-�r, v:iil14�i�+`<»!t-.�,�w^_ . � . ., -�.}'.
<br /> ,S� .. , i .�l•.1;tj1� w.�I� '�.Ut�
<br /> li`•�f � '•.Fn I .,�, _ .
<br /> .
<br /> 1,4 � .
<br /> '� �'f � ` • 4__. .
<br /> ���q.!
<br /> �_�t_ dYl.nrYS.�.fi�:llli'—_._—� —'_"
<br /> -.�� M P�rop�ty N w W�n ar dum�pb�l�nd���MI how th�optbn�N►iu wM�nA ab�aluM dl��b �II suah Proo�N. ---
<br /> �d�duolkq Nwdro�aM oo�b�nd�xp�+�w Incunrd by it in aonn�ntlan with wch ProcNdti uP���1► � �__
<br /> _°::, n«.e�►.na N.uen ord.r w�«,dK m.y d�M�n+M.,a a.pn�y•n wan Proc..ea,.n.►won a.euctlon.,so a�.n.eon�aon a M+.
<br /> a.�� a�+.�ana"�a a•.�a�n•••a w�'dien.�a.«�w:M��:u�w�a n�`.r«�',nda���na�i:a wna�.n.0 a�
<br /> �
<br /> : Ttuaor.
<br /> - ,1-- e.�Mfen���I.�nd�Upon qN cccumna d ae Ev�nt of OMaunhr��d�r.a il any act 1�lak�n or Iq�l p►ocNdNq _
<br /> � Comm�ncOd whlCh m�Mdulip aff�atl L«ulM'�inlKMi In Nf�P►o�Mrty.(.�nd�r may In ib own dlscrNlon.but wltl�o�A o1�NpNlon b do
<br /> � �o.�nd without nofic�to or d�m�nd upon Trusta and without rele��inp Trudor lrom amr obllp�tbn.Ao�nr�al whicb T�wtor Iwo _
<br /> . aprNd but tNl�to do�nd may atw do any o1Mr�ot!t d»mt neesi�ry b p►oMCt tM s�cwit�l f��oi.Tivaor rhall.imm�dlatNy -
<br /> - � upon dNnand thKNa by Lendsr.p�y to L«��II eo�b�nd sxpenses incurnd end sums u�p�nd�d by I.endsr In aonn�ctlon wi1� -"'
<br /> •' •� � � th��u�ralw b�r L�wNr of th�torapofnp�Iphb,topnhw with Intsrest tlnr�on�1 tl:�dwfault nq povicNd in ths Noq,whleh�q b� '� -
<br />_��4 ,� .:.,.. , , �
<br /> - : '� `q �dd�d to qN hidrbMdnas s�cw�d fNr�by. L,�nda shall not incur amr GabflNy b�caus�of anytiNnp il may do or onYt to do =-
<br />--� r-,�..r'a. :�1 w: ,. ., hMNR1dM. u
<br /> �_�. . �-� ,��
<br /> -� ,�..... -� �.Mw�dp�rY�W�.Tru�or shall kesp th�P►opairty io eomplfanc�with all applieabie I�w�,ordiMnae��nd�spul�pons �,�'
<br /> .�,3• r�..Y y�: r�taWg b Induslr{al A�rplww ar omilronmental proteatlon(w11i1cUvsly�ator��d to herNn�s"EnvkonmenW Lavn'�.Tru�tor sholl •��t
<br /> .�j �a.�� . IcNp Ih�PropKty Tra�f�om aU wbW�nc�s ds�msd to bs Iwardcws o�foalc und�r any Environm�ntal L��(collecdvelr referred to --u�
<br /> fMnin q"Hasardaa Md�rial�"1�Tru�tor h�teby wanar►ts ar�d nP"'=%�ntos to L�ndsr that eMr�ar�no HazorcioW M�tsNah on or
<br /> �.�_. '•.s^�,�..,.,�.,, u�wNr tlN Propay.Trusmr hwspl►+��s to indensaN�r�nd notd harmte�I�Nr.ib dinctor�,afli�.a an'�tolr�a wa�d a�nta and = -
<br /> • fi�.'��.•• �• :�.�:�� �ny t�as to Ler�'s inMrMt t►au�nd aptinst any and�►II ctalma.dan�qK fo�a�f and liab�ktia arieinp fn corow.�wqh '"`�
<br /> � • •�-:.�:�c_ th�p�essncs,uss,dlepafal a tr�nspat ol�mr F1�xardou�M�t�ri�ts on.undsr.kom or abQUt�e Propertr_ TNE FOWEI'aO1Na �',";-';�~
<br />- `�. �•c,,� SURVNE RECONVEYANCE OF 7WS DEEO OF TRW�'T. ---
<br /> �^ ' ~ -��` v 10.AsilOnwwl d R�.TreaOor heteb�t as�tp�a W�ender the renq.isaues and pro�its at ths Proporay:p�voridod that Trustor :.
<br /> - _ -- � -,�, e�iwii.w�Gi U�a aiw�iance of��vant at Qatautt l+orcur:dcr.lia�re tlrs rf�M to cctlect ar�d relGin sr�h.!�nts,�HMrw+.�na pra�s as tlwy —
<br /> . T �t~,�• b�coms dus and p�tabN.lJpon the occurrenee of an Event ot pefpult Lend�r msy.either�e Person or by apenL wAh w wHhout �
<br /> � ','�"�:,:^�''�'i''�±'� brinpinp any actlon or proce�0ing.�r by a r�cefvsr appointW by a couA and wlthout repi►rd km the adeywcy o1 ils s�cuR+r,�,enter
<br /> � ' u+s r.���r�: ` --
<br />�',••,�. } upon and Wce po�sessiWn of the PropeAy,or any part the�eol.in ib own aame or In the name of the Truitee.and do any acb which it —
<br /> • `; �,.,_.: dwm�rnceaary a tleair�bls to peserve the value.mark�tabild�r or rentabd�ry of ths PropKq,or any part the�e�r1 a tnterwt thersln.
<br /> ��• �xt+� •• = � ,r.�� � • increase the income th�arehom or protoct tha securlly hor�ot and,wlth or wlthout wkinp p�stession of 1F�P�ope►y,sue for or �._,__
<br />- ; ���, � othe►wlse collect the renb.lsauaa and protils Mereot,Ucludinp tho�past due ond u�p�id, and appty the same,less casb and =
<br /> ����' �� expanees of op�radon and coMecUorr includlnp attorneye'fees,upon any Indebtedness seeured hsreby,all in such ordar as�endar
<br />_ ' . �=`'�.���"''�=� � .�` m�y detsrmin�.The enterinp upon and takinp possession ol the PropaAy,the coMecdon ol such rents.Issuea and prMl�and the
<br /> � �' ���• �. opplicaUon thereof as aforeaaid,shall not cure a walve any delault o�notice of detault hereunder or invslfdaW any act done in �
<br /> �� ,;:��'.�`�: ' ��� rNponss to wch default a pursuent to euch nodce ot detaultand,notwiMetandlnp tAe contlnuance in passeafon M the Prope�ty o►
<br /> • s`•'��'^�� the Colleetlon,recaipt and applicedon of renb,i�suas or protib,and Tru�tee and Lender ahall be entided to ex�cfse every rlpht —
<br /> '� provW�d tor In any dthe Loan I�etruments or by law upon acurrence al any Event of DefauM.Includlnp without INnifadon th�rlpht �;,,�
<br /> . '�;1�'"`�c;��;���., to exErei�th�power oi�ele.Fu�e�,LendePS rtphts antl remetlles unoer thi�parapreph srratt be cumulative with,and ire cro«ry a f���.�
<br /> ��f'•,• ,•:.����r{: Ilmltattom m�.Lende�'s riphb and rem�dles under any assl�ame�t of leasa�and ranb recorded againatfho Propery.l.ondet,TvusM� il�t:,.
<br /> . ..f�Lal�'I�'���''-•i��t
<br /> ' ,. t ,� i� , wid tfie v�eceiver shall lss liable to aecouM only lor thoae ren�acNally recehred. �
<br /> �,.1. :•r ' '� 11. EMMIb M Od��ll.The foNowinp ahaN con*Utute an Event of Defeult u�der this DeccJ ol Tru�t
<br /> � �!' ���',:.' (a) Failure to aaay eny in�tellment o1 prir.cspal or intereat ol eny other sum secured hereby wheR due: —
<br /> • d ?dy —-
<br />-'• (b) A broecta a I o►dolault under eny pr¢v:s��n contalned i�tho Note,this Oeed of t�ua1,any ol tha 4.oan Intbumanfa,or any
<br /> c;•�; •```s���Y otlwr Ilan or encumbranca upon the Prope►ry; �'�
<br /> ' ; .�?':W.ac.'
<br /> � (C) A wrlt o1 executlon or at'tachment or any almflar pracess ahall be entered ayainst Truttor which thall become A IWn on
<br />.=��Y � �''°"'`"� �'� ��` the Properry or any pordon thereol or Interest thereln; __
<br /> '� �� � '�`•�� � ~;E�,,�� (d)There 9t+a11 be Illed by or apainat Trustor or Borro�rer en action under any present or luture federal,stete or other °[--
<br /> S��' � ��°' '� efatute,lew or re�e9latlon relednp to bankruptey,lnaofvency or oMer reliel for debtoro;or there shall be appoN�ted any bustee. f
<br />-"��'; ��`1� .~ =;}:..; receiver or Ilqui�a2o�of Trustor or Borrower or ot atl or eny part ol the Properly,or the renta,issues or protlb Iharoot,or TruNw `_ .
<br /> ��►i'`�'� ;� �,,�����••.�. . �``� or BorrOwer Ehel1 meke eny generel aasfgnment lor lhe benetit of creditors;
<br /> o;! 1 •• , j�,.. (e)The sele,transfer,toa��.aeaiqnmen�conveyance cr IuAher encumbrence ot q�,� or any part ol or any interoat fn the
<br />- "'''`�'���.'�St''� Pra.pe�ty elther voluntarlly a�nvduntarfly,wfthout the eKOresa wntten coneent ot 4,emder,provlded that Truator ehall bs `fi.
<br /> •�� . �i;;r%
<br /> �u,��, i•;-.��... 1__
<br /> �;,,:, r,,;;, , peam Itted to�xeaute a 1�ol the Properry thet does not contaln en option to purchase amrl 11w Wrm ol which doea not exc�Yd
<br /> d.�• 1.,1' ,�,�:.;�,,• �' ` � one bear, ��_
<br /> ��
<br /> � '':,., �: �;�;��� , _ {q A'bA�ctonment of the Properry;or �-�_-
<br /> �+� `$'!.��(�t (y) N Trus�tor�s not an indlvldual,the Isouance,sale,trqnaler,asslpnment,conveyance w encumbrance of more Man o tatal
<br /> i�,,.
<br /> >. '�+.. i�;G��;�.,�#�._ _.
<br /> �t" ���r�`��,`�-�'•�' 04 perceM ol pf a corporation)Its fssued and o u:�tandmp stock or(If a par,na��h�p)a totol of parcent of _
<br /> � :L?!' , i;,. ,,, • _
<br /> �� �
<br /> ��,,' �., `. S ,,,, perinership Intereata during the period ihls Deed ot T+us1 remains a Iten on the Propez4,.
<br /> �_.�; 12. q�metlia�;Aea�Nralbn Upon Ddault.In tne eveni o1 any Event of Oefeult Lender may,wlthoul notice except as►eqaired by �,:°_
<br /> Y�� ° ;�S' ^�"�
<br /> •=n., ; +��' �: • Iaw,dealare al�icxJebtedness aecured hereby to be due and payable and the same shefl thereupon become due end payeble �--_
<br /> .��=���'�% . "� ' �'`� �� wNhout any pr�sentr^snt,demand,protest or notice o1 any kind.Thereaftar Lender may:
<br /> _ __ ,:f� '
<br />° •, ; +�!�,.�.. (�) pemand Ihat Trustea exercfso Ihe POWEA Of SAL£granted hereln, and T•�s!ee shall thereaRer cause T+ustor's
<br />�;r:r•� -•-�;.:�.:,.:�-.• �'=;
<br /> _..��, t i `, ,31,.� ,..� ��reet In the PropeAy to be sold end the proaeeds t�be d.strlbuted,all in the menre*p�•av�tleO m the Nebroska bvusi lleeds `
<br /> .�'d�i,,,��, �
<br /> ..�G'.- �
<br /> �; • (b) Exercls6 any and all rlghts provided for in any o�I tne Loan Instrumenta or by law upon occurrence of eny Evant ot '��•�.
<br /> '� . ;�,,; Delault and
<br /> • ;,(�,•. ' . •�..;'',k-..�-I.-''�, .i: (c) Commence en octfon ro foreclozo 1h�a Oeed of Trusf es a mortpape,appofnt a racalver,or tpecil�cally enforce any of tAV ��,;;,
<br />.✓�'' r�^ ' ��",�'__,�`�' eovenents hereol.
<br /> .�_ i,_S �•..- ,—.3.�,� . .,, -
<br />=�C:,...;�: � +� '•.t;.�; No ve�edy h0reln conferred upon o{re9erved to Trustee or I.ender is Intended to be exc�c�si�.e o1 a�y other remedy heteln,ln the
<br /> �'�'�'�� � l000���nslrumenta or by lew provldecf or permltted,but each sTali be cumulative,ahall be m addltlon to ev�ry other rernedy glven �
<br />-'��1��.�;�i�,: , r`,�• ,�,.. ,,..
<br /> • ,;; �.t{, , : �f« '�� hereuntlsr,in it�e loan Instrumente or now or haraaNer ex�sUng or.law or in equlty or by siaiule,ar+d rney Ce ezeroieed con�urreMly, ���,'
<br /> :;..�,,, ,� . ._ .���.:�.:,� ..;
<br /> �,,:,' � .;j�`�"„ .•�, Indepentlen:lv o+DUaCesalvely. t
<br /> '.��:� ,rcl;'�,....:..,..• �
<br /> •� ,� r, ,�i,�.�' .e,i 13. 4irt»7o�.Tfi�Trustee may reslpn at a�i ume withou.cause,a^:: �er::e�rnay at any time a�� vv.:rou�cause appolnt A !'
<br /> `"'`;!f�'��i i���r�=� suaCeb9o+Ot Substitate Truslee.Trustee shell not be liable to Nny pa+ty,ina uU.^;;w+thout iimitauun Lentlar,8o�rower,Truator o►an.y t
<br /> ' ,,,���;�'� ';1.^t;�i'.�, .`.;' �
<br /> . . :f,�,;�:. ,., puRChaser ot the Property,lor any Ioss or damage unlesa due�tc�eck esa nr wdUul misccr��.:�f,and ahell not be required to laxe any t ,,
<br /> � �, ',;. ,a,•;�,+; �'�' � act:mn �*o Connectlon wfth the en!o�cement of thla Deet9 co Tr„sr.vnieas fndemnfHed, .� w�r�ur,9, for all costs,comFensatian o► F .„
<br /> `�•3 r� f�f•�•Y expenses w h ic h may b e assoc ia t e d t herewd h.In a d d�t l o n.T^us t ra m a y b e C O m e a p u r c h a s e t a t e n y s a l e o/t h e P r o p e r i y�u d l C i a l o r �. ;
<br /> — +b'-��li�, �_r,�_.,��_ .,,,ae,��e,,,,,.,a,,.r rd�n�eMaii As�olnl• nn�tnnoa 1ha aala �t au nr anv noH�nn ol the prooertv.an orovided bv I&w:Or 6ell lhe �...
<br /> .—. -.-._ --_ - ' . .....�.�«... ...�.��.�...__.._._...,.r-"r- "' - -• - - - - . . . . .
<br /> ` n�� •;rT; --- property ae e whote,or In seperelB perCels ar'o:s at Truslee's dfsCredon. ' � � �
<br /> � �� � : _ 14. R�and Erp�nsN.In the�vent Truetee sells the Property by ererase of power of sale.T�ustee shell be entltled to apply }., .
<br /> }•. any nele proceeds first to paymer.c�r all costs and expensea ul exerc�sinp power ol sa1e.ins�uding aM Trusteo's fees.end Lender's �
<br /> - . and Trustee's edorney's leea.act�a+y InCUrred to extent perm�tted by appbcable law.In the�•���t Borrower or Truator exerClaes any '� :'
<br /> ��� ��. .. rlpht provldad b�law to cure an Event of Delaulf,Lender shAll be e�titled to recover Iror�T'•Lator all costs and expenses actually '.;.
<br /> " Incurred ae a result ol Truetor's defaul� �ncludlnp wuhout Ilmnetion all TrurieQ's and atte�r�ey's teos,to the extent permltted by ,:�
<br /> ' } appllcable lew.
<br />� f�n-
<br />� t• , ,.�j_ A ". �• 15. Rulur�Ad�ancN.Upon request oi 8orrower.Lender may,at Ita opt�on.make aetl�uonal and lulure edvances and re- ��� ,
<br />. . � � „ edvances to Borrower.Such advancea and readvances.w�M intorest thereon,shel�b�secwem by this Deed of Truat.At no Ume shall ,
<br /> � �� the princlpal amount of the mdebtedneas secured by this Oeed of 7rus�not Includmg s�Tt a�venced to p� ect u�g,y'cunb ot�n�s
<br />, . O�ad of Tru�t.�xc«d tlw orlyinel pnncipal emount af4ted herein.or S g0.000.(D0 _whlahever Is{�t1r.. . .,
<br /> r '_�...: .,_ '=piy, ir,t I' ,
<br /> �' �} • ' �.
<br /> �,.Y .
<br /> , . . � .� . � ' _ - .�. __ . .. .�a�l..... . .. ..... .... ..'.__ "—'"
<br />