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„+, . . : <br /> , . . ” :. .` ` ..�-� � � <br /> ,. „ ... . _ ... .. ... ..._ . _' . .. ..,, .. k .... <br /> � . - 99°�o�z�� . <br /> L. NotwiWsttutding eny of the lanpun�e contained in this Deed of Tn�st to the contrary.the tem�s of this seaioa ahall � <br /> � , disposidonyby Beneiiciary oftany�r all of the PropeeryTAny claims aad defensesa to tBhe con�trary arc hereby waived. ; <br /> • 20.CONIDENIPIA'PION. Truscor will give F�aue�'iciery prorapt notice of any action, rral or threarened by pdvate or public _ <br /> ��{uea to purchese oi take aay or all of tha Property. including any easccn�nts�through condemnat�on,emineat douiain, X��.` <br /> . or any other meHna."Tiustor furthec'agreea to nodYy Hencficiary of aay proceedings instituted for�establist�me�f��i <br /> ma <br /> •� • sewer, water.conservation,ditch, draittaIIa,�r other disuict relatlns to or binding upon thc Pro rty or ar�y p <br /> " � Truscor authorizes Beneficlary to intervane in Tcustor's nemc in any of the above described acdons or claiias and co coltect � <br /> and receivs all au��'r�9u1tlng�°�tl�e actian oc cls�lm. Trustor assigns to Bencficiary the proceeds of any award or claim � <br /> for damages conne¢teti,wittkl"a�ti°°daalAi141bn�Arother taking of all or any part of the Property. Such proceeds shall bc _�4 _. <br /> �:;:�;� � coasidered paymen{s atid'yt�ll be`�.apiied•"as pYOVided In this Deed of Trust. 'Iliis assignment of proceeds is subject co the ',,, <br /> ;'i;:r. . tem�s of any pdar secu dty agreement. �•;;!;��;:; <br /> 7:r���;,; "(i'ti�� <br /> •`� .�'��?" Zl.INS[TRAATCE.Trustor agrees to muiatain insa.rance as followa: •r�,,;,:: <br /> ' is�sum�a wiast losa by fire,thefl and other hazards and riaks reasonabiy associated '�M1t�i°=r� <br /> . �.�:%,�.;.i.,,;,. "��`��''- <br /> r,�., A. Ttustor s6a11 kcep the ProP�Y @ g`:..,,.;;,: <br /> �- �'��'��:��,ti+'�, wlthh the Property due ta its rype t�nd ioca�.un.Other ha2c+rds ssnd ruska may include,for example,coverege agalnet _ <br /> � n <br /> ..��•.,•, ;,r.;',��'viC�� — <br /> ;,��:�:::;�;;�a, • losa due to floods or flooding. 'I�fs lnmtr.�uce ahall be maintained ia the amount$ and for the petiods at _ ._ <br />-`,:'•'•;:`._'":�::;` ''y` Heneficiary requirea. Tha insurance cera�ec providing the lnsvrance ehall be chosen by 1'r�nt�t eubject to ,� <br /> ' ° ::t;'.�}'�,���� Beneflclary's apProval, whic6 shall aot be unreasoaably wit6hetd. tf Trustor fai{s to rnaiataia the cover2ge ,-.;y <br /> ,:��!;` � descdbed above, Beaeficisry roay�at Bsnsf�iury's option, obtaia coverage to protect Benafictary's d@hts in tt►e :r.�,_�•<' <br /> . progerty according to the terms of thfa Daed of 1'rust. ``°-,s:' <br /> . � f; _�-- <br /> , ;. All insurance pollctes and reuawele shuli b� accepcable to Beneficiary and shall include a standard"moct8aSe �:'" ' <br /> clause" aad. where applicablo, "benafialory losa payee clause.' Truetor sl►al� immedintcly notify Bcnefictnry of `�-::,,-,. <br /> :�c <br /> ��' � can�eUation or terminatioa of ths lnauranae.Beneflciary eball buve the dght to hold the policies and mnewals. It __, <br /> B:n�ficSary requires� Truator ahall i�tunediately give to Beneflciary ell rceeipts of puid premiumr�enc! rencwnl ' ',�„,.; <br /> �.4i i.'�''_ <br /> �' � noticea. Upon loss,Tcueror s6a11 plva lrnmediate nodce to the iaew�ance c,nrrier und HcneBciary.Beneficlury mny -. � <br /> muMe proof of lose if not mAda innmcdintcly by Truator. __��`°-' <br /> ,�,�• Unt�ss Beneficiary and Truator otlwrwius agree in wdtiag. iasuranre proceede ehall be opptied to restoratton or ____ <br /> �, �,�aP�,pm�K��ag�;s�.ho reaoratlon or repair ia ecoaomicalty feasibie aad Beneficiary's secu:ity ie aot <br /> •� lessenQd.If the restoradoa or repalr ia not economically feasible or Beneficlary`a s�curicy woutd t,�I�scs�. s�c <br /> .,:. insurauce proceeds shall be applied t�tl�a 5ecured Debt,whether or not then due.wtth anY eacess patd to Tcuator. <br /> „ � If Trustor abandons the P�pecty,or daes urnt anawer withia 30 days a nodce fmra Beneficlary that the inaurance <br /> carrIer has offered to settle a claim� ehon Baaeficiary may collect the iasurauce proceeds•Benefiotary niay use the <br /> � praseeds to repair or n�ewre tha PmPartY a��PaY��S��Debt whether or not thea due.11ie 3aduy pertod <br /> :, � will begin when the nodce ie glven. <br /> � . lication of roceeds to rineipal shdl�ot excend <br /> ,.. � Unless genefioiary ead Tn�ator othorwL9a ngcee ic►wrltinB,�Y�PP P <br /> ,;.'t;,:., or postpone the due date of achESduled paymcnts or change the amounc of the pa ata. I the Progerry is acquired -_ <br /> sd <br /> by Beneficiary,Ttustar's right to angl�nenrance Rolicies aad pmceeds resuldn8 m damage t°the Pn erq'befoc$ <br /> h <br /> the acquisition shell pass to�anefiai►iry to the extent of the Secured Debt iuu�siediately before the acqul tian. -- <br /> B. Trustor agrces to w�iatain comPr:heaslve general liabiliry insur�►ce nemit►g Beneficiary as an additionat insured in <br />: �,;,.:!^::;;,. • an amount ecceptabie to B�nofcainry.insurlag against claims adsiag from any accident or occurreace fa or on the <br /> ., i,+.,:,:;r•.:,�': '• P[OFErtY• — <br /> . ... .,I;s�.;;i{.`i'%: ', <br /> ;`';.,;;;.;;'`. , C. Trustor egrees to maintnin matz;lloss or business�ntenuption inaurance. as rec�ui:ed by BeneBciargr�ln An amoun <br /> � .,j� ,r; equal to at least wvciage of o�e year s debt service, and tequired eacrow accouat deposits(if agroed ta sepsirately -- <br /> �,�,. ' <br /> �;,• ta wricing)�under a form of policy ncceptable to Beneficiary. <br /> ,��,ti,� —.. <br /> ;,;;;.,c„ .; . 2Z.TIO ESCROW FOR TA7b�fa?dlD I1�iSURANIC�. Untess otberwise provided ia a sepazate ugreement�'Itustor wlll not i <br /> ,�. �' . "' :� be r e q u i r e d to pay to Beneficiary i'4wde for taxes aad 1nsurauce ia cxcrow. — <br /> �.��(CTpr,REppRTS pTiD AD�DITfONAI.DOCUMENTS. 7'custor wlll provide to BeneSctury upou reque�t► �Y <br /> r�"'' �� fwaucial statc7nent or lnfom�edoa�eneflciary may deem necessary. 'TcusWr warrants that aU financtal statemente and _._ <br /> . t,,,� ", � information Trustor provides to Beneficiary are, or will be, ascurate� correct, ead wmplete. Trustor agrees w sign. -- <br /> - --- deliver, aad t31e � Ben:�cla�y r_+.ey rnwu►nnhly rec�uest sny additionel doctuttents ot'certificadons thct BeQeficlety maY <br /> � ` oonsider nec,�ws3ry to pede�¢,cantinu�x,and pieserve Truswt'e obligations undet ttu�Deed of'Truat uud L�enefic�arYts iicn _ _ <br /> �z q status oa the Ptoperty.If Ttuetar fellr�w do so.Bene�iciary maY sign,deliver.and ftle such documente or cestiftcates in w`�` <br /> ' '- Trustor's name and Tmaton c�reby ir;cwocablY ePFointa�eneflciary or Heneficiary's agent as attorney in tact to do the ��,;; <br /> .: `' � th{ags necessary W comply widi dde s¢�c6nn, `""�=� <br /> �i:' <br /> .r-;, <br /> , , � ?A.JOIIVT AND 1NDIVIDUAL LI�#BDII..ITY;CO-SIQiNEIi$; SUCCL+SSARS AidDD AS3IGN8 BOUND. All dudes under ..:,;. <br /> � this Dced of Trust at+e}oint and indtvlduQl.if Truator signs this Dced sf��spa u�t dnt of the S�ecured DeDt aaG'I'ruestor <br /> " � Tcustor does so only to mortBaga Truaor's intereat ia the Property a�e Deed of <br /> �" does not agree to be personally liabtes an thc Secured Debt. Tmstor agrces that Beneflciary sud any party <br /> �> � ; � Trust may extend, modit�r or mnke anY chnnge in the terms of thia Deed of Ttust or the Evideace of Debt without <br /> mnk <br /> ��� Trustor's consent. Such a channa wlll not release Tcuetor from the tetias of this Deed of Tivst.771e duties and benefits of <br /> � �� . this Deed of Trust shNl bind and beneRt the successors and assigna of Truswr nnd Beneflcfary. � <br /> . "- ' '-� �._,.__�_��._...r........s....a.o..w�e�+iah+Reneflciarv and Ttustor sud does not dimetly stx:ute the obllgadotl whiCh <br /> - -__-- -___— ii iu►o�ca+v� ,...o.�.....o»a.._�.,---°------ - <br /> � ia guarantied.Truetor agresea to waive any rlgbts that may preveut Beneliciary fcam brIngmg aay accion or ciaim ag+,�o► <br /> ; Truator or any party indebtcd under thc obligation including,but not limited to.eati-deflciency or one-action lawe. <br />- �.�;,�;; ?..5.MPLICABLE LAF'Yt ����a�;���TATION.'I1iis Deed of Trust is governed by the laws of the <br /> ;i�='f jurisdictioa in which lBenefictary Is located,eACept to We extent othervvise required by the luws of the jurisdiction where <br />-� ;t%:iit• the Froperry ia lactued.Ttils Dc�d of Trust is wmplete and fu11y integrated. This Dced of Tcust may n�t be amended or <br /> c <br /> = '���: modified by oral a$reement. Any sectioa or dause in thin Deed ot Trust,attachments. or any egreement celated to e . <br /> Secured Debt that confliata wieh appltcable law will not be effective, unleas that law expressly or impliedly permits the . <br /> � :.�'1;�,'., varlaHona by written ngreement. lf any section or clause of this Deed of'hust cannot be eaforced according to its tera�s, : <br /> '; � ��� ;�{��� thai section or olause will be severed and wi11 not affect the enforc.e�biliry of the remainder of this Aeed of Trust. <br /> ��`'"'�'�� Whenever used,the singuiaz shuli inalude the plural and the pinral the singuiar.The capdons and headinga of the sections <br /> .;��,,..,;.. <br /> ' �••.:�.;�'��. of this Deed of Trust are for convenience onty and are not to be used to interpret or deflne the terms of thia Deed of'IYust. <br /> '�° � Ttme is of the essence in thls Deed of Trust. ' ' <br /> �`;;;:.:.,. �:a L� ..h��u va so v• <br /> . � m 199�0onkore 5yttome,ine.,Gt.C1ad.MN(t�800-39)43411 form A6rC0•D7NG 10�0/87 --f-=•��-- � <br />