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<br /> � 99m iQ�s
<br /> If We utuounts held by Leader for Escrow Items exceed the amouncs permitced to be held by RESPA, L.ender "}°�-•
<br /> ' ," ahall account to Borrower for the excess thnds as required by RESPA. lf the araounts o4'funds heid by I.ender at aay .._
<br /> ce.
<br /> � tlnee are not sufftcient ta pay the Escrow Items wbcn due, Lender may notify the Bonower aad require Bvrrower to �!x'-�
<br /> make up the shortnge as prrmitted by RESPA. -• _�
<br /> � �•��"��l• The Escro�v Funds are pledged as addittonal security for all sums secured by this Security lnstrument. If ,_
<br /> • '"- Borrower tenders to Le�ader the full payment of all such sums,Borrower's accaunt shall be credlted wt�h the balunce
<br /> „ '�, remaWng for all inatallment items(a). (b).and(c)and aay mortgage iasuraace premium lastallment that L.ender das _
<br /> n ;r_
<br /> not become obligated to pay to tbe Seccetary, and Lender shali prompdy refund any excess lt�nds to 8orrower. -�
<br /> ,;:--
<br /> � Im:nediately prlor to a foreclosure sale of the Property or its acquisition by L,eader, Borro�vor's accounc sha11 be :_,__
<br /> � credited with nny balance remaining for all installments for items(a),(b),and(c). ���'�-
<br /> , 3. AppNcution of Prayments.All payments uadcr parngraphs 1 and 2 shall be applie�by Lender as follows: C=2�-_;
<br /> , �,to tbe mortgage insurance premiwa to be paid by L.ender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by the �__
<br /> � Secretaryr iastead of the monthly maortgage inaurance premium: _-
<br /> ,e�.nnd,to any taxes,sgecial assessments.leasahold paycnents or grouad rencs.and Rre.flood and other hazard r_
<br /> � iasuraace premiums.as required: �'
<br /> � apgi�,to iatemst due under the Note: -
<br /> � ��.to amorttzation of the prjncipal of the Note;and �`;;_•-
<br /> �t.to late chazges due under the Note.
<br />•,�;•.� � 4. I�'ire,Fiood uwa�Other Hezard InsurAnce.Borrower shall insure a11 ia��s'ovements on the Properry,whether ;.--
<br /> ° , now in exiatence or subsequently erected,against aay ha7ards,easualties.end co�rinS�cies.tucluding fire,for which r
<br /> ' �� 1 Lender regaires lnsurance. This insurance sh�ll be maintainsd in the amounts aad for the pedods that Lender ���,'
<br /> �� requires. Borrower shall atso Insure all improvements on the Pa+operty,whether now in existence or subsequendy _ _
<br /> • erecied.against loss by floods to the eatent required by tho Secretery.A11 insuraace shall be canied wtth comps�nies _
<br /> • ° ., approved by Lender.The insurnace policies end any teuewals shall be held by Leader aad ahall iaclude loss puyable -
<br /> clauses in favor of,and in a form ecceptable to.Lender.
<br />_ � Iea t�e ovent af loss.Borrower shall give L.ender iauaediate notice by maii.iender may maRc���of af 2csss!£aat
<br /> a�ade pmmpdy by Borrower.Each insurance company wnccmed is hereby authorized and diiscted to make payment _
<br /> "::;;�A; -' , for such loss directly to Lender. instead of to Borrower and to Lender jolndy. All or an�y part of the lnsurance
<br /> :�������� iocceds cpa be li�d by l.ender.at lta o tion.either(a)to the reduaion of the fndebtedaess under the Note and
<br /> - r P Y aPP P �`-�;,
<br /> ' ;�'��'�"'�'`.. thia SecurIty Insnumc�aY.�irst to any delinquent amounts applied in the order in parqgra�h 3.and then to prepnyment �_
<br />��'c•s �•
<br /> ` t'"`µ' �Y ePP1;��on of the pioceeda to the
<br /> ==` =:�.�^,�, � of principal. or (b)to We sestorati�n or cepair of the damaged Property.
<br />:;:;�1t;�_•';j; •�.��� principat sball not extend or postpon�aY►e due date af the moathly paymeata which are referr�c�t to in PAragraph 2.or
<br />-°`�: _��•� change tho amount of such payatents. Any excess inaurauce proceoda over an am.�uut requ[rer�to pay aU outstundiag
<br /> _ _�-�•� indebtedness under the Note�rtd thia S�ecuriry Instniment shall be paid w the enttty legally entitled the��ma extip uishes
<br />_��.n;��.:,w� Ia the eveat of forerlosure of this Securtry Ynstrument or other trensfer of title to the Pcoperty 8
<br /> -,.��:w.,!� the iadebtedaess. all right. tiQe and iaterest of Bomower in und to insurance poltcies ia force shall pass to ttte
<br /> -�.-.-�--= purchuscr.
<br />--__w;�;_;�� S.Occn a
<br /> --,,:��,.�:^,?£`�'+� P n�y,Pr�servation►Meintenauce and Protertion of thc Prop�.r6yi Bon+ower's Loan AppQ[tat�on;
<br /> I.ease6olds. Bflmower shall oocupy.establiah� and use the Pe+aperty as Borrower'a gstncipal residence wIthia sixty
<br /> -�,�''��¢.:r�� daya after the executie�►of Wts Securiry In�suument(or wlthia sixry duya of a la[er eale or transfer of the ProPc.rty) :;,�.,.;
<br /> =-�'�4';:'i and ahall coatIuue to mccupy ttte Property as BatroweY's principal residcace foP at least one year ntter the date of _
<br />-�'=" ��� ��" oocupancy�unless Ixader detemifnea that requirement wjll cause undue hardship for�orrower.or unless eaetenuatin8
<br /> _:::._-�,-.� ' circumsteaces exist whtch ere beyond Borrower's controf. l�urrower shell uodfy Leitder of uny► eateaw�tfag -
<br /> ',�"� circumsteaces.Borrower shall not commit ws�te ar destroy.damage or substentially change t�o t�noperty or allow the
<br /> -l �;�==�::�� Pmperty to deteriorate.reasonable wear and tear enoepted. Lender raay inspe¢t the Properry if the I�+oger�y!s vncant c
<br /> -_--==�'�:;� or nbandoaed or the loan is ia defauit. Ltader may cake reasonable actlon to pmtect aad presetve surdj vacFUnt or
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