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i <br /> �, � . .. . . __ ., <br /> 9�- ������ . � <br /> .. C <br /> At the op�lon of Benef:ciary, all ar aay part of the agreed fees aad charges.accrued interest nnd pdncipnl aht�ll becomt a <br /> ' �mmediately due and payable,after giving notice if required by law,upon th�occurrenae of a default or rutytime thercafter. <br /> � In fsddittan,�eaeflciary shall be entided to all the remedies provided by law,the Evldencc of Acbt,other evidences of debt, .. <br /> this Deed of Ttuet and eny related docurncnts including wlthout limitatiaa,the power to sell the Property. ., <br /> if then ie a default,Trustee sh�ll,in additton to any oWer permitted the�request of the Beneticiary,udvertise nad <br /> sell the Broperty as u whole or In separate parcels ut pubtic suction to the highest bidder for cash and convey absolute title '_-.:,,,� <br /> free and ciear of all d�ht,title and Interest of Trusror at such time and placo as Truatee deaignates.Truatee ahall give nodce . <br /> -� of salc including the time.terms and place of sale and a descdption of the property w bc sold ea required by the applicuble „ <br /> law in effxt at the time of the proposed sa1e. ° . <br /> Upoa sale of the pmgerty and to the exteat aot probibited by luw.Tructce shall make and deliver a deed to the PropeRy sold . -�: ,��., <br /> . , which caaveys absolute ttde to the purchaser, and aRer flrst paying all fees,charges and casta, shaU pay to Beneflciary alt ; .r.,..F__ <br /> ptptleys advaneed for repairs� taaes, insutance, l9ens, assessments and prior encumbrances and tnterest thermn,and the .,,�k..,,.f._„ <br /> . pdncipal enr3 laterest on ihe Securect Debt, paying the sutplus, if any,to Trustor.Beneficlary may purchase che Propeny. ; ,�.� y_ <br /> . The recttals in aay de�ed of conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. �r•=- <br /> • ,. pll remedies ara distlnct, cwmulative aad aot eacluslve�and the Beaeflciary is endded to all remediea provlded at Iaw or ' i��;:'•rJ- <br /> equity, tvhet6er eapt+esr+ly set forth or not.'!he ecceptance by Beneficiary of any sum in payment or partial payrttent on the , �_�;_�. <br /> Secured Debt after the balance is due or 9a accelerated or aRer foreclosure proc,eedings are filed shalt not conscitute a waiver �:',y;L <br /> � of Beneficiary's rEght to require full und w�nplete cure of any e�cisdng default. By not exercising aay remedy on Tcuswr's ____ <br /> � �''' default. Ben�Bciary does nat waive Benaficfsry's right to later consider Ihe event a default if dt contlnues or happeas agein. � , <br /> .: • <br /> �}��°�''`' � u Ig,Ey�pE1�SE5�AIJVANC�S ON COVENAIVT3;ATTORNEYS'FEES;COLLEC7'ION COSTS.Except when prohibited ;:?c!";,r` <br /> ���� A : �,y,�, by law. 7tuswr agrees to pay all of H�neflciary's eapensea if Truator breaches any coveaant ia thie Deed of Trust.T:uator �.�'�- <br /> will also pay on�temand a11 of Beneficiary's expeasea incurred in collectiag.iasuring, Prese�ving or protectlug the Property -.-=�*�': <br /> or in eny iaveatories,audits. inspectlons or other exsrnlnation by Heneficiary in respect to the Properry.Tnutor agc+ee.v co ,r'"'' <br /> -�:;, '�r� pay all cost�aad expenses incurred by Beneticiary ia enforciag or protecting BeneHciary's dghts and reun�dies under this �:�::�_:: <br /> ` � ' .. ' Deed ogTtust,inicludiug,but not limited to.attorneys'feea.court costs,and other legol e�cpenses.Oace the Sectu+ed Debt ie �)r:,�k;�.� <br /> ' �` ' fully aad tinally paid,Beneficiary a�s to release this Deod of Trust aad'TcusLOr ugs�a to pay for auy r�cordatton costs. .�,��, <br /> `! r Alt suc�amounts are due an demand and will beat interest from the ti�ac of the advfutce at the higheat rate 1n e€fect. from t,::`_�: <br /> .r dme w dme,as pmvided ia the L�videace of Debt ancl as permitted by law. �y <br /> G�« .. <br /> ..�..�, 1 9.E P W I I aONN�NTAE.E.AW3 AND HAZARDO�IS SUBSTANCFS. AB USCd III tt1I8 60Ct10A. (1) "Enviionmentai Law" ��r,'.'_ <br /> i�`,;�:' . means, without llmitatlon, the Comprehensive Bnvirontaental Response. Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA,4 2 ___ <br /> :'';�'';�� • U.S.C. 9601 et seq.).all other federal.state and IocN laws.regulutions,ordinances,court orders,attomey general opinions _°— <br /> �,.�,,... .• <br /> �;�,�.,', �; or late�pretivo letters coacerning the public health, eafery, welfare, envlmament ar a h�.ardous substance; aud (2) -__-- <br /> r�''}< Ilutant or contaminant whicb hps � <br /> ,,`:,.�" ••,`�.�,' "Hazar�dous Substence" means eay to�cic� radioactive or hazatdous matedal� wasus. Po �.: <br /> •,:..;��c.{., k�,l�'' <br /> ";,;.:�;,_� characte�istics which render the substsace dangemus or potendelly dengemue to the public health. safety, we are oM �",y,. <br /> � "• ' environment.The term includes, wtthout li�nitc+tion. eny substeacea defined as hazardous aaaterlal� toxic substancea. �;:_ _ <br /> •;���; • =__- <br /> ' ' '�".. "hazardoua wt�ce"or"hazardoua aubstance" under eay Enviroivaental represents.warrants aad agrees thn+t. <br /> , '� �;'; except as prevlously disclosed and ncknowlectged ia wrIttng: � Y_� <br /> A. No Hezatdous Substance hes been,is.or wlll be lacated,trnnsPorted,mauufactured�ueated.reflaed�or handled by <br /> � �� �` aaY person on,under or about ttte Property,eacept in the ondiaary coucse of busines.c and in strlct compliance with = <br /> �;::>,° �' dl applicable Enviroamental Law. ___— <br /> •:;��_� .,*- B. 'lluswr has aot aad wW not cause.contribute to,or pemnit the release of any Ha�ardoua�bstence un the Pcoperty. _ _-- <br />'`<''' �:�.;�, C. Tnistor wUl iran�ecliately nodfy Beneficiury if(1)a release or threatened release of Hazardous Substauce acurs on� _ __. _ <br /> , ;�yt�� uucl�r or about the Progerty or mi$rates or threatens w a�slgrate from nearby pmperty;or(2)there la a violation of _ <br /> � � .� �ny Bnvironmental concerning the I+roperty.In suab pn event,Tcuator wIIU take�li neceseary remedial aetion in _ <br /> ;`.�.: axoideuce wit6 Euvironmental Law. �: <br /> -�:t'� . �, D. 7tustor has no knowledge of or resisoa to beiteve there is any pentling or threateaed invesd�adon. claim, or ��°_' <br /> y;,. proceeding of aay kiad relatiag to(1)eny'�Iazardous Substance located on,uuder or about the Property;or(2)any _"- <br /> _ vloladon by Tcuator or any tenant of any Environmental L�aw•'fruetor will imumediately not#fy Beneficiary in wtiting _ <br /> ��.� �. a�sooa as Tzustor has reason to belteve these is aay su,2i pending or thc�eatened investigation.claim,or p�ooeeding. �_-_-.-- <br /> _..� .=-- In such an event.Er.u�tictary h�tLc rEg;st,bu:aot the o*!4; pnrticlpate in any sucb pr�ceedin�iaicluding the o,�,,, <br />-j����; � "�W `• .� dght to receive oopies of eny documents ielati�to such pm�eedings. �--_�--: <br /> -r � c.��.,-,�,�.. <br /> • E. Tntstor and ev�ry tenant have been�xrre and shall rernain in fWi com�lis►nce with anY aPPlicnble Enviroumental Law. �,;�.,-,��- <br /> e <br /> ' � F. 7hhere are no underground storage tanks.private dwnps or open we11s located on or under the Pmperty and no such �r:�,.i:v,;_�_4- <br /> �`, tank.dump or well will be added ualess Beneficiary fi�st oonsenta ia wrtting. �„�_„A�, <br /> ;m-�-_ <br /> � ti. 7rusror wiil regularly in�s�t the Property, monitor the aativldes and operationa on the Property. and contlrm that '�`�r � k•,: <br /> ��+' •.z: <br /> � � all permita.licenses or approvais reQuired by anY appliaable Bavironmeatai Law arP obtaiaed aad complied with. %;���; �:,, <br /> H. Trustor wi1Il germit. or cause any tenaat to permit, Beneficiary or�aeneRclary s egent to�ntea end i a s�sect the ;;;f;;{�•��+,.. <br /> � PropertY aad review all records at any rtt�s�rnsble tlme to detera�ine(II)the existence, locatiun amd nature of any ;;,;�,�•,.?•;�:- <br /> tti <br /> � " Haa.ardaus Substance on. under or about the Property; (2) the existeaoe,locatiaa, nature� uud anagaitude of aoy <br /> � H�aerdoua Substance that has beea mieased�n,under�s about the Property: or(3)w�ether or not Tcustar�ad nny ., <br /> , tenant are ia compliance with appltcable Bnv[ronncenta�ILaw. <br /> � L I1pon Beneficiary's request and at any time. Tmswr agrees+ ac 'TeUStor's enpease. to engage a qualifted �„ <br /> , .. <br /> . ., ' enviranmenu►i engineer w pcepure an environmentai audit of the Pcoperty ead to submit the resulu of snch audit to _ __ <br /> - -- --- --�--� _.i�� ��6�.. .....l. eu.tis ie m�l�ian! M iZoaw4�rinnJ�u <br /> -` . - Bl.'II0ftC1�1. �lII@ CGOI� OI fAC CIIV1IUnmcIIiOi cugtua•t ..uv ..wa y�.s�v.... o.... ....... .. ._�� .. _��� _ <br /> 8S1�i0VAl. <br /> � � J. Beaeflciary has the dght. but not the obli�adon, to perforn� any of 'frustor's obligadoas uuder this se+etion at <br /> Trusror's eapense. <br /> K. As a consequeace of any breach of any representation, warranry or pmmtse made in Wis sectioa,(1) 7'n►stor will <br /> ', indemnify t3nd hold BeneSciery end Benefictary's sucoessors or assigas haradess from aud agaiast dt losses. claims. <br /> demartda,lic►bilitiea. damages.cteanup. msponae and remediation oosts,penaldes attd expens�s� lncluding without <br /> � itmitation n11 costs of Iitigation nnd attnmeys' fees,whiru BeaeSciury and Benet�ciary's sucoessors or assigas miay <br /> � austnin; and (2) at Bsmeflciary's dtscretlon. Heneficiary may release th{s Dc�ed of Tcust ead in retura ltustor wiil <br /> � ' . provide Beneficinry with collateral of at least equal value to the Pmperty secured by this Dced of'I'tust wtthout <br /> prejudice to uny of Beneficiury's dghUS under tbis Deed of Trust. . <br /> � �,_ pago a ol e <br /> m tf93 Ou►a*s 6rctam�,tnc,Sc Ctoud,MH It•GOG�B7•214t1 fatm AO/CO Ot•N! 10/]0r81 V��/ .��_ <br /> ✓ . �. <br /> �.-. ..._ _ L_"_."" . _... __ �^-_""'" _ __.."'-'_... __�. _. __ _. ._. _ ___. .. <br /> . ..__. _ ..�----•-••- ._ <br />