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<br /> �cuNOw�oo�eNr oF o�o oF r�wsT
<br /> `� mugroA ne�►o n�s e�on�s��ca: �' '.OtM,�S3 __,
<br /> -���ic�e� �sorund.rauna.�e�.aocun�.r�+n�a�Yn,�o►aaeouta.x.a�nsi•ao..aaTrun.neno�.mor�.�..ndu�a�a�r,owK _,,
<br /> `Sfj , ot pN pr+ovldsd 1or tn p►�MMI of 7�ust prorkN�wbslanll�MY dHlst�nt�Iphb�nd obtip�tlon�to Tiu�tor tlun�moApp�In fh�M�nt
<br /> ,' I, I iif��' .�.,,f of�tNM N a bn�ch of oblipttion und�►IM Owd of Trotl,Inaludinp,but eot Bmlfsd to,tha Lsnd�r'�►ipht b h�w th�Prop�rti�old _
<br /> py 1M Truf1M wifl►out any�udlcUl prec�np.Trutta�spr�aeb�nd t thls aaknowlWpeirMnt wp�x�eut�d qr �:.
<br /> lhn�or hilo��Ih��ouMo�d tM Ostid o!TMYOt. d"_
<br /> - �.
<br /> .; � eve
<br /> . - t J i• runor . Nu�bu�d —
<br /> �' .--
<br /> ::' ��ii:
<br />.ni ....• k�.
<br /> . tria� L Mi���r Trwtor M��� �
<br /> ='�.a� iei»:
<br />�'��� ��' E�� DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADYANC�6 �
<br /> _—--�� ;.;�.., �f.�.
<br /> ,�� , .,....w•� _--_
<br />--,� — �-�•• r� TNIS QEIFJD OF TRIlST,t�mado a�oli iw.�$#6_day ot J an. ,19��i.by and amonp -
<br /> � •:�
<br /> �_'- �:MlY�` _
<br />_— . ' �T�f;,'�,,:y{ ��. g,K,4��. J�ek D� IYSe� 1� 6�atrica A. IY��e . husband and Mife . _--
<br />` ':. ,�,f'`:� -�~`-:�-� 2516 Pioneer Blvd 13r�nd I�lmd N� 68�01-734� .
<br />-� .. ,,;r,.. ::..�'t��T ` rr�ws�a�aMirq�ddn�t I� (htroin"Trusta:'wMtl�e�oM or ma�l�
<br /> � s';:"�" {:-. _,;�;�;�E', �T� Riv� Pointa Baak, � Nebra�kw Corpor�tion , _
<br />-:�^ ��`;� • ` ,�y,�' y.�J w�malArp�ddras i4 '�.3. Box I587 Gr�od Iu2�ii�i. iiE LS8t3� ����Tru�'q.and _ .''.
<br /> � ' a .,j,,rY{:,.•.,�'� th�Bmsflcinuy Fiw Point� Bu�k , l9,'�;{:
<br />-'::•; �!' e.J�!.:iY�?n•�.,y i} � . �...
<br /> "� �"�4V,�,� wlq��itte�addrau i� 2015 N. 6ro�d��11 Gr�nd ItA.A�d� M6. �8802-13t�T (inerein"Lendsr"►. �;�
<br /> �F,v�;7 t:c `^ �.,
<br />- . ,;,•r..•lf:ti!•„�jJ� J���t � Mieae �;�:
<br />�:;j.,.; ,;` ; •��y��C�," F�VAQ.UAB�E C�NSIOEfiAT10N.�ncludinp Lendw's exten�ton o1 crodit IdenMiad Iwrein tq
<br /> „..� 1..:'•' a'�'��, ���.�;:
<br /> �1.•�i� a c�):;r :�
<br /> � ,�irr �4,� � , a 8�atr 1aQ L Mivae hereln"8o►rower", whether o�e or more)aasd tt�e tr4at hereln created, � �
<br /> . •�5����,., f',.;°'.'•:•�:•_ ( �',��
<br /> ,,_,.,y;•;.c�.;•tl�;_'��;;.r.;;; the�eaipto4 v�hich Is h�reby aoknowEe�3d,Trustor hereby irrovocably prants,trenafera, conuoys aTd essipna b Trustee,IN
<br /> . �� , .i�r.r.-..•:
<br /> . 1•� PHU8T,WtnN POWEFi OF 3ALE.for the be�`i;t and securiry of Landar,under and oubJeat totlw�and oonditb�tw►olnakar at o
<br /> ' ;.:���'•`;'.•.� . forth.ths roAd properly.deecri6ed�a tollow+: . . -_-
<br /> ..- ,,��„�— -- - �� wTTACHNEIIT •�� , . =-:_,
<br /> ,�,
<br />: - :� !.i A:+l.�•� .�.::_
<br /> . ' � ;,}{th?d�. �.y �. . K`"',a
<br /> 1,�{�;�1, ',� "{i4:; :�:@�:t��.i���,f,. `v
<br /> �_t,,'�iibr �' ' �� ;.,,. �'..',
<br /> ,.,,:, :.��1"°`.;::_•_.. .° Tapotho�wtt��alt butldt�ps.=mprovoment�,flx:urc�.rtrcots,allay�.Rss:.�aei:ay�.ea�ments.•f3n�r�.privlle�ee artd ap�tu^ta- —
<br /> •.'+�' r `.�' � � . �ances lacotetl thereon or in anywise pertelnl�p thereto,and the rents,Issuea and prollts,reveralona and remaindera thareof,and :-_
<br /> t �•
<br /> '��;,,. � ,�, auch peraonel propeAy that ie etfeched fo ihe imprp4mmo'�ts so as to constltute a/ixture,Includinp,but not Ilmited to,headnp and
<br /> ' � coolinp equipmen�and topether wilh the hombsteap o�marital Interests,if eny,which Intereats are heieby reteased and waived;all
<br /> �_.' '� �� ",r � %��' of which�Including replacements and add�t.ona tnereto.!s hereby declared to be a part of tlw roal estate wcured by the Uan of thi�
<br /> _ '�';�'�'� '�� `�"`'�'`�`�' D«d ol Trust and all ot tho faopolny belruu,�.eierred to hereln os the"Property". .._�,
<br /> r:,1�.. ,.�iciww , .lry;;�r�x• ;y r
<br /> �� "��-,� (��t, h':
<br />: ,�':;'` d�'...- : • . '� ' ThIa Doed ot Tro�t ahall tacure(a)the paymenf oi the principel sum and Interest ovldonced by a promiuory noto a cradlt ..
<br /> � _,, ..
<br />�_ r.�:• i �A..";:����..:�::.r'...� Ath 1 Q9 tonu�r 8 h 19� , 1��:�.
<br /> , apreemvnt datod —J.an.uar�r 9 ,havinp e meturity date of � :�.;.{"
<br /> �r : .. ,,.. :.. .,� .
<br /> �j'r��. � +'•=..=�,�'� ' ��"r ' in the origlnt�l Ddncipal amount ol S_._ �g•215.14 ,and any end all modificationi.exten�lone and renewala -,S"
<br /> r�'�r.. y�
<br />:j,���;..�:n � � '`` •��� ' theroof or thrt��cto and any and all futuve a�Avences ar►d readvances 1� 8orrower (or any of them d more than ane) hereunder
<br />• �`,;:,,}�{: ;a,� ' _. M:�, _ pursuent to ano or more promissory notes o•credit aqreements(herein called"Note");(b)the qayrr.em of other suma advanced by �_•"
<br />,��'�:;r•'�� .ns lenderto prot�ct the securfty of the Note;{c)the pertormance ol all covenents and a�reements of 7vvata�set IartOt�herein;and(d)atl •T
<br />,�-�;� �'� prea�er►t.and lulure indebtedneas and obil�ations ol8orrower(or any ol them N more than one)to londer whether direcf.indfrect �.y
<br /> ��,r;,�' ' ' �� fi �.-., absoiute or aondnpent and whether arlslnD by note,puaranry,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,lhis Oeed of Trust and any and all � �
<br /> �:r� aii�_.� ... ..� �u►�
<br /> ��' �' ;; t� .�,�- olhe r dac�en2s that secure tha Note o�oth�erwise exeauted In connecpon therewlth,includinp wahoue r:mi�allon Quarenteea,secuAty
<br />-"-S'J';•1 �
<br />�:�s:?.-��, ��c`� " � ayreememts and aasfpnments of leases and renls,ahall be referred to he�eln ea ihe"Loen Inabumentq". ��;.
<br />�S' •'. - TNsipr cflvenants end epree4 with l.•entler es follows; —
<br />"�'- �- '' � '1 Pw�t!►A1 ef N1d�h1rt7n�s�.All Intlahtatine�u xwr.urPd hereby shell be p&id whee due. �
<br /> �--�,ii,:•t'_ _.-
<br />.K' , f - 2.TitN.Truetor is the�o�w�er of the Property,has the riyht and authomy to conssy the Propetty,and w8rr�cls thet the flen ��.
<br /> " i;�.S�"�`� ''���� •�`�'� created hergby le a first end prior lien on the Property,except lor Ifens and enc�-brances aet torih by 7ruator In wrltinp and �`� ,n
<br /> i,-.� • ::'a{;,: ,:.,�: "
<br />• .•r . , . delNered to L�ender before executlon ol thls Deed of Trust,and the executlon and delivery o1 this Deetl o1 Trust does iot violate a�y ,k�'
<br />'�'-��' ���`�j;�,l,Y'� coMrect a����ear obliQation to whieh Trusror fs sub�ect
<br /> '.1���", � �'`• 3.T�xe�,�N»m�nb.TO pay before delfnquency all taxes.special aaaeasmeMa a�tl ai'other charyes epein�t the Properry ^...
<br />',�°.�t '•: .�i�;ti•�n,� .`• ���,�i��' now or hereafler levled. w�-c,
<br /> :� es?.;�.(��-;�� 4.Imuranc�.To keep the Property Insured agal�sl d�nage by lire,hazard8 inu��ed wilh In t�H term"exta�rtled coverage",and "'`'+�
<br /> •'•�' ¢�. t>,+•!��• � , ,•, su�h other hazerds as Lender mey requlre,in amounl9 a�:.'with compames acceptab.e to lender,nam�n�:.�em��e r aa an adddional �,.,
<br /> ;��,�'�y�'�, � �"`'.� . �,j:��! �am�ed Lnaured,wfih loas payable to the LenCer In ca9e olloss under such pol�cies,the Lenqe��s autho+�ze�te a�ius�collect and �! +
<br /> ;�;if °,`:•;; '� ' � +I(Ss�l. com;pr;.rnnse.n�lcla�msthereunderand5�^al �pvetneoptionofapplyingallorpaHO(the�nsurar;,c•pr;c�eCS1�)toanymdebtedneas ►
<br /> �c,�,:: • • �>����•� seCWreQ�:aeWy and In such ader as Lenu�e���ay determfne,(fi)to the Trustor to be used i or the re,pair or rostoraUon of the PropeAy �
<br /> 1a�,^.�� : '�'�ti`'+': �
<br /> ;�,:r,-�;,; �, ,,, �.;�r,1;,. o+pIi)lor eny other purpote a object satlafactory lo Lender wlthout aNectlny the Ilen o,tr+s�eed ol7rus!for 1he full amount secured
<br /> ,f�� '�, ,�r�'F,��,,;.,., •�.'�;,._•,� r.e�eby belore euch poymeRc ever took plaGe.Any applicatlon of proceeds to ird�cesTess shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> :}.f ;. . !�;.�;,�t.;,.f,. : •�-,:'i � �`, .
<br /> ;1.� �� • ' , ,,,�tf,_,, , . �t�ita o1 any payments und�a•t e Note,or cure eny delault Ihereunder or hereunaE� .
<br /> ,� .; 5.Escrow.Upon wrlfta���emend by Lender.Trustor ahall pay ta 4em�e�,i*s.��°rnanner es Lender may desi�nate,suHfcfenl �,ti
<br /> . . . ... . ,. :
<br /> _.. _._ ,,,..�,. ........._ ..�.. ..,.... ,�,.
<br /> - --•- ---�•-�--�--•---••--.._....-----�..---------- - - - -°
<br />:.1 '—' T-�". — bYlllL' 1VQ11CVIQLQIIV{11�V�/O�P0�111i�YCbV+��OYYOV��VV1���V�VV��~Y.�n.v�w���.1.�P�r�pl�VU�NO�YV�ii�V�wu��vv���v�b���rav��y�..��� .
<br /> • • :.L� � • �• dte Property (iq the premlums on the pro�erty Inaurance required he�e.,�+aer, and(ill)the prem�ums on any mortpaye�nsurar.ce �
<br /> � � requirod by Lendo�.
<br /> •• • ;.• �. 8.M�Int�n�nc�,R�paYn and Compllane�wlth Law�.Trustor ahall keep the Property fn poad cond�tlon and repair;shau �
<br /> r � • prompUy repair,or ro�lece any Improvement which may be dameged or destra�y.ed; shell not commft or permd any waste or �
<br /> detenoratlon of the Property;ahell not remove,demol�sh or subatantlally alter eny ol Ihe�mprovements on tree Praperty:shall not
<br /> � ' � commlt,suMer ar permlt eny act to be dor!e fn or upon the Property�n violetion ot any law,ordir�ance,or reyulet�on,and shall pay a�id '
<br /> � ( •� . promptly dlscharpe at Trustor's cost and expense all liens.encumbrences ond charyes lewed.impOSed Or es�ssed sya�nst the •
<br /> , . • PropMy a an�part U�eraof. �
<br /> . •-x�•.' 7.En�YNrd OoiYY�Lender ie hereby esslpned all compensaf�on.awards.damapes and other payments or reliel(herefnafter
<br />� ' � ;r„�,s: "P�oCeWt")in Cortn�Ct�ore wAh Condemnptlon or other tekinp of the PropeAy or part 4hereol,or for conveyanee�rr n e�of condemna• �
<br /> don.Lendu shatl b�er�trtled at ns opt�on to commence,appear in and prosecwte��rts own name an1�ecbon a proceedmpa,and
<br /> -�• � � �r�` '�". Ithal aloo D�eno�Nd b maice any compromlw a sottlomant�n conrwcuon wrth u�cn ukmp or damap`.In�s srwA art.y paAwn ot ,
<br /> , .� <� • ,� �e aa�n+.��.rKwww o.w�a.�o,M
<br /> ,i �- . O��M�w.rw Mir d c«tinna t.uw Mw io+w��waaw�n lruMn INY.w I
<br /> I
<br /> � . j
<br /> �.—,.r .. . .._ ._ _ '
<br /> .� . . , ---
<br />