•(w�.. . .;� �}:i. • i . -�-,'-_. —
<br /> .-T� � . ;!' . _.r.�..-s
<br /> r' "
<br /> � r '-'
<br /> I ' s _- .
<br /> 5 . , .._.__... ._.
<br /> .� r � , , . _ _ . . . . ... �
<br /> •
<br /> ,��.. -=� _ -=�4�� 14f1�.5 _ __ ._ 1_
<br /> 7�OO8T1ieR M►11'tt �u tbe iaiprovameet� au�w tx ba�redtar eroaed on �Me p�etty. aid dl a�emenu, �risha,
<br /> � � appo�tarnoes�roaa.mY+lcia.aaiaeral,uiD�a�i ir ri�Atr�td{NUAt�.w�ter t�i�tw�d qacic�nd al fixtura�naw ar t�b.lt�r�
<br /> p�t af�he p�npaty.AQ �Iroa�s�ad�ddltions�Inll �la bo aaverad by tWa Seawiry In�wmeal.All of�bo tana�c+io�is
<br /> �o�ned to in tlds Soauky la�tntm�at�t!r"Mnapwty."
<br /> _ -- - �RROWER C�OdENJ1M'9 th�t Sarraro�c�ct t�tswAtlly teisod af thc e�ate lxsel�y corveyed atd hm�the�ht to�t and _
<br /> �� c+onYey the Prope�ty�nd th�t the Property is unnk�ue�bened�eaapt tor crkumhnneea of�.�c►rd. Borrower wan�a�nd w$1
<br /> detand�werauy We dtk to Wa P�apa�y Maioq au cWo�aad darw�d�,wbJea w any cm.vn�braaon of roaNd.
<br /> - l. PNyma�t a�Prinelpd,lnta+a/�M I.tte C'h��.Bonawer�iull p�y wheo due tho prinaipal ot'.and iatereu au.16e
<br /> . . debt evldeooed by tbe Nate�nd I�te ch�a due uad�x the Nwe.
<br /> — - 2. MaMWy P�ymeab at Taxa, laaranoe and Other Cb�eo. Bomnwer slwll inch�de in cacl�momNY PAY�• -
<br /> to�tlrcr�ritb INee priocipal and inu�st as s�t forih in tho Noto and any late churges. an installment af any(a►touces aM specW
<br /> �nn�ts k+riod ar a be kviod a�inct the P�operty. (b) le�l�old paya�entr or Qnau�d n�s on the Pimpe�ty. and (c)
<br /> p�aaium�tar iocu�aooe roquirod by pat�raph 4.
<br /> ��F E�fi aw�Wy iasWimwt for i�u(a).1b1.and(c)st�ll aqual oae-twe1M oP the,owwal amoumts.as na►sonably estimued _
<br />-�+�•, by Lader,plus aw�a�ount sufi�cient to maintain oa addidona164Janoe of aot more tl�aa one-sialh oi thc estimatad�nounts.Thc
<br /> - � fall amwal amouot for euch i��Iwll be aocumulAted by•[xiiwk.�r withia a period eadinpt o+�e moa�b befuoe rw item would -
<br /> - - - beoome deqoqueot. L.eirler c4aM bold the amount� oolleaad fn m�ct w pry ilems (A). lb). aad (c► befw�e �i�y beoomo
<br />_ ,�.
<br /> .
<br />:��F • If at ony time 1he total of the pryments held by Lender for items(a). (b). and lN. together wllh the fiRuQC monthly
<br />- �•�� � , payments for such ite�pnyablo to Lender prior to the due dates of such items,eaceods by morc than one-sixth�he Gctimated
<br />��,_ , �i� , . amou�t of payme�Ns�aqujrad to pay such items when due,and if paymems on tbe Notc are currcnt, then Lender sball eitber
<br />�' � refiud the exoess over one-sixlh of the estimeted pnyments or crodit ttic exass over one-sizth of the estimpted paya�a�ts W
<br /> �'� . subsoquent payments by Borrowe�.at the option of Bornower,if the tdal of the puyments made by Hormwer for item(a).(b).
<br />.,,�,� ,
<br /> - .,,;.,:� or(c)is insufticient to pay the item when due, then Botraxr�r ahdl pay w I.end�aa�y omouru neoas�ry to make up tb
<br /> ��'�;� , defickncy on or befo�e the date the item ba»iaec due. . . .� �
<br /> ___
<br /> _
<br />..,,.,.
<br /> '����,'', ��� 1 As ucod in tbi.r•Security Instrument. ••Secr.tury,• mesin.c tfie See�uazy of Hausia�g ard Urbaro Cet�:i+*,p�rieau or his or ha•
<br /> .,���: ,�.�� . ::�¢�. ' daignec. In any year in which the l..ender mus�pay a rrwxtgA�e�insuaa�ce premium•to tfx Secretary, eucOn pro�thly payment
<br />,;;f;:;; �•, '�,�, sbe10 also include elQier:(i)en installmen[of the annual m�►rt�age ia�sw;�oe premium�c�be paW by l.ender to tlat Secrttory.or
<br />`•'� `��!'�'" (ii) a momhly Charge instead af a mortgage insurark�e pr�mium, i�' thas Security lnsuawrnent is held by the Secretary. Each
<br /> ,�y.x;�r �r _
<br /> :.`'"
<br /> _:;����� - - monthly installmer+9 ot'the mortgage insu�premium shall be in an nrr�ounz sufficient ta accumulate the fu11 annual mongage !
<br /> Y,;,;�. inwranoe premiu�n wiY��Lender one month prior to the date the tia�9 nnnuAl mortgage inaurance premium is due to the Secretary, _
<br /> y or if this Securitu 1n.�trument is held by the Secretary,eaeh r�wnthly charge aiwll be•in�n wtwunt equal to ona-{welflh of -
<br />- �l^.� ��' 'r�� one-half percent of the outstandi�t pr�ncipal balance due on ttre No�t. =-
<br />_r�."' ''� ' If Bortowe�tet+clets to l.encler the full a ment of ull xums secured b this Secutit lnstrume�ie,Rortower'S uccoun2�Aall
<br /> s:. ^��-�,. .+ p Y Y Y -
<br /> :-�{i�`'� be credited with t@+e�.afuRCe remaining fo�a9i installmer�l� for items(a), (b), and (c)a3ul tu�}• �rtga�e in�uvanee premiam --
<br /> i�:�'�"' • ,��`�' �, inatallment Ihat Lencl�;r has not become obli �►eu: co v tn.the Secret =-
<br /> -._�,�,..: -�:. : , B ipo. s�ry.and I.ender shaJd�rumpdy retiecaJ aq��e�cess fu�xls to -_
<br /> - •� Borco�ver. ImmediAtel}�prior tu a t'oreclusure xule of��he Froperty or its ucqutsilion by Qrender. Borrower's acuoua�t shall�be �
<br />�a,� :;;r.' �:� crodited with any bafaa�ce remuioing far all instxllmeMs Yoz it�mc(ul. (b).and lcl. -
<br /> - e �,t+ _
<br />".,,�1,i�� .,
<br />_;•.;;p�;, ' ` 3.ApplkqQ6�r+wf Paymeatc.Alt paymenu under para�raphs 1 and 2 slwll be applied by L.ender as follows: -
<br /> a;< < -
<br />-_�'� , First,to ihe mortgage iasurnnce premium to be paid b}Lender to the Secrewry or en the monthly clwrge by tl�e Secretary �
<br />'��- � - _`��'°' -_ i�wead of�he monthly mongage insurance Exemium: -
<br /> t?;t: ,'� , Sea►n�l. ta any taxes.spercial ossescmentx. leasehold paymems or ground rents. and•fire. ilaat�and other htiae�rd iasurat� `-
<br /> �:;�: pmmiums.as re�uared:
<br /> :�•"
<br /> `'?;N�?;' , 7UiN,tn in��rcst due under the Note:
<br /> '.?�'�" 1 •�',.�:� ' Founh. ta ammti�lion of the principul af t�he Nar;
<br /> `,:s �!;�•r��a��,� . Fiflh,w Iote cfwr�a due under the Notr. =
<br /> ,.,..,� �.; ,4 __
<br />.�".,��: ;-, �,'`:`,?s{• ��IR�� a�S'A 2 a16 �
<br />_,� ,�:,; " ' ; : _:.�,
<br /> ;.�?%'"..,Su;;ij' �
<br /> 'n�` ' ;lfi�i -_.
<br />. ��`�_ ' '��1 �,'�.� � . ���yr� ••� w-.�f...•,� i .._ . .�.�.. � ' ' ,w� • nY. � �`tii-.�----- '—�"�...�!:� ,`..
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<br /> `� k"�^-_ ._._J�3:' -` a.L.- - �
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<br /> � �, � �. �\. . . . ::>,a-:us��a.assr+- 'i'-�cC`���' ,r�; ,�.
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