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<br /> ---__------ — 93:zo�tos4
<br /> 7Yl(ib'1'HHIt WITN Wl�he improvemems oow or heRaAer eacted on�he pronehy.wxl�II�oscmenle.Apputtetwnces�
<br /> �nd fixturos eow ar IKreafitr��wtl af Iha proputy. Ali rcpltcemenla and a�ditionr sh�ll olca!a covenxl by Ildr Seeuti�y
<br /> In�uir�ent. All ai ihe fiKegoleg Is rofemed la in�hi�Secu�i�y Insaume�.��a�he"Pn►peny." �
<br /> BORROWER C'OVgNAM'S Ilut Bortawu is I�wfully zei�ed af the wwte hemby conveyed and hus the d�ht to�ant
<br /> �nd canvey the P�rty und 1h�t�be�'►opeAy ic unencumb�rod,except for cncumbmnces of rccord. Borrower wart�nt�aad
<br /> -- _ will defend grneraliy tbe tftle lo Iho Property agalnst�II claima uid demwnd�.rubject�o any encumbrwices of rocad.
<br /> - THlS SECURITY INSTRUMRNT rnmbines unifomi �nv�u� for nalional usc u�xl nan•unifam covenonb wW� _
<br /> - ---� limitcd variaUa�s by judcdicUon ta constltute a unifomt security insdument covering►eal propeny. �
<br /> UNIFORM�OVENANTS. Bcwrower and Lendcr covcnant and agncc as fallowx:
<br /> 1. PayiatM of Princlpd�d I�lerah,PrcpNyment And l.pte Ch�gea Borrower shall pmmp�lY paY when due the
<br /> __ principaI of and intenst on the deM evidenced by�ha Note and uny prepoyment und late charges due under�he Note.
<br /> Z. Fiupds 1'or 7iuues a�d Insunace. SubJect to Applicuble law or 10 a writlen waiver by l.ender.Bomower sMll pny w
<br />�`•� lander an the day mon�hly payments uro due under the Nae,unt11 the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly
<br /> �"' tauces uid assess�nents which may attain p�ioril over Ibie Securiry InsinNnent as u lieo on the P�openy:(b►yearly leasehold
<br /> ��...
<br /> =_d�: psymer�ts or�nc�und �Mx on Ihe Propeny. i uny: Ic) yeurly huzevr+ or prapert)r inserance prem�ums: (d1 y�huiy flood
<br /> - --- insur�nce premi�um�. i�f an�ar;(el yearly moAgage insurance pr�emiums. if any:ard 1�any sums poyabte by Bomower ta
<br /> -'� I.e�ier,in a��clarnt�wid�the provlsions of parugmph 8.in lieu of the paymen�of mongage insu�nce premiums. Thesc _
<br /> �_,;: ilems au�o ealkd"�.cerow Uems. l.ender mey.at any time.collect�►nnd hold Ml�nds in un su►w�u�t nut ta exceed the muaimum `
<br />:�:��' ' • anwunt a IenQe.r for a federally reloted mortguge loan may requirc far Barower�s escraw acrc�unt unJer thr federal Iteal °
<br />' �• Fsuue Senlemznt Procedures Act oi 1974�.s umended from�ime�a�time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 rr�f y.("RESPA"1,uniess anatl�er
<br />..:�'�`• law that appliea to the Wnda+�etx a lesser amoum. If w.Lender may.at any tirne,collect and Pct�ld Faand.c in an wnount nM ta
<br />�� .�4���' exceed ihe lex�er amcwa�. l.ender may c.ufmate the umauot aF Funds due on the basis of caam�nt daw aa�l reasonabk
<br /> �%� _• �v estirt�tes af expenditum:+of futare E.gcrow Items or ahen++.e in arcoidnnce with Applicable law.
<br />�,�-� -'�'"' . The Funds, shaEl Ae 'he�d �n an iosntuaon whase �iepo.i�s aae inFUnKi by a iederaf agenr�,a�W�umrniaii:�,or CRiit}
<br /> �S�u . • !��`rl�°� —
<br /> � �• �t�:��l��{, (includiag l.c�uler,i'f Lcndca is surh an institWion)or in any Federal��.�me Losm Bunk. I.endee si;�;,0�apply the Funds ta?�ay =
<br /> .'• lfyhs«,�s lhe EsrroK �{�ms. l.ende�muy not charge Bairower for hold'an� nnd applying the Funds.unaaually unalyxing the esrr�.�� _
<br />:°� ��� � w;count,or ccril�ing ahe �scrow Items, unless L.ender puys Bc�m�Ker interest on the Furwl:: ana applicable luw pem�it.< -
<br /> �' ,�'•k�4 'l.ender to make such a c�}�;�s�e. However,Lender muy rcyuire Bunower to pay a one-�ime charQ� for an independent rcol =
<br /> � ' " estate wx r�eporting senic,e u.ud by Lender in connection wilh this loan.unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless on =
<br /> ' °y' �A b�+"`"i Agreement is mudc or ap,plicable luw requires interest to be puid,Lender slwll not be requimd to pay Bomower any interest or =
<br /> _ " , Oiy�,`�'• -
<br /> '• � ',' t�{ eamings an the Funds. Barrawer und I.ender mAy ag►ee in writing,howevcr,thot interest shnll bepa�d on the FUnds. Lencier =
<br /> '' �;.;:..
<br />-- � : : �.� ��;�.'. shall give to Borrower.without cherge,an annual accounting of t�he i�nds,showing credi�s and debila to Ihe Funds and the =
<br />��`-`�'• � ,.'���,';' � ��= pu r p o s e for which euch c3c�it to the Funda wux made. The Fund:;m�pledged as additional secucia}•ior ull aums secured by _
<br /> m�
<br /> ' �' �' 'i ' �I�is 3ecudry Instrumem. °.
<br /> ' -°:; �''�i ,_-; If ihc Poncls hcl��3 Lendcr cxcccd ihc a�.ru;,:s prsr��at:.�' ta M hcld �; ar,plica�le lae:�. Lender;3ta�� accotsnt to -
<br /> ::.:'� •�,.� . , t;f�'� :: c!s _
<br /> � � 1� ��E;% ��� Sorrower for Ihe eacexv If�unds in uccorclanee wi�h the reyuirements af appllcablc law. lf tlie amount of tlte Funds Mld by
<br /> ���!,���;�' � L.ender ut ony time is noz aufticient to pay the Escrow ltema��•hen due. l.encter may so notify Bomower in wriiing,and,in
<br /> " ���, f^�,'�r' '^"�'�` , such cuse Bortower she10 to Lender �he umount necesea [o make u the deficienr . Borrower shall make up the
<br /> ., -,�l�. Y"�� WY rY P Y -
<br />_____ • �_''' � • ', i deflciency in no more than twelve monthly pwyments,at l.ender!c sole discretlon. -
<br /> - ;.� Upon payment in futl of nll sums securcd by this Sewrity Insuument,Lender shall promptly refund ta Hom�wer�ny =
<br /> Funda heW by l.eu�r. TJ.uuJn� yn�ag�apl►2{.Ixudc� aL�ii�.y�;rc.;r xii ti-.::{`ioperty.Lendcr.prior ta tY�. acquEa{I�G11 6f -
<br /> ��`''•"� +� sale of the Property.sholl npply uny Funds held by Lender w U�e time of acyuisi�bn or wle s�a credit ugamst the sums -
<br /> � ;�'+� ~� I secumd by this Secudiy Inswmem. _
<br /> _ ��:�':�'`� 3. Application ef Paymeats. Unless npplicable law provides othervvixe, all paymems rcceived by l.ender under =
<br /> parngrnphs � ond 2 shnll be applied:fir�t,to any prepuyment chsuges due under the Note;secand,to amounts p�yuble unckr
<br /> •_'� �� •t,+;,��� .r•.,r paragraph 2;third,to inierest due;founh,to principal due:and last.to any Inte churges due undcr the Note. s
<br /> .fi�: , :• �ti x;.t,�,r..}.,,� 4. Cha�esi Liet�s� Botrower shull pny ul9 tares, axsescmems. charges. fines and impositions anributable to the -
<br /> '' " �i,lY :�{::?l•s�ti.,:1 -
<br />--�'"'�� �� . y �( . 'Property which rney unnin priorlty oveT Ihis Scwrity�n�trument,nnd leasehold payments or ground rents.if nny. Borrower --
<br /> M n:�, s r . . �. .,,,,.i -
<br /> `"'' •�� r�'� '�`�' � � � shall a thes�obli utions Jn Ihe maRna� rovided in ara m h?, or if not �d in that manner,8ixrower shaU a them on -
<br />;.�.�: �� t:r,.�• ,,,. ;�..�, i P Y B P P R 1� P�� p Y --
<br /> ,;,. .1�r.,.s�1_:s .«�nr,;�u.:<, , lime direcUy to the per�oq owed paymcnt. Borrower shall pmm�tly furnish to I.ender all notir�s aP s�mounts to be paid under
<br />�"�;f�; '�'�r:'R}r�f��w);� .�. . this parngmph. ]f Borrower make�s�hese payments directly.Borrawer shall pianptly fumish to Lendar receipts evidencing =
<br /> }'';�,, _ ' , the ents.
<br /> •.•�` i�,t:,;t;� '.- .;lh• •�,� PeYm =
<br /> •��!•�� '' � ° "� '• •� Borrower sholl pramptly dischnrge any lien�tiMicta t�as priority over this Seturiay Ina�rument unless BoROwer.(u)ugrees °
<br />.�,,jtr;�h- �x•_�'�y„' in writing tv Ihe payment of�he obligation secured by the licn in a mnnner acceptable ta l.ender,lb)contests in gaod faith the =_
<br />,•,�,t� ' ' ' I lien by,or uefertds Agninst enforcement of ihe lic��in,legal pmceedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the _
<br />`:.=,��,�-. yA�:�,,;�• -• � � enforce�;eat of t�e lien;or lc)secur�;(mm the hotder of'1he lien an agreemenl satisfac�nty to Lender subordinating 1he lien _
<br /> _�- �:`��.,�;:"�• to this Securiry Insuumea�e. li Lendcr de�ermin�ti�ihnt uny part of Ihe Propeny ia subjecl to u lien which may uttain prioriry _
<br /> '._�;':;, at 'T,.�� over Ih)s Security In9tcument,l.ender may give Honower a noUce identifying the lien. Botrower shnll satisfy the lien or take
<br />