<br /> n ' �
<br /> ,. , , .. . ..�..-.""' ..
<br /> ,. �• � :,.. .. . .. , .
<br /> � �9�st����� .
<br /> . ,.
<br /> I�lapnc[n!tteparts cuzd AddltlonW�acu►uer�4s,Truator wtll provQde to gencficiary upan requeac,any flnancinl atntoment �
<br /> or infarmntioA Beneflclary maY 4�.em reaqo�ably necessary. 'Crustor agreea to atgn. deliver. nnd 81e any ndditional
<br /> � documenta or certiflcnflons thnt Eenaflctary may constder necesaury to perfect.continue.and preserve Trustor's obligndons . �
<br /> � tutder thts Sscurity Iasteument aad Beneffctary's llen statua on t�e Praperty. ,.
<br /> 6, yr�1�NTX OE�TITI.E. Trustor warrants �hat Tcustor ia or �vill tre iu�vft�lly seized af the estate convey ed by thia '
<br /> gecuriry Inatcument und has the rlght to irnvocably grant�canvoy.and sell ttte Pt�sperty to Trustee.in tivst.wFth power et „�
<br /> �•� sale.Tcusror also wan'aate ttea�the 1�roperty[s uaencucnbered�except for encumbraacea ot record.
<br /> ' ' -'�J 7, DiJE ON SALE. Leader muy. at its opdoa. de�lare the eatire balaace of thc S�cured Uebt to be iauuedisuel due and � :
<br /> pa yable u pon the creadan of.or contrect for tl�e creation of a uaasfer or sale of the Property.TWs right ia sub�ect to tbe .��,��
<br /> restrictiona impos e d�y f e de r a l law(1 2 C.P.R.3 9 1),a s a p p l�c a b l e. �
<br /> 8. DEFALJ9.T.Truator wW be in default ig aay of the following occur: ''�
<br /> Fruud. Any CoASUmer Borrower enga�es ln fraud or materlal misrepresentatioa nn connection wtth the Secured Debt that ��L
<br /> is aa open end home equity plau. _.
<br /> �, pnyipents. Aay Consumer Borrower on any Secured Debt thai is an open en.d home equity plan fails to ma�ce a payment
<br /> , ', � when due. �
<br /> .. ,..:
<br /> p�+�pe�ty Any ecdoa or inacdoa by the Borrower or araator occurs that advers�ly af�f����r��er�8on�the
<br /> ' ' W�ie Fe8 'Thio jncludes,but Is noi iluiited to,the following:(a)(irantor fail
<br /> rty� n
<br /> � property;(�b)Orantor uansfers the Pra�2rty; (c)Grautor camrnita waste or othenvisa desuuctively uses ur[sils to raetntain —
<br /> � . � �e p�p��y s���t tha actioa or nm�.�aiAn adversely affeccs Leader's securlty•(d) (iranror fails to pay te�ces on the �
<br /> Property or utherylse fuils to act and t�hxreby causex a lien w be Rted agafnst the �roperty that is senior to the lien of this
<br /> S�tlty (nstcumenr (e) a sole arantm¢dles• (� if more than one amntor. aay tlrantor dies and Lender's secur� is ��`-°,;-
<br /> '. � adversely affected'l8)the P�'oPertY�9 take° t�r°ugh emfnent domain;(h)a Juagment is filed ngatast Grantor nnd sub�octs ---.
<br /> � ; (iraator aad the �roperty ta� ectloa that adveraely uffects Lender's interest;or (i) a pdor lienholder foreclosea oa the �,�,-
<br /> �� a property and as a result,Lender's interest la adversely affected. ._���.
<br /> � . ,��' Executivo OfCicecs.Any Borrower is an execudve officer of Lender or an afflliate and anc h Borrower b e c omes i a d e b t e d t o =_—
<br /> . � ti r.� Lender ar another lender in an a�gcegata a�nount greater than thho aanount pe�mittett uader federat laws and reguladans. _
<br /> _ = •
<br /> ... �Y�.
<br /> `��'- ,���� �, REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In addidon to any other remedy available und�T the teraes of this h► �� �
<br /> Benaficiary may accelerate the Secured Aebt aud fore�lose this Secudty Iastrument in a manaer pmvidod hy Iaw if Trustor __
<br /> • ��.�. Is in dafault. In some instances,federa9 and state la�v will require Beaeftciary to�pm�vide Tcuator wiW aotice of the dght w �.
<br /> � ' cure�or other Aotices azed may escabiis►zi timC a�h�3o2�fcr farecic�ure sciions.Eack Tsusi�T�»eaca a copy of any nodoe „
<br /> ;� ., uf defa�tlt aad any aodce of sale thereu�der be mailed to each Trustar at tha address pmvided ia�ection 1 al�ove.
<br /> � pt the o�ptioa of the Beneflaiary.all or any part of the agreed fees and char8es�acctued tater�at and prlucipal shall bocome
<br /> ,. immed[ately due and �p�able, after givtus notice if requtred by law. upon t6e ooaurmce of a deftnslt or aaytime _
<br />- them,uftor.
<br /> ' ' If there is m default. Tmstee ab�ll, �t tAe request of the Be�teflcimy, advertise acd sell tho Property aa aSvt��ole or l�e
<br /> • t separate parcels at publia auction to the btg�esc bidder for cash and convey absoluto tItle &ce and clear of uu u38At, dQe
<br />- and iaterest of Tcuator at such tima and place as Tcust o be18��T�u�by�the;�plic ble la v�1ne�e��Qtie�ti�m�e�,
<br />-,; � . � tenms und pince of sale and a descri tian of the pmperty
<br /> the proposed sale.
<br /> -•-� �•. Upon salo of the property sind to the eateat not pmhibited by law Tnistea ehall make aad deliver a dced to��o
<br /> •��,°,:. sold wblch conveys absolate tide ta the putcFieser, and after t`trst paying all f�es� charges aad a�sts. p -
<br /> v..*,�:• •., iasurance� liens, assessments and prior encumbranoes and fnterest
<br />^,-- ,.. 8 e n e�i a i a ry nil mon e ys advanad for repairs,taxes. �e 8 l u s� i f a n
<br /> thereon� And tha priacipal nnd intereat on t h o S e c u r e d D e b t. F a y l n B u� y.t o T c u a t o r. B e n e f i c i a ry m�y
<br />,�:•���•' p�uch�se tl�e property fho recitals ia aay d�:ed of conveyance s1taU be prlma facie evidence of the facte sst forth lherein.
<br />=f � Tha acxeptanoa by Beneflciary of any sum in p t or partiel payrasat on t�e �aured Debt aRer the baltmae is due at is =-_
<br /> - • acalerated or after foreclosun proaediaBs are �led shall not constitutg a waivar of Beaefictary's right to require com�lst� -�r-
<br /> _ __ _ cure o f a�wp�Q�s��f�veni a defau�it i f t a6appens ag�ain o a Tr�iator s default. Beaeflck u y does aot wutve BenetIcia�+'s -
<br /> - � �'' r�ght to latxr wasider tEce ��
<br /> y. + .'. �;
<br /> � �= �*. . 10. EXPENSES; ADVANC�S ON COVSNANTSi ATPO1tNEY3• F uFS: Ca�1LA.E�ON C�STS.iInt Tn�scor breach� ��:
<br />=r��'�"':"«." , any covenuat in thia SecurIry Insaument, Tcustor a�cees ta pay x� �Y Pe �n8 =_
<br />�"�;.$'�°-" " � `, oovenantu or pmteaiag its securfty intsmst in the P[opertY.Such eapenses[nciucte�but are aot limiced w.feaa incumed for
<br /> •.::`'.:---�--- �-�'::, ia..�na.�r�rving,or othe�wl�x�amxt' the P�+operty aud�rneRctary's securlty Gctemst.Theso exptnses aro�,ayable -
<br />_- . y;;;: on dcmaiid�►�wlii�car ia:erest frsssn�e�ete of paym�c iuuu �Id!u fl�1t at thr,hlg�� z�te of iaterest in e ect as �._-
<br /> ' . :.;; pmviddd in the tera� of tho Secur�]Debt.T�ustor agrees to puy aU costs and exFenses incurnd i�jr Beneficiary ia _-
<br /> � o o l l e c t t ng e n f o r c�o r protectin g Beneficiary's dghts end remedies under this Security Insuument. Th�s amount ma�y _
<br />�`' • �. inciude but ia not 13m�eetl to.7Yustce's fees�oourt cos n�able aaor�ne ea f�x.s�emefle T o t hinG�irs�ot co�i t�e c�.�abSecured�Debt -
<br /> - States�aniwptcY CoflE.Tn�stor agrces to pay t4�e�easo Y �ry tasuument shaU remain ia effact "::.
<br /> � '� �'� as awardsd by any court exercising jurIsdiction under the Bankeuptcy Code.'1Lis �T
<br /> �`�. undl relensei�.Truntor agcees w paY for any cccordatioa costs of such release. --
<br /> .. , �:.: �k.
<br /> 11. ����� ��(s /u1j� �+�u►4►5�.��t.''�• A8 1lSCQ�R 1�1{8 GCCZIODr �1� EIIVIIODfl1tQ'1d1 j.ilW r..,r.
<br /> il� •L
<br />- . . `.�t' mtAns.wlthoat limita.t�nn t�to Compaeheaslve Envtmnm�tt�1 Respanse.Compc�ntion uad Liab ity Act(CBRCLA�42 Lt�'
<br /> ' { U.S.C.9fA1 et seq. . and o2l othcr federal�at�te rund loea! lawn.reSulattoa�, �dinanoes�oourt ordeaa,attomey geQeral ��
<br /> • ' ' . .,:�, opfniona or lnteip�ve leiters oonoernin8 the publia hoalth.safen►.welfare.envimn�cnt or a haznsdo�substanoe•anci(2) ��
<br /> F l a z n r Qous Su bstnnce m e a n s �n y t o A�c,r a�i o a�i v e o r h a z a M o u s m a t e r t a t wasteffipollutant or contaminant w�ich haa �"�.:
<br />- ch�erlseics which reader tke subste�ocs dangecous or poteadally dwigemus to t 5 e �pubtic health. safety. we l f n m or �'�':-
<br />_ � enviropment.Tho term includes.�vlthout �iimitation.nnny substances defined�s "huzard�r�s materlal�• "toxic substc�tces." �'�,`:
<br />" „ • . , .� "hazzardoua wnste'or'hazardous substanoe"under any Hnvicnnment�il Law. B
<br /> ._._..___..._.___.___-.___ _ L.'b.
<br /> � T�ustor representa.wcureuts and agte�s ti�aat:
<br /> t
<br /> � A.Exeept us previously disclosed and acknowledged i,�iarlting,ct�io dn�fi�ao� R 1Hw�s�mall S�tid�oi�Hoza d1ous ..
<br /> : � ,. locnted. s�.ored or celeased on or in tho PropertY• resat nP�Y Q
<br /> Subatanoea that tue genernlly re«gnized to beappmpdate for the aorn�l usa a:t msdn�termnce of the Praperty.
<br /> � � B.6uept ns praviouslY d�isclosed and aclmowledged in wdtin�to Benefic[nxy,Trustor and cwery tenaut 6uve been�are�
<br /> = . eA�°sha�l�mnin ia�ll oomplianoe wi�eh ctny s.��ltcable�av�ronmental I.aw.
<br /> _ .._.�,.., MlfefP�V Mf�FV RARP11�!lAN n release or thh.atencd release of a Howrdoua Substaax oxure on�
<br /> = - a,.Twbio►o,.o. o..:L.......•., -y---. ----
<br /> ," ' eveni��'i'nutor sl�iaell t�nke nli n��fserAno�dlc 1 aictton in nyoc��rd n�wt�Eav°[rAO�8tn1 Luw�lty. :u�:..:.
<br /> � fpays 3 of�)
<br /> Ot904 8mten Grit��.�.•yt.Ctwd u�H tam OCOAEDTd7I 70AN8
<br /> � OOMfi1.Rn�/9J
<br />