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— }a . .. . . - . <br />'c'�'"""�►i ,s�.. ' , �. _ <br /> :L.�_ ; • .>. e ,_ i. �:. . . . <br />" ��'�.. i s' � . . �a�•�✓:: <br /> �,� _ <br /> �� i� � ._.._ . � -- - <br /> ,i� - - - <br /> `.�_ - -. -'��...�� . <br /> 93•� sc�.os <br /> periods�hat Lender requiro�, 'R�o imuruioo c�rtier provklinA the imsurano�e nhdl be chc�coo My Ramwer subjac�to Londerl� <br /> • �pproval w6icir sfWl no1 bo ura�ea�aaably wllhhold. If Bamwer td�r w m�i�urin cavon��a descrilwd Mbava.l.arkr nwy,s1 <br /> ' L,piderti optfon.abatn cavera�e to protect LaWet1��i�u in dte�l�y in�aardanea with Para�aPh�• _ <br /> All i�oe poilciea iu�d rcrawal�shall be�ooepuDlo ta md�hsll inclwk�st�ndna!mart�a�o clNUCe. l.randar <br /> . shall luva the viQht w hdd�ha polkk�md�arcw�ls. If Le�xkr roquirer�Bomower shdl promptlY aive to I.endo�all�ecaipu <br /> of p�id pemiums and renewd natkes. In 1he event of loss.Bor►awcr ahall�ive promp notica ta the insu�ance c�nie��nd <br /> L,ender. Lende�may m�ka proof of losn ff not mAde p�omply by Bormwe�. <br />---�� - - Unku l.ender and Bomower ml�envise�groe in writing.insut�nce pruceeds shdl be applied ta r�estota�ian or ropwir of ` <br />- the daat�d. if/hc �tnreHon ar r�ep�ir is ec�aiomica�lly fea�ible and Lendcr!� �ccurily is nd Irsscned. If iha � <br /> t�estopi�or repa�r is nat ecaoomically femible or Lenderb secu�ity would be ksFeoed. Iho inRU�nce proceeda shall be <br /> appllad to tliee swnn s�curcd by Ihi�Socu�ity Inwrumenti whetite�or nat �hen duo,wilh uay oxcass pwid to 8omower. If <br /> gotrower ab,��donr the p�openy,ar does not ancwer within 30 dayR a�wtica from Lender�hat�he incurance c� bpx <br /> -. afle�ed w sepk a cl�im.�1Kn I.ender m�p colk�dre insumnce ptocecds. l.endar may use ihe proceeds lo repair ar rcstao <br /> the Propnty or w pqr wms securod dy�his Security Incvument.wheth�r or not then due. The 30�day period wiU be�ba wken <br /> Iho poticc ia given. <br /> ; - — Unkss I.tnder and Bart+ower ott�eiwise aig�ee in writin�,any applicnUon of praceeds m principal shaU nw exteM Qr — <br /> postpone Uie duc d�te of Ihe monlNY PaYmrcn�s referned w in pwnq�r�q�hs 1 and 2 or ctmnge Ihe anw�w d'the paKments. If <br /> u�der pwsgraph 21 the Pr�operty is ac�quinod by l.erder.Boaowa'�rigM la my inw�ur.'c policies aad pm��eeds�ewlting <br /> from damage to�he Prope�ty pior a the acquisition sh�U p�ss to I.en�ler ro thc cxtrnt of the wms secwed by this Secuui�y <br /> - ln�pument immedfuelyprior to the�oquisition. -- <br /> . f. Oocnpaoc�, P�serv�tla. lNalnleaanoe and Protectlon of Ide Property; BorraWer"s I.aui Applk�tio�; � <br /> - �I.ea�ehoW�. Barrower shall occupy.esablish.a�d uso the P�q�e�ty a:Borrower�s prinelpal�idence within sixty days afkr <br />--- ---_- •the ezecution of�his Securiry Msawneat ar�d stwll continue�o occupy the Propeny ax Bornowerk principal iesidence forAt -_.. <br /> — � �:m' me yra� efter the date �+f mcupancy. unksA [.ender odiera�e ognees ia wriring. which ca�sent shall not be " <br />;S — f�d ' utmsasonably withheld,or unless eRtenwuing circumsuu�ces eaist which+�ne 6eya�d BomnwerS�contml. sortower shall not � <br /> k '` dcspoy,danwge or impair Ihe Property.allow tha Pt+operty to deariorote,a cammit waste on the Pmperty. Sornower shpll <br /> r'r ��° 4 ' , �. <br />_�xir�.r3..i_ <br /> - = �'t- be in default if any fot)F¢i�tu�r�iction or proceeding,whether civil or criminol. is hegun that in Lenderk good faith Judgment <br /> - -- _':.....H;�' cauld.re4ult qn forfeitutc of�1l� Pro�eet} or ott�erwise mate�ially impair 1he lien crcaeed by thie Security I�strument ar -- <br /> Y=��`"'+ . 4mdeo�;acn�rity interest. �forrower ma3 cw+e such a default and relnstate,os provlded in par�@raph causing the aclluc� _ <br />- ` � or procading w be dismissed wilh a ruling Lender�s gaod fai�h determitutdon.prcclude�forfei�urc of the Bortnwer'. <br /> I � • intercst in �he Prnperty or otlier muerial impairnunt of the lien created by this Seauriry Insuument or l,enderh isecudty — <br /> � Intenest. Bomower sholl also be ln default if Borrower, du�ng the lo�ui appaKCation process, gave materiaflw false or e, <br />'`°� i lnaccura�e inforsnatlon w statements to Lender(or failed to provide axmdrr w9t}a any matedal lnfortnatian)in cunncrdan wilh -- <br /> — -_- -- � the loan evidenced by the Note. including.but no1 limited to. �e�.^esentations conceming Borrowerls occ�,pmqcy af thr � <br /> �-_*�•�:��� Pmperty as aprincipal reaidence. If this Secu�iry Instrument is on u►ku�ehold.Borrower shcill comply with aE1 t�e provisiaa:, _ <br /> - —� of the lease. if Borrowcr acquires fa title to fhe PropeKy,the leasehold end the fee tiUe shall oat me�e unles.��.endcr a�ncea — <br /> :� to the merger in writing. _ <br /> 7. Protection a�Lender's Rf�hhls in the Ao�a�o�ty. [f Borrower fai0s t��+perform the covenen�s nn�! agrecments <br /> �, coat�ned in thic Secudty lasuument.or �here is a I�gal proceedi�g that may significanUy sffect Lender's rights fn the <br />•�I;� Property(such as a procading in banktuptcy,pr+nbate,for candeonntuion or forfeiture or to enP�ree laws or regulations►.the� =- <br /> _ L.ender may do and pay for whatever is nece�swy to pmtect�fte�•.�9ye of�he Property and L�e�lcr�dghta in the Property. <br /> '� + Lenders uciions may include paying na�y�sums ececurrd by a lien which hus priorlty over this secunry insaument,appcanng _- <br />=��:� r �, ' � in caurt,paying neASOnable utwmeys'fees and tnte�iag on�he Propeny�o moke repnirs.Ahhough L.ender may�ake action — <br /> under this paregraph 7,I,cnder doea no!have►o da cr�. <br /> ' �:' '� ' My amounts disbursed by Lender under thia parogrnph 7 shall become addi�ionnl deM of Borrower securcd by this <br /> . ;;,� <br /> �c�+7,� �.. , Securlty Instn�ment. Unkss Borrower and l.ender ugroe to other temns of payment.�hexe amoun�s ahall bear interest from We r <br /> ��'Jd;�• �('° date of disbursement ut Ihe Note rate wul sh�ll be payeble, with intercst, upon notke from L�+uier to Bornower�equesting —� <br />.-.�� �.t.�. .1��1. l —. <br />_ ��•: '�'!' payment. �, <br /> y 8. Murtg�ge ln&uranee. If Lender rcquired man�age inwrance ns a cnrxfi�ion uf mnking the loan securYd by this ��+: <br />. ti,.i SecurFty Instrument, Burrower shall pay the premiu�+ reyuired to mnintaln �hr rnongoge inHUra»ce in e9fec�. I:F,for anv • �__` <br /> .f'�:'��-" rcason, the monguge i�a�uuance covernge required by Lendar lapsey w ce�;ev to be in effect. �rrower �tx�11 pay the �t <br /> �'="";'►i`�'��� premiums requircd to ablain cove�ge subs�untially eyuivnlem �o �th� mongage insuronce previou>Ay in effcet, at a cost <br />� Y � �� _' <br /> '�'h� ' subswntie0ly equivalent to the cost lo Bomower of the mortgage in,s�rance p�viously in effec�,hom un ultemote mortgupe <br /> "� r' insurcr a ved b L.encler. !f subswixiull e uivnlent mon a•c in,urarice coven► e is not avnilable,Borrower shull to — <br /> � PP�'o Y Y q 8 4�' B PeY — <br /> •:�ty�,a . ,, ' Lender each month a sum eqonl to one-twelflh of the yeurly mortgage insurance Qremium being paid by Borrower when the — <br /> ����;, insurance coverage lapse�i orcensed�o be in effect. Lender will nrcept,u�e anu r.tain thexe payments as u loss reserve in lieu <br />_T ' � " r. � , of m�r{gage insurance. l.oss reserve �aymems may no lon�er he teyuired,�i �he option of Lender, if mongAge insurance �• <br /> �� ��� ; coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender reyuireK>>�avided by nn insure�npproved by Lender again becomes <br /> ��v;� ;ovailable and is obmined.Borrower sf�.�(I pay the premiums reqadred io mnimuin mongnge insurnnre in effect,or to providc u _ <br /> s,.,,V �`•. <br /> '� '' loss reserve,until the requinement for mongage inxur.+nce ends in uccurdance wi�h nny written ygreement 6e�ween Borrower =:= <br />`''.� 'h'�� � � and Lenderor A licable law. °`; <br />_:=. ,r,j. PP �,.. <br /> _ 9. Inspectton. Lender or it�o�zent muv muke reasonuble entrier upon and inspections of the{�ropeny. Lender shall r.t��. <br />•r — �� ��;'-�':���=�Y'-�� ive Borrower notice ut the tlme of or nor to un ins rtion s cifyin reuxonuble c�use for the ins ction. t�E�> <br /> l.t :. � P� Pe I� R Pe <br /> ' ��',�,�;''4;�, '.'�:,��` 1Q CopdemaAtfoa. The pnkti�:d,of uny uwani or cluiin E�:�r damn¢es,direct nr conscyuential,in cannection with:u��• "�� <br /> ..,'�-:?='—..�''-;:_- Singk Fwuily-•Faunk MrelFnrWle Mnc CNii�iliiM 1\STRI:MENT-•l:niton��Cu�cnuur 919Y ywHt 3��J f�/wRr+� �r <br /> o.� <br /> � �� - � • . ' . ''f,.: <br /> '� rlql Irler&Weeae Fdwr.t�e.� <br /> :•� �.•�U2iy e,.�'h Tn0ldefCIIF.I�OY6360.7pQYARiIi�TYI•11�1 ��,'=-' <br /> •py�'� .�'�':.. �.,:_. <br /> �;c: <br /> ..#. .�J�.-,.�}i ::: <br /> ,• >���t4t n�,.; �'' <br /> { ��;�i:�}44/��ri%�� �1����;.;�• � ,Q,'4�+!i�'�,, - y — .r'' ��s��� <br />- }^ ! � ' . 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