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<br /> TOO�'1'HER R+ITH tll the improvemaNs row or ha�flar eractod on Ihe PropehY.And�11 easemeMo.apputten�aoa��td
<br /> flxtutex nuw or haraNer • p�h oi 1ho piopany. All roplNCeoxnts and wldition� �hwll �Ica bo onvorod by thip Sa�udry
<br /> Instnut�aat.Aii oP�he foreQoins io refcrned to in Ihi�Secudty liwrun�ent a��ho'Pnoporty.«
<br /> BORROVYER OOVBNANTS th�t&►rmwer ip I�wihlly�ei�ed of�he a�uto heroby oanveyal And hss tho�i�ht tu�rant md
<br /> -- oop�•ep the Property ond th�t tho Pmpaty ir uaet�cumbered.ex� fi►r e�kumbrances af rxotd. 8afrawer w�nts+�nd will
<br /> defeM��Ily the Ulk a the Prnperty�g+�ln�1 dl caims�nd demn�wir.cubjoct tu any encumbranceY of rorord.
<br /> THIS SEClJR1TY fNSTRUMBNT cambines unifatm cavens�nts for nalianal u�o�nd tN►n-uniform wvcnanti with limiled
<br /> .:. � ---�
<br /> vatiatia�w by jurhdicibn to aNWitute a uniform secu�ity inwrometu cave�in�real pmporly.
<br /> ,. . . UNIFORM COYENAM'S.6orrnw�er u�d Lender rnvcmnt And wgree ua follows:
<br /> - --- l. P��neat ot P�iaelp�l�nd late�ti ��� �ad I.�te Clu��ee. Bmm�wer rhAll pnnmM�Y P�Y when due�hc �
<br /> — pdncipal ai u�d imercu on�he debt evidenoed by�he Nae and Any pre�wyment and Ino clwrges due unde�ihc Nac.
<br />.r- 2. F�nnds�ur Tiuca aad lnauanoe.SubjoGt ta applicAblo law ar�a u wrinen w�iver by Lendar, Barmwer r�hall pAy to
<br /> l.ender an the d�y monthly payments aro due uncler the Note.until the Note is paid io Ildl,a sum('Funds'1 for:(u)yauly uuces
<br /> and rucessment�which moy anain priority aver Ihis Secudty Instrument aa u lien an Ihe Property;lbl yeurly leuschold puymcnl�
<br /> or griwnd oe�us on the Pmpeny.if any:(c)yes�dy haxard or property incumnce premiums;(dj yeA�ly Qood insurance p�miumc.
<br /> "'� ii any:(o)yearfy mortgago inturanoe pnmfams,if any;ond(f1 any sumR pnynble by Barrower ta l.e�wler. in accordance with
<br /> the qovisions oi pan�raph 8.in lieu of the payment of mongAge insurance prcmiuma.These items aro callod"Esc�ow Itemg."
<br /> ;�`;,: Lendet may.at my �ime,cdlect and hold Funds in an amount not to excood�he mwcimum emaunt a lender for a i'ederally
<br /> reWed mortgqge lo�n may nequire for 8arrnwo�'s escrow�ccount under the federnl Real Eswte Seulement Pra�dares Ac1 oi
<br /> =-';� 1974 a�amrncled fian timo to lime. 12 U.S.C.Section 2b01 e1 seq. ("RFSPA").unlc.ss iu►ather law�hat s�pplies to the Fu�
<br /> . sets s lescer amount. IP so. Lendcr may. at any time, rnllcet and hold Funds in an wn�wm nd to cxceed�he lesser amaunt.
<br /> - - - ' ,L,e�w�:r may estimate the amourt of Funds due oa t!rc basis of currem d�and r�wmable estimates of'expendi�uns of futuro _.
<br /> '-������°t7� ' , �h�w. ltMna or nthenvirr in acrnrd�nce with s�pplicable Ww. .
<br /> LL��>fi�; '' � '�'i�e Funda sball be held in an inctitution whose depositx ure iasured by a federa! ageac�r, instrumentality, or e�uity
<br /> r,., �aauluding Lender.if l.ender is such an iavtitr�,r,:un)or in any Federal tk►me Loan Bank.O..e�rR,haC�appEy Ihe Funds tu pay the
<br />_ -- Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrawer for holding and applying the Funds,wta�aoa�Uy.anaa;.�inp the e�uR•o�t�ccount,or _
<br /> ' �•erau;�ing Ihe Escrow Items,unles.g Lerder pays Borrower interest an the Furuls und applicable law permits 1.c�3�r�cc�make such _
<br /> �''���� u cG�arge. However.I.ender may requirr Bortower to pay e one-time charge for en indepersdeut real estwe tax n;,���ning scrvice =
<br />' . Unless an a reement is awde ar -
<br />. b r connaction wi�h this loan, unless a licable luw rovides othenvise g
<br /> usod y l.ende in pp P _
<br /> -•`* epplicable law rcyunres intercat to be paid.Lender shall not he requir+ed to pay Borrawer any interest�r earnings on the Funds. _
<br /> r r�,� --- = Bocrow�r ar�d O.,ender may agroe in w�iting,however,that interest ahall be pnid on the Funds. t.ender shall give to Borrowcr, _
<br /> ' ` witl+c�tot eharg�c.ara aanµ�!�cc�aaauing of the Funds,showing crcdits end debi�s to the Fuods und the purpose foK ahich each
<br /> '=':. _- d�::tel3x Fnssd.�e�ti��.s r^.�.T!:��ur.�l.9 ase pledge�as u���_%ona!srcurity for nll s�����ored by�his Security tia�rument.
<br /> r:j, � lf the Funds fn�ld by 0..��vc�ec encerd dhr ri�aunts permined to be held by opplicable luw.l.ender�all accownt t��Borrower _
<br /> _;;�.i � fur tbe exeess Fu�cJs in accarclunce with e6tie r�yairements of applicablc la�ti�, tiB the wnount of thr Puads held b��L.endtr ut any -
<br /> -:,, time is not sufficient to pny the Escrow ltem��tifien due.l.ender mny so r.ncir;r�iusrpwer in wrlHng, a�xf,in such cASe&mower �
<br /> -'�= ., shall pay tu l.ender�he am�wnq necesssiry to muke up the deficietky. Bomower s6�a00 make up the detkiency !n nc�more than _
<br /> .�, � � nc:f�:rr.aa�hl�Fs,m:^•«.,at L.n;.'er'�sole dtscreti�n. '-
<br /> Upon p3yment in full ot'ull suma secured by this Security Instrument, Lendr► shall promptly refund to Eiorrower any _
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under pArn�roph 21, l.ender shall acquire or sell the Properry.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sole _
<br />._ ^ of the PropeKy,shall ppply any Punds held by l.ender at the time of acyuisiUun ar�ale as u credit r+gein�t the sums secured by -'
<br /> ��;'; this 5ecurity tnstrument. _
<br /> �,�•
<br /> t�� 3.ApplicAtion of Paymeats,llnless applicable Ipw providcs otherwise,all p�yanen�s received by I.ender unde�pnragraphs _
<br />.�'p• 1 und 1.ehall be applkxl:firsa,to any p�epayment charges due under thc Note; se�ond.t.�emoums peyable under paragraph 2; �
<br /> � t thir�8.[m inte�e�sR<lur;fouAh,to principal due;and last,to any late chArges due untler thc NMe.
<br /> ���'�s� �'�'� A.Chwr��c; Lien.v.Bormwer shnll pa;:cil1 taxes, assessments, cf�aeges, fines arai impositioR. nttribu�Able to the Propert} _
<br />:�y��, �ti?� whic�i may a�4uin priariay over this Security instrument, arnl leuKehold paymentti c�r gmund rrnts, if any. &►rmwer shWl pay =
<br /> " ' ������� these obfi allons ir�the mAr�ncr�rovided in � ra h 2,Or if nW id In that manner.8ortawer shall them on �imc directl -
<br /> •��' • i•;� � 8 Pa 8 P W P�Y Y -
<br /> � � " � "' to t'he rgcin owed avme�t. Sorrower shall rom tl furnixh lo l.emler all notices of umounts tn be id under this u ra h.
<br /> :;:<;�` > ;'•%t;'t Pc• P. P P Y Pv P �S P
<br /> '� r If Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Barmwer shull pmmptly furniah to l.ender receipts evidencing the paymems.
<br />.,a. _
<br />''?�_-;� Bortower�hn11 promptfy dischnrge any lien which has prforiry a�er thi�S��urity Instrument unOres Horrowee la)ugrees in =
<br /> �s�'��+� ,ti, w�iling to the paymem ai�D�e obligotion�ecured by the lien in v manncr acceptahle ti�I.erxler,(b)r�m�ests in guod iaith the lien =
<br /> `"� by. ��r defends against encoQCem�nt of thc licn in, legul pmreeJings which ia �hc Lender'ti opinion aperute «s prevent thc -.
<br /> ti:l�i,4
<br /> _ �;.t�}�` .�= -� enforrement of the licn:or�c)�:.a�res from the holdcr of the lien an ugreemens�atisfactnry u�l.ender sulxmiin:wirng the lien to ��
<br /> this Security Instrumm�t. li 1.cnder determineti thut any pan nf thc P�ur?erA�; i�su�jcct to a licn whe.h muy nttuin priurity rncr _
<br /> ,�'=�- •• �.�`7. ,��.�= thls Security{nst:u�:stt,i.c.ndcr ma�• siti•c&�nu�ecr a ncitirc idcntif�•i;.� :::,, lizn. $�+rrow•�r�h:+lt>:�ti;fc thc licn or takc rnu or _
<br />- " ��r»� more uf the wctions sc�foah eM►ve within 10 dayh uf�he givinF of nuti�:e. �,
<br />- ..��>.J_'F.�, farm 3028 �WO i:�
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