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IN TNE ORIQINAL TOUN OF CAIRO, HALL COUNTY, �_ <br /> NEBRASKA. ` <br /> ,; <br /> ,° , .. , <br /> a. • <br /> : ,..�.,�. : Tvgoi;ac:wi�taa�m�s�,�Seteditasaen�s,ttnA appw�nancesthoreuato belonBiaB or ia anywlso aAPet�t�CB a�d ttie xanta,issnes aad prafits <br /> Wtueof. t W Beaefio of 11rusWts'pmmiamY no3e oP aven dnta iA t6e smouat <br /> � . Thtg waveJiaiuels ininaded far the pu�,wso of seeudng the paymen 1M' E`-'" <br /> oF S (Toml of Paymeaty).Said Totnl of Poymeats is eepny+�ble accotdin8 W the tetms oY snW nota.Payment may ba wade#m '��: <br /> ::''''' �v�,��`�'�°'y mn�ount nt any timo.Defunit 3n matd�;anY PaY��t���o AeneAalary's optlon aad wlthout aodce or derns►ud,Fettdcr the , <br /> �`�• reb�te of charges. <br /> :;••�•�..� entire unpaid b�)ance of satd loan at onca dna nnd paynb!a�less nny[equired <br />`::,;;�;`;',�tt,' To protecttho security oP thfs Deed of Tc�st,'hus�er cuveaunt8aad ogrees: <br /> "=4o;M,,,.,i., 1.To ksep the properiS+ia Sood coaditioa and repait;W permit no woste thereof;to comptote any bulldlog,dtucdue at impmvement bofug <br /> "�''' ' butR ar aixiut W be built thereon;ta mstore promptly any build3ag,struot�ua or impmvomentthereon ahieh moy 6e damaged or des4rayed;c►ad to <br />-� °"'�-� covennnm,condiflons and res�icitons affectlqg the propetty. <br /> --.-.--;�:v..,�•. compIy tvlt3�csD lawe.ordinances.re8uh►tlons, to 1 the free aad olear of aU othor cLurgca,lians <br /> 2.To pay befam dellnqueat nll Iaati�l twces aad nssessmoatavpoa tho praperty; aeep ProP�ri3' <br /> '�','':,t or encumbmaces impairin8 the seoutlty oY this Deed of'husY. <br /> ,''�,:±','"r.� <br /> -.� r�_...a 3.To keep all bnlldit�s now or hemnfte:erected on the 1ttoPartY descri�ied horein condr��ua�sly insnred ugainst los9 by Qre or otherhs�,ntds <br /> .�...�w'�.s,---- <br /> _yT^��:�'�� in an cwnaunt not le�than the toml dobt sccured by this Aeed of Trast.Atl polleies sbnll be hetd by tho Beaeflolnry.and i��n suoh os e� <br /> _--- ,.�_.,a..� tha Bencficiary muY nPprove nad hnvo 2cs�paynblo t"itat to the Beneficlary a9 its fnDatest mny eppeur tmd thaa to the'1Yastor.Tlto amo�mt <br /> colleeLed uadet aay tasumnca polioy s.ay 4p e�+P1i�d.upoa aayc * by secured!n such cvder av tho Beaefiolnxy shall detettn�aa, <br /> w._r�-a:.:. y�lel�df�'3�c dh�s w foreeloso tt�is Aeed of Tnut or a�ue or aaive aay <br /> _�-=-_.—.:::,�. �'uch ugpltautia►by the BoaeSolury shnA r:ot?tcu�d� ���of the'1'�Oor 9a lusurance . . -- <br /> ``�3��'- �eFauIt ot uotke of d�fon(t et�avnlldaLa eay!nct�l�na put�littdtlJltdl� 9 ia event of�breolosure� <br /> ,,�tr��,'�r':� . pullalcsthe»infotceshr�Ug��tothopurcLo�eratthttotC�it�W+a6�:,:6i�::,.rr�: <br /> :�"",�"`:'"�. 4.To o7�ifn the vvtimaa coasentof Beneficiary 1xfore salliag;coaveyLug oi otherw�e uaa9ferdng tha property or nny purt thureoP ead a�y <br /> -:�.�b.,.� <br />.;�r,�=�y?��:.. suoh�saf0.a�aveynnceortraastorwitlwuttho Bene�aiury'swrUtan coasentsbnit consdtute a d0fuiiltundertho tcrma herea. <br /> -�':-'•__�-��� S.Teda9'¢adunyecflonorpineccdInBputpo�etoaffectthaseautitYhereofortherlghtsotpowersofBeaefloinryor'1lvsteo. <br /> _�'�'":��� 6.Shamld TYuster fntl W pay when due any mu,s�ossos�ents.i��CO P���•�e1i9►°II��ces os o�►ot oharges agai�st tha <br />---_�_"�;�'�,,; � pioperty hesofnnbovo dc�scrlbe�l.BeneftotutY moy pny tre seane.and the amouat so ps��with interest�t tha ente set fasth la tho note seouned <br /> '.�� �:;_' nen�+Y,�t+alt be odded oo and becomo a pnrtofthe debt6eoin�ed in d�is Deed of Thutav�ram�tDnA by 1aw. <br /> -�=r.�:�-�'� 1T IS MUTUALL'Y AC�RiBBD TIiAT: - <br /> �'�.��-•`. .� L.l�i¢'ira event any poHton of tho propatty t9 mkan or damnged fn an eminent domain praceedia8.tha endre amount of tho oward oi auah - <br /> y. __ :._� <br /> portton thc�aof as mny be necessnryro fuUy sndsfy dte obligntion seeuredhnreby.shaU be paid to Bennficiarqto bo otrplled to snid obligatlnt whcn <br /> � 2.By uccepting psymenc of any sum seaured dereby nfter trs dua dnm,Benofteiary does aa wntva irs rtghe m rcquiro Promp�PaY� <br /> '' '� � due of all other sums so s,euTCdor w dealare de�au@ fot fnilure to sopay <br /> , � • 3.11io 7tusDee shaD ceconvoy ali os any part of ihe P�1�nN covered by thiv Deed of Tcust�t f e�tixo�avoynnce�by thnv�3�en�sflela y or <br /> - . ; otthe 1h�stur ond the Beaeficiaty.or uFen aadsthotion of the obUgnflan s:cw+cd and vnisua t� <br /> ' . ° � tho gcrsaa c.�titl¢d th:re*.n. , <br /> �, • �.�� <br /> . '�' n�es�atta�-t <br /> „ <br /> �� - �,,.,�,.�.r=.--- _ . <br />=' .> • � -----.—.--_.._...--- .<„ .. , - --;— <br /> _ .. w�_ , _. _. _ , u -�� :� <br /> - � , .. ,� , . . _ . .-��s` - <br /> . Y�I' f � . ' . . - . . . .� . . . � . . .� - _ <br /> . ._"_ _ ___r -.._..- ' _.___ . .-"_ _ ___.-_ _ ____'. _ _ ._.- _- -_- --_"_ _-_ -_— _ - . .-___ --" __ _ <br /> - ' � • � . � ° ,. • . - ,�. - . T � " ' _ � " •. .. � .. ' - � .. " .r.�P <br /> . .., . . .. . c, . „ - . � � - <br /> . . ' . . . �r, , , . .. • ..• � <br /> • a .. _, <br /> , , „ ., .. . <br /> , .. . , . .t <br /> • .. . „ , ? : ,. <br /> _ _ . . • �. � _.�__.�.�------= <br /> - _. _:_- - -=�.u <br /> . . .. �, �� ' .. , - ,.. .' ' _ <br /> , . ' , • ., ,� ,. . ., , • . •, �, . ., " , � ._ <br /> ' � , , • , . " . . �:_,� . , . - <br /> . .. .. , . •• .. ., ., �. „ , " <br /> �. • , ' ., V _. .� � .. . <br /> , . . _ - _• <br /> . , <br /> .,. .._ __ <br />