L V �•• 14(7.4T� 9 I' fJ I �.1
<br /> �-.y, � ...:f =v-�)�A�C�1i�.��et r 'f;u �i'I, - 'f'-'1 .`c.g _
<br /> ../ 7 � r�•n.r�nY � r F . � � • . .c.`� '
<br /> - - f 1 1 .� t. . � . . .
<br /> . }. `'yswJ f i, .'�� ._�et.rr. .:..,`. ..
<br /> �. . . �..- - 4... __ . . �
<br /> =-� =-.�__-� 9�
<br /> --�.�.so�
<br /> _..�_,�._�.� 1. d 1hladp�,o1�t aad�4st�CMrp.�4�P�Y w6a�due th pdncip�l ot.aad intenest a�.
<br /> IAe d�bl e�doaped f►Y 1he Nate�u►d I�te clwgos due under�he Nae. ��wu aiwli imir►W in�ch�psy�. �
<br /> _-- �. Mo�Mpy p�epb at'-iuoas,ia�uraaee�wt atDrr� an i�uallmrnt of m � hxes irid
<br /> w�F�er witb tt�e p�incip�l ana iaureu as oa rahn in a�e Ivooe �ny w��e ch.�es. Y
<br /> a
<br /> -� :pecid�a bvied or w be leviod againw�he Propnry.(b11e�Oid P�Y�s°r�'O�n�a a��he .�ad
<br /> :1. (a)premiwns tor inautuice�equi�od by Pua�+y�h 4.
<br /> O�A ma�ubly inaallment for itenu(al�(b1�nd (c) �h�ll eqwl onc-tv�elNh of da atu�ual�tmoumw. �neaco�bly -
<br /> = - — e s t i i�r a t e d b y Lender.plus �n +�mouat suflicknt w m�innin �n addiHonal b�Uutoa of na moro tlun onasixth of the F
<br /> t
<br /> ';.�. aNmnod�nounu. 'Itia full+u�nwl unount for eseh item ctwll be accumu lat e d by L rn d e r w h h i n a �(��)�
<br /> momh betoe+e�n item would become dclinquent. I.ender�II hold the�calkctad in t�wl to MY
<br /> . (a)Uefore Ihey be�romo dclinquent.
<br /> be rom �)�(�l,ag��r with tbe tuture monU�ly
<br /> ���y�i�no the to�l of tl�e p�ymeota held by l.cnder for items(A).
<br /> • �f WY�for auch itemc payabb w i.a�d�t pia W the duo date�of suc6 iMans.eacad�by more th�n arc-si�tth Iha
<br /> , csdmued Amount of paymcnts�uirod w pa�Y sucA i�ns when due.rnd if�oa die Notc aro curtent.lhen l.ender _
<br />.�• shwU eithM refund iho exoess over on�•siatb oi tUe�ted pay�a c �thc exoess over one-six�h af�he cst�nMed �
<br /> ,;-: pa�y����qupK payments b�Bairaweq at the opioa d'Barov►�er, li ihe total oi d�e paymenu rawde by Banower `_r
<br /> �J t �;�::'v�, for i�an U).(b).Of(C)IS IIISI�ICiCQ[!O pily 1I10 11C111 WT16A d1A�,d�en Ba�tuwer sMll p*Y a l.e�der�ny amount necsssarY w
<br />�•(; m�lce up the deficia�cY a�a be�'one sbe cl�te�he item bec.�ame�due.
<br /> __�q,:� As uted in ihis Socurn�yIncdument."Sec�iary"rne�ns ihe Secrcu�r�r e�Housing wd UrAan Develapment or 4i��tar her
<br /> rs��; deaigaee. In my yea,�in which the l.ender must pny a mortgag�inswarsce p�mium w the Socretary.eaich ononthlY P�}'men�
<br /> r.:, • ina�rance p�emium (o be pa6�c7 d�y L.eixlcr ta Ille
<br />":-: �;�;;��: shail�Iso include e�tber. li1 an i�staNment af the annual mort8age , -T--
<br /> Sa�tary,ar(ii)A monthly charga insteud of a matgage inswanca premium if ihis Security Instnur�ent is held bg the
<br /> % "��'''�: Secretary. F a c h momhly ins1a11meaR of the mo�igage�insu�w�oe Pnemium s1w116e in acc amaunt suf�cirnt w axumulate the --
<br /> �_" �7,��t:�t,.� full anmwl mortg�ge insurwn.�premi�m witd+ l.end�r one maith prior ta the date the furl annual martgage in�e �",
<br />_.`. ".'.: prmi�ms Es dut w tlse Secrcter=�;cr if th�s Sw:,«+�y inRtrumenc is held by the Secrctarv.e;a�:ti munthly cha►Qe sdall be in an ,--
<br /> � �m
<br />-- _ -�,,�� �unount equal to ane-twclflh of ane•h�lf perccn�of the oulstending principal baiw�oe due an the Ndc. «__.
<br /> If Borrower tenders to Lender the full payment of all suma securcd by�his Security lnstrument,Iiorrower e occount ��
<br /> � .,'� �f.; sha�l be credited with the bal;w�e remaining for all installmenls for irema(a).lb)and lc)and an� mo�gage inAUrance :�::_
<br /> � � •.� prrinium inatrllment ihat I.ereder hac not become obligateul to pay to the Secrctary.and Lende�shal promPtly refu�d any �,
<br /> • ''`'' ���`... • exceas fw�ds to Bu�tawer. Immediately prior to a faeclasur��le of the ihopertY or its uaquisidon by Lender.Homowert� _
<br /> �ccount shall be crexliud witfi uny bal�ncc remaining for all instAllments for items(a).(b)and(c1.
<br /> ',;�r : s.: . 3. A �uf Aa nts. All u menis under Parag�aphs I and 2 shWl be appliecl by Lender a�follows: ._
<br /> ir, ';� ;�: . .to the mortgage asurance premium to be pafd by l.ender to tMe Secrctary or to th�monthly ciwrQe by the �
<br /> �' � � ?,.. •'� Soc��etary uistead of the naor�thly mortgage insurance p�emium: �'.
<br /> ;�' .,Yp�;+ `a:�;�4;;� SF&4�•a any taxex.s�xciul assessmm�t�.le.asehold payments ar ground rent�.emd fir4.floacl ond other haziud �N
<br /> ,.•
<br />_ • �!=,;: in�wrancc prcmiums.as�q uirtd: Q--
<br /> - - s to inte�st due undc�r It�Nc+�c: •
<br /> �'�,=3.'':;(,'�;.`"�` ,.° ��w amortiaation of ihe princi,��1 uf�he Note;
<br /> ,.,•,,,� ��
<br /> ..';;,�.�qt�,,.•�;�<,.� ,tF �,w late charges duo under the�vt�. ,r_
<br /> ',. • '��;':���� . 4. Fire,F7ood oud Othe�H�d Insurnnce. Bormwer shtill insure all improvemente o�a the Prc►perty,whether now "
<br /> �,;,,;. . �':r• in eaiswice or subsequendy cracied,e ainst any hau�rcls.ca.�ualties.and contingencies,imelu�ding fire.for which�L,ender <<
<br />'".,;� ',,�; ui�s insurance, 'I�is insurance ahul�be maintained in ati:amaunts and for the pe�Ea9s thut i.endsr rsquiro�. Banrnwer �.:�:;
<br /> �'���f � ih:.r n�:�:n":�°-t��'^r�u1,.cequEnily erect�d.nRainxt loss�y't�oods �.,;
<br />- � ��- :j�;'� ��r•�'.,. shall also u�sure ai1�m rovemenu uu ii�R.S,}►�.rn',i:h-. �,;,=,-
<br /> � _,':. �., " �_,•,{ , , p
<br />_ ,_ �Nx(�k�,,, to the extent requfred by the Secretary. Ai0 ins:�,rance shall be carriea with companiec approved by�.ender. 7Le insurance
<br /> d`,��.�.� policies and any renewnlr shall be held M� l,�nder and +fiall include loss payable clauyec in fuvor of. sind in a form �::'
<br />.�� .. ,; .;tiJ;+��:. . accept�We to,L.ender. !;
<br /> ,a�,����,�,�.*�..�u '� In Ihe event of bss,Bnrtawer ahall give I.endcr immediate notice by mail. Lender may ms►ke proof of loss if not
<br /> _•'�� � �1�'�� ms�de pmmptly by Borrowe�. Ench insurnnce company concemed is hereby uuthorizrd:uncl directed to meke payment for �'_
<br /> ���.,1��^� �,S�r,,. such loss direcdy to Lender,instzad of ta Bomower and to Lender jointly. All or ony part af ihe insurance proceeds muy be
<br /> •:e �;. c�,,fr f'-) .,�.• ,
<br /> ,-ri � ,�?-�' ,±�rtl.y�-; -
<br /> �.,�,ayA,��;,,;,,,;; t.'�; applied by Lender,a�its optioru,eiih�r(al t�the reduction of the indebtednesti under the Ndu�qd��s Secudry Inswment,
<br /> >. fi�st to any delinquent amounts ap�liec�i��thr order in Pwagmph 3. s�nnd then to prepayment oG principal.or(b) to the �
<br /> w
<br />=�'i- ' ' ,;t '+,J��'1,'�'•' . .,.,> �_�
<br />- .. t�����,,:;,:'•r,�;1;� >�y, oestoretion w repair of the damaged properiy. .�ny npplicatian oP the prac�eeds to�he principal shell not extend or postpone ��
<br />':.%••'; ;��` • •,�� � � the due date of 1he monthly�+acmen4a which sue referned to in Puragraph�,or chnnge the amount of such paymems. Any
<br />-�:-:�f;,; ,:'�• ,�C'�'�:�.:S•:t'i
<br /> ,1,�, �,.;�irf exc�ss i�surance proceeds over an umnunt reyuired to pny �11 outstnnding indebtedness under the Note ami this Security :�i'
<br />.�'.;;:, " ;�;i`� �t'":; . .. . la�s�.�unene shall be paid to the eotily legally enlitled Ihere�o, --
<br /> :`,� .��'��� '' In the event of foreclosure of thiy Securiry Instrumen�or uther�rnn+t'er of tide to tbe Property that extinguishes the
<br /> /A�, ,� ��..
<br />� �,,�� ''.�+ •4 +a indebcedness,all rigtx,tide ond inteTeat u4 6orro�cer in and to insurance policie.r•in Wrce zhall puss t�tfi.purchaser. �,;
<br /> �,� S, Occupancy, Presewntion. Ma��+tenance und Prolection ns�be Propertv; Borrower's �.o�n Applicallon;
<br />�v. .. �;5�`?���"',•t;� ' (.�sehplda Borrower Rhul)r�ccupy,establixh,and u+e the I'roperty ns Borrowerti principu) rcsiden+e within sixty days �_.
<br /> �� ��3+�;:, after Ihe eaxution of this Security lnsuument ond shull continue ro occupy�he Propeny c+s Bosrowert principal residence �,_
<br /> ��4y�'''�^i �_ for at�east one year after the�7ate of accupiux:y,unles��he Secretury determincs thi�requirement will cuuce undue hardship �__
<br /> � . •r.,:. :,,
<br /> for Bomower. or unless extenuating cirewris�ances exisc which +ue beyond Bntrower z control. Bomnwer shnll notify �
<br />-- _--- - � ' Ltadet�of eny ext�m+nti�g rircumv�nnces. Romawer shall not commit wuate or de.�my, dumage or subs�nntiully change _
<br /> '� ��dt�,�;}fi��f �pronerty or�Ilow the Ptopeny w deteriornte,reasonable wear su�d teur exceptrd. Lendcr muy ia��pect the Nroperty�i�i�e ��
<br /> ` . ��,�:7 r'.!'►'� '�+'�"•• property is vacant or abandoned or the lonn i�in defs�ult. Lender muy tuke reli+onuble nrtion Io pm�ect and preserve xurh �
<br /> ; •.,.,. .�;. �
<br /> ,,,, . ,,,.,'�'�' L vacant or abnndoned Proprn}. Bortower.hall ulso be in default if Bom�wer.Jurinp Ihc luan appliration process,gave �_
<br /> ..�t.,�;•
<br />•_�;"�.^,: � � �;.t;. mat:riu0 fal�c or inaccueat� informution or xwtemcni. w LenJer lor fi�iled tn pmvidc Lrnder with aay matenal ._
<br /> •`��r� r ���!,?.��_�'"� informut,�n)in cnnnecuon wiih the loun evidenced hy the Nntc. includin�,hu1 naz limii�J tu.representution.car..eming �:.'i
<br /> ,.. �•
<br /> ��•.' "• t
<br />'?�,�,�t'i `,�f:, t•ti':''. .�.;r',+,.,'�;. Borrower�occupancy of the Propeny u.a principal re.idencr, If thiti tircurily Im�nirneni iti on a Ira.ehold.Bortow�r+hull
<br />.='�1':9rt �l, ����•• � romply with the pro�isions of the leusc. Di Rormwcr�cyuirc.fr��id�• to t�:c�Pr+�prhy.ihe leuschatd und fee titM shtdl na1
<br />. � � i...�1.�('��.�1�'1� � • • _
<br /> �� 9` , ��;;.�',�?t;r;'r be merged unle�s Lcnc�er ogrees to the mes�:er in writing. �i�
<br /> �'"'�` ,i.,� � 6. Clwrges to Borrotiyer antl Protecdon of'Lender's Rlqhts b��+i�r��peru�. Bmrn►wcr+hall pay ull g�vemmcntal ,���;
<br /> ,.. �•�,,:,.,� .
<br /> •�.:.,�.,,,h ..� • >
<br /> , , ;;r�{�r�+'ii�l�s�'��� ime d ireetly to he entity�ahi h i�nwrd the puymcnt�� Ii failurc to puFrwauld .B,���ely uffeei Lend rs i t��r��t,in thc ;�'''...
<br /> ^, r
<br /> �`.��''�• ''. " ��••�(,. Property.upon Lender s request Aonuw e�sha11 promptly fumish ta Lender reccipt+c��Jencin�Ihe�e payments. ���
<br /> ,;: • ;:;;�;� ;'f� If Botrower fails to make these �n�rnent.or the puymentx reyuir�d b�� Paragraph 2, ur fail.to pertorm uny other yr�.-.
<br /> . j �.�5�'�!S� 1 F �, F b y
<br /> covensmts and agneements camtained i�th�.�ecurity ln��rumen4 ur thcrr ir a Ie nl rc+ceedin Iha�may�i mifirunU uffec� �':
<br /> -""� �..�,i�.��.;ohr.�n �he Pronen�•isurh as a nnxcedin� in h•rnkruptry.titt condemnauc�n or lo cnliinr luw+or regulatioml. 1'��
<br /> . � �{ • �.. • .�_ti�....
<br /> _ — --- a-.': _ o.. , �.,', ..
<br /> �, , ,, ,�� ;.,,� thcn Lender mny do and pag Vti'�idlCVe!Iti fINCC�ti:lry(U p7a'ItCI(IIt7 VUIUI.Of IIIC 1'R��R(4} a�u�ri�uc�:�;t���.�s.......
<br /> ' +�;�t�'<�►hq •.��'i�, including puyment ai wzet,l�at�rd inwrance und othcr itcmz mentioned in Purogr•r�_. �
<br /> ', ; 'is, ::�;�j`�'.; .. , Any nmounts disbursed h•l.cnder under thi.Parr�truph�hall bec��me un•rdJiu�,nul �1eM of Horn�wrr und be xccurcd : �
<br /> '?;�. .', ��t�•'.:,....• ut • �•�"' by this Securiry Insuument. �e�e�unounts�hull bcar�ntcrc��fmm�he du�c ol'disbunemen�.at �hc Notr rutc.•rnd ul the
<br /> ' ` '� �t•�yy,'�N; F:'` option of l.ender,shall be unmediutely due and puyaMr. �+,.''
<br /> '�>`�'� '�:i{+;:`.:...�.. ' : 7. Gaademnation. The proceeds uf any uwaud or rluim fur Jamugc+,direct.�r conuyuemiul.in conncwtion wi�h uny
<br /> � �► �:;;��;��;;'?� ' condemnation or other 1�iog of any part uf the Propehy.or far runveyuncc in pluc of ro�xlemnulion.an hrreby a.�,igned j
<br /> � , � �, ';<<{;::� , und ahall be pufd to Lender to�he cxtent of the full umoum uf�h�indcbteJnrs��ha�rrmuin,unpuid under thr Natc and thi. �� .
<br /> . . 5ecuri�y Insirument. Lrnder tihall apply+uch pnx��cds io thc redur�iun of the indeMcJnr..undrr�hr N�wr:mJ�hi.S�tiuriiy �.��'
<br /> - � y�. Insuument.first to uty del�nquent amounts vpplied in the unler pmviJrJ in Prr�graph 3. unJ �hen io prcPaymrm ot �,
<br />_- � . .� principul. AnY upPlirution u(�he prorccdti �o Ihe prinripul shull no� extend or pu��pune the Jue Jute .if the monthly },
<br /> ,y t�
<br /> . 1 �''� �
<br /> , 't.:�r.d'��,��At.` �Pu1K:.�I�wRn� i'.
<br /> �•. .. �
<br /> - � .� � . ' - •,i' .
<br /> .
<br /> . . �---- ' --„ ,...� .!.____•r .r-a-.�n_�sr�'^re--"c.. .-'"-----'--..
<br />