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<br />�_�=s���� THIS OEED OF TRU8T 18 DATED FE�RUARY 1d, 1989. among MICHAEL JACKSON an� 3TACY S .IA�KSON�
<br />�*�i���'� MU�Bl�I�fD AND WIF�,whese addreaa I��408 APACNE RD, GRAND {8LAND� NE 68801 (retened to bslow as
<br /> �`"'""'-' 'Tru�t,�c"); UNITED N�BRA�KA BANK�wfr�sn �ddre!►8 I�700 N W�BB R0�RO 80X 6018.t3RAMD ISIAND�N�x
<br />;������
<br /> '"—'�-� 6880Z(rof�rred to betovl�meUmes aa "Lenz3�r" And Bometimas ee "Beneticiary"); and UN(f�� NEBRASKA
<br />�`���4"�'� BANIC�whoa�addreat i�P.A.BOX 6098�iRAP���i 1St,A[�a�NE 6@60a(raterred to betow es "Trutteo").
<br />-:7::.:..'w�af°i'�1
<br />-"- �'—L�� CONYB1fIdNC� AND aNA,NT. Fot v�lwDle conatdcretton, Trwtat conveys fo TrunOS In truit�WITH POWER OF SAl.E,tat tM b�ntllt ot
<br />�,,,�r Lend�v�s OeMtklary� all of TrubtOr'e rfgOt, tltto,end Int3�est tn and to tho lollowJnp desCribed real propeAy, topethx with ak ax7aNnp m
<br /> -� suhsequenUy w�oUd a omxod bulidir►ps,lmprovsmonts wd 1Mu�es;all oasemc�s,�ights of way,and appurtenanoes:n11 water,watw dphb and
<br />�°y�::� ditch rtphts pnc1u01rp OtDCk In utllllies wilh ditch at IMga*ian QigAtsfi�nd• p other dghts,roy�U�e5 artd proAb�et�tinp to Ihe ro�i Pro�y•���
<br />_�,�:�� without IIm141ion pA rillne�N7,o�i,ons,qantharma�and slmilsr metlers,��ocated in H��t:L�ountyl. State ot Nebrasks- (ic►�e "ita�
<br /> =. r�� PfO�E�u�:
<br /> - -- �_=;���! NEBflASKA. •
<br /> _���:.,,�`;�;'�'� Yhm Reat Praperly or it�tddreas b comr�oniy kn�wn aa 2408 A1+AC�d�RD��RAPID ISLAND� NE Otiiw9. _
<br />��. �.; 1n thfs Oasd of Tn�t att of T�uatora rtpht,lNk�,and Intena!in and to�t praa�nl artd
<br /> Trustor prdalrtity�tflpnt to l�nder(atao known e0 Benefldary )
<br /> � .`�'�gt;,- .� tuture leQSas o11tw Pr�pe+ty�nd�tl Rsnta trom ffre Properry. In addlUOn,Truelo�pr�nta Lender a Unitorm Com�srdal Code seaurity tnterest tn ttw
<br />- � ,�� Renta ond lM Pananat PropNlyl dsHnad b�low.
<br /> �LTFINIT(Ok9. Tff�tditlwlnp wot06 shrUt hav�tha tollowirq meantngs when usod In Ihis Qnod af TntsG Term3 no1 olAerwlse dstinBd In ihis O�ed of
<br /> � Tn,st shatl tuve IM mwntnBs ettrWut�d to euoA tmms In It�Urtform Cammereial Codo. tUl relt�rencos to douar nntovnta eheii mean amuunb tn
<br />� • • Inwlul money of tho Un9ed 6tate�ot Amorlca.
<br /> ' r, genBtlCliry. Th�wad"8frnfictaryP mQana UNIT@0 NEBRASIV�BANK, Its eeiccessora entl asslgns. UNITED NEBpASKA BANK etso is
<br /> � roterrod to as'Lander"In tht�Resd ot YrusL -
<br /> ' " �' DoM of T�uit. Tho woret�"Desd of Trua1"mean tNS Oood ot Trust arnoc�g Trustor.Lendw,and Trustes.and inaludos without IlmltaUan alt _
<br /> :s���: d. n�slgnmeM and a�cttrlry intoro9l ptovtatona retetinp to Ino Pursonal Fkopurry end pents. .
<br /> '' �''�' �xla;lnp Indtbledrt��0. YR9 wotdf"f:�lstinp Indobledrsei�"m�en the indobtednosa dascdDed beiow in Ihe Existlny Indebtadness socUun nt
<br />_ �'' �r __� thta Do�d ot Ttual.
<br /> _.._,�� .� u„�...e.u��
<br />- --r=-"-+' QUMMItOf. Th8 WO►d"Ouar�nloP m�ans und Inewoas vnmou�irmimrlon ery a�6 a»yusrau�ao�owow�a....o...�.... ' ..---- ... _
<br /> � Conn�Ctlon wliPt Ihi IndiDtednes9•
<br /> ' Imp�ort�nnb� Tho w��d'ImptOvemYnta"mvans ond Inctudos without Ilmitntion alt exisUn�ond iutur6�mpro�smenM,bultding�,ctrttaturos, _.
<br />_ ., mobft0 hOmes atfixRd On tlu Neltl F►optrty,tAClllit03,ad�SlUons,ropiacen'►ents and other oorr3buCNon on 1ho iiol�Proponty.
<br /> � " IndebtiQtit�t. Trto worQ"InCr9tadn�e°msens atl p�trtcWal and IMCraat paynbb under th9 Note ond any amounts axpondod or advnnoad by
<br /> _ .,- ---— t�ralhp�w3i�ii t i�i�,i abn Gii�,l�riiun;;.LO�tto��4n lR?!De�d c��T uAttoe or Lnndor to eMCrCO obllgaUons at 7rusla undor lHis Deod of Tru3t,
<br /> , " �entltr. Tlro wad't,ondw"mgans UN19GV NGIlIiA6KA OM(K�Ita euCCessore and ac�iqns.
<br /> � /letf.Tite wo/d"Mole"mtNt�trti WOt�d�ttD F�DrU�ry 1e�1������Q�rina��f11 Adrt�Qtll Ot$15,0�'b.�01rom Trustor to Lender,
<br /> tagether witn nn renawnt�,o�tona�on�,moallflcatlpns,ro'�nanelnps,and oubs uUons or the Note. 'tha mt�turfly dnl9 of this Duod of 7rust la
<br /> Augus►23,t9�J0.
<br /> P�rsont�t Ptap�rt�r. Tno �rorda`1'm�oonn! Propctriyf inean u!�equlpmont,tixturn9,and otf�u prl�ot�a•4f�#,�eo�at propoAy now or harctaftor
<br /> _.�..�� -- -
<br /> --- _...__. .. .. .-.-_.d.�„�..— _..�..�.,�.�.:-,=----
<br />