�.d..,,.,..r: �il ' .,.... .._ .:'�1;-'
<br /> . . " p " - :w'�at'.'!l7'n� 7$`��C! ,.�"r.�°.-�- ' ., �
<br /> � ./� ' '� r.; .. ,�,. . -—�.a_. _ ...
<br /> i
<br /> ..
<br /> ..
<br /> .
<br /> � __ - -
<br /> - � ___ _ - _«'�
<br /> }�� ��. � . �,���.qR 9�... �.�.�.�sz
<br /> tiE�RECORDEO g3•
<br /> p�ynwM�.whkh�rs rofcmed�a in Pu�g�aph 2,ar chpnge�he amount of s�sch paymau�. Any cxcc�9 procoed�over�n
<br /> - --- amount��qui�ed w p�Y dl auw�ndinQ indeaedae�n under ihc Note�nd thia Securily lastrwnent�I!bo p�id a�be auity
<br /> " - kpU aqitled Uinew. ---
<br /> �:r,i � f�. l�ende�nuy collxt feea+a�d ch�ryes�ulhorited by�he Sec�et�ry.
<br /> � f�. anw�br Aaoelersdoa of Dabt. �_--
<br /> 1�)De!lwM. L.ender m�y.exoept�s limited by�eguWions iscual by�he Secnetary in�he cace of paymau defwlt�. _
<br />_._ -_- �equiR immedi�ue p�yme+x in fdl of'dl sumo sxured by thic Securfty In�uument if: c
<br /> . li)BarowerdefiuNc by f�iling�o pwy in fuli any mauhlY paymcnt r..qui�cd�y this Securtry�� --
<br /> — �o or on�f►o dua Jutc uf�he next monthly paymrnt,or �__
<br /> (ii)Bonowa defiult�by fiiliri�,for a period of thirty d�y:.to perform nny wher abligatiaw aonwined in�his
<br /> ,:;�.:' ,. Sacurity I�cuumcnt. vd of tho
<br />-�y ',�, lb)Sale Wlthout Cndit Approval. Lender sha11.1f penmined by�pplicable law at�d wilh the priar appm
<br /> �s "'�;;,;,�, Uuy.roqui�e immediae payment in full of all tha sums securcd by thia Secuary Insawunent if:
<br /> —�+y�. � �_4 �(i)All ar p�t of thc PropcAy.or A beneficiW iatetw in a Inut owning all ar paon of d�e Property.ia sold ar
<br /> r �-.;:•,; atherwise aansferted(oUter than by devise or desoentl�Y thc Bornower,and ��
<br /> _ �'j y„' liil The Ptapeey is nol occupied by tiie pa�b��aerhis�her c�sdit hac np ot�bcctcne�.ide�rce.�in acco�rd�nee °--
<br /> — �rc
<br /> �.v - o� grantee does so occupY � �'�P��Y �°Y
<br /> —�.� - - with�be naquirenknts of the Secrctary.
<br /> /el No Wit�er. li'ci�umua�YC occu�tqat woutd pemal l.ender to requi�e immediate paymau io full.brt L.ender __
<br /> - . daes�ot rryui��uchpay�nts.L.euJe�does not waive�ts rights with resQoet w subxequent events. °°'•
<br /> __,: _l��, r=_�.:�
<br />�;;':��; ��:•>. (�1 Re�lAtiaws�9'HUD Secr+etar3. In mv►y cirrwasuuw�es rcguluions�ssued by the Sec�euuy wiA8limi�Lende�k ��,�,._
<br /> --- - - �igt�ts, in the case of pnym�m defaults. w n�yuirc immediue p?ymrnt in full aM foroclose ii e+ot 71�ic •x��,�..
<br />�."r. y Secac+ty Instrumer�t daes not awboriu�coekrAUOn or farccbsure d nat pem�itted by�egul�tions of tUc��irtary. �.;:
<br />:.�R4;i;j �'���:,�i�. �'_
<br /> `;7'".•_ ,y.:,'„�; 1e1 Mr+rtg��Nut lawred. Batower agrces�f�at shau9d e9eds Secarity Ins�t�ihe aote secwr�l d�ete�� _�
<br />���. �y°'�;tti;� be e�igible fur insurwice under the 1VWionat Hausing Act anhm �_:
<br /> • •;; .' �:�,u� datc hereof.i.�cnder ma at its wn and nc��twithswndin an m ie�� 9,reyuf�imm�rdiaU:poyrnent in �-
<br /> "� Y• �' !� Y�+� l� F�Ph ,,c�•.;�
<br /> �t,;. . , �,. .
<br /> � �` ' '��- fnli of a!!sums securcA ,�,A�S ty Inswment. A u•ritten suueme�u aP w►y Awiiorized ugent of the SecrcWry r;:.�x;:
<br />- f� ;� t.. � �"�11II�
<br /> f�y� 4 �• � ��BU����o f�om the dale hereof,dLrlining to insun thia Socurity �i;�;;:;
<br /> -"" '��° � �nsttume�t and the note socwed thereby.shall be dameA conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Natwilhstanding �'•,���
<br />�'" '`:;ta'`:.�:,;,..�:�.��•
<br /> „ � ; the foregoin�.this option may na be ezerciseJ by l.ender whan the unavailability of insurance is sakly due to �_��a,'�
<br /> '. .. ,�4`-7r}j:=�n•lr .:.' • .
<br /> L.enderk failuue to amit a mo»guge insurance premium to the Secretur�. �%'����_`:
<br /> �y.' �' �!�•. ':rv • 10. ReloWakmen� Barower hus a right to be�mslated if L.endcr hs►s rcquired immediate payment in full because
<br /> - 't�'�':r="'• ' of Borr�o++►tir`s failu�e to pay on wnount due under the�Nae or this Suurity Insuvment. This �ght applias aven afler �"
<br />:�:�' . .:.<� ' forecMsuoe proceedin8a are instituted. 7b neins�ate the Secu�ity Inswment. Bo�rower shall tender in u lump sum all �w_�:
<br /> � ,r,�- utnoun�s e��yu�red to bring Barower!s account comnt includfng,ta the eacent they are obligAt�ons of Borrower under this �-J,
<br />- S�:wii;i insuum�ti.farcclasure cass.�snd rts.son�ws ans!s�st�xnnry anomey.c•fees and expenses�o�erly associoted wlth �,_.-
<br /> ' <;�°� , r' this Security Instiument and the lob igations tfiat it secutes =-_.
<br /> . ��i+;, <r tAe foredasurc procec�ing. Upon reinstatement Uy '8orrower. :.�,::
<br /> r;:a�„- �. .
<br /> . n..+,�?• �..��¢�► �' shall remain in eifect:es if lxnder had not reyuirec!immediate ment in full. However.l,ender is nat a�eiYwiced to tmil
<br /> `� ,.. ; � y,.:._...� ..t�.�,,, , P�Y Pe �'iacm
<br /> . ,,,,a�fr,. �_ ,,l,� neinstatement if: li) Lender hus accepted re�nswtement after the cammencemeM of foreclosure proce�-�Eim��.wnhm tv►'o y;
<br /> ��"' :'� ; p��•� '+a`� " .;«:-:r�- years iraimed'aately preceding the commencement of a currem foreclosure proceedinF, �ii� rri�ectatemeni �vdl preclude �a';
<br />:.:�.':"" ; •���r,, • --
<br /> _.'•,.;:i � �••� forecloyutc csn different gmundx in ti�e fuwre,ar(iii)reinsta�ement will adversely nffect the prit�rity of the lien created by
<br /> .. `� . this Secudly Insnuanent.
<br /> '"i ` �"y���'�'���� 11. Borrower tiat Rdeased: Fa'bes�ronce bv l.ender Not a WAiver. Extension ol the time af payment or �'=
<br /> ,' � ,a'•;:.,,.:.':,-1::'��' . `y
<br /> � , _ ; " moditication aP amnrtiza��on of the sums secumd by this Secu�i�y Inswment granled by Lender to ony su�cexsor m inte�est -=•-
<br /> �'�,u, , • ��,�. •�- ��� of Botrower sha10 n�oz operute to releusc the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successor ir�it�tereu. Lender �;'M'
<br /> �;�f� shall na�6e uired to commence roceedin ti u uinst an xuccessor in interest or rePuse s�o extend time for pa em or �.
<br /> �'" '.. �A P g' g �
<br />';?..� , ;:�;�.;., . .� �.�•yr otherw;se madify a»wqization of the sums �ecureci by this Securiry Instn�ment by re�.um of any demand �by [Ih�. �k
<br />.`j,!. �'�:�;:� c►•iginpl�rower ar Barowers cuccessors in interest. My Forbesuance by L.ender in exercising any�i�ht or�emed�stk+tl �
<br /> _d�; ;;�j. ,�:, #�': not be a waiver ot�r precaude the excrcise of omr ri�.h�or remedy. �,.�
<br /> `� . '>:' '`, �j�� 12. Successors s�a�1 Assigns Bound;Jdnt and Several4iabUily:CaSi�ners. The rnvenantr:cu+�agreements of
<br />- w- a'•�`�?'r'`� , this Security lnstrumeni,14a11 bind and benefil ttw s�.cexsaR and a+signs ut'Lea,ler und Borrower,xubjrct tr the provisions
<br />•� °�% � of Peragraph 9.b. t�orn�werk cav�;nants and agreemen�ti shall be joint un�1 �everul. Any Bortower who co•signs this ___
<br /> ��" ""•'� •'�•t��' . Security Insuumenl hut dnes r.mi ext:u:e the Note: (n) is co-�ie±ce�ng a�hix Sceuriiv Iny�rument wily to mortgage,gran�nnd
<br /> • •' a'�'��`{, � convey that Borrower�imerest in�hc Pn�peny under tht tenn�aif nC��s Secutity Mstirumerac:+h�is not personally obligated to
<br /> - ` � '• "�'- the sumx secured b Ihfs Securit Inxtru�mnt:und Ic)ugmes th�t Lendcr art.3 nny�Nher Born�wer may ugree to eatend, �
<br /> - , ''.•y .�' puY y y �`i.`,
<br />:"`-� � �2��r �'°�i' madify.forbeur or make any accummoda�iom w iii�regard�o thr lerms af thi�Security Instrument or the Note wi�hout that �:�
<br /> - 'f. , yk o� Barowerk conseM.
<br />- � '' � '' �►•w • 13. NoUces Any notice to Borro Ner provided for in t'his Security Instrurnem�hul!be givcn by delivering it or by
<br /> ,..;y�i.:.. ;-: ` �
<br /> 6:� .. mailing it by first clnss mAil unlexs applicuble low reyuires u.� of unaher metha{. 'i'he nwice shull be dinected to�he ,_
<br /> � ,�„;f;;,,,,,' PropeRy Address or any other uddresr Barrower de.ignu�e�by�x►tice to Lendcr. Any nrnice to Lender,hul)be given t+� �
<br />�-''�.. fiR�clsiss muil to L.ende�t uddres. swled hercin or uny aJdre►, Lender deSiFnatc+ by notice to Burtower. Any notice
<br /> µ vi�i fu� iu ti�i+Sc.w it lnsuurtcr.t:.ha!!6c d:emee!rr hs��e������n�n Rnm�wcr�►r Lender when Fivcn ax provided ��
<br /> + ��,:_�-:�F``ti£.-�a�== pru Y
<br /> � � " , , in�his parugrnph. �
<br /> � . ' ' 14. GoverninR Law;SeverobUity. Thi. Scrurity In.irumcm.hall tx�ov�rncJ My FeJeral luw und the I•rw of thc
<br />',: .: " t�'% 9� 'uricdiciiun in which �he Pmpem i,I�ateJ. In thc cvcm�ha�.m�•pruvi�i�m ur rluu�c nf ahi.Srrurit}� In.trument or�he
<br /> '���'.�`''� '•�wi a licubk la��. ,uch c�,ntlic�+hall not al'fcrt ���hrr pru�•i,iom��f�h�,S.�.urity In+trument or thc hutc �.
<br />_ �.ti �otr contl��t �h �,.:
<br /> �� . • .���`'�,, p� w,,;
<br />`���,� ' ',i�b,:.. �r;;^f which cun he given rfli��withau��he conlli�•uni p�i�ei.ion. 'ii�thi.enJ it�r��iu�i�iuu���1:e.�>S«wd� lu+truuKUt .utd Ihr �:�::
<br /> �: •..,• Nole un dcd•rrcJ li�hc.cecraMa `�
<br /> ,�.�::3'�, _
<br /> ` ^ �i_�,��tY��'a,F;�b 1. . :�, �s. Borrower's Cupy. Borrower�h.�ll tr gi��n anc cunlunneJ co��)�,""R91�$Cl'Ufll)�I1�IfU111CI1L •y
<br /> 1;:.' ;.�T��,�;�,1h{��y,:p,:, Ib. A�ssignmenl uf Rents. BorroN•cr unconJiaionidl}•awsigns und�ranrnt�r.io l.un�kr ull�he rcntx und revenues ot�the
<br /> ,;+;.:`,;. �� �7 �zj�; � : Nroperty. Somower nmhoriie.(.znder ur Lrnde�a ugeni.���:��:1��11hr rent.und rcvrnucs and hcn�by Jirccls�•rch tenant ot
<br /> ��;,�5;��.' �� �'`ii;-,,; � ,, Ihe f'ruperly to p�y thc rcnt.lr Lcnder or Lender:agen�.. }9n��c�•rr.priar to l.rnJrn notice tu Bormw�er.if&+aouc�"• .
<br /> .;;;'j�;.,,,: ,y��,a.���9:'.'. breach�,1 any covenant or agreennn�in thc 5erurii� In.trumrm.6�orrawer�hall rollrrt an.t e�•:ci�•r all rcn�.anJ re�rnuc>•.�:
<br /> ,.;��',r; ?:?,�,'.iFt(j�;�!��: ' ; . � the Propeny as tn�.tec t:,r�he t+enrli�uf l.cndcr an�i Rormucr. This a�•�snc�ene af rrn�.r�x�+l�lutc.:u�aMcilwe a..��nmem
<br /> ,. ,�.. c`�Er",::°:y}'�:•�• �Y enJ not;u�ax�ignR�cn�1iu addilional.cruril� anh.
<br /> �,`•"'• Y.'.".�. � If Lender gwr,M»ire ut hm�rh tu NurruNrr: iai all rcnt.rereneJ ha R a-rou.r�hall Ix hrlJ h� 8�/7(UHl'f:1�IIU\ll`l'
<br /> r.�
<br /> �`r� r�....�:...��.....�.......�., �..r,..�,.,��c.•,1�.,�h.•.um...•rured M tiu Secu��n In,truneenl: Ibl LenJrr.hall Ix enutleJ tu
<br /> •. --..••---
<br /> ; •:�. ,;�t�'::� colk�t�nd receive uU of 1hr rrn�>of Ihr t'���pen}::uiJ�c�.:�.fi icnan�ol�hr 1'r�,(rm ,�.�i; ��} :dl Rnt.Ju�:mJ ueipr�J�n �'
<br /> " ' � `���''d. Lender or l.ender:agcm an Lctxkr:w•rittcn Jem.►nJ a.th����uant. •
<br /> �..-� ;�;:� '' ., •
<br /> ..:; ,• F � ; Bartowcr hati nut rxcrutrJ nny priur .�.•i�nm�n� ul�hr rcm.anJ hu�mn rnJ will not �xrli,mi am•art iha� u�wlJ }
<br /> • prevenll.enJer from exerci.m�il+ngh��unJ�rth�.P.�r.�graph Ib.
<br /> .���'•,�. _4: Ixmkr.hull na1 Ix rcyuind w entrr upm.��►e c�m�nd of�K mam�.��n�ha•1'u►peny tutim��r.�Itrr}:ivmg t�ul�ce�d �
<br /> � � • brexh w B��miwer. Hawr�•rr.Lrndrr��r a�uJic�alh r�ranleJ r.yr�oer mry J��..►.n am umc U��rc i.a hna�•h. �nr i
<br /> • • ' applic�tion��i rcm�,hull n�N cun�>r wanr am•drl'auk �n mc�1�JJN'Jtlt��tPk�r n::hr nr rrmrJ� �►t Lrndrr. Ilii�a.��fnnknt i
<br /> , .f:� .. • -� :. ot renteoithe F'ropeMy,h•rll�rrmmu�r when�he deh�.rcurcd hy the y.�cuney In.amaem�.pmd u�tull. �
<br />� ' .. 1°'i' .,,•�y �`�;;� i
<br />'� ;:��:��� � ;
<br /> �r '' .��.�� , 1� ytic� �•q��+re��� �
<br /> , i' �
<br /> � :f� . 1.1: S ' • �
<br /> . .
<br /> u.�� i ,
<br /> . .
<br /> ... __ — --
<br />