� " .•-o • . .. -. . . . .. • .. M�y�.'
<br /> , � ��� 99� �o���� ,
<br /> � in�ludiag �ools, parte aad aupplieo of avory kind aud d��oriptioa, ��.t_
<br /> � aad all it�rorreraeats� accesaiona or appurtenaacc�e thexetc, that
<br /> � , � .. a,,.Lre,��aowj_ox■ herea��fytsr oamed by t.ho Debtor. The testa "8qui�m�ut"
<br /> .......•.r' �DUOIi� 1AQiu� �i�f{.ur.e�• . .
<br /> ' � �. �`,
<br /> " "P�ano�fs.T Asset• shall mean (a) � 3eaurity. (b) aa ^�
<br /> obiigation o� a person or a ehara, partiafpation or othe►�isatarest -°
<br /> ia a pex�o�a or ia property or an enterpsiee of ap�,rson, a�iiich ''
<br /> is, o� is of a type, dealt with ia or traded o=a Finaaaial msrket�►, :�T�-;
<br /> ' � or whi.ch ie recoguized ia aay area ia w�aiah it ie ieoucd or de�a].t
<br /> ,� in ao a �edium for inver�tment or (a) any praporty that i� held by -_
<br /> :� a �eaurities ratenaediary for anothex p�rmon in a SeauriEioo -
<br /> � � Acaouat if the Seauriti.ea 2aterraediary hsa expreealy agr@ed aitk� °'=
<br /> Ct�e ortheY �ean h�a� the p�ape� ia eo be es�ated ag a BSaanaial
<br /> . Aes�st uader Artiale e of the ZfiiEoxm Couunerciab Code. As the •i`
<br /> �� � comt�xt reqnirea, tla� eexm B3aaaaial �s�t sball meau ei,ther tho -
<br /> iaa�mseot itaelf or t,�� meeae by ahi.da a peraoa'e al�im to it 18 _
<br /> � ,; � ev3deaaed, 3aoludiag a aertificated os �cer.tifiaated 8e�urity, a
<br /> � aerti.ficsate sepzeeeatiag a S��urfty or a 3ece�rity E�titl�meat. � 't�,;:-
<br /> : ' �' q =`;.._.
<br /> .� "F�Lxtttses° el�all ateaa all i.tewFS of Bquipmeat, o�hethas�no� ;�..:_.
<br /> . awan�d or hereafter aaquired. of �he �aB�tor that beaome eo related -
<br /> �•; to� pareiaular real eetate tbat aa iaterec3t iu them arioms vader =-_-.
<br /> , aay real e8tato law applicable thereto.
<br /> :�'��- � �� z�saaab.iae tlgrar.ataucB� s�ia3.3 meaa �'ste �sauso'tsiBe AgrQemsIItB ,
<br /> • pursuaat to ahich persane h�ve or vrill lbeaome fraac2�i.eeee og t1�
<br /> ., DebtQr.
<br /> l�
<br /> , .;1;¢;�,�. '''�' � •Qeaera3 ZSataag3bler� s9sa11 mesia aii ahos�e i.a aaCiaa aai,d —
<br /> '�:f?.y�';�; ' ` , . aauses a� actima aad ail athar aseigaabie iaton�i.�le �or�on�7. !
<br /> ` �t,�,f��:t�, . ,�; ProBertY o! t�►e Debtor af every kiad sud siature (other t�ia
<br /> � � �;,� Acao�ats R�eaeivablea noa o�ned or hereaftor acguixed ]a� �ae
<br /> De9atox, iaaludlttg a11 righte and iaterE+st� ia gartaorsbS�e,
<br /> � . limttn� pa�xt�era�s, limited liability aonipaaiee aad other
<br /> " uaiac�ara►tmd eiee, corporsto or othe� �uo�sea recosde,
<br /> • � � +„awr,..±�icaeion 4#.aim�. cantraat righta tiacludqa� rights �md�r --
<br /> _, : 1e:teee, �ehether e��aaee8 3ato as lassor or leseee, Rate �oteceiou
<br /> n " �ri�ght Go deliv�►r� Oont��e attd other agreement.a� (iaoLudiAg
<br /> r_..� 1Q�{l�.Y@� Lffi�@1' �10 �Clli��.�tEd
<br /> � ��� Nnte Iud�a�us^a 18 �&e event t8at Y.he 8orro�rer fa9,le to do so) , but �
<br /> ' , � exaludiag r3ghta �:ader aay agreeme�t tother th� t.hd 1Aesic,�e�
<br /> ., Coaeraat� and Chs Rate 8roteatia� AgreemeaCs) ia e�cl.eteaa� aea !hs --
<br /> � � diate hose�� a� to Khi�h the gra�ati� of tho acausiag fater�at =
<br />_- graated hesrby xould aonotitute a breaah�. Eate].�eatual PropQSey
<br /> � goodMili. regieeseatione, lraaahisee, tax refwad claims aad any ---
<br />�'`N�'�f,... . ldtter o!� ex+e�3f�. guaxa�ntee. claim, eecurity �terest or o�hes --- -
<br /> F���i���r,; �. seaurity laeld by ox gr�ated Co tha II�ebtor to secure psymeat by aa
<br /> 1,i6�._�+�� �
<br /> _'":.=--_.-• �� e�C-a3sttE a.:bEwc oc ut3y �si i.he AG�-uauizti Rcaoiv�ic. f=-
<br />_ — ,� . �-Y�-
<br /> . � `btveatosy" aha31 nieaa all g�oods of tha �btoz, »aather ao�a � j�:_.
<br /> - �aned or hereafter acquir�d, held Eor asle or leaee, or Eusnialu�d ,•;�--�
<br /> . •; �e to be �uraiahc3d by aajr Dabtax uador eontracta og se�nriae+, os -_
<br /> , ` .
<br /> f
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<br /> . . . ,, -�� , lt a
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