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<br /> S. Hazard ur �ruperiY litsamace. Borro�vcr shall kccp the improvements naw existinII on c�rentier enccted on the t===t�_
<br /> --��%` Propeny inauicd'ag�tr�st la"..�by fice,hn�md�+indluded�vithin thc cerm "ea�ended covemQe° nnd aay other houuda, including �•�
<br /> iloods or iloo�linn, for wbich l.cndcr ccyuires insurance. This inaurunce shall be mnintnined in thc cunouacs und fui the ts+-.rt "
<br /> �_��_:
<br /> � thut l.ender zequires. 'The insuranse cnrtier providing the Insurunce ahall be chosen by Borrowor subject to Lendcr's appmvul �::�
<br /> Lender muy _.L,-°.
<br /> whtch sh�ll nol Ce unreason�bfy withheld. !f Bonower fuila to maintatn covem�e descdbed above, ,at Lender's ��
<br /> " ' i optton,abtnln covcrug�s to pmtect Lender's rights tn the Property in accordance with parnBmPh�• �
<br /> ',.. All insurance �olicies and rene�vnla shnil be acceptuble to Lender pnd shull lactude a stundnrd mortguge clausN. Lender _.—
<br /> n
<br />.. �.�. shall have the eight to hold the policies uc►d renewuls.If Lcndce eequims. Borro�ver shnll promptly give to i�nder nll receipts ot �:'.:.`
<br /> patd premiums und rene�vnl nottces.In the event of loss.Borrower shWl give prompt natice ta the lasuruuce carrier and L.cn�er. -
<br /> �.;a;;�S l.ender m�y muke praot of loss If not made promptly by Borrower. ��-
<br /> ��-��«'+''�''� Unle�s Lender und Barra�ver othenvise t�ree in writln6+ �nsurun�p��ghall be agpl{cd to restorution or repair uf�h� ___
<br /> '� ' property dwna�e d. i f t he res t o rn d o a o r ce p u i r i s econamtcull Y feasible und Lcnder's secudry ia aot lessened.!f�hc restoratian or ,,,_
<br /> ��-
<br /> �� �� rep�ir Ia not economicaUy feusible or Lender's secuday would be le:uened,the insurnnc�pmceeda shall be upplied to the sums .-
<br /> �s secured by this Securiry Insuumenc, whether or not thcn dus,���ith aay excess paid to Borrower. If Boaower nbnndosea tho
<br /> ' ' � property.or do�s not answer wtchin 30 days a notice from L�ender thnt tho lnsuruace cnrrier hos offered to setde u claim.then
<br /> ar to u sums
<br /> Lender may collece tba insurnnce pmceeds• Lender caay use the proceeda to rePair or cestare We Property D Y
<br /> �. secured by this S�cudry Iasuumeat,wbether or r�ot dteu due.71►e 30�day periad�vill begia when the aodcc is given.
<br /> Un(eas Lender und Borrower otheiwise aIIres in v�ting� a'�jr�1`aad 2 or ch�e thc amounc of the paymenta.If wtder —
<br /> ,. . postpone the due date of the moathly pnyments nege�red�°u►Par�aP �
<br /> . .� P���Ph 21 the Fropec�y is necluired by Lender. Bairovaar's sip,ht to aay Insw�►ee polteies and pmceeds resulting from _
<br /> ^ damnge to the Praperty prior to the acquisidoa shaU pa�s to l.ender to the extent of the sums secured bY this S�curttY lnstn►m�nt
<br /> •r � immediately pdor to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupaney, Pceservutton,Mututenue�ee und Protection ot the Propertyi Bormwer's Loun�APplienttont Leaseholds.
<br /> `-` �� •" Boaower ahall a:cupy,establtsh.and use the Property as Borrower`a prinsipal residence wiWin sixty daya nfter t4e eaecution of
<br /> . .„a �hts Szcurtry Iaatnunent cuid shull contlaue to occupy the Propzaty as Borrower's principal resideace for at least one year nfter
<br /> `"'' ''''+� the da�t�af oc�►psxncY�u n,less 1.e nder othenvise agrees In writinS� Whicb�°�sent shali not h�e unreasonably wlthheid,or unt�
<br /> ;��,:�; ,� ' eatenuatiag circumstances exist �vh1r.� a're 6eyond Borrower's coutrol• BorroWer shatfl mvt desuoy. damage or impair the
<br /> � p�op�riy�ailow th.� property to detedorate.or commit waste on the Pco��rty. Borrower shatl be in s�efault it any fod'eiture
<br />-'-';��"°%'� action ar proce�Jing��vhether ctvii or cdaainal.is begua that in 1�ender's good fuith judIImeat coulcQ r�sult ia forfeitu�04 the
<br />�.`�:.a;•`,:;,�,�l�..
<br />;;��.�;,;+;,'., PmpErty or othervvlse materinlly impair tlic liea created by thia Secudty Instrument or L.endor's sccurity interest. nrrower aruy
<br /> �"`°�,,�� cu�+e anch a defautt and reiastate.as provided in paragraPh 18.b?I cnus)ng the action or proceeding to be dismissed avith u culing
<br /> �:•���`'�"`W��? that. in I.ender's good faith deterntiaati;on. Preciudcs tv ci-�� 3f tli�Boim�PS's �tliei?�r in che Property ar offier mateiIal ,
<br /> �-�y`-°-`���� impalrnrent of the liea cre�ted by thia Secudey Inatcument or Lrender's securlty interest• Bomo�er shaU a1sQ be in default if
<br /> _LL�,-�_,Y..��
<br /> - Borrower,during�e loan applicatlon procesa.gave mutedally false or laaccurate Iafom�ation or statemsnts to Lender(or failed
<br />—__'�'::~;:;"� to proh ide Lender with any mnterIsl information)�of�thetiPro��a�.�ea Pr�iaC�P��ence If Nhi�s�;Se ulrity I�nsbnutmAent�On a
<br /> �i94°���;� te�nepresentudons conoeming Bomower's occupancY P�'
<br /> -��-��■ leaseha1d, �otrower shall comply with all the Pmvig�ons of the lease. If Bomower ur.q�inles fee tttle to the Propesty� the
<br /> -u Vtil.:ils��]1
<br /> _r., __=.� leasehold and the fee ttde shall aot merge ualess Lender ugrees to the merger ia wrl:u►8•
<br /> - -_ 7.Prot�ctfor�m1 I.eader's RlRhts[n the Propeity.IP Borrower faiIs to�perform the covenants anfl agc+ecments oontained ia
<br /> ��� t6is S�tY��ent.or thexe is a legal pmceedinB such as a
<br /> r thnt may signi�Icnntly atfect Lender's rtghta ia ihe Property(
<br /> ---_ �y-�.�•��� p�g�b�ksuptcyr�pmbato,for oo n deraaa t i o n o r f a r f e i���e o r t a e n f o r c e l uws or re g u lattons).then Lender may do and
<br /> °—=�� pay for whatever is aecessary to Protect the value of the Properry nad Leuder's dghta in the Pmpeity. l.ender's uctions cpaY
<br /> - include paytag any suuts secured by a lien whlch �► o�e c+e�ai�.Althou�h Lendler enaYcntake ao�AUnder thia paragraPh �
<br /> __�� ceasonable attomeys'fees and enuring on th$�ropertY P
<br /> ,_ - ._.; 7.Lender d�es aot 6ave ta do so. h � ��b�ome addidc�nal debt oP Borrower secured by this
<br /> -__--- pny amounts diabursed by ixnder under this para�raP
<br /> � _.�.� —' �e of d bursemeat�at the Notc trnte i+nd s�hnll begpay ble,�ivith�eresf tp up n notia �ra�m L.endet�co Borrowe�r requestiag
<br /> dns
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