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<br /> � "�° �. 19.T�Ansfcr oP the Pro�t2rty ur n Bcneiictnl Inter�gt In�urrowcr.If uil or any part o t e Property ar uny intcrest in it _
<br /> { orrnwcr ir�not u naturnl persoN withou�
<br /> ia solc!ar trnnsfened(ar if a beneflciul intemst in Ac►rrower ix sold or transfenai u�xd H o;
<br /> -., �.-. �urtey In�ln!mrn�t Hn�evcr,thi aption hull nat�be excrctscd by[.ender i�ficxc ciyema pmhibited by federnl luwca ro tl e date _-
<br /> of tl�fa Securfty Instrument. _
<br /> ° [f Lender exereisea this optian, Lender xhull give 8nrro�ver rtutice of aceelerutton. The notice shall pumsc cc red byf hie --
<br /> • less than 3Q d�►yR from the date the noUce ix dSli yured TiUm�io th cxhi u lon af his periadnl.�nder may iavakc i�ny remedies _
<br /> � Sccurity I�str�ment. If Barra�vcr failn ta puy the e p P
<br /> ' .,�P , permitted by thiA Security Instrument withaut ttirther nodcc or demund on aorrawcr. -
<br /> 1i4. Horrotvcr'e lt1�qP�t to Retnstutc. If Bprrower mectK certaln conditions, Barrowcr shall hqve the ri�ht tn huvc
<br /> " � � � enforcement of this Secudty lnstrument dixcundnued at wtiy timc prlor to the e�rlier of: (n) S days(or such nther perie�d ue �
<br /> .;,�;�^.� wer af sale cantained in this
<br /> -� t upplicable iAw mny apeclfy for reinstatement) 6efore sale of thc Property pur�uant to any po
<br /> .,,F�� Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enfarctng this Security Instrument. Those condittans are that ilarrowet:(n)pays __
<br /> L.ender aU suma which then would be due under this Securtty Iru+trument and the Note us if no accelerntian hud occurred; (b)
<br /> _; • � cures eu►y dofuult of uny ather covennnts or agreetnenta: (c)pays ull expensea incuged in enforcing this Saurlty Instrument,
<br /> including,6ut not limltod to,reasonable uttarne�ys' fees; und(d)uslces such uctfan ac Ixnder may reasonably require to assure
<br /> .F'� that the lien of this Security Inst�ument, Lender s ri�hts in the Prop�►t�+ end Borrower's obligatian to puy t0�e sums secured by
<br /> ,�,� � this Secur[ty Insuument shali continue uncbanged. Upon rsinstutement by Borrc►wer, this Security lnsteument and the _
<br /> obligatians secured hereby shnll remain fully effectiva as if no acceletatton had occurred.However. this right ta reinstnta shall
<br /> +•� . i' not apply in the case of uccelem1ian under paragcuph 17.
<br /> 19. SAIe of Nole; Chnnge of I.oan Servicer.Tho Note or a partiul tnteresi tn the Nate (together wjeh tMs Secudty
<br /> Instrument)may be sold ane or more times without pdur notice to Borrawer. A sule may result!n a chnnge ln the entity (known
<br /> ' .r.,' as the"Loan Sfrvicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Nate and this Secudty Instrument.Thero also muy be ono
<br /> �a.;�t;�. or mare chunges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sale of the Note.If there is a chenge of the Loan Servicer,Borro�ver will be
<br /> � Qiven��e new Loun Servi ger iund the dress to vhich payn e ta hou d�be�made�The noticeDwlll also cc�ntain nny other .
<br /> ;%'+'�'`:," uddres
<br /> '`= �`�`"' information uiced by a licabie law.
<br /> -����t��. re9 PP
<br /> � 20. Ha�ardoug Substancess. Borrower shall not cnuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, storase,or release o any
<br /><_°+,,;�• Hazordous 5ubstances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor ullow anyone else ta da, enythins affecthig cho
<br /> ...•---°-�-� Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The Precedin� two sentences shall not apply to the presencc. use. or
<br /> '�' . , t storage on the E"raperty af small quandties of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogn�ud to be appropriste to normal
<br /> :,��� resldential uses and co maintenance of the Property.
<br /> �,,F���,�� gorrower ahalt pmmptly give L.ender wr�tten notice of any investi�atlon,claim. demand, lawsuit or other actlon by any
<br />.v;f�;s. ti govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Haxsrdous Suhsuu►ce or Environmental Law
<br />'"=;�a4_• of which Bor�awer has actuel knowledge. If Bonower leams. or is notified by c�ny governmental or regulatory authority, thnt
<br />-v�'+,�,. ' any removal ar other remediatlon of uny Nazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Bonower shall promptly tuF:e
<br /> � all necessary remedial acdons In accordance with Bnvironmental Law.
<br />-��""s� As used in this arnAraph 20. "Huzarcloua Substances" are those substances defined es toxtc or ho,zardaus substances by
<br /> � r_z�:� Bnvimnmental Lnw ai►d the fallowing subatances: gASOline. keiv5i�ic,Othfi �3iriRS�DIE Oi iQ![iC �tmleaim nroducu. toxic v
<br /> - ,-�° ----- pesttc{des ac�d herbictdes.volatile solvents.matortuls contalning asbesros or tormuldehyde.and radioacttve mater�als.As used in _
<br />�'?'"�""'�"�'" thls ptuagmph�0. '�nvironmental Law" meana federal laws and luws of the judsdiction where the Property ia located that v=
<br /> �-� - rclate to heulth,safely or environmental protectlon. __..
<br /> NON-UN'f`FORM COVENANTS.�onower and Lender further cavenant und agree ag follows:
<br /> :�• Zl.Accelerutton=Remedtev.I.ender shall g�ve notice to Borrower prlor to acxelerallon followinA Borrower•s breuch _
<br /> ---- of uny covenant or agreement In ihis Securtty tnstrament (but not prior to ncceleration underpnrngra�d 17 unless
<br /> �'—w��- appUcable ln�v pmvidos otherwtse).The nottce shnil specif�+: (a)�eBormwe behwhtch the�defaul�t mustrbe cured; and
<br /> (c)a dnte,n�o2 iess thnn 30 clnys from the date the rtotice ts qiven to , Y
<br /> (d)thut faDlnre to cum the default ou or hefom the dute specifl� in the notice may result In eoceleration of tho Ruma
<br /> secured by this Securtty Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice�shull t�urther inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> refagtate aY¢er a�xeleration and the rlght to bring a court actton to assert the non-existenee oP a detnult or any other
<br /> �� � �Zr$�nse o4 Borco�ver to ncoelerntion end sale. If the dePauU ts not cured on or before the duto sp0cltiesl in the nottce,
<br /> L�er, at it�option�mayrequtre lmmedlnto paymebt in full of sll sums secnred by thts Securtty Instr�ihtent�v[thout
<br /> --- tlicther de�d�nzl nnd may tnvoke the 6n� ofusja�g tIIredmmedteserrnvtded n t�hisnipprugr�Ph ZEi�in�.udtng.b tdnot iaon02ed
<br /> - ___--- -= entitled to co7�eat a1l�penses Incu p rii
<br /> '""-�""'"�"'°� to,reasonuble ul3orneys'fee.s and costs a'P t!t!e evtdence.
<br /> ' If thepawer of st►ln is invokcd, 'i'rustee shnll record n notice of defat�la in euch rnunty tn wMch Any pArt uf the
<br /> -�"`*`�-�' �roperty ts tocuted snd ehnit msi!copies of such nottce in the manner y�res�cv�bPd by applicu6le luw to�orro�ver and W -
<br /> the othcT per.�n�prescrl6ed by appltcable law.Ai'ter the time requtred by ra��►licable la�v,Trustee siwll give publtc notiee
<br /> of snle to thE�►ns end tn the manner pressribed by appllcAble law•Tc�es4�e+ without demnnd on Borroover, RMII se11
<br /> the Pcoperty�¢public sucNon to thc htghest bldder at the ttme and place nnd unaler thne sulo of tl or�any �atocet tn�41�e
<br /> sule in one or more purcels und tn eny order Trnstec determines. Trastee may postpu
<br />-,:��� 1►roperty by publtc nnnauncement at the time nnd place of uny previonsly schedWed bnle. Leudes or 44s asfgnee may
<br /> -' —= purchuse the Prope�'tY nt aa�y sale. •
<br />_�i���J.�� Form 3028 8180
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