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<br /> _ �_.�_�.,��. 93- so�►tt�s
<br /> _��-� 7�00ETHER WRH all lhe impovertKnta nuw or hercaflcr crocted an the pnttiperty.uid all casemomw,�purtcnances.
<br /> pMl fixtwes naw a hematler a prt af the p�opmly. All�u�d�dditions slwll dso be wvarcd by thi�Secu�rity -
<br /> lafp�ano�t�. AN of�he�arc�oirt�i�refarr.d�o in 1hiR Secu�iry in�awaaq+�r�ho"P�n�rr1Y•"
<br /> BORR0IVBR C'OVBNAN7'S U�1 Homower!s I�wlWly Rcisod of�he est+uc he�by oonvcyed�nd Iws tho�i�ht lo g�tnl
<br /> �nd ca�vcy thop�op�y�nd thw�ihe Propehy ia unencumEercd.except far e�cumbr�nce�af rocord. Bamawer wartanu ud
<br /> wW detawl�ene�liy the titlo�a the Propeity+��inct dl clrimR md dem�nds,cubject�o Any encumbrurccs of rccmd.
<br /> -�' -- - THIS S6CURITY IPIS7RUMHNT wmbinaa+ uniWnn cuveiwd� far nwliwwi a►a �uid �Mx�-uuifant oove�ntc with �
<br /> .r- -
<br /> -:�.-_-�--_------�-�T--� litaikd vadattons by ju�isdMion to ron�titutc A uniform�ecurity insauman�covering�1 propehy.
<br /> , - UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Narowcr and Lcnder rnven�nt�nd agnee aa folbwa: F=--
<br /> �'� P1� t d a�d Wer+esti�Ml�!and I.wte Cb�es. 9orrower ah�ll promptlY Pby When due 1hO
<br /> ;�` 1� r� ��� nt�nd late chargeA due uoder 1he Nac.
<br /> pdncipa1 af and mlaest an Ihe debt evidenced by�he Note and�nY P�P*Y�
<br /> - 3. F1a�dt for 71�us stl I�a�e. Subject to�pplicabk i�w or to a wrlttcn w�lver by I.ender.Borrowcr sh�it pay to —
<br />--- l.ender on the d�y monUilY Paymrnu ma due uader�be Nae.unlN tha[�ote is pwid in full.a sum l"F�ts')for:lal Y�Y -_
<br /> lue��nd assessmrnu which may�tuin priar�y o+rer Udc Serwity Insp�uoneat as a liea vn tlre Ptoperty:lb)Yeuly IeasclaW —
<br /> _ pnytnema ar gtound rcnta on thc Properhr. i4'aa�: (c) YeulY Iwaw�d or P�P�Y � P'��w�: ld)yearly tlood �
<br /> iasuru�oe p�raniums. ii�ny;(el Y�Y����P��� ii anx: and(�aay swns p�y-.�ble by Barower�o
<br />�.� I.a�der.in�a with the povisions of pr�nigraph 8.in lieu oi We payment of mortga�ge insun�nce P�wums. 7'hese
<br /> _ , _ itanc a�caifod"�scrow Item4.' l.ender m�y.at aoy time.rnlkct and hold Fluw�s in�n amoum na to eRaeed�he ma�eimum
<br /> amount a lender far a teder�lly related moitg�ge loan may rcquine for 8orrowcrk esc�ow accoun under the feder�l Real =__
<br />- Fstate Seuleme�K 1'nioedures Act of 1974 as amended from time ao lime. 12 U.S.C.$2601 et:srq.("RESPA").unkss arather :--._
<br /> law Ilat applies to 1he Rmds sets a lesser anwunt. U so.lxmfer mwy.u any time.co11x1:uKA hold FLnds in an�rnount rol to .�
<br /> CxOHOd 1�1!IGTSEf�II10Y11[. �.CIIdCf Illay lSUllqlt lf1E iI110W1 Of RIIidS l�ll@ 011 t�1C bR51S Of CYIRNI I�AIA alld IOiS�iT�d�{�
<br />_ _ t�lmatss of eapenc!��cmrs or fiNurr�Fcerow ltcrrw or�+therwi*e ie sce�lx�.�e with applicabk law. _.._
<br /> The fiu�dc sQull be held in an�titution whose depoeits ana i�sured by a federal agency.instrumentalitY.or e�au�Qy �
<br /> ., , (inoluding t.ender.ii'L.ender is wch a�i institutiur�l ur in any Federal Hanc l.oan Bank. l.ender shall Apply IUe Funds to pay __
<br /> Ih Escrow Items. Lender may not clwrge Borrower for bolding and applying the Funds. annually :uwlyzing the escrow o _.
<br /> acco�uM. or vexifyfng the Esc�ow Items. unkss L�ender pays Bortowa interest on Ihe P h n d s a n d app lica b le law pemu t s --
<br /> I.e�der w make such a charge. Nowever.Lender may require 8amnwer to pay a one-time charge for an indepe�cicnt real ---
<br /> �� estue tax rcpohi�g savice used by I.rnder in oa�rccdon wiU�U�s loan.ualess applicabk law provides otherwise. Un�es;an �.
<br />�1;: '`i agrame�u is m�de or applicable law requircs intercst ro be paid L.�nder shall not be«quired Io pay Bomawer any interest or - __-
<br /> �'"`� earniags ao the Funcis. Honower and I..ender may agroc in wriUng,however.tA�t interest shall be�wid ao�he Funds. L.ender ��,�_.
<br /> ;`"`.`�" slal�give to Bonnw�.without charge.an annual accoundng of�he Funds,showing crodits and debits w U�e FLnds and the --
<br /> ,.,��° purpase for whieh each debit w the�was made. 7he Fl�nds ue pledged as addlliw�l security for all sums secured bY -__-
<br /> ;.y:�— ddaSocuritylnswmcnt. • __
<br /> ,-:-�-- - , !f!!u Htads l�eM by l.t�der sxretd the emot�nts permitt!y!to M hr.ld by applicable law.l.erdu shall account to • ._
<br /> ;•;�: . • .:��' -s Bonuwer for the exr:ess Funds in acxordance wiQ�the tequirements ofapp�icable law. If Ihe amount of the F'�nds held by -
<br />"�1.. `"i I.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Itcros when due,Lender may so ratify Bomnwer in writing,ond.in =-
<br /> :�: ,, . ;,,� such case Bamwer sh�ll pay ta L.ender the amount necessary to make up U�e deficiency. Borrower shall make up�he E.-�
<br /> � ' �':r de�rierwy in no more ttion twctve manthlY PeYments,at Lender�sole discrction.
<br /> . ; r.�.�
<br /> _ .i1•�;.:;:,. l'utan pavment in full of ati cums secured by this Security Insaumen�l.ender shall or.umptly rcfund to Borrower any --;-
<br /> -- ' �' Rutds�held by l.ende�. If.under a+ac�grnph 21,Lender shall sicquire or seIllFie Property.l.E:mder.prior to the acquisiaion or � •
<br /> cq
<br /> � 'x i�•' . ssdle of the Properry, shell app]y�any f�nds held by I.ende�at the time of acquisit�on or wle as a cr+edit against the aums -
<br />_;.,,�; ��'?. ' :,�: ' ��. secw+ed by this Secu�ity Instrument. �;
<br /> ,:�,rt • ,. 3. AppNcAdiuw ot Paymenta. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all paymems �eceived by Lender under
<br /> � rA 1 at�b 2 s4iup be a Eik d.first,to un ment ch es due under the Note;second to amounts payable woder ��'�
<br /> ,, h.. P�S � Fi"�' ' Y P�PaY �6 � � -
<br /> :: '-F,�::�,
<br /> •�, � ,. ;^ parpgrap4�2:third.to imtet+est due:.fourth.w principal due:and lest.to any late chuges due under the Note. -
<br /> �;�r 4. C6ar�; Lieos. Borrower shall pay all taues, assessments, charges, fines and impositbns anributable to the
<br />'� ��'�' • "' - � Property which ra�ay anain priority over this Security Instrument.and leasehoid payments or ground rcnts.if any. Borrower M
<br />�`� , � ��"�" � sl�all pay�hese obliBetians in the munner prova��d in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thsu manner.Borrower shall pay them on � .
<br />- '� •�"`'' .'j " timc direcUy to tlie person owed payment. 9ornaaer shall promptly fumish to Lender ull notices of amounts to be paid under -„_
<br /> '�A41is��rrgraph. If Rorrower m:�kes thage}myments directty,Borrower shall promptly fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing '�
<br />�q:c 4....-. �...a:' .%-;.
<br />- ` � �;,.::s:�::�;�";' t�he payments. 5,�::
<br /> �;���• .�`•.�:��'y� $ormwer shall promptly disc�harge any�lieo which has prioriry over this 5ecuriry Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees ..
<br /> ,Yl',, ;� C<. .��.:,�. in writing to the payment of 1he obligation srcaQed by the lien in a monner acceptable ro Lender.(b)contests in good fe+lth the ::r`°`
<br />,�.�'�:.y � ,ti�� � ` lien Dy.or defends ogainst enforcement of tfie llen in,legal proceedings vvi�ich in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the rr=,
<br /> ��� •�r� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm 1he holder of the iitn at�ugreement satisfactory to Lendcr subordinating the lien '�F4
<br />:"�• • ��it��� w this Security Instrument. If Lender determinas that any par�of t8��e�Property is subject to a lien which may attain priwity • E...�
<br /> '��rf, "��;;�t� over this Secudry lnstrument,Leader may give Borrower A n�+�tice identif,ying ttie lien. Borrower shall salisfy the lien�r take -
<br /> �,.� •��r. one or mote of the actions se1 fonh above within 10 days of Ihe giving of notice. ��;
<br />°'?�'i;� �!' ',,.".;`•,. S. Hazard or Property IasurAnce. Bo�rower shall keep�he I�pmvements now ezis�ing or hereafter erectcd on the �•-
<br />�L����••�� '�`; '�.�� • Pm�emr inaured against loss hv fire.hazerdv included wi�hin the term"exaended covera�e"and nny other hazards.includina -
<br /> °` ' floodc or tlooding.for w6ich Lender requires insurance. This inswance shall be main�ained in the amounts and for ehe
<br /> ,<<` •- �':
<br />::4!,e. ., e.,° ..,,';
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