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,. � � . ., :�,aw.�. <br /> . r� <br /> _ . . . . . ... j . <br /> � gg� '.���°��� . <br /> L. NotwlthstnndinQ Any of tt►c lapguage�wutaiaed in this Dee�of Truss to the conuary.the terms of this section ehull ,, � <br /> survive any fareclosure or satiefuction of this Deed of Trust regnrdlesa of uny pasauge of title to B�neflclary or nny <br /> dispositlon by Beneticiary of nny or all cf We Property.Any claims and defenses to the coauary are hereby wntved. � <br /> 20.CONY)IEMWAalOP1.Trus[or wiU give 8sneficinry prompt aoti�of uuy action, real or thrcatentd,by prlvate or publlc - <br /> entittes to purchnse or talce eny ot all af the Property. Iacluding any easements. through coademnntion,eminent domuin, ,, „ <br /> , or any other means.Truator tLrther nErces to notify Beneficiary of any proceedings inatituted for the estabNshment af aay '-w,,,, <br /> ,� •• sewer, water. conservation, dItch, drNnage.or other diatrtct mletipQ to or bindiag upon the Pcoperty or any part of it. , <br /> • � Truatos nuthorizea Bepef cinry to Interveae in Trusror's name ln any of tha above descdbed uctiona or ctaims und to wllect " .. • <br /> . nnd receive all sums resuldng from the acdon or clalm. Ttustor assigna to Benaficiary the proceeda of uay award or claira ' ° <br /> for dtunages connected wttb a condemnation or other taking of all or uny pare of the Property. Such pra�:ecds ahall be • �. <br /> coneidered payments end wlll be applied as provided in this Dced of Tiust.This assignment of proceeds ia subjoct to thc � :�,�:.„.��t <br /> terms of any prtor secuHry asreemeut. .;;s�%f��",:;: <br /> �,..�._ <br /> ..Y",:'{Yv� ; <br /> 21.INSUptANCE.Truator xgrees to maintain insucance as followa: �' '•'•� <br /> A. Ttuatox shall keep the Proporty ineuted agninst loss by fae.theft and other hnzards and dsks reasonabiy associated � =�`;�. <br /> ' with the Property due w itstyp aad lacation.Other barsrds and rusks may lnclude,for exa�nple,coverage ageinat ``��'�°�' <br /> � � loss due to floada or floodiag. 'YUis inssurance shall be muintained in t�e aznouats sud for the doda Wat �4' <br /> Ib P� :,.'�:,-,, <br /> � AeneRcinry re�uims. The insurance carrier pmvlding the insurance shall be chosen by 'Irustor uubject to :',t;��:_'- <br /> � Beneficiary's approval, which shull aot be unreasonebly withheld. If Truntor faUs to maintain tbe coverage :: ��ri.��; <br /> ., . _ ? deacrlbed atwve. Beaeficlary may, at BeneRclary's opdon,obt�ia coverage to protect Benetftciary's rlghts in We �;}z;�� <br /> ,. Property according to the terms of this Deed of Trust. <br /> .. „ �;;��;��� <br /> � All insurauca policies and renewals shell be ac.ceptable to Beneftciary end shel! include a atendard mortgage �+�`� <br /> � clause" aad, whem appliutble. "bcneficlary loss psyee clause." Trustor shall iiamediately nodfy Beneficlary of �.4?��,� <br /> �� " ��° , caacellatloa or teetaination of thB insurance. Aeaeflciary shall have the right to hold the policies aad renewals. If <br /> ��_ <br /> •� � � Beneficiaryrequires. Ttustor shall immediately give to Beneficiary all receipts of ps�id premtunns aad renewal �''=•""�"' <br /> ��,=_- <br /> , aodces. Upon loss,Tcuawr ahall�lve immediate notice to the lasuraace carder and BeneRciary. Beneficiary may � �•i= <br /> make prnof uf loss if not made immediately by Ttustor. � ' '��'" <br /> �n,;�.: <br /> � ' Unless B$neficiary and Tn�stor otherwise agree ia writing, insurance proceedn shatl be applied to restoradon or ---_ <br /> _ '�� - zcpair af t2se Ps�agecri;slsmageQ}g•�r restoretlon or mp�fi•la�rnnomically feasib�e and Beneficien+'s security is not . <br /> 1, lessened. If the restoratioa or rPpair is aot econottricaUy fsavible or HeneficIury s securtty would be Ic�sened. the _.._. <br /> '�'"� � inaurance pmcee�is shall be lied to We Secnred Debt,whether or aot then due.with�ay eaoess paid to Tsuator. <br /> �,�::,;,��.: ' ePP �"_` <br /> . ��...;.�:r, <br /> :�. a If Tiustor aban@ons the Property.or dces not answer within 30 days a nodce from Beceflciary that e siu�ance <br /> ,�;t'';,�r � carrIer has offerecl ta settle o claim, then BeneRclary may coUect the iasurance praxeds.Beaeflciary may use the <br /> � };" pm¢eeds to npair or restore the Property or ta pay the Secured Debt whether or not then dus.'17ie 30�day pertod <br /> � , �, wW begla whea the notice is givea. <br /> ,},, � Unless Beneficiary aad Tmawr otherwlse agrce iu writing.auy applicadon of proceeds W prlac�pal ehsll not extead �— <br /> f�, or postpone the due date of achedvled payments or chnnge the amount of the payments. If the Property is acquired <br /> :";',',��f.• '� by Beneflclary. Tivator's right to any insuraace polictes and proceeds resutting frem damage to the Property beforo "; <br /> �• the acquisition shall pass to Heaeficiary to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately befom the a�quisidon. � <br /> ' B. Tcustor agrces to maintuia coinprehenaivo general liability insurance na�aing Eenefietary as an additionat insured in <br /> � aa aanount aaeptable to Beneficiery,Wsuring againsc claim9 arlsing ftom eny accident or occurrence itt or oa the — <br /> '^�' °. Property. <br /> ;i;`t:'. <br /> :���{. C. Tmstor agc�eea to maiatain reatal loss or business iatercuption iasuranee. as required by Benefteiary,in�n amount <br /> , equal to at least coverage of oae year's debt servtce,and required escrow t�cccount deposite(if a�eed to separately _ <br /> , ia writing),under a form of policy acceptable to Beneficiary. <br /> � _ __ <br /> 22.NO ESCRO�'V FUR TAXES ANTt YNS4JItANCE. Ualess�therwtae provided in a separate agree�nent.Tn�stor wW aot <br /> be required to pay to Beneficiary ti�nds for taxes and insurance ln escrow. °-- - <br /> ` 23.TINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDT!'IONAL DOC[1MENT3.Trustor will pmvide to Beneflciary upon request� any �-=- - <br />-- � finanClal stateraent or infonnatton Benefiaiary may deem nccessary. Tn�stor wareanta that all Rnanctsl statements and <br /> � � infom�adon 'frustor pmvides w Beaeflciary are, or will be, aocurate, cornact. and completa. Teust,or agi+ces to sign� <br /> ---- <br /> . <br /> lIC1tVC[. smd fde :.�Sezcli�lary zuay iea.conahly r.qttc;,t aay :si�tinann! da�umeats or certifica3�ns thAt 9?aeflciary may � <br /> ,�%,,E�> k: consider neceseary to perfect,continue,and presetve Trustor's obligatlons uader this Aeed of Ttust and�eneficiary's Ifea �:� ;; <br /> , � status on the Property Ii Tivstor fails to do so,Benefioisry may sign.deliver, end flle such documents or certificates in ��R:��-° <br /> ':;-'is�'� . ', TNStor's aame aad'I'm�ator hereby irrevocably appoints Beaeficiary or Beneflciary's agent ns attomey in fact te do the �`;;�r°�-.- <br /> � things nece.ssary to comply with this sectton. �':;:�;..:,� <br /> , .�-�_._. <br /> 24.JOIT�IT'AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILII'Y;CO-SIGNERS; SUCCFSSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties uader �'''�::���� <br /> •.,��;tFr_ <br /> •�'��� �• � tLis Deed of'1`�vst are joint and iadlvidual. If Tcustor signa this Deed of Tnist but does not sign the Evidence of Debt, : ,,,_ <br /> ��''� Tcustor does so only to mortgage Trustor'§interest in ihe Property to secure ayment of the Secured Debt and Trustor '�•� ����`��> <br /> P �'��.4,:;;::__: <br /> does not agree to be gersonelty liablQ on the Secured Debt.Trustor agc+eea thut BeneRciary and aqy party to Wis Deed of "� .���;;�;r�c <br /> � Tmst may eMeud, modify or make any change in the terms of t�s DPed of Tmst or the Bvtdenoe of Debt wtthout : ,. • <br /> Trustor's��sent.S�cL o chenge wlll��4�elease Tn�stor from the terrr,s of this Deed of Tnr.sY.'Yiixx duttes nnd beaeRta of <br /> this Deed of Trwt shNl bind ead beneSt the suocessora end essigns nf'frustor aud IHeaeficinry. ,_.__. <br /> - --- sca.a_n.�a..c�n.....Y.....,..� .s.....i.o....m.,t�..u,���o�s�,.�Tn�crnr an�i dnea nni direr2lv secut+e the obIiBation w111Ch <br /> -_=----z_--- u usao vMw.v. ....w ow...w o p»'.°r.w.� .......�.»..�..�_.��, -- ------ -- -- - - - . „ <br /> is guarantfed.Tn�ator agrces to watve any dghte that may prevent Beneficiary from brfngin�ffiy scdon or cleim against <br /> Ttustor or any party indebted under the obligetion iacludWg.but aot limited to.anti-deficiatcy or oae-actton laws. � <br /> . � 2S.APF'LICADLE LAW; S�VERABII.ITY; INTERPRLTA7TON. This Dced of Trust ia governed b the lawa of We � <br /> , . ° jurisdicdon in which Beaeflciery ie located,excxpt to the eacteat othenvise requirEd by the lawe of the�uds�iction where <br /> the Property is located.'[ttis Deed nf Tmst is wmplete aad fiilly iategrated.This D�d of Tiust may not be amended or <br /> modified by orat agreement. Any section or clause ln Wis Dced of Tn�st, anachtaents, or aay agceemeat rel�ted to the . <br /> . Secured Debt that contltcts with uppltcable 1nw will not be effective. unless that law expr�.ssly or impliedly petmits ttte <br /> vario.tlons by written agrcement. If any section or ciause of this Doed of Tiust caaaot be enfotcod acoording to its tettns, <br /> " , thut section or clause witl be severed and will not affect the eaforceabiliry of the mmainder of th{s Deed of Ttust. ° <br /> Whenever used,the eingular shall include the plw�al and the pltsral the sinIIuiar. 'ilie cu�tions und headings of die secdons , <br /> oi this Aced of Tcuse�re for canvenience only and are not to be used to iaterpmt or define the tem�s of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Ticne is of the essence in this Deed of Trust. . peBO c oi s <br /> ' , � .. 4jj-_ , <br /> O�083 BWm SWtana.�nc.St.Cioud.MN it•p00��p)�=3411 fum A(ilCO OT�NE t0i10N� r��y._ <br /> . i. ' , <br />