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� *.a.w`�;f';r.. ' , - <br /> +�' 'iV' • .�.;:' . — <br /> � — t�, � .�' �� - _ - ";y�EY:r4�_ - <br /> ,� I S � ---- -- -_ <br /> � ^3 : ��+,.�..:.'C� __._ <br /> 93=�0�94 <br /> petiudr�hAt I.ender roquirca. The incw�nca ca�rier providi�tho ioeurunce nhull bc cha�cn by Bartower aubJoct ta Lenderti <br /> app�oval which alWll nat be wuratoru►bly wi�hbeld. If 8arrower fwita to mpintain covemm$ee descdbed pbovo.Leoder tn�y.�t <br /> --�° -�-�-- I.ender�optian.�bt�4i��over�e to protect t,endcrk►i�ht4 in thep�peny in occardwxe w1�h p�graph 7. <br /> A11 insurance policios�nd nenewals�half bo axepuible lo Lendcr iud shall includc a slwndatd mat�A�o cl�ucc. L.e�er <br /> slWl havc the ri�ht to hold the poNcia and renewals. !f Lcnder roquires,Borrower�hall pramplly�ive to Lender�II recefpls <br /> ..�°_ of p�id pr.miums and t�newd ndices. In tlx event of lass,Bwrower shWl�ive pron�t iwtice a�he inwranco cqrrkr and <br /> l.eMer, l.ender may mdce proof of lo�x if not m�de prompdy by Borrower. __ _ <br /> �---- - -�--3 UMess Lcnder end Borrower utherwisc agree in w�i�ing,insurancc proceed.v shall be applied to trstorntion or rcpair of �.,Y <br /> � - the P�opMy damaged. if the roslar+�dan o� rc�wi�iR economically fcasible and l.rnder�security ia nat less�ned. If tho <br /> mstor�tian or rcp�ir ia not econamically feweibla or Lender`s security would be lescened,the inaurnnca procee.ds shall bo <br /> applied to�he sums secu�d By this Security Instrument. whetber or nW then due. wl�h any excess puid to Bortawor. If <br /> -_ Bomnwer abandons the Proparty.or docs nat unswer within 30 days u notke from I.endcr�hat the incur�nce carricr h�s <br /> � oiie�ed�o settle a claim,then Lender mpy collect the ineuroncv proceedc. Lender may ur�e the procads to�pai�or realore <br /> the Ptape�ty ar to p�y sums socured by�his Securky In�trument.whether ar not lhen due. The 30�duy poriad will begin wheen <br />�: -__ ___ tla�wtice is given. F• <br /> :� Unless l.ender and Bonower dbenvise�g�ee in writm`,uny a �catiao of proceeds to principal s!r•,�II nd exter�d ar <br /> .`, posrpave the due date of tUe mauhty payments refcrmd ta ia�xa�mp�is 1 iud 2 or ctwu�ge the amaam af'Qi�r paymerKs. If <br />_==.;.ti+R ` �'� tmder p�arqgt�ph 21 the Propeng�i� acquued by Lender. 8urro�nerh right to a�y insuauece policies and proceeds rcauYtitq,t <br /> _.:-"�'=.-.';.�'=•,.,=— fram dwnAge to the Pr��pe�ty priar aw the acyui�itian shall pau tv l.ender to U�e extent at the sums secu�ed by this Serurlry <br /> _.�,��:�`�: Iastrumdtt immedic+tr.4y prlor to the acquisition. <br />..��:;°r��. �` 6. Occup�ac}: �Preservatlon. M�Inteaa�oce and Protectlan oi 1�e Property; Borrawer's Loam Applkatbai -- <br />..!-"�,.f' 'hi <br /> .._�:,�,, + I,eacfpqWa. Borrawar shall cecupy.establish,and use the Praperty os Barrawerk principal inesideace within sixty days after -- <br />:.:�y;,_�=.• �� , the e�ecutiop of this$ecurity Insuument and shall continur to oa:upy the IPe��ty ac Barrow�rE pdncipal residence tix at �- <br /> -_ !�` kt+.vo u� year uflM tltt d+NC of oce�ipnncy, rnlrRC lenctrr •qhetwiee a$eees in w►i9en�, which conc�n� xhall neu he .— <br /> :..;:���asm;`'— • — <br /> :::,: ,F�,� unnea�onably wiQr,he1�J.or unless extenuating ciocwans�ances exis�which arc b�yand Borrower�cantml. R�+�re►wer shall not <br />�;�T'�j dstroy.damage oc artn�pair the Properry,allaw the property to detcriorate.n�r r�:nmit waste on�he PYaipr�ty. Sorrower shall �•'•• <br /> - be it�default if any.¢orfeiture action or proreedi�g,whether civil or crimie�aC, is t�gaq that in Lender;e��1 faith judgment �'� <br /> '-'k could result in forfeiture of the Propeny or wAerwire ma3e�ially impair thr lien creat�d b� t�is S•ecurity lnstrumem or — <br /> " Lender�a seeurity interest. BaROUe�may cure euch a defuwLt A�ncl reinstate,as provided in¢�:u�cauph �8,t+y causing the action �=- <br />' � ,;.�si� or proceeding to 6e dismissed�i��n rulfng thsu,in Lender�g��;xl faith determination,precludes forfriture of the Bwrower's . — <br /> interest in tho Property or othe�rr�Aterial imp�airr,nent of tlx lirn created b� 1?�is Security 1nstJUrraent or Lender�s securiry = <br /> iatenesG Bomower siwll alxa be in default it' �orrower. during the loan ao,plic�tion process, gave mnteriafly false ar "�v <br /> - t i�ccurate Infornxuion or sw�emi�n�s to Lender lor failed to provjde Lender wich any mateiinl informAaiu»e i�a connection w9�h —. <br /> =`- the loan evidenced by the dy'w�e, including. but not limi�ed to, repneseniu�ions concsr�ning �arrower s occ�pancy of the �- <br /> -_ ___ Propeny as a principel resideu�e. i�F tbis Security Instrumeret is a,+u lansehald.8orrowar;hn�ll camply w�th o91 thr provis8ons <br /> •� !� �' y . of the lease. lf Harower aCqui�es fe:e tiUe to the Propeny,�he Ica�e7wld aad the ice tiUe shali rwt merge unless�der ugrees __ <br />- ry;4: �, , � to the mcrgcr in writing. ��..- <br /> �' 7. Pnotectla� aG I.ender•s Rlghts tn the Property. If Bortowe� t';�ils to pert'orm the covenams and agrecments — <br />-'-`��� contained in this Security Insaument, or there is u legul proceeding that may significantly nffect Lender�s rights in the � <br /> v�'� Property(suoh ae a proceeding in bankruptcy,probute.for caKk^mns►tion or forfei�ure or to enforce Inws or regulation�s),then ����'" <br /> °____ _ __ <br />