_� � �}z.4'° I t ', ��*��Ctw��; ,,.,F ;j;�' .,�'i��Y���i 1� 't� , ., .... �.
<br /> � �'.r'' � I �� 4�'.. . .. . ,r'.4 jf��� <<
<br /> - r, � � '� - - . . -
<br /> 2`�i: '°"�""`-
<br /> ; , -- -
<br /> .�.__ .._W.�.::� 93-so�9 �
<br /> p�yment�may na IanRer be requi►ed.At tho c►ption af'Lcndo�,lf martaage insurance covcmga qn the wixiunt And far the petial
<br /> thu l.erder roquin�)providod by An insum�Appmved by l.encfeer pgwin becomes availpble wnd is obt�inod. Bomnwer+Jull p�y
<br /> 1he premiumx roquimd ta maint�in mo�gege insumnco in efFoct.ar to providc a lasx reserva,uotil�ha requirement for nart�o
<br /> _ ��__�� ineuran�e emi�in�000rdunoe with nny written pgroement betwaen Borrower and I.ender pr epplicable Iww.
<br /> 9.Impectloq. lxnder Rr it�Agent mAy nwke reasatwble entries upan and inspeclions af tho Propariy.L.a�der slw�i�ive
<br /> Bptmwer notice at tho time of or priar tu nn inspoctfdn specifying r+easanable cAUSC for ihe inspoctian.
<br /> —= 10.Condemnatlon. 'llu proceods of any awa►d or cleim far darnagc�,direct or c�nsequential, in connoction with any
<br />__ �;� _ n�nctemnwion cu other taking af wny pwi of the Prapeny. ur far oonveyanoe in flw oi oondemnatian,aro harcby�sianed aad
<br /> -�'�:.�-�=�----`-'-'�'= clwll be p�►id to Lender. __,
<br /> In Iho event of A taal wking of�he Praperty,tho pr�oceods shall ba appliod to the sums secured by this Socudty InstMment.
<br /> �'���.� whether ar nat ihen due, with any eacess paid ta Barmwer. In the eveot af a partial taking of the Propeny in whfch the fair
<br /> murket value of the Property immediatel��bofarc the laking i�equal ta ar grcuter than the amount of 1he sums securod by this
<br /> '`'�� Secu�ity Instniment immodiately beforc tho taking.unless Borr+ower und I.e�de�atherwise agree in wdting.the aums securc.cl by
<br /> �; thia Secu�ity In�tniment shall be reduced by �he amount of the praceeds multipiicd by the following fraction: (o) the to1a1
<br /> amaunt of tha sums secured immodiately befora tha teking,divided by (b) ihe fair ma�ket value ol'Ihe Property'immediately
<br /> = - -- — beforo thc taking. Any belance shall bc paid to Borrower. In the event nf n panial taking of the Proparly in which,the i'air
<br /> r;,�(; markct value of the Propehy immodiately befo�the taking ia lexx thun the amount ai the aums sccured imrnediately bef�+����oc
<br /> _.., taking, unless Borrower and i.ender mherwisc ugree in wrlting or unless applieable law otherwire provida&,the pra�ds shal�
<br />>�:.� be appliod to the sums secured by thia Secu�iry Instn�ment whether ar nat the sums ure ihen due. �
<br />.,r�p==_.I- _�= IP the Propcny is s�bandonod by Bortnwer,or if.a8er notice by Lender to Barrower that tfle condemaor uffers to malte un �
<br />.€-,� ' • award or settle n claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond t�l.etxler wilhin 30 days ufter ihe date the notia is�i�ca, :,',
<br /> •�".S l.ender is autlarized to callect and apply the proc�eds,at its option.ei�her to�estoratic►»or tepair�f the Pt+apeRy or to tlx w�nas .
<br />- � �''� • secureci by��is Securiry instniment.whet�er or m��ti��i du�. � -
<br /> ' ,l Uo1es; Lcnder and Barrower atherwise agrce in writing. anY aPplicution af proceeds to principa� s!►nN not extand ar. ."���.. __
<br /> a!
<br />_e;''�' ~�� �oatpone,alre due date of the monthly payments refcrred ro in paragrnphs I and 2 ar chunge 16►P amount of each;�ayments. ,, -
<br />=_ �CQ a�. �.-} ��, I l.acon+oaer N�+t[��9eased;Fo�rance 13y I.ender Nat a Wafver. Extensio�o`th� iime for payment or modif�cetion
<br /> '`:'__���°� ,` .r�:�',.,;� af amortizuucvJe af the quros cecured by this Security Instrument grnnted by l.ender t��A�y successnr in interest of Bomower shall
<br /> - .:. , not operate to rclrase t�he liability oE the ar�ginal Borrower or Bo�rower's succescors in interest. 1.ender shall not be nequirod to
<br />=� � commence proreedinBa ugninst any successor in intereat or tefusc to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amonization '�;::
<br /> � ��� Y' '�� t����� , of the sums secuned by this Security lnstrument hy rem+an oP any demand made by the orlginul Borrower or Borrower's '�'
<br /> _: n1�+
<br /> u�- '�, ,;�{,»•,;;•�F," successors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ende�in exercising any�l�ht ot remecty ahail not be a weiver of or pre,clude,the _
<br /> ��' ,s ts� exerciseof an�•rfgh�or remady. ��
<br /> c�� r:�� .q7d� I2. Succe�so�s and Asxi�n� Buu�.d:J��ini a�+d �eseral i:�a3>i�i23; Cas�trs. The co�::nsnts snd agteesntnts of t3sis, ' ,
<br />`� �. ���` •' �'�; � Security Instrument shall bind and benePn tfie auecessnrs w�d assigns uf I.ender and �rrower, subject to the provlsions of• �:'� � �'
<br /> ' +a• ��S�;; ��;, paragrr►ph 17. Barmwer'ti covenunts and agreemenls sfi�all be jaint und �veral. �ny Borrower who co-signs this Secu�ty � • �_�__
<br /> � r*='��� Insttutnent but daes not execute the Nate: (u) is c�}si,ning this 5ecutity Insuumem only ta mo�gage, grunt encl convey that '�•i� -_
<br /> -`'�'. '�° Borrower's intemst in thc PropeAy under�hc terms of Ihis Security InS�rument; (b)is not per�i�nally obligated W poy the sums '
<br /> _=- — --��-�;��-- acxu��xi by �iu�Snwity fu,t�u��knt:o�iJ i�}a�r...:s that {..�:n,tcr sn3 any athcr Rnrraw•cr may ugrcc to cxtend.�naQif��.forhpAr nr �
<br /> '- make uny uccammodutions w•ith regard a��he tem�s of thir Serurity Instrument o�r t'he Nute without that&�ROwer's cronsent.
<br />�' ,�r � 13.l,oan Charg�.If the Icuin secured by ihis Sccurity Inxtrument is subje�t to a law which sets mvximum loan chArges.
<br /> cu
<br /> '•'�?:t'+..Y. and Ihat law is finnlly ioterQreted so Uwt the imerest or othe� luan charges rollected or to be collected in cannection with the
<br /> �r.'r �,;�:,":°��„ lonn exceed the permitt��d limit+,then, (ul uny.urh loan charge shail t+c reduced by the amuunt nec:ess�ry to reduce the cherge r___
<br />�` '' S:a`� to thc permitted limil; und(b)any sum+ alrenJy rollected from B.innwer whinc�xre�.�ieJ permitted limi�s will bc refunded to �-
<br /> ��s . :.r t ..ij1 ' !-
<br /> •;�' ^ �` Borrower. Lswler may cho�e to make �his rePund hy reducing the prinripal oweJ undcr the Note or by muking a ►Jarert �-
<br />- ,� " +�,...;. � --
<br /> � � • r paytnent to Borrower. (f � refLnd reduceti p�incipal, the rrcluction will he �reated w u partis�l pre�►at��ent witiiout any ,.,_�
<br />_�; ,�-., f.
<br /> � �a.,., prep�yment charge under�he Note. ``;",�
<br />"�"" �,« �'�•• +, ` 14.Noiices.Any notice to&�rrow�cr providcd for in�hi�SecuTity Instrumem shall lk gi.�en by dclivering it or by maaling ' �
<br />'°'���-• �� ' ,'�"' '';''•���1�'. it by ti�st class mail unless upplicuble law�rcyuire.uxe of unothcr method. The notice�hull h�d'srec�ed to the Property Address ��
<br /> ���'• i��'� �! tf�� or an other uddresx Borcower desi autes M �x��ire t�i Lender. An natice to Lender shall be iven b first cluss mail to '6•���
<br /> - .�'. ;;;; '';; Y S Y Y 8 Y �,.�..
<br />'�..r ..:�}��; .
<br />-_� . J,r :., Le�uler's cklJress stated herein ar uny othcr address l.cndcr designAte. by noii�r to &,rn►wcr. Any notice provi�led fi►r in this °';�
<br /> st�,}� t,,,.
<br />�:�:. -�,y.�r,;ti,� Security Instrument shull bc deemc�l w have been given to Rorrowcr or[.cndcr when�iscn u�provided in Ihis parngroph. ,,;;_
<br /> • `��' .';:• iS.Governing l.a�•; Severablllty. This Serurity Instrument �holl tx gi�vernctii hy f�cterul luw und the luw of the -.
<br />�_-.;,x n;: �r„
<br />_- . jurisdictian in which the Property i�loca�ed. In the event thut uny pn�vi+ion or rluu�c�iF this S.:urity Instrument or�he Nnte
<br /> .:; •f �,,.,�,.:r,�;�:
<br /> °,:.�,�.. ��ky conflicts wuh applicublc luw,such�onflict shall not uitcct othrr pruvisi�im ui thi,Srrurity ln.trwnem or the N�ue which ran be �,;;.
<br />"7 given effect with��ut the conflicting provi.ion. T��thi� end Ihc pmvi+iim�i�t'thi�S«�urity Imtrununt and itk Note ore drelared ?�
<br /> � -- ,-• .y., � . to be severnNle. .
<br /> �r''` ±,�.�,,:;;.;.:..,.�.� �
<br /> r • �. .. .�. 16.Barrower s Copy. &�rmwer shalf t�given�me ronl'��mied copy nf the Notc u�x1 ot'�fiix Scrurily Insuvrt�cnt. �-
<br /> ",;��� _ ;�����` Farm 8028 8i80 ��`
<br /> - _ .� :. ;.: _ .h. ��`.
<br /> • �,.t.,,,
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