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, •-.; <br /> ,,.. <br /> '' . ';�;:;r�: <br /> » ' -�� ' , ........._ ._....— - <br /> -.. �,,,�.o�,�»-,. ,.. ,. ... ,. � <br /> . <br /> . . .. <br /> � ' � 9��0��.4� <br /> .. -� <br /> B.All fttture advaaces from�eneflclury to Trustor or other future obtiQuttona of Truaror ro Beneficltuy under aay <br /> ��:,, ,,,: <br /> » promlaso note,contruct,guarnnry.or other evidence ot debt eAecuted by Trustor ta favor of Beaeficinty executed <br /> ,, after this�5ecurity Ynstruu�ent�vhether or not this Secudry IRS�uA.u�nth�;a i8ecurityclasuument�lt �ecar�e all flitu� � <br /> person signa this Sacurity Iastewnent. euch Trustor uIIrees <br /> ssdvances aad tLture obligndoas that tue gtvea to or Iacurm�d by nay one or more Tcustor�or auy one or mete Trustor .,,y,: <br /> nnd others.Isil thture usivances ncd other ti�ture obligatiops r�re secnred by this SecudtY Ins�cument even thouBh WI •� <br /> or ptu�t mny not yet be udvAaced.All futuro rtdvauces aud othar future obligusIons:ue secured�.q if mnde on the dnte ... <br /> ., of ihiva S�cwrity U�stn�ent.Notlilng in this Security InstNment sball wnstitute a cemmiunent to make additional or z?aac. <br /> t�►ture loans or advanc�es in aay sunount.My such comrnitaaent muat ls� E ex�ent�AOt prohibit�by]a�v including� ,�;,:,:::': <br /> =`���� C.AII other obliguttona Oruator owres to Lender.wbich may later erisa. ��,�,:•�� <br /> ` �K but aot limit e d to.l ia b i l i des for o v e r d rn R a c e l a t i n g t o a a y d e p o s i t a a ount p gceement between Orantar und Lsnder. J�` <br /> D.All nddi4iannl sums advanced nnd e�penses iacnrred by Beneflcisuy for Ipsuring.preservin8 or otherw ise pmtec d�ng �!''°,��. <br /> ��prop�rtyr and ita value aad aay ot6er sums advnnced�ad expenses incurced bY BeneRctary under the terms of this -�_Nr,;;., <br /> Sscur[ty inst�cumeat. ��"'� <br /> E._...,.. <br /> ,, In the event that L,eader fails co provide any�necessury notice of the dght of rescission with respect to any additional �:_-_ <br /> '" �; iadebtedaess secured wider para�rra h B of tWs�eccion. Lemder waives any subs uent aecurity Interest ia the Cirantor's <br /> ap <br /> � "�, principal dweli(ng that 1e creaced bY thig Se�urin' Ins��� (�ut does not w va the securtry interest for the debts __ <br /> r�fercnced in paragraph A of th1s Sectioa). <br /> :. ;��. S. DEED OF TRUST COVF.NANTB. Tcustor a�s that the oovenaata in thia �ection are mate r i a l o b l igu t ions u n d e r the -- <br /> Secured Debt nad thia 5ecurity Iustmraent. If Trustor breaches any covenant in d�is section. Beaeflciary muy refLse to � . <br /> .° . make addldanat eRUauions af credlt ead te�iuca the credit limtt. By not eAerclein�either rem�dy on Trustor's breach� _ ,-, <br /> � Beneflciary doa a+�t waive Heneficiary's rigbt to later considec the event a breuc&if rt l:appens eBaia• o,_:.` <br /> <, • 'ii.�� _. <br /> , ,�.ii:.;`,� <br /> ••,;��;���1.' p�nymente.Tcustor aqre�that siU psyments undee the Securad Debt w1U bo paid when due and ln aocordauce wia3�tbe <br /> ;,: ter�ps of the Secured Debt aad this 5ecudty Yasmuaent. ��'-` <br /> ° � � Prior Seeur[ty I��¢n�s�e•with reBard to aay other mortgaBe,deed of auat.securlty a8ceement or other liea doeurnent thnt <br /> -� � created a prior se�u.�ry interest or encumbrance on the Pcopertv, Trustor agrees to malce al�PaYments when due and to �.���: <br /> perfaran or wmply wlth aU cavenants.Trnstor also ogrces aot�o aUaw any�reodificatlon ox e�ctension of, aoz torequest <br /> . eny fitture advances uader aay aote or agreement szcured by tha liea dacumeat wi@►out BeaeSciary's prlor wrltten — <br /> .� ,. an <br /> aPPmvai. <br /> CluGns Agsinst'lYde. Tcuswr wW pay aU taxes(iacludiag aqy tex asse�sed to thia Deed of Tnist). assess�aeata. lieas. <br /> ` , encumbraaces lease paymeuts�Sneuad renta.udllties� end othtr chargae relating w the Pmperty whesa due. Heneficlary = <br /> �� '� ma 1�ruatoc fo pmvLde to BeneRciary oapies of all noNces that such amounTS are due and tha�oeipta evldeacing <br /> Y •• ---- : ., t wonld alr the laen oTthis Se�uity -- <br /> ,.'��., ltustoz a payment.Tcustor wltt�eiend aue to tno F.o�irr aga.ust aa c!slms tha_ �P =- <br /> u <br /> 1.- Instrumen. tor a to as.� to BeneS ,as reqursted by �enBflc[ary� �Y ����claims or defensas�nx�or <br /> . ��;�;+�� smy hAVe aga� p es who su �y labor or�als to m�intaSn or improva the Progerty. <br /> � ° Property Condi�]an,AlhraUons aad on.Truator wfSl lccep tho PropertY�u 8��n��on and meke atl np�ira � _.._ <br /> U <br /> f..`�, �'± , that are reasonnbly n�essari+.Tmscor not commit or a11aw anY wesae,[mnaicmeat.or deterlora�ixm of the PropercY• - - <br /> 'Cmstor that the nature of the oocupaacy and use wiU not substant3aUy chaaBe wIthout Benefidary's�prlor wriuen .Q::= <br /> . . . � conse n t.��r,vsullletor w U aod y yBe a e�iciary of nll de$mand�s. pmee�intm�clt n i m s,and a c d o�o sth e g a i t u t Tnu+toi.•�o f <br />- „•.,�, a�ny o ss or damage w the Property. <br /> s�...,,.�a,.: at nn reasonable tima�for the uipose <br /> Beneflciary or Beneflclary'sugents Beneiiciary's opiion. enter t�e Pragercy Y <br /> . '� :, a�f�nspe�in8 the PropertY. Seneficlury shall give Truaror notice at t�e�:� of er befora an In.�, ion spec A <br /> '' . IIaASCmable urpose for the ias�on. Any inspection of tha Pmpecry �Y�D1 be entirely for �eae�ciary'R lxae t sutd <br /> T'^D':�-�.. ' <br /> �,�.:_.-� 'th�stor wll in no aay rely�on flciary s iaspoctlon. <br /> ���`^'' Authadty to Pea?onn.If 7'iustor fails to perform any duty or nay of thu covennnta ooatatced 1��a S�����t. <br /> —�: iats BeaeRclmy as a may Iu faet <br />-,�x.-_;•�, � BeneSciary . wlthout aottco�PerForm or cause them to be performefl.'fn�tor aP� t to rfornt Emr Ttustor slialt not , R <br /> =• -:� to siga T�usmwr�s �am�or pay any umount nqoessary for performanoe.Be�eftciary's St► <br /> �;;:. <br /> �,��'�' crente an obligacion to pergorra,aad Benefiaia�y's fa�ilura to perfom�wU�aot preclude Bzae �la�►�����►Y�f =- <br /> 1- -"' BEn e 1 3ciary's o t her r igh t a u n d e r t h e l a w o r t h i s�e c u r i t y L i e t a u m u i t• _ <br />�`�, LrsL�'hfllds;Condomtniumsi�iauned Unit�Tevelogment�.7Yuaror tm comply alth the�rovisions of�y 7eu�e i4 _ _ <br /> .�:.'.,5t�;:.. �y�ity inst:ument is an a leasehold.If the t�rop�rty includes a t�a n condom�lai�f tha condom��or P� <br />=�-r�'�":._- ��r wiA pexform all of 1Yuawr's dutia unc1er tfie o�venants.bY-laas�or�ngul <br /> �'�"�� uait devetopanent. <br /> "°"►�� by privuto or blic — <br />—_- --•�� C��d�u!AHon. Truswr will give BeueRciary pmmpi nauce of aay pendinQ or thresiteued e��on� <br /> .. _,�;;�' " ent3ties W p2u'ch�se or uilce any or aIi oC itte 1hog..^rry s�ssou�Gu cwusie�att�3tt.�a�ira+t da�.a,Qr�y otlt�*.meana. tustor ` <br /> '':.Y� authoz�z�Beaeflctary to inte�vene in Tcustor's nauue fu a�y of tha ubove d�cr►bed��c'ions or cinims.TwsWr m�l�to - <br />- � BeneRclaiy the pmceEda of any aw�rd or ciaim for damagea wnnaxed with a aandenscltd��rprovid�g thfs Seevsity <br /> �� <br />��; � , part of the Pco�eny Such pmoeeds shn�l ba cons[derest pay�menw nnd will be app ment or <br /> ' . Instrumeat. 7Lis'ass3gament of proceeds is eu6jett to the temis oi any pr�or mortgage.doed ot t�t�ssarlty aBc+ee - <br /> •,. athes iten document. — <br /> ,s;::c�,�� al�st➢co�u b tin�.Aood vhoft and other hamrds and cisks re��sunnbly �_: <br /> '. �:�,;, . II�s�msaace. Tn�ator shall keep ProP�Y�� g8 y _::_ <br /> , . '�: associated wlth the PropertY due to itsty and tocation.�'i9�is inaurancs s�all be aalnwfned in the amnunta m�lt ffor the _ <br /> , r� aala that Ba�e ftc iaryre�u i r e s. T i i e L�i u u m o e carrlec pmvidin� tho inm�etuice shall be chnsen�„�Ttuswz sub}x4 to <br /> , �eneSciary'sag pmval� which shsu no�8►$Qrnn�asonably withhe l d. It Tntasor faita to mxtut�¢� rovenge d�c n'h e 0 �.. <br /> , �. � above.Beneficia�y muy,at BeneRciary'a apiion,obtala covera�e to pr�tect�CCneHciary's rl8hts in the Pi+oPeriY�cx°�d�n8 v <br /> . ' � to tha terms of tlifs Secucity Iasttument. _ <br /> , � ; A111nsttsa��aepoHcitossn ay�clause.�T►vat r sha�tl�immc�dia�tely�nadand s�haU�li cluof cn�celldat on r t�ermintt�eooY�tha '�'^ <br /> usa fy ary � <br /> _:s. whtre app caba�-�--. �_.� L� .,.. .:e�,: *� i�„� ehe noltciesa and reaewals. If Beneflclary requiras� `IYuscor shnll ��,. <br /> ----- --_---- fOS11Ii�0e. Omett�tai� waaa. ..o... ...� ..o— -- ---- •--- •.�.......� utvu �;�. <br /> � ° ,i immediately givo to BEneliciary all ceceipts of paid premiums and rtnewat nouces. i;pan a�. ••�•••d• •—. o--- .-:.::. <br /> tn make proof of loss if aot rnr�do faunt:dirtelY bY <br /> ' iminediate nottoe to the{nsuraacx c�rrier aud EeaeSciary. Benefictary mnY <br /> Tcustor. - <br /> � . Unless othenvise agrad Ia weiting ell insucuace proea�s sba11 be applfed to the nstomdoa or tepair of tho Pro�e�y or to . <br /> � the Secured Debt,whether or noi thea d�ce. ut B�aaeficEary's opdon.Aay appl[ct�tion of pmoeeda to Prin�iPa1 ehntl R°t <br /> - - -. ...: :._ .....____.�.,...,.a a....eArP�f tt�r,r.ic¢dulsd vavm�au nor c�ongo tko amaunt of any puyment:Any excess will be�atd . <br /> c,uwEU 11.�..w.i...o,........_..�.- -. � e t .t_...,.�.an .a�10 <br /> ~-_ to the Trustor. It the PcoPE betore�the�sequ�sitios►Rs�ha1�P Trustor�s�n�cinry to ma ext�cn o�ie Secu d�l?eb imme�di�ate y : <br />-' fmm dama$o to the PropertY tv+c•s o��i <br /> . , before the acquisltion. <br /> ; O t00�Wnx�n 6�9nm�,me..Si�.ttou0.NtN fam OGP�REDTd�t! 101TI80 <br /> ' Dp7N62Rm 719D . <br />