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<br /> of Horrotiver's covcnants attd anreements under this Secs�dry Instrument cu�d the Note. Far thig purpus6. Borrower �
<br /> �' irrevocubly grants aad conveys to the'I'rusce�.i��ttuwt,witi�powcr of s:�le,the follor�ittg descrihed proJserty I�ered �-
<br /> ,����� ���x � � xali ' County.Nebraska:
<br /> _��;�� � , Lot 5, Jamaon Subdiviaion, City.af: arand Island, Hall County, Nebrueka , __
<br /> i'� ' • �
<br /> � �, y ; _
<br /> �;�.. . �a -
<br /> '� 'x� ----
<br />. 'i�C.y, ' —
<br /> r i 1.i}
<br /> � .,2'�{�` �.rl�Y•�1���
<br /> . ���+•� which has eke ads�i�ess of 4�3 E Delaware, t3acand ieland
<br /> ��}�`)�j Nebraslca 68801 IZ�P Codel ("�P�Y AddtESS'): _-
<br /> ,.i}�hr� `;
<br /> -,:;�`�<'••k:i
<br /> '�,•�4'.y;'t�;? TOGETHER WITH all the impruveacenta aow or her�after erected on the property. a�ed e11 easeffi�nts.
<br /> ..;,_��;�;;��` . appurceaaaces ated fiatures na►v or hereafter a part of c�e property. A1l replasein°.nts aad adNUons shaU also be
<br /> v'�h'��' covered by this Security[nswmeat.All of the fomgoiag es sa+Fetsed to in this Stcurity insttument as the"Property."
<br />__; ,i�;;
<br /> BORROWER COYBNANTS that IIomower is lawfbl@y seized of the estate 6ereby conveyed and has tha right to
<br />;�� '�',�,�.� ' Qrant end convey the Propeny and that the Property is uneasumberedainst allt cla[ms and demands�subjec�t�any
<br />'`:�.��.,��, wt►rraats aad wiU defend generatty the Utle to the iPc+�ercy 8
<br /> -:,r;�c°.��P� encumbrdnces of record.
<br />_-���-a'-��� TH[S S�r.]RCI'Y INSTRUMENT cambines uniform covenants for nattonal use aad non-uniform covenants
<br />-�..�u-,�;����'� with limitcd vatjatWns by jutlsdicdon to constltute a uaifomt security�nstri��nt coverin�mai pmpetty. ...
<br /> 4L=•';`�� Borrowe�a�idLender covenant aad agree as follows:
<br /> -`�:<:�,�`►
<br /> -""�_ UNIIFORM COVENANT�.
<br /> �_���
<br /> - 1, p�ymerri of Prindpal, Interc�Y urd Utte Ctu►rge. Borcawer shatl pay w�en due thc�;principal of,and
<br /> -��"'�''�`�' interest on,the debt evlde.nced by the Note t�ed late charges due under the Note.
<br /> `yy�`-`'�' 2. Monthly Payment ot'Paxes� lasurance nmtf Othee Ctwrges. Bomower shall includB In e:uh monthly
<br /> -:-�=`:;�;�`,� paymeat. wgetherwith the principsil and interest as set forth in tho Note nnd any late charges�a aum for(a)ta.zes s�nd
<br /> � =_.. speelnl assessmenrs lev[ed nr co be levted against the Property. (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on ¢he
<br /> pooperty. snc�(c)premiums for insur�sx requtred under pnragraph 4. In any year in whieh the J�ec►der muss pay a
<br /> mortgage insura�ee pmmium to the Secretary of I�ousing And Urb�n Uevelopment("Secretary��i, ot ln aay year in
<br /> ����g� wAicb such.�►terninm woald have been requlred if Lender stlU held the Securiry iustn►ment. eacl� mantWy payment
<br /> - �`' sbu1181su lnclude either: (i)a sum for the annwrl mortsage insumnce prem[mn to�e paid by Lender to che Sectetaiy.
<br />- - -__-�� or{i�)a�aonthly charge instead of a mortgage insurance premdum if this Securiry Ins�rument is heid by the Se�cret.uy.
<br /> ---- �_�-- in a reas4nabl�•amaunt ta ba determia�by th�e Sgcretsuy. Except for the monthly charge by ihe 5ecretar�►�thsse
<br /> '— = ttems are cnlled "Escmw Items"uad the sums paid to Le�cder are called"Bscmw Funds.'
<br /> = Lender tpay,at any time.collect ancl hold emounts for Escrow Iteias[n an aggnegate s�mount not to exead the
<br /> - n;�ucimum amount that may be ieq,uis�i for Bonower's�scrow�coount under the itenl Estate Settlement Proa�ct�ar�cs
<br /> -�--°° --- Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. SectEon 2601 et seq. and implementing resuladons, ?A CFFt Pait 3500,as they may be
<br /> �' a�endo!{ froin time to ttme("RESPA"),except thtu the cushton nr c�eseive permitted by RESPA for uuanticipated
<br /> -
<br />