tder may coltect fecs and ch�rBes authorizad by the Sesrettuy•
<br /> �.�_°'���� 9. Gmunds for Aoceterntlon ot Debt.
<br /> �'`;.'�-':�'i`� (w) D e f 4 u t t.L C II t�E I A 1 a y.e a c e p t as limited b y regt�tations issued by the Sectetary.in the cas� of payment
<br /> _°'�„''� ent in tbll ot all sums seettted by thia S e e u dty I n s t n►w e n t i f:
<br />�- '.-•``�:�; defaults�re4ulre immedinte Paym
<br /> ,..�M;�,.
<br /> �,;,��;;��4'�. (i)Borrowes defnulta by failtag to pay in full any mos�tbly payment re�luimd bY this 5ecudty s�men
<br /> x����'' � rior t9 or on the due date oY the next monthly payment,or
<br /> �T��.�.�:`5�� P
<br /> Yyy'.�� (ii)Borrower defaulta by failing. for a perlod of thirty days.to perform any oth�.r obl��edons oon
<br />��,� , �����ry���t. Iccabte law tincludiag Section 341(d)
<br /> �-���,;.,. N)S�le Withoat Credit Appmval. Lender sha11. it pereuitt�d by aPP�
<br />���'.��;.;,�'' of the tium-St. Qerm�ia Deposiwry Institudona Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d))stad with the prtor
<br /> �6�°'_'"''rs;t,'"'�'�„ �ravsl of the Secretary,requtrc immed�ate payment in fttll of all sums secuted by tbis Sscttdty Iustn�m�t
<br /> � .
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