, ... ��� � �• ' __ _�7 g'
<br /> .r., * r
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<br /> --- � 93• 1�S
<br /> ----- -- - — . I. �rt.bload�ad 011a�Il�snrd I�a�rMOe.Borrower�hall incuro�11 impmvemeau ai the Pmperty.whaher aaw in
<br /> ----...._.--�..�- - - = cxfu�ice�r wt�uanily er�.ctat. a�ainst any I�z+uAs.c�uwttles.uad onntingencies�hk:lud(ng flra.for wbtci�f.cr►der Fa�uir�
<br /> inwr�nca. 'lUia in�uranoo sh�ll be nwinuiined ia thc amountx and t'ar tho periad��hwt I.etMte� cequi�. 8orrower shwll dco
<br /> iiau�e all fmprc�vetnan:ae the PropertY.whethcr now in czistonce or subsoquemly erceted,�inst losc by flaods ta the extent
<br /> roquirod by Ihe Socndary. All i�urance siull be r.rried wlth eamprniev approvad by Lender.'R�insunr�ce policies pnd�u►y
<br /> - -- - ret�ea.mla sladl 1�Isdd by l.ar�cr mxt sfialt incl�e tass�rlc cimiscs in Eavnr of.artd fn a form ocr�tablc ta.l.cndrr.
<br /> .� .�
<br /> -_�--�.,���-..--�--—�
<br /> rti�,' In the �vent of los�. Bormwer shdl give l.ender immediate notioe by nwil. �.en�kr nwy irwice proof of la�x if�xM mtd�
<br /> 'a` promptly by Barrower. E�ch insurnnc�e campany mncernod is I�areby authorizod And diacted w make paiyment for such loss
<br /> -•;:• . direcdy to L�nwle�.insteAd of to Bomower and�a Ixndar jaiotly. All ar any patt of the insuranoe proeeedc nwy be Appfled by
<br /> Lender. at its optfon.cithc�lu)to the rcduclfan af tha indebtalness under�he Note and this Sxu�ity InstrumeM. fi�st 10 any
<br /> -- delinquent amounts upplied in the ontar in pnragraph 3.and then to prcpayment of pdncipri.ar(b►to ihe rcstoration c►r�epair
<br /> —_�---- - of the dsrnnged Pmperty. Any upplication of the procecds to the principal sf�ll not exteM or pastpone the due d�te of the
<br /> =-�±"'���� monthly p�ymenls which are referrod ta fo paragmph 2,ar chunge the amount uf smch Qaye�e�as.Any excess Msu�xu�ce pmoeeds
<br /> --°•':�:��a over an �nouK required to puy all outsu�nding indebtednas under 1Ne Nate aiod ti�is Security lastnuoent elwll be pwd w Ihe
<br /> - cptity k-�Ily rntitled fheneto.
<br /> � II In ihe event of torcrk�sure of this 5acu�1 instrument cx o�her tra�ufer of iide �o the
<br /> '. ry �u Property Uwt estin�uislKU tbe
<br /> -:W� ` indebtedness.�ll ri�ht.�e�ur and interrst of Bomnwer in wnd w insuranoc policies In force shall p�w the purchASer.
<br /> ��
<br /> �y=' - - � 5. Oocup�nay, 4'ou.wewation. fWalnteoance aad r'rotectbn t� ROve P�roperty; Bonower'� I.o�o Applicationi
<br /> _.. 4 I.aiseholds. Bor►�wer �hulV oc��upy. �stublish. and usa the Propett�a a,800�o�titr's principal rosidence within siaty days after
<br /> _V;,, ° • �a�,;�. • the cxecwi4n of this Security lastru�e+t und shall mminue to occwpy a'l�e Prnperry as Borrower's principal n�sidence foS�t least
<br /> -- •�'� , one yeac�i�t��Id�e date of accupanct. unless the Secreuuy detern�ime,�i�hbs rea�i��d wi01 cawse undue Iwndship for�rn�mwer.
<br />_- .. ti •t''s� ' •rr unle:,, e��enuating circumstances e!cist which aro beyond �borrnwer's cuntrol. Bon�aei shall notify Lend�rs of any
<br /> - •�t. � ex�cnua��d�� circumstnnces. Borrower slwll not commit wnsle or dev�r�r�y,da�r�w�e ar wbstantou�Ey chaao�e the Property ar�11ow
<br /> - ' �� ihe�o�aeny to deteriorate.reawrwble wear and tear excepted. Lcnder rtwy i�nspcct the Ptc�grern+ d4 1he Property is vacant or
<br /> �1:5 ''
<br />-''�o� `••`,.+-:�' �band��ned or the loan is in default. Leider may take reasanable xtion to protect end �xeserve such vncant or abarrioned
<br /> .� ..
<br /> :�:,,. ' J �.�s't Property.Rortower shall also he in default if Borrower,durlag the laan upplfcation process, gnve matedelly false or ins►crurate
<br /> �� � '°';=',t ��� � ` inforn�ation or statements to l.ender(or failed ta provide Lender with any materic�l infomiation) in connation with the loan
<br /> :�t�, , a•�
<br /> --___ ___ evldenoed by�he Nate..induding. but not limited to. repmsentotions conoerning Bnrrower'R �ccurnncy of�F� pn►��r�$
<br /> � , • principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a le�sehald. Borrower�II comply with the provisions of the lease. If
<br /> r`�;' Borrower res fea tide w the Pm �leasehold and fee title�hall not be me ed unless L.ender
<br /> �:«::. � P�Y• � agrees to the me�er in
<br /> - .^, ���. ��C.:`�:;;4 W�(�It�.
<br />- ''�� ��.� t .���'�'i
<br /> - �'�l:t° ..
<br />• --• ,, ,,. 6, ��horge�to Bornuwer�nd l�ratxction m l.ender's RJpIhRS ia the Property.Botr���ver shall pa� u!1 governmenlal or
<br /> . �. .;'.
<br />- _ ;�;����,::,�7,:::� munici�al chargex. fiues suid impositions Ihat are not included ira parngraph 2. Borrower shall pay th�s�: ,bligations on time
<br /> --� �:n��..• ' directly to the entity which is owod the payment. If failure ta pny would adversely affat Lender's intercu in tAe Prc�paty.upon
<br /> - �`� �� ��.� Lender:s re Borrower nhall ro tl fumish to I.ender rcce' c evidencin these
<br />"l=� � . R� P mp Y �• � PeYmrnta.
<br /> -_-:: �",,,t�„ �
<br /> -�^'^� : ,;:_au. : If Br�rrower f�fls to make these pnyments or the payments r�qu6�ed by parAgmph 2,o�dails to perform any other rnvenants
<br /> � °� '�`�•ti`Y�s and agreemeMs comained in Ihis Securiry Ins�rument,or there is a legn!pnxr�cDing tlw��ttswy s�gniticantly affect l.ender's dghts
<br /> r �
<br />_�i�. �����,,;�• in�he Property(such as u proc�eediog in bankruptcy, far condemna�ton or to entarce lau;�or regulations►, then Lender may do
<br />��i`¢�� �''�"?�' ', , and puy whetever is necessary to pmtect �he value of the Prcrper,ew• su�d I,etder's rigqta in aht Property. including pqymkut of
<br /> �"� • '�' • twces,ha�.�c�l insuranoe ond other items metNia�d in P�rograPh�.
<br /> _ 'd_ 3".
<br /> : .�';L~�.'Ad!'. .
<br /> x
<br />:�"�. ��� ��,�� y Any atnounts dislwrseJ by L.ender under thi�pan�grrph RhAll become an adJitionul debz of Borrower and be securod by
<br /> ,�c,9r,�;.
<br /> - �' ••� ;;,;N. this Security Instrument.Tfiese amounts shall bear interest from�he da�e of disbursement.ut thc Nwe rate,and et the option of
<br /> . ,,.. •;�,:�„
<br /> �' : .,;)"� l.enc0er. shall I� immedi�tely due ond payable.
<br /> —i� ,.y,w�
<br /> " .�,�.}fy�;,'�„ � ' T. �Cn�kmroUioo. The procceds of ony award ar �oaa�rae 7.,: dartwges. direct or cuns:,.�uential. in conneetion with any
<br /> -.w.�•� G.1 wndemrnation or dher taking of any pan of Ihe Propeny,or t�nr��onveyunce in pluce of condemtmtion,ane herebv ussi�med and
<br /> ----����•-
<br /> - - ,:,�,y, shall be pafd to l.ender�o the extent of�he full um�wnt uf the indebtedne�.,tfwt remrins unpaid under the Note and this Security -
<br /> -'!'�%'1 �•� �t, , Instrument. I.emier shall upply tiurh prucdeJs to the reJuction ol'lhe indebtedne�s unikr tL���1ote and Ihis Security Instrume�t,
<br />;';'�': ,�b� ; �.r,� •R. _.
<br /> i � `�t'1•'��''" 4 first to.sia�y delinquent amounts applicd in the ordcr pruviJ�l in paragraph 3. anJ t�r.�; „+ Pre�aYment of principal. Any
<br /> ' . � !��'�i;�ti;+��''r' _
<br /> ,_ upplii:at����n uf the pnoceeds to the principal shall nut ext�nd or pn.tponc the Jue date ai�Ae monthly payments, whkA ane _
<br /> ��:::
<br />.��. : /`4 `i i. ,.r ��Q�� Pp�3 ql 8 �.
<br /> `.i�l�r jJ: . :..,
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