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<br /> , „ � 10. dtelnatete�ent. Bormwer hue u dQht to be reiastuted if Lxndcr hus required immediate poyment tn iL11 A.��
<br /> e�
<br /> , -•-- t���use af 84rrar�er's fsfletre t�ps�an �usuat d�i� under We Note or this Security Instrument. 7Uis rlghe applles _.'_..
<br /> even nfter foreclosure prncecdinas ure insdtutod. To relnstate t he Sei:u r ity Instcun►.en t, 8o r r o�v e r s h a l l re n d e r i A a Iwn p ,y,;�
<br /> `� aum nll nmounta requircd to bring Borrower's�ccount currcnt includinQ.to the extent they nre obli�uUons of Bonower _
<br /> ' under this 5ecurlty Instrument, fomclosure costs and masonable f►rid customauy uttorneys' fees ond ezp�ases properly '�
<br /> � naso�inted with tho foreclosure procec�di�►8• UPon mlastntement by Bonower. Wis Security Instn�ment and the ,.;.ti.__Y
<br /> . �hliQntions that it se�:iires ahnU rer�win in effect av if Lettder hnd not mquired immediatc puyment iu tLll. However, �
<br /> � Lender is not requireti to pern�it reinatutRmeat iY:(i) l.ender has stccepted reinstutement t+fter ttte cominea�nient of
<br /> , :M1.��;; foreclosure procetdinIIs withtn two ye� Mmedlately prec�.Miag the commencement of u curreuc foreclasure _
<br /> •�• '� �.f proceeding, (il)relnatutement wiU preclude foreclosure on differ�at grouads in the futu�, or(iii) minstateinent will _
<br /> �dversely nffect We prtoriry of tbe lien created by this Security Iaatrcuneat.
<br /> 11. ID�omnwer Not Re�es�ed; Po��noe bY Lend�s Noi a Waiver. Exeeasion of tQte time of payment or _
<br /> � modificatlon of umorilzntion of ths swns secured by this Security Instrwnent granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> interest of Sorrower shall not operate to rcleuse the liabfltty of the originnt Borrower or Boaower's suocessors in �.'=
<br /> interest. Lender shaU aat be required to commence proc.eedin8s aSainst anY Ruccessor in interest or refuse to extend ��;
<br /> time for payYUeut or otbenuise a�dify suuortization of the sua�secured by this Security lnetrumeat by reasoa of any �,-
<br /> '' demoad made by the oriIIWnt �orcower ar Bomower's sucoessors la interest. Any forbearance by Lender ia exercistng E}�
<br /> aa y dght or remedy shull not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any righ�t e��� �d���� o f t h i e �`�
<br /> � �: 12. Stwoasois and As�fgns Bfln�:Joint�d Sevezel Ld�bilisy;C o,S 1 g o�s• � '
<br /> - Se�:uel►y Insteument shnU bind med lsenefit the e�ccessors and asslgns of Leadar and Borrower. subject to the pmvisions �_
<br /> of parpgraph 9(b).Barrower's covenants end agreett�eats s h a l l b e jo i a t u a d s o v e r a l. A n y��a r o w e r�v h o c o-s l g a s t h i s _
<br /> ,. . �, Se�ccurity Insuument but does aot eaecute the Note: (a) is co-sigaing t��s�� ��e4 �t;�(b)i.�s�motgpetson�lYt _ -
<br /> ur
<br /> s and convey thnt Earrower's interest in the I>rope�2y wuder the temns tY -
<br /> ,' r';�� obligated to pay thB sums se�ured bytbis Securlty lusuument: and(c)agrees that I.ender and eay other Borc�ower msy � �
<br /> agree to extend, modit�►.forbear or make any aecon�mr�dadons with�e8ard w the tenns �f this Security Instrument or �
<br /> � �°` �� the Note aiWout thnt Borrower's coasent. ...
<br /> • ° 13, I�oe�, Any notice to Borrowea provided for ia this Securlty Inst�ument shall be �iven by deAvering it os �,:
<br /> • by mailing !t by first cless mail uuless applicnble law requires use of enother maeWod. The aotice abell be dir�xted to �,_.
<br /> "� ;, ' ' the Propetty Address or any other address Borrower desigaates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Y�endep ehall be _
<br /> �..,-�. .�, given by ftrst class mail to Lender's address atated herein or aay address Lender desisnat� by nodce to Bonower. Aay
<br />:_c,-•.;;.,._..,° ° ABiIC� �:aY��� fII!�4 Shf3 S�^1!*�!S+ �AtrutnEtlt shall be deemed to have been giveu W Bo�rawer or Lender when givea ,
<br /> T'},.-,:�"., as providod in thia paragraph.
<br /> *;.,�, � 14. Guverning I.�w;Se�rc�dlitY• 'Ibis Securlty Inst�►ent she11 be��vemed by federal law an�i the law of the
<br /> ``�•;y1•'�,.y��.`� jurIsdiclion ia which th� Property is located. ta the event that aay provlsia:n os clause of thia Securlty Inatrument or
<br />:..�: ..,
<br /> _���'���r, the NoYe oanflicts wiW agplicable law.suah conflict shall not affect other pmv�sions of thie Security Insaument or e
<br /> '`'i.��.- Note whic�caa be givon effect without the contllcting provision. To thta ead the provlaions of thie Secu�ity Inscnun�nt
<br /> ' "� .-•r} ua3 the Note ure declured to be severnble.
<br />-`-J;�; �'." 1�. Boprow+er•a Oapy. So:rower shrill be given one conforaaed oopy of tbe 1Vote aaci of this Sec�r�3y Insaument. �,
<br />- . 16. H�da�us �9amncea. Bo�wer shall nos cause or perantt the preseace, use.disPosel� storn��,or celease of
<br /> �'�ti �' any HozeMous Substances on or W th� Progerty. Borrower shall not do. aor t�lnw anyone elae 2m do.enyWinB
<br />�1•.'��r�(�,y��NY, af�e�ting the gnoperty thut is ia violation of any 1Bnvironmentai Lnw. 'lhe precediag by0 sente�c�s shall aot apply to
<br /> _;:i::r;j�: the presencr.use�or storage on the Property of smaU quancittes of Hazerdous Stibstaaces that ere gener�illy raogaized
<br /> --:t�F-:-.-:k� to be appropdate to nomanl residend�l uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />.�:r:�::__:_��� gorcower shtill prompdy gtve Leader �vristen nutice of aay investt8ativa� clafm,demand� lowsuie at other acdaa
<br /> R�"`���' � by uny goveminental or re�latory ageacy or prlvate party involving the Property and any Hazatdous Subswuce or
<br /> _,.�;; ..
<br /> .-�r-�'�s=• Bnvironmentel I.nw of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Horrower learns.or is notifie� by any govemanental
<br /> - ;;:•:�J`���� � or regulatory auWorlty. that �ny removal or other remediadon of any Hazardoua S�►bstances affecWaB �he ProPertY is
<br /> �:�,. aecessarY� Boerower r,hall pmmptiy teke all necessa�Y remedial acdons in aocordauce wIth Environn�ual Law.
<br /> "�"�����' - ps naed In this puragrnph 16."Ha�ardo�s Substauces" ane those subste�d�s deMed us toaic�r hazardous suDstances
<br /> ___-::..�'�
<br /> �---=--- by Environnaentel Law end the following substances: 8asoline.kemseae,other flammable or toxic pesroieum products.
<br /> _=�=�{;i"°�"' w�c peaticides aad herbictdes. eoiatlle solventa, materials oonteiaing asbestos or formaldehyde. and radioscdve
<br />_`' _.wx;:;:;,: maieria�s. Aa used ia this Paragmpb 16."Eavironmentol Law"means federal laws aad Saws of the Jurlsdicttoa where
<br /> -a,;���i��
<br />:_,-����:r��a,4;;■ the PrnDeKY is located that relate w healt�� safety or a►vimnmentel protectlon. —
<br />- �•.'^�l��.r,-.•7Y; C.�.
<br />_ ";�:�'t� NON-UNi�'ORM C�VENAN'L'S. Borrower and Lender fl►rther wva►�nt aad e�tee as follows: --
<br /> ' ;,�,,,,j . ��, p�� or g,�. gorrower urtconditionaUy ossigas and aansfers to Lender all the rents e�d reveaues _
<br /> - . •c5..._� -
<br /> -. :`•��};;?,� of the Propeity. Borrower uuttiarizea Lender or Ixader s agents to oollect the rents and revenues and herrby directs _
<br /> each tenant of tbo Froperty to puy the renca to Leader or Ixnder's agents. However� prior to I.ender's notice to _
<br /> . � ��' Borrower of Bnrrower's breach of any coven�nt or agreea�ent in the Security Iasmupent, Borrawer sbsU wllect and _
<br /> _- ... �.�; t+eceive alt rcnts and revenues of the Pcope�ty as tiustce for the beneftt of Lender aad Borrower. 'I4z�s essignment of 4=
<br /> . . � rents consdartes an ubsolute osaignment aad not an essignmcnt for additional sacudty on1y. --
<br /> ��.,•;,i;-;;�'. D�6�:ada Bives notice of broaeh to Borrowcr: (a) Wl zents r�eiv� by Bono�ver shall be held by Horroever as --
<br /> r..;.,�:;�'. —
<br />. `,�r�a+� trustee for Uenetit of Lender only,to be applied ta the sum4 secumd by the Securiry Iasmunent� (b h�L�¢der��.�� _
<br />� ���'" ' entided to collect nn{i rereive ali of the i�ents of the Property: and(c)��in termnt of the Property pay ��
<br /> t �._ �a.......�a ... Q p.,�pr ..*i�,dEr•s an�ne on Leader's wrltten dem�ad to the tencint. �F"�
<br />'--.,,....�:,'-z,�,. 4u�. a.n. ....r—,. ... -- ---� — -
<br /> . ..r �orrower has not exeeuted uny pd�r esatl�nma►t of the rente aad has not suid wUl not perform any eec wac wwin e._
<br /> prevent Lender from eaercis(na ita dghts under this parograph 17.
<br /> L�ender shsill not be requfred co enter upon,Wke ooatrol of or�uatntain t!►e Property before or after glving aoiice
<br /> n
<br /> , .. of breach to Borro�ver. However.I.ender or a judicially appointed reoeiver may do so at any time Wece ia a breach.
<br /> ' • „ N[4lR��KMFHA DHBD ON RRUS9' �,�
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