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<br /> •. � pnyments may na langer be required,ut the option�f Lender.if mortguge nsurunce caveruBe(in the amount and for the pertad _.
<br /> �, thut[.ender ieyuires)pr�vtdcd by an insu e inpurnncee in effc t�ar to�pravide a�tiy�e`crvo,�until the�rec�uirBmc t for m�rtguge ��
<br /> thc premiuma rcquircd tu muimain moRIInn �,_
<br /> „ i' iasurAnce cnda in accotdance with any written a�trecuuut betwcc:n�38n'ower and Lender vr a�pp�i�:ublc luw. ^__
<br /> 9.lns�:cllan. Lender or it�ugent may muke rcusonuble cntdes upon und inspe�:ticma af thc Praperty. T.cnder shull give
<br /> Borrawer nntice at the time of ar prlor ta an inspection specifying reusanable cuuse for tho inspection.
<br /> !0. Condemnntton.'fhe pracceds ot nny awnnf ar clu4m far dumages.direct or consequentiat, in cannection with any �,._,
<br /> 1 � cand�mnation or ather tnking af uny Run af the Property,or for conveyance in lieu of cmidemnution,ure hereby a5signed and -.
<br /> shull be puid to Lender. L.��
<br /> "����� In the event af a rotal tnking af the Praperty,the proceedx shnll be upplied ta the sums secured by this Securiry lnstrume��c,
<br /> !"��� whethcr or nut then due, with any cxcess paid ta Horrowcr. In thc cvent of u ptutial tuking of the Property in which the fuir _
<br />_ - market vc►lue of the Praperty immedlately beforo the taking is equal to or�ecuter than the umount of the sums secunKl by this =
<br /> ►l
<br /> Secudty Instrument immediaeely before the takins.unless Horrower und Lender otherwisa Agrce in writin�.the sums secured by _
<br /> � .�, this Securiry Instrument shatl be reduceci by the umount of the proceeds multiplled by the followin� fructian: (u)the total
<br /> tunount of the sunis secured immedlutely beforc tho caking, div(ded by (b) the fair market value of the Praperty immedlutely
<br /> -'��^ before the taking. Any balance shall be patd to Borrower. In the event of u partisl taking of the Property in which �ho fAir
<br /> �"'�'�'��, marhet value of the Property immediately before the takin�is less than the�unount of tha sums secured immedlatety befom ths
<br />: ' . wking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in vmting ar unless upplicable law otherwise provides. the proceeds ahall
<br /> .�;.:;.�_'� be applied to the sums secuted by this Secudry Instrument whether or not the sums are thon due.
<br /> ��`�'`.:�^ if the Pmptrty is abandoned by Botr+owt�,or if.after nodce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to muka un
<br /> ��r�;:.,
<br /> �s"d� ttward or settle t�cleim for damuges. Borra�vtt feils to respond to L.ender withln 30 days after the date the notice a g ven,
<br /> ��`•-''�- Lender is authorizai to collect and apply the p�s.at its option,either to mstomtion or mpuir of the Praperty or to the sums
<br />"'"'• '� s�cured by this Security Instrum$nt,whether or not then due. _
<br /> l''�r,�� Unless I.xasier and Borrower athenvise ugree in w�INng. eny applicadon of pmc.eeds to princip�l shall not extend or �-
<br />-:°-� -- postpono the duo dnte of the monthly paymEnss referred to in psiragraphs l nnd 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> ���'��~ 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearunce By I.eader Not a Wna�er.Extension of the time fur puyment or modificntion
<br />_,r31:'?',�18
<br /> y-T.�ti� of umorti�ation of the sums eixured by this Secudty Insuument�rnnted by Lender to any successor in intenest of Horrower sh
<br /> ex
<br /> not operate to relcuse the liability of the odginal Bonowcr ar Bonower's suocessars in interest. Lender shall not be rcqui to
<br /> <�:-tl� commence proceedings against any suaessar in interest or refuse to extend time for pnyment or otherwlse modtfy a�norti7aYion
<br /> --- - successo n intemst bMy forbearnnceIby Lender bn�xer ising any sht orremedy shallEnot be a wni er of orrprec deethe
<br /> ---— eaercise of any dght or remvdy. �„� i. iti Co.sl ers. The coven�nts and Ag�eemen�s of this
<br /> � 12.Suocessors anci Assisas Bvu�t3,�3ls�t :,m! ....� --l�---h't Sa -
<br /> Securlty Insuument shall bin� and beneflt the successors and assigns of Lender snd Borrower. subject ta the provistons of
<br /> ptungraph 17. Borrawer's wvenants ensl �grcements sh�ll be jotnt iuid several. Any Bocrower who co-a tgn�s d hconv yuthn
<br /> - Inshument but does not oxecute the Nota:(�►1s co-siIIning this Security Insavment only to�nastgage.grnr►
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Pmperty under the terms of this Secudry ltnst�ument: (b) is not personally oMigated to puy the sum:� _
<br /> ' seeucat by this S�urity Insuuarnt.and(�)a8����nder and any other Bnrrower may agrec to extend.modify,forbeuc or
<br /> mafce any accommodations with re8ard to the teims of thiu Seeudty Insmiment or the Note without that Borrower's cons�snt.
<br /> 13.Loan C6urges•If tht loan socurod by thia Sex.�dry Instrument is subje,ct to a luw which sets ma�cimwn laan char�es.
<br /> and thaY!nw is�in�lly interpretod so that tha Intemst or od�er loan charges coltectced or to be collzcted in connecdon wlth the
<br /> loan excced the permitted limits.d�en:(a)�►r►Y such loun chnrge shull bo reduoed by tha umount necesscuy to reduce the charge
<br /> to the p�rmitted limitt asd(b) any sums alreudy cal�4cted from Borrower whtch exceoded permttted limtts will be refunded to
<br /> .�; Borrovrer. Lender may choosa to make this refunp by reducing the pr�ndpal owed under the Note or b�enmakin��audi�y -
<br /> ` payment to Hortower. If n refund reduoes princi ul. the reductIon wjp be t�eatal as a pNtlel nrePaY _
<br /> --�"`� prepaymeni c�azge ander the Note. -
<br /> IA.Notlu�.My,nona to��W�T QnOVided for in this Security Insuument shnil be�ive�r Y�3�deliverinII it or by uu�0in�
<br /> it by first cluss cdait unleus apalicable law requires use of another method. The notice sha(1 be dirtxtsd ta the Property Addrags
<br />� o�any other nddress �orrower designates by notir.e to l.ender. Any notice to Lendcr shull be given by�vst class mail to
<br /> �� [.ender's addrass stated herein ur nny other uddress I�ander desiIInate.g by nodce tn Borrower.Any notice prr�•vidod for in this
<br /> gQCUrttjr Instrurt�nt shail be deemed to hf►vs been given to�orcower or Lender when given as provided i�►thia puregraph•
<br /> 1S.GovernWg Luw, ���bi��• �T�g Security Instrument shaii be govemed by federai luw aad th� lnw of tha
<br /> ' jz�risdictton in which th2 Pro�perty�s located•In tho event that ony pmvision or clause of this Securlty Ii►stcument or the Note
<br /> � contlicts with applisable law. such contliet shail not uffect other previsions of this Security Lnstnunent or the Note which can be
<br /> -__--_ = given effert wlth���r the wnflicxjsqt pmvision.To tl�is end the provisions of this Security Instmment and the Note nre declared
<br /> --- to be severnble.
<br /> ---- - 16.Borrower's Cnpy BorroWe�e���b�given one confonned copy of the Noto nnd of t9xis.�ecuricy Ynstcvment.
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