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<br />, , 4.As adAidonnl acc�rlty�Tr�=►bn c�rcby alvcs w nnd can�em upoa HancGutwy tLe fta!►2,Par�cr sued authorlty.dnsiag th��conUnunnco of �
<br /> � thesa Trusts W coAect ihe rentn,lssues ond profib of snid propartY�resetving unto ltustar tha dgtit,Pdor W aay c�efault by'tYustor in pnymeat
<br /> �� ; � af nny icdcbtednesv secured hemby or ln perPotqnoarto of nuy o}�tae,mant f�eeattador.to cpUcct aad retatn such tentfl,lssucs oad proRt�ns they
<br /> becomo d►►o nnd payablo.Upoa any euch dofnul4 HcneRoiary raay At aay dsno wIthout nodce.oither ia persoa,bK agent,or hy a receiver W bo
<br /> oppolnted by a cnw�t,nnd tdtttout ceIIard to tho ndeqtuioy of nny�GUtity for the Ltdebtedaessheteby secwed,ent�r upon und taka pas�esslo�►
<br /> °. ,z� _ of said property ot iu►y part thoreof.in W.g owu nnme sua for ar othaewise cailect such ronta,issues and pmil�laah►diag thoso Past due and
<br /> ur�patd�and apply thr came upon any iadabtr.dn:ss seeuted horaby.nnd!n such otder os Benefleiary muy detenninej'Phe enterlag upan und �
<br /> •�t c., p�tting posses.v}ou oQ'eald propcity.tLac:a'«�z of�:h rc�i,��nv�nd rrof iav cwd tho opplieudoa thoreof a.v AfaTesnid,shaU aot oure or �
<br /> �,a�at " anivo nny default or aotice af defautthb�undcr at iavnlldnW any�at dona pwsuoatw suoh nodco• ; .
<br /> r'`,
<br /> -'jr S.Upoa defnule by Ttasw:ia tho paytnent of uay ft►debtednoss secured l+ereby ot la the porfatmauco of any�a emeat conWued horeln,
<br /> a116ums seaured hereby shall fmmedlnWly becama duo aad payabin as the aptfoa of tho Haneficiniy.Iw�ueh event uu upoa wtltten tequestof
<br />-=�-m� - Beuefioicsry.�'n�stce shnU seA the ttust Pr°Deriy'�i°°��Qrd°n°e w�}�1ha Nobtaska 1Yust aeeAs Act,nt ubllo auction w tha highe.�t bidder.
<br /> �Y PeT6on eac ob1T a�Truste�e f oII(2�thrs•obligudon seaumE�d hyptbls Deed of 7�sfi(3)the surplus��iP�nay�shoA d�isMbuted to tho _
<br /> .. -"�'� lnoludiag a eeas
<br /> , �. � petsonsantldcdlherew. �
<br /> `�4�" 6.ltustee aLnll daliver tn tho purchasor nt the snle ib dcsd,,rr.dbout wnrrnAty�which sholl convey to the putchoROr the iatcrest fa tha
<br />-.:_�;;';:;� property which'hustor hod or had tho powor to convoy ct the dme�af 61s�ceautlon of this Doed ot T'rust,aad sueh es he mny hnvn aaquired _.
<br /> x«;"'•_' , thcm.aRet.'1'ntstea's deed shall ceoioa the feuts shotvk�g tlu�t Wo s.�tta wag coaducted iu compllmce wlth all th0 requitetnenis of law aad ot this _
<br /> "'``;'`:F Bsed of Tt�s�whioh tecital shuU ixs p�fmri faale evidenc$of�suah compllaaee aad conoluslve evidenco thereof in favor o£bonu Hdu
<br /> .,��,:.:,.
<br /> •::;:-�,�,�• purchnsersnudencumbrancrsforvntws.
<br />°""'�`:; ry,19te gower af sale conYetted Dy tLb Deed of Tn�st ls aat ea cnclusive remedy�.Beneflolary mny aause this Decd oY Trust W be
<br /> ;n��.'�� fureolosed a9 n mottgnge.
<br />:.;i`:;°:`r�.. Y Y Pl�
<br /> 8.In tho eveat of the dexth,incApuolty,dt9ub11tty or peslEat�ttat►of'1`eostea,Benaiiaiat r�� e lat 1n wrt�a8�succesor tnnbee,en
<br /> ""K"-- inbartpt}n the mortQage seaards c�f tho counry ia whlch thi.a Decd of ltust 1s tecorAed,the successor�usteo
<br /> _�sdaae� upon tho reeotding o4 enab pppo hereto of gending aele undor ony WLet
<br /> ' '^`Y• shn11 be vested wlth nU potwrs of th:url�)nul trustce.'I�e i�v�'•.aA b aot obliged tn notlty nay pattY
<br />>•L;�.,.�sd� Deed of Te�tSt Qs of any action or pmceodlnII ia which Tttt.�tar,7'�vsteo or Heaeflainry sh�ill be a garty imie�aunb ttddon or proceediug ls
<br />-, broughtDp tha'lhistee.
<br /> -:;,..� 9.This Deed oY ltust npplt�a bo,inutes m the beaofit of,aad Is bindfng not onfy on th�pariles herato,6a�on d�eir�ei�s.dovlsoes, -
<br /> .�� legatees�edminlrttatore�exeautess,succossots and osslgn.�.Ttsu tntm 8eaefloinrY sLnU mena tha h°lder and o�vnar af the no0a sccuted lheteby. .,
<br />`'!��'�� ahethar ar aot anmed as Beneftslnry herein.
<br /> ::,,��;�;�,1�j� 10.Request for Notiw of Aafault or Nat�co of Selo.It ta rcqua�tcd fhnt a copy of any No2ico of Default or Nottee ai 3010 bo mniled ta
<br />°;�,s;,�;�T�- eachpctsonwhoisaamedlaihts7ltustDeedutthomn111naaddfafaoPeuahpersonassetwtabove,
<br /> ----= NQTIC��U COPTSUIV�EA. 1.Do aot aigo t��is paper beiore yon rca�i��. You are endtlecl to e
<br /> -- r�py af�5 pape�'.3.You may pa�epny the uupuld balance et�ny time and map be e�nt�tled to r�cea've
<br /> -= --- �a reihnd.+a�ua�arnc:i cn�es in accoi��,�t�1�. ° _
<br />-- _�-��.� g�d t�,�2 day oY FEaRIi RA Y •A.D.1Q�..• ' . ' ',.
<br />— � `� $TATBOPYIYEBRA9KA ) � .
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<br /> __ ��j WYL�11 ' __
<br /> -------- Oa d� ,�„?2,_ daY oY FEBRUARY . A.D. �99.beforo atcs.the un@etsigned� o No2iuy Publio. duly
<br /> - commtssioxi�il pnd yualified for rsad resld3na in sutd cam►ty,pareonallY cnme BRUCF I.ANDF.BS & VIR'�,j]j�,T-ANi1RRS AC
<br /> JOINT TEiQANTS to ma known to Iw tbu ld¢ndcal per.:an�,whose na�e�„affixed to tl�o fongofng insttument
<br /> _;�r� g und uatcriowledgad tha same W be_ T�iEIR__,__,._
<br /> ' •.vobantaeq aat end decd.
<br /> - ' � �jtnr,f�rpy htiad aud No�ria15en1 tSit day aad yeazln�E nbave wtiwon.
<br /> MyC�ommisslottc�inrsd�*. STH day ��i$�1ll1XN�
<br /> ` of FEBRIJARY .�Q� ��� � N�ry pn
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