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<br /> . iaeesaiediatos, ceo�k ia psocec�o, gar]r�ging matcarialo� fiaiahcd
<br /> .,..-:�� gooda. �emi-giaiohed iazventozy� ecrn8 ir►ventosy, maaufacturiag
<br /> . oupplioe � epase�ar�a� �auudl all ouGs gooda �&ut hr►►ve bmcsa
<br /> " returnc�l eo or re�o�aasoe� by os on b�alf of the 3?�btor. ,,,��:
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<br /> � �,., "Iat�ellQCE�t81 �roperty" �11 a�eaia �sll iatelleatua�l �td _ _
<br /> � aimilar �v8erty og tlam D�btoa aE Qvexy kia�l ru�dl autuze aox o�as�d --_ _
<br /> or h�aPtenx asq�aire�A Iwy tta� �btor, iucluding iavontiano. �;;�:::
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<br /> .,: �. Trademarlc� tiaaludi�g +�e�vic� mnPrke), Tradara�xk or serviae msr}s �
<br /> , . aAPb�Ea���e, 4�e siaacee, tx�dr� aecreta, aon�Eidea�ial or �. -
<br /> propz�im�ary ta�hffi3ea1 aad bu�in�eam iafos�tian, kaow-how, alu�-haw �:.
<br />� _ �, or ot.� de��b or 9sgoz�a�t�.on. software aad d�tabaoea sad a31 _
<br /> Etn�tadl��msa�o os fi�ra��.�a �hereog aad xelated documeatation, �,:=�:r�
<br /> _ ; �� ragia�ssCi.�ns � frt�a�ieea, aad all addi�ions, improvameate � �'--
<br /> aecmo�i� too e�ttr�1 booke► a�d recos�ds deeasibf.ag o� uend ia
<br /> ; �� CCaamQC40a vrit�Yr +�►Y o� r.h� �c��ig. -_
<br /> :; , wI�VeACAf�At Broperey" ahu12 meaa all 8eauritioe te��ther �-
<br /> , ces�i�'i�t�d oa uaaeerti�3c�ated), 8eau�city Fantitlemeinta, 8e�sritiea -
<br /> � A�cn��ra. t�radd.ty CAaltracCe a� Conm�odity Aaaoun�s of t.he =
<br /> " �`":;y� Dob�or, Mheth�c �oo► o�aed or �safter aaqui�sed by the Debtor.
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<br /> ; K., ropyxi�ht l�annee mr othh�s licc�e or eubl3aenee to ahiah the _
<br />_ :,�-: Dab�or ia or ba�o�ee a garty (other tbt� those liaeaee agranmoato
<br /> � . .:;ti:';. , i� eximteuae a� og the �ato herno£ aad thoae liaease agr�aetaente
<br /> 'f° a�aterad iaeo aE:t� the daee here�iF. that by their eesa�o proh�bit
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<br />'R. .� �..:.:, �1�oaJkbox ,Agreeca�ata° eba].1 meaa the loakbox agreo�anata amoag .
<br /> . , ehe Debtor. t.�ada ��laterai Agerat nad a 8�ab-Agent or isi ouah oLhar
<br /> �' ' lorm auo the Co31��s'aI Agteat caaY ePecify.
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<br /> „ , ,{.„ reaeived lrom maay �asurex or othes�pereon or eatitiy �s a reoult of !_
<br /> the destzuatian, loas, thegt, das�age or other iavoluntsry t ,
<br />- ..• ; , coavareia� of avltat�var t�twre ot aay aoeet or ps�ope�Ey th�� i -
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<br />-_ .,;i',,'`;,;, aegotiable iasts�t� reaoived or held oa b�half og t.h� �
<br />-:'SF�rhy�;;�t,!M. C01�.8t01'�!1 �� �L1YDtl9lbt t0 tl� �Dt?kbQ7t Ag!'EBAt9Yit8 O� AAl► O�htlr -
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<br />_ �. . eay ehiad party fo� (end the right to sue and r8ao�ver for a$d t� � '�
<br /> aeighte to damag�s os Brof3te due os aa�rued a�rieiag oytt o� or ia
<br /> ��: eo�octiart �ri.thD (i? paet� aurrc�t or Eueure iagririgen:ane oi aay , __-
<br /> patent n�► or hmreaFtmr o��d by th� 8obtar or liaenead uader a � �
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