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� ��-_.��: ,�� ._ .� • . .'-�" ' ,i�.M'. . <br /> ,—'� ' � _ ... _ . .�_._. <br /> : <br /> '� _ <br /> , �� . � • � _ . ---- — ------� ------- ---__._ . . <br /> .�"� '_!_.:�kY..�.•�:rili Y <br /> 93- 1�a <br /> 'I��It1ER W17'�t�tl�he impmveiarnts now ar IKreallcr eroctod oa�bo payrcay.�nd�II c�senxru..�er� <br /> �. -- aM Axt►+re�t�ow a�he+raRct�{x�n ot�he prapmy. Ali�omnonl�and addUla��ti�ll alw be twveied by IWs Security - <br /> Gaduaio�N. AU af the forc�oin,4 is�okmed�o in Ibi�Secrrily Insuumrnl iu 11te"Pmpaty." . <br /> BORROW81t�OVBNAM'S IFu�t Bar°wa is lawfufly teicod oi t11e ect�to hcre6y a�reyed�nd h��tha d�ht to�ant <br /> and oonv thep�op�ty�nd Uat the PmPa�Y la unencumberod,exccp�for�r�cumM�nces of�ecad. �wc�w�s�nd <br /> _ _ _ wW dd'a d Qa�e►aliy tho tilk to ihe PrapeAy a��ins�all cWm�an�t dcm�nd�.suhjoct ta�ny en�umb�nceA of recond. <br /> - - 7NI3 SECURI'1Y INSTRUMENT cambinec unifam covenant� fa n�lion�l u�e wd na�-uaifarm uuv�tanis witb <br /> Wnited variatione hy ju�isdic�ion�o cans�i�ato a unifixm secudty incuumeM cave�ing real propehy. _ <br /> - UNIPORM COV�NAN7'S. Nortowcr�nd Leader covenar�l and agreo�s followa: �M Y I�Y <br /> l. P�y�neat d Pri�dp*1 aod Iateresti�P�l�t�nd I.�te Cb�r�ew somawer shall I wheA duo 1he <br /> a n�and latc chwrges duc under�bc Note. <br />- p�Cips1 d'and inle�est on the deM evidenced by�he Nate and anY Pmp�Y� <br /> 7. Flu�far'h�n atl 4��.�n��pplic�We law or to a wrtateo waiver by I.ender.Barrower Ahail pay to <br /> I.a�der on the day aio�thlY P�Y�s?�dne under the N'de. until ehe Nate is p�id ia GrJI,a sum l"Flmds"1 for:lA►y�arly <br /> = Iues�nd�sceas�naNS vrhieh m�y aaauo P�ionitY over lhis Security Inctrumemt ac#lien on oAa Propeny:lb)Yeuly IeaseMld <br /> -_ p�ymraps or gnound r�ents on die Phoperty, if any: lcl Yerly h�u.�rd °r!l�Pe�J � P�wms: (dl Ye�X Oood <br /> insurmoe p�aiuwns.�f aay: (e)Yar1Y�a�tBaB���P��. �a�:and l�an! sums WYablc by Bwaower to <br />-` I.ender.b�accotdance wilh�he p�wisions of'PusBraph g,io�ieu oA'!he paarment oi mwtgage i�utance premiums. These <br />���. ltems are callod"Escmw ltems." L,e�der maY•at any dme,colCect and hold Funds in an amou�N nW ta eaceed Ihe maxiaAUm <br />�- amowu a lemkr fa A federalty reb�ed mortgage laan may reqtare ior Nornowert escrow account under the federal R,eal <br /> - � Fstate Settleme�u procedures Act ot 1974 as amended fram dR��c ta ume.12 U.S.C.$260t et seq.l"RESPA").unless aao�hc► <br /> '�'� I�w tfut applies to the Funds sets a I�ser amou�� lf so.l.u�lrr wry timc.collect and hold F�nds in an�mount nc►tt to <br /> - ��+� .. "� cxoeed the lesser arqoum. L.ender may estimate tbe anwunt of FLn�ls due an the busis of cwr�eM data and rcas�o�wble <br /> ����r•,�l ;.• .�uc�uf exprmkiw�a u�futwc E.x:ww iteiiis ur otl�rwisc tn accardarkc with upplicable lae:. - <br /> = - '�e R�nds,s6�ap1 �held in an instltu6on whase deposits are insure� by a federal agency. insaumentality,or ent�ry <br /> `- j ;'�. �ioctu;li►ae;�l.en�cr,i6�.ender is'u�ch an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bnnk. L.ender shall apply the Funds w PaY <br /> �c T:ac�r�aw Ita�Aa. L.�ndar aaaay+�ort eharge Hatrnwer for hoLaie'g and app7ying the Funds,annually unulyzing tlie eumw <br /> z~ accoun� or vari€}�iu� the Pscraw ]te�ois. W1Ie4Y I.CfIdCf�5 �om�wer irtterest on �tie Funds and applicable law permits <br />_� ' � � Lrnder to make such x charple.� iFlowever,l.zndcr may r�ec�u�i�r��o�er.�wre�io pay u one-time clwrge for an independent real <br /> •astate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection wqh thi:loAn,unless applicable IAw provides otberwlse. Unless an <br /> =�;_���2. '.;• agnement is made or upplicabie O�w requircs interest to be pai d,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inte�est or <br /> -=— n�F�'X'1 eunings on the Funds, Bomnwcc and Lender muy agroe in writing,however.that interesl shall be paid on the Flmc�g. LPacfer <br /> �'��L`�� '" ahall give to Botrower.without c� annual accavnting of the FLnds. showing credjts and debits ta tt�e Pur►ca�.ana ihe <br /> _'��� ,��� �far which each debit w the FUnds was made. 7be FUrtds are pled8ed a4 addld°iwl securitY fae�Jf sums securr�l by <br /> ,-_�: this Secutity Instrument. <br /> -._ _ :.-_ .- !t'!he Fw�!!s I�Id by Lendu exceed the am�wnts pertnined to be held by appflcable law. Lan�r shall xcaqM to <br />.;-�:� , <br /> ,y, ; ���9 � Borrower for th�exccas F�nd�in �ccordance wilh the requirements of applicabk law. tf the amount of�i�e Fvnds i+rd <br />- °�`'��� Lender at any time ia not suffic�rm to pay 1he Escrow Items when due.Lender may sa nert8ty Borrower in writing,are�, in <br /> � such case Borrower shall pay to Lender U�e amount necesssiry to make up�I�e deflcirncy. Borrower slwll mak� up the <br />:�::. � ' deftciency in no more than twelve monthly puyments.ut L.ender's sole discretion. , <br /> == L��San Fsyment in fi�ll nf all sums securcd by this Security lnsuumeru,L�nder shall prompdy reSar�d�o Bortower aoy <br /> - ,Funda held by L,ende she I an�r�f n�ds h�el bn�l.ender nlQthe �ime of cqu�o�n c�r snleear e�credit�gainst the u�ms <br /> ' ' snle of tfie Pt�operty. P�Y Y Y c <br /> - r' �,�., ' teCUred by tdis Security InRtrwme�t. <br /> �5� � 3. ApplteAtbu 9��+�J�n� Unless upplicuble law provides otE�erwise, all paymenls received by Lender under <br /> ,�� .��:'; �' pa�ag�apUs 1 und 3 si�a91 be a�pplied:first,to any prepayment cbiuges due u+�der the Note;second,to amounts payable under <br /> s <br /> '� �r�� � paragrapt�2;third,tu i�teres� principal due;and lest,to sny la�t�e charges due under the Note. <br />:�`� :,,;� 4. Cbw'Qes; Ll,ena. $orrower shull pay all luses, asisessments,charges, fines and impositions atuibutable to tt�e <br /> : prope�ty which muy nun+n p�iority over this Security Insuument.and lensehold paymeMx or graund ren�g.if any. �nawer <br /> }�� shal�pay these obl6gAtions in�he rnunner provided in paragnp3�2,ar if not�wid in that rraanr4cr.Bomower shall pay t�hem on <br />-..� time direcdy to the percon awed payment. Bomower shall prom��tly furnish to Lender all not9ces of amount�to be poi d under <br /> �his�wragreph. If 8i4xrdwer makes�hese paymea�s direcdN,•�orrower shell promptly furnish to IxaJ�r receipl.4 evidencing <br /> �,� the peyments. <br /> : . i� Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has ptiority over�his S��cu�ity Instrument uni�ss 8ortuwer.(a)agrees <br /> j:. in writing to�he payment of lhe obligation secured by the Icen in n munner accepwble to Lender,lb)eqntrsts in gocrl fui�h the <br />-� liea�by,or defends uganst enf�rremen�of thc lien in,lega9 p�ceeedings which in the Lender�opinion opatate ta�rev�ai the <br /> • eit6�rcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an a@,retment sutisfactory to l.ender subordinating�:he lien <br /> - E w this Sxuriry lnsuument. If Lender detarminc4�hnt any pan of the Prc��t�y is subJect to a lien which may attain prioriry <br /> _� ,� ` over�his Secudly lnsqumen4l.ender muy�giti�8orrower a no�ic�c idemiE}+m�1he lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien w take <br /> one or�nure of the actions set fare:h above within 10 days of the giving of nn�ice. <br /> ��,. . 5. Ha�ard oi'1'roperta ia�s�'ann. lsorrower shaif k�ep�he ini�ruve�uc�da nu,. c�i.�iug u�1►:.�.:aticr erect.�3 on ske <br />,. � �t ; � _}. I , PropeAy insured against loss by fire,huzards included withm lhe term"exlended coverage"and any other ha�ards,ia:cluding <br /> ��- , ;, ; floods or flooding,for which Lender r+�quires insurunce. TiMS insurance shall be meintained in the amounts a►+� for the <br /> '.� <br />�.'�'. - �,�u F1ina 3Gti� 9ilO �pnRe 2 n�e pagrs► <br /> ,,.. t•.;. j4�:,.G. • <br /> , y _, <br /> +�'�" ��. ;,',`n,,��,, ,�,,•... <br /> �r i.'i:r�.�:G. <br /> ::i: :�i'I��r•-_ . :} <br /> f, � ;}.. . O�-q . <br />_ ".� 1 ..%�' ' �.. <br /> ,(�r�� ,�.� ;SuYw��� '' � .�.'3��Yl,T+t�e;l,���`-`���'�,R,��:,��„ , . •. ,dn,..,, . . •:n 7ry`(ri''S�� �., <br /> �� F�. �� ��l�(j7�_ yL"aci• � ' i .�( �ti�If'vt �r��}I*��� `J ( tl��j.,.'�.),��' �"�,i, �I�i.�; ��1-5 1'..1Y�_� <br /> ..�itl'S��R.��;1s.1= � � ��r�� i!`/' ± j v�,• _` _ _ .. ' �I�f� �r �•,i •�+�� •��, �•7�7. 'o.'..�i � �y,."fn;_. <br /> 7�[ Fn- . , ti��. � ', �":��°i� ' , r + �L ,.; # _�,� a.tir� <br /> �c]IIY'��k���";'"��...,t��'.���:_:;d�:�Ke;,�•,:I.;,,,tt�.- �'��''{�� '• ''.+� ��'� .���:4�� .+�.�� �)j*w �i��Yf3 �'�..'��fr"'1"�,'1�'_4r�4' � ,�:1�:,' 3Sl��{0'�f:'� <br /> . , . <br /> , , . � . � . .. <br /> r�� _Jt ea_-��S'14Y�u.�' . <br /> i�� . �r � � T�4�ft�.�i 2� � � T . - - ---- - --- —� -�rvf@��T�...-„R::.�.� a.� `r,,.."fS.`ll� -�� -+qt;T' Lu�"��`�E.+ �� :� 1'— . <br /> ,. s4.. , ; � ;� � .. �, 4• . �a t.:.� �` : f�� � da� ����`� �f�: �. � ti , <br /> 7 , j �t �` , - i.� - ' - ` t' '�, •� ' ,.r�l,t�n..:�r . ��'%'.'•�.t...".'f V..:�� /^.th"�/r.+�t�.t� {.e <br /> ' .,i� ��i�(f,�� �� , � , . �. . ,�. . , ��+1��,,� °�' ;a�' � ' „ ,. .;rh�+l ��✓!a• � �',,� ;y'�.l S�A: <br /> �••I �:�ti'�� '�i�1�i1.T�r . � i' M F�:�i��•:��`��'� .. • . �'�1� L� �. <br /> _� rIS�S ' TSr � ' 1� - . .. ' - ,�...���t ..`,���. "( -•I` . _ l:!'� ./�•.t-. <br />._ '`I �Yaj t`�1�'��.1 i.�. �' "J11�`�il'�. ��, � • . �.� �•i...+"•_' ;�... . .• �, .:11.�y`.. <br /> 'rt�l�3� 1'�1'> 'I�51 ' ���`I�4 , �. FL'l � . . . <br /> `` •i�3`., i �?,` ,:�'`�a°f ' . � ;: � • •�t', �'w , � ' ., �.• ' • ` • - <br /> �r , ,1`�, .�. . .�; -1 � . .. .. - �' �r . . . � .tF,S.�•Y ?� .. � .�_ <br /> �['��!t —. � �, -•.—r- ' ' . ..- . .��� .i �� � '4 . . . - ., � ., <br /> ��� � . -u . ', , . � � . <br /> '�—,�•1y ,�;.,�,��}. ; .�. � _V;' . � � �,, ' .. . . �� ..� . - "� .. . . <br /> __ � � ' � �'i ,.� �..i '.1�i.l:r�'V. ' ' .1_ .:.y�.�.�K,�IR�+a�?Tffti.h :�4t'M <br /> Y — . �-wL.�.2 q �� .T..._',i:vutl�:.. Y �. ' . .N•. t...�.��...�h' F -, � . <br /> Y=�' ,�L� J , _ . _ � . .. � . <br /> .i .. _ . . .):. ��.. � � . .• i .1.. � , ��� <br /> • <br /> � � . <br /> .i � •� . • � . .l... . - � - � _ <br /> .i�. nf.� ' . <br />.. • 1�:.: .� _._ _ . _ . .. . . � J _ _ <br /> . <br />