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<br /> At�y applistuiot� ot renta shali aot cura or�vaive uay default or invulidnte uny other dQht or mme0y of i.ender. '11�1n �:.�=
<br />_ .'�` t�ssi�ament uf rrnW nf t�� Frcy�.'riy shs!! temr.larts wa��t�he debz becurcd by the Security Insttutnent ia p�id in tL1L �.-�,
<br /> s -
<br /> � ,., Ig, pes�cFps�xe pe�dutso. If Lcader requires lmraedinte payment in iLll under purn(Sruph �,Leuder mny invoke �,
<br /> " tho pawez oP sale und ony otAer remedies germitted by nppllcnble law. Lender sholl be entitled to collect nll expenses w`
<br /> ���� , lacurred [a pursui�g the remodtes pxovid�d ta this pnrA�tcaph 18.includipQ. but aot itmiced w.reasonnblo nttorneys' �.:_
<br /> � ,, '��, fees nnA costs ot title evEd�►ae. °
<br /> [f the gower of snle ia lnvoked. Trustee sh�ll record a notice of defnult 1a�ch counry in�vhich any ptut of tke E,_
<br /> ..;:�',y;,��. �perty Is lotated aud sheU m�il oopie� ot Fuch aodce in the m�nner pTescribed by upplicuUle law ta ffor�owee aad
<br /> 1 ta the oth2r gersons pr�cdbe�by appllcuble law. After the time required by Applicnble law.Trustee� ahall give public E
<br />_�'�� aotice of sule to t�e persons t+ad in the maar�r prescrlbed by epplicable Inw. Tn�tee, without demand on Borro�ver, -
<br />__ ,{ shnll setl the Pco�rty nt public aucUon to tlte Wghest bidde�e at the tlaie and gluse a�d under the tera�s designuted -
<br /> in the aoticx of sale fn oae or snore paroels and in any order Trusta: detemnlnes. Trustee muy postpoAB sala of ull
<br /> ` � or any parcel oi the Propeny bp publio anaouaceraent at the tims and pluce of any previously sckeduled sate• Lender
<br /> �� ar its designEe muy punchase th: Pcoperty at any srJe.
<br /> � � iJpoa ceceipt of payment of tbe price b�d�Truste� sball deliver to the purehaser Trustee's deed coavoying the
<br /> .� � . Property. '!he ceciusls ia the Trustee's deed�bs11 be Prima facle evidence of the truth of the etatemente mude therein.
<br /> Tcustee �hr11 apply the prooeeds of the sale!n the follocvi�q order: (a)to aU costs sind expeases of eaercisinn the power
<br />��>>:.,�::� of sale,and[he sale.tucluding the paya9ent of the Tcustee's fee9 sctually incurred,aat to ex�eed �
<br /> =�T�,-;J�� of the pslactpxl amount of thc aote at th� dme of the declaration of default. aud reasonable attomeys' fees a9
<br />=-xy;��,,,.. �eriaitte3 by lar+:(b) to all suu�s s�c+uast by thia Serusiry Insuument: aad (c) unY excess to the person or gersons
<br />:=1!,:��,-� legally entltled to it. uires immc�dinte
<br />-�i�',� If the Lender's interest ln tWs S¢curity Instnunent ia held by the Secretary and the SecreturY �9
<br /> '�';�<y'�.,�� Payment In fl�ll undcr pur�rnph 9�the Socretsiiy rnay lnvoke the nonjudidal }�ower of sale pmvided ia the Sinala _
<br /> uesdng a forcxlosure commfesioaar
<br /> �`° Fe�Nly Mortgage Fomclosure Act of 1994(°Act°)(12 U.S.C.37S1 et�ea.)by req
<br />` `r'��'"�� desiganted �uider the Act to com�eacc fore�loswce ead w sell the Property es pmvlded in the Act. Noti�lag in the
<br /> w;^,�� preceding senteace shal[ deprive the Secretaay of pny dghts otherwise avaUable to a Lender under chis P�B�Ph 18
<br /> - oz npplirable law.
<br /> _�"�i ig, Reaonveyanoe. vpon paym�nt of Nl sums seciared by tt�ia Secudty Iastrument, Lender shaU request Tnietce
<br /> --_ --_-�� to �neaoavey ths Property aad shall surt+ender Wia Security Instrument and ull aotes evtdencing dsbt secum�d by thie
<br /> --_-- Seciuity Instaum�at to Trustee. Trnstert eball ceconvey ttie Property without werraary aad wlWout charge to the person
<br /> -- --__--_= �R,-� Z��+!��il�i��4�. Such persc►n or oersons shall PaY tury[eeordation eosta.
<br />_ _,�:_,;��� 20. SubsNtata '1'niatce. Leader� at its option� aiay from time to tjme remove Trustee itnu oppoini a eii�+zt3r
<br /> uustee to any Tnl�tec a�p�oi�►ted hereunder by an insuument cecorded la the onunry�Sn which th[s Secudt3+ In�,truraeat
<br /> ---.'.'°� is recorded. Without eonvey�noe of th� Pcopeny. the successor austeo ehaU suc�e,tt] so aU the utle,PowESr und duties
<br /> =� ooaferred upon Truetee hereia aud by app1icable law.
<br /> � 21. Reqo�st for rI�• �orm�ves re�uests that copiea of tha aodces of defautt and sale ba sxat w Borro�ver's
<br /> -- addtess which is the Property addrass.
<br /> �,''.� � ?2. Rixlata to thi.s SacurilS►In�uaoe�. Yf one or mone ddeis are executed hy Bo�tov�er ead rtcorded wgett�er wl4h
<br /> ;s�� this SEruriry Iastrumr.nt� th�oovenants ofeacfl such dder sha11 be iawiporated inw aad shell aiaend and supr,plarnent.�
<br /> ---- the covenants tui��grreements of this Sccurclty Instn+m�nt ns if the �der(s) were a part af thie Securiry Insuuinent.
<br /> (Check upplicubla boa(es)I•
<br /> :':'s � Grnduatod Puyuient Ridcr � C3rowing Equity Rider _
<br /> CQIIdO�A�UtA Rldlf•
<br /> pianned Unit Development Rid¢r � Adjustable Rate Rider a RehubWtadon I.ouu R[der
<br /> --- Non-Uv�raer Occupancy Rider � Other [Specifyl
<br /> — — SY SIOMNt3 BBLOW, Borrower nccepts and agrees to the temns contatued !n pages 1 Wrough 6 of this�eeurity
<br /> I�suwaent and in any rider(s) executed by Ba:mwer and recorde� 'wl�h it.
<br /> _- _ � .����P��.�� � ��' , D,. .1 i�.�� � ,�►,
<br /> S�� . -Bom>wer
<br /> — TODD J. WT O -BoYrower UR ULA E. ��Ix+80N
<br /> _ -----. �Seai) ._.".(Sea1)
<br /> �-'—��'.� " •Borro�vcr ��ono�ver
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<br /> .=.�a;��.� rSeal)
<br /> '��.����
<br /> --°.��� -Ba�nuwer� -Borcotvor
<br />__:�;�
<br /> ��'�{':� �lttenr�a� Witaesti:
<br />