<br /> 9�����'��� �� �
<br /> ..
<br /> At the option of 8enefi�Iary, all or any part of the agre�ed fees and chargea, eccrued tnterest and princip�l ahall lsecome "
<br /> immediately due and payable,after giving notice!f required by law, upon the occurrence ot a default or anytime thereafter.
<br /> In uddition.Beneflciary ehal!be entitled to all the temedies provlded by law,the Evidence of Aebt,other eviden�esof debt. ,
<br /> this Dee�of Trust aad eay rclated documente lncludtng without limitatton.the power to sell the Property. - �
<br /> If there is a default,Truetee shail.ln edditton to any other permitted remody,at the request of the Bencficiary,advettise and •
<br /> sell ttte Property as a whole or in separatc patcels at public auctton to the highest btdder for casb aad convey absolute Qtle -.
<br /> � � free Aad clear uf all rIght,title and interest of Trustor at such tlme and place as Truste�desigaates.Truatee shall �ive nodce -
<br /> - �f sale including the time.tera�s and place of sale and a descrtptioa of the property to be sold as required by the applicable
<br /> " ' ", law ia effect at the tfine of the proposed esle. ' ,
<br /> Upoa eale of the property and to the extent aot prohibited by law.Truatee shall make aad delIver a dced to We Property sold ' � �`�
<br /> which waveys absoIute tide to the purchaser,and aRer firat paying all fees,charges and costs,shall pay to Ben�Bciary all _',� y„ ;,5;=
<br /> moneys advanced for repairs. ta�ces, insurancc, liens, assessments and prior encumbrances aad intereat therean,and the , ,.. ,:�,._._.
<br /> . principal and interest on the Seeured Debt, paying the surplus, if any,to Trustos.Benefictary may purchase th�Propeny. ���:*P�-.
<br /> . The recitals in any deed af conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the faces set forth cherein. .
<br /> . : � };.,, ,,`,,;
<br /> � '�� All remedies are distinct, cumulative and not excluaive, and the Beneficia�y ia endtled to all remedies provided at law or ,,,�y,;,4`.__
<br /> � � equity,whether eapreasly set fosth or nat.The acceptswce by Beneficiary of aay sum ia payiuent or partial payrnent on the ,. ,.
<br /> ���;�:�.,-
<br /> � Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated or after forecloaure procoedings are flled shall not conadtute a wdver ;;t���,,�•,
<br /> of Beneficiary's right to require full and complete cure of any existing default. By aot exercising any rernedy on Trustor s ,;fu;:11
<br /> ..:�,f.�•:
<br /> '' default,Beneficiary does not waive Aeneficiary's d$ht to later conaidar the event a default if it cantinues or bappena a�ain. :'>;f:,r,.
<br /> ' , � �,._
<br /> , by luw,Tn�ator agrees ta pay all of BtineRciary's expenses if Trustor breaches any covenant in this Deed of Trust,Tcuator �'��;+;-.
<br /> n
<br /> ` .' will also poy on demand all of Benefictary's expenses incurred in collecting,iasuring,Preservin�or pmtecting tt�e f'roperty °'"�'�.
<br /> � or in any invenwdes,audits.i:rspections or other exaa�ination by Beneficiary ia respect w the Ptoperty.Truator a�cres to ��
<br /> � '�,, pay all costa ead expenses incurred by Beaeticiary in enfor�lag or protecting BeneRctory's rights and remedles wtder Wis � _
<br /> . . Dee�of'YYuat.ineiuding�but not lirpited to.attomeys'fees,court coste,and other legal exp�nses.Once We Secured Debt ls �,.�.�
<br /> '�; � ti�lly and flnaily paid,Heneticiary agreea to release tbis Dee�af Tcust and Trustor agreea to pay for any recordfl�On wsts. :..:
<br /> • _ -x � All such nnwunts are due on demand and will bear iatereat from the time of the advauce at the highest rate in effect.from
<br /> _
<br /> :: ,. , -
<br /> � dme to dme,as provided in the Bvidence of Debt ead ea pern�ic c e d by aw. _ �
<br /> �• 19.EIWIRONMENTAI. LAWS AND HAZARBOUS SUBSTANCEB. As ueed in thie section. (1) "Envlroamental Law" �°-'_�=
<br /> plenns� wlthout limitsdon. the Compreheusive Environmeatel Response. Compeasadon aad Liabllity Act(CBRCL,A,42 ___
<br /> • U.5.C.9601 et seqJ.all other fadexal�state aztd local lawa.regulatioae�ordiasncea.court ordere,attomey genaxat opintons
<br /> ' ;,. or interpretive lettera concerning the public health. esfety. wetfem. envimament or a hezerdous substance; aad (2) --___
<br /> , "Hezardoua Substance" means any toxic, radiosictive or hazardoue matertal, waats. pollutant or coataminans whtoh has �
<br /> charactertstics whieh render the substeace dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, wo�fate or �
<br /> ` envDronment. The term includes. without limitation. any substances deflned as "hazardoua material," "toxic subsIIance�.° �-
<br /> "hazardous waste" or"hazardous aubstaace"under aay Bavironntental Law.Truator representa� werreuts and agre�s that, ���
<br /> „� �. e�ccept as previously dtsclosed aad ackaowledged in wrItWg: �`-"-'"`�
<br /> .°� A. No Hazardoua Substance has been� is,or will be located,transported.manufacnued.aeated. refined,or 6aadled by =— -
<br /> �: any person on.under or about the Propercy.except in the ordinary course of busiaess and in aMct compUanoe wiW ---_—�
<br /> a,. all appltcable Environmentel 1-aw.
<br /> � B, Tivscor has not ancl will not cause,contribute to,or pennit the release of any Hazardous Substance on the Piope�ty. +,•<«;__
<br /> �..
<br /> .. ., �
<br /> �' �
<br /> � C. Truetor wlll immedlately ao�fy�g�eft�clacY ithn�tens ta�migrate fro neatby property�,�or�(2)t here ie�a oln aa of `
<br /> � � under or about the Pmperty :,,` --.
<br /> ,. any Bavironmenuil Law conceralaII the Propertv. Ja such an event.Trustor will take all neceseary remedial ectloa in a'-= - -
<br /> ;��?;:., � 4� eccordance wlth Fnvironmental Law. :-'.--_=
<br /> '�:+'`;�� � D. Truawr has no knowledge of or reason co believe there ie any penciittg or threatened investigadon,cl�im, or �.�..�v
<br /> , ��.%'": P��S of aay Idnd mlating w(1)any Ha7ardous Substance locnted on,nader or about the Propeity;or (1�anY t;:�:-
<br /> ,, �.�t,_'•�:,'� violation by Truator or aay tenant of any Bnvironmentet Law.Trnator will�iately aotify BeneRcituy in wtltis�$ -•.=
<br /> '{�`, `��.
<br /> �l �. es soon as Tcustor has reason to betieve Were is aay such pendiag or threateaed invesdgatlon.claim,or proeeafiag. ��_��
<br /> � �• ': � In such an eveut,Beneflc[ary has the right,but aot the obligation.to particfpate in aay such pmceeding includ9ng the -�,Re„�
<br /> w n � mrpe�ti nos. �
<br /> --- ";;, • ng6c ca rexxive c�pleE af azty cla.�a:sacnt�rela�inb to sn_�p .
<br /> `f ' '. = 8. Tivstor and every tenent have bcen,are end shall remnin in fuli c�vmpliance with a�►Y apYlicuLEe E►�vlronmeatai Law. �— _
<br /> • { F. 'Ihere are no underground atorage tanks.private dumps or opea welis located on or uader the Property and no auch � `.�'����t�:�:-_
<br /> ' � tanit,dwnp or well will be added unlesa Beneftctary flret wnscnts iu writiag. � �--`'�
<br /> :V:..r--_�„
<br /> • (i. Trustor will regulariy iaspect the Property, moniwr the activities and operutions on the Property,and caafitm that ::'� �.:�-�
<br /> t all pennits.licensea or approvals required by any applicable Environmental Law are obtained and complied wiil►. "��,..
<br /> � x:�..:.
<br /> d H. Trustor wiU permit, or cause aay tenaat to permit� Beneficiary or Bcneflciary's agent to enter aad Ins&►at the
<br /> Property and review all rerorde at anY reesonable time to dMermine(1)the exlatence� location and naturo of�ny ;�:;--'
<br /> � Haxardous Substence on, uadcr or about the Property; (2)the e�stence, location� nature. ond magaitudo of any , '��:_�:-
<br /> ' � HazardouR S�bstence that has been released on,under or abaut the Pcoperty;or(3)whether or not Truaor and aay . , =v��=�`'
<br /> � � tenant nre in complfance with applicable Envtmnmencat Law. «:
<br /> � I. Upaa Beneficiary's request and at any time. 7'ruetor agrees, at Tcustor's eapense. to engege a qualifled ' :
<br /> • environmentni engineer to prepare an eavironmen t a l su d it o f t he P r o p e rty an d t o s u b m i t t h e results of such audit to - � '
<br /> _.. .
<br /> ;,----__- --- . . � '..- ---.:�.._._...a �....i..m. .o1u. �uill mefnm� aurh n�td{t 1A Auf1�e1`2 tD HPDEl�C18TY 8 E __�
<br /> T_-- �senenciary. tne cnoicx oi u�o ��..a..,.��.....d .,..8....... ...w
<br /> .. r""•� '� �-- -- -� . - - _.
<br /> Hpp[OVeI. �
<br /> � ' . J. Beneficiary has the rtght, but not the obltgation, to perform any of Tcuator's obligations wtder thle sectlon at
<br /> Tn�stor's expense. �
<br /> K. As a oonsequettce nf an brrach of aa re resentadon, warranty ox p.�otaise made in this section,(1)'IYuawr will ���'
<br /> .,Is Y Y P +';d'i
<br /> indemNfy and hold Beneficiary and Beneflciary's succesaors or asnlans hacmless from and against all loues.claims, ,,,�;. ��
<br /> . ������" demands. liabilides,damages,cleanup, responae and remediation costs,penalties and expenses, includln� witixout
<br /> limitndon ail costs of ittigation aud attomeys'fees,which Beaeficiary aud Beaeficiury's succeseora or asai�ns rnay ;� .
<br /> sustain; and (2) at BenetIclary's dlscretion, Beneficiary may release tlaia Dced of Trust and in retum Trusror wl11 �:;;.
<br /> prov3de Beneflciary with collaterat of at least equal value to the Properry secured by this Deed of Tast wtthout t?��; ,.
<br /> . � prejudtce to any of Beneficiary's rights umier this Deed of Tcust. :��?� •
<br /> . :�;'51;1 ` � vogoaol6 . .
<br /> ' � � •m 198�Bnntan 6rttame.M+e.,St.Clova.MN It•800397•43411 form AO/GO�OT•NE tOBO/87 ' �,.� �
<br /> . S
<br /> ,.. _�._...t_.A.,__. ..---
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