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<br /> �, �lnnuird or �e�+ogrrty Icns�rc��ese. Borrowcr shAll keep the improvements itow exiadng or hetentler erected an the
<br /> u
<br /> � prog�y fnaused aaainat loss by �ire. hn�nrds included within the cerm "extended coverage" ond uny other hozards. inctuding � __
<br /> • flooda or floadin�,for which t.ender requlres insurnnce. Thia insurnnce ehall be mpiatairted in the sunounts end for the pertad� y
<br /> � thnt l.cnder requires. Tho insutnrtco cc�rrtcr pmvtding the insumnce ehall be chosen by Borrower subject to l.ender's approvN � ., ,,,
<br /> . which shnll not bt ur�teusonably withhald.If Bonower fu11a to m�intuia coveroge descrlGtd above, 1.ender muy, nt I.ender's �
<br /> �� c,ption,abtuin covemge to protcct Lender's rtghts in the Property in r.ccordmice wtth pnrnBrnph 7. �
<br /> � All insurancc palicles and rene�vnla ehnll be ucceptable to Lender and shnil inctude a etanda�td mortgage ciause. L.ender � ^
<br /> sha11 bavc thc rlght ta hotd the�oifcte�end renewals.if Lender requirea.florrower shnll prompdy give to Leaiter nll rec�eipta of � _
<br /> ,µ paid premiuma ond re�tewnl notices.In the event of loss. Bonowsr ahnil glve prompt notice to the tnaurnnce carrier�d l.ender. � __
<br /> �ru�� Lender may aiake proof of lass if not mude promptly by Borrower. -
<br /> U�less Lender and Bonower olhenvise agree in wrlUng.insur�ace procceds shull ba upplied to restorc�tion or repair o9 the
<br /> � ^ ' property dumaged,if the restorution or repair la economically feuslble nnd Lender's security is not lessened. If the restomtion or _
<br /> � tepuir is nat eooaom�cally feasible or I.endsr's securicy would be lessened, the insurance praceeds shull be applied to the sums
<br /> ( sccured by this SECUriry lnsuument. whether or aot then due. wltb any excess paid to Botrower. If Borrower nbnndons the __
<br /> . �: { Property,or does aoi twawer witttin 30 days a nosice from Lender that tbe insurnnce ctur[er hav offec�d to settle a clnim.the,u }_,-
<br /> `_ i Leader may eollert thz lnsurance proocede. Lender may uso the pmc�ds to rep2ir or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> b.� secured by this Security Insuument.whetker ox not then due.'iT�e 30�day period will bsgin when the notice ia gtven.
<br /> Ualess Leader �1 Bormwet othenvfsc agrree in writiag. s►ny upplicatioA of proceeda to prlctcipal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the d¢e date of che monti�ly paymenta refemed w in patagraphs 1 nnd 2 or change the amount of the paym�nts. It
<br /> . � � —
<br /> uader paragrnph 21 the PmpertY is ac9uit�d by Lender. Bormwer's dgt►t to any Insweace poltcies and proaeds resnldaS from Q°�:
<br /> danoage to t�a Pmperty prior to the aeyu[aittnn shall pass to l.ender to the eatent of the sums aecurea!by this Secs�riry fnstrument v.
<br /> im�edisl�/prlor w the acqutsition. ��
<br /> ' � 6. Oa�upsnncy, Pe�eservnttoa. 1Ms�lntenuuce aad Prote�4ton oi the Propeity: Bon+ower's IAaa Applicu4ton=
<br /> Ler�sehofds.Borrower shall occupy.eseablish.aad ase the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the �.'
<br /> � �'� execution of this Securlty Insuuzaent and shalt oontiaue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at teast oue _
<br /> year after�he dsite of�ccupancy.unless i.eader othetwlse agtees in wrltia8+Which consent shall not be unreasonubly withheld, _
<br /> d
<br /> ,.;��f?r or unless�xtenuatin�circwnstances eszist which are beyand Bonon�er's control. Borrower shall aot desuoy.dama8e or iuipsiir —
<br /> � tAe pmperty�allow the Prapecty to deterlorate,or wmm{t waste on the Property.Bo�rower shall be in degautt if any forfcitu�e
<br /> ` ection or ptoceedin8.whether cjvil or criminal,is begun that in 1-ender's good faith judgment oovld result in forfeiture of the
<br /> .,,••.- '
<br /> �. ." Pcoperty or oihenvise materieUy impair the lien crentad by this Sscurity Insmimeat or Lender's se�udty iaterest.Bosower may
<br /> :� °• h i8�by causiag the actton or praceodlnB to be dismissed wtth a n�lins
<br /> '�4��. � cure such a defuult and reinstnte.as p�vided in p'ar�grap ar other matexlal
<br />�_L:�•:�. �a�. in i�cuctcr��r,� fa�th�etesmi�ioc. Fr�-.�3ss f-r�ein�re of the Borrowsr's interrst in the Prope=ty
<br /> ' ,-�.� ;mpaimteat of the lien created by this Seruriry Ynsccd�ment or i.ender's securIey incerest• Borrower shatl also be in default if
<br /> -c.''.�'�'� Bomower.dudng the loan upplicadoa pcoces9.gavz uaaterialty false or inaaurate iafoimauon or statemeats w I�ender(or fallal
<br />�1;�' to provide Lender�vtth any taaterial infonnation) in c�nnection with the loan ei�dlenced by the Note,indu,ding.but noi limited ,
<br />,^����('�}'`�° w.representutions conseraiag Borrower's occupancy af t�e Pcaperty as a prtnci�ul residenoe.If this Security Inscrument�s on a
<br /> -�:+:t•;.;� leasehold► �orrower shull wmply with all the provisions of n�e l�e. If Bormwer acquices fe� tide to the Propeny, ths
<br /> "=`�"�`�u����`' leaschold mid tho fr,e tide shaU not cnerge unless i.ender ag�es to�e�c�erger in writinB•
<br /> .-"`�•,,��# � If Borrower feIIs to �F��mem the oovensnts aad agreements contaiaed in
<br />::,�:��,; '� 7.Protedton oi I.cnder s Nglite tn the Pnoperty. Fa
<br /> i.,`=�.,-.°._.�� this Srcurity instrument.or there is e legel proceeding that may signiflcandy ufit'ect Lender's dghta in th�PcopenY(such av a�
<br />_ ���..,.
<br /> '•��,��fn �yrooeeding;a bankruptcy.probate. for ooademnation or forfeiture nr to enforce laws or regulations). then Lender may do
<br />--=:,:`sh��; paY for wh�cever!s neces.aary to protoct the vnlae of the Property and Lender's t�ghts in ti�e Property. Y.eader's stctions muy _
<br /> -- _".°"f�� •ineluda paying any sums �ecured by n iien w�fch 6as prlv�Ity uver thic Sc�rtty ius.:�+ntsat. sFP�'-°S ia c��t. Payi�� _
<br />�+.�ar:�.i� ieSSODSble allOrnCyB' f�ees and entering on the Property to make rcpairs.AlthougL Lendei mnay take actian uttder this paragrcipb
<br /> i'�"'-'�'�' 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> -1_ -q Any amounta dIsbursed by L�nder under this �+ara$capL ? aball beeor�� addittonal debt of Borm�ver suxuce� by this
<br /> ����� Securiry Unstniment. Ualess Bon'ower and Lender e�ee to oiher te�of payment.these umounta shall bear intemst�cmm the
<br />^��112����n' date of d.isbarsement at the Note catE:uid shall be payable. �viCfr 3nterest. upon notfce from Lender to Borrowes ret�ueating
<br />,�-.��,;�s�
<br /> �� payaieat. ^� —
<br /> =-���r�=y� 8.Mortgage Iosutance.If Lender require�monga�e iasurance as a oondition of mukln8 the loan secured bY this SecuritY �;'"v
<br /> -_-=�=�� iasaument. Borcower shnll pay the premlums requira!w maintatn the mortsage iusurance in effeci.If.fot any reason� the �
<br /> -��r�±�; ���.���,�•c�ve�ago reauired bv I.�nder lapses or cea�s to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums rcqvirod to .
<br /> �,�": obt�in caverag�e su�staatit�ly e�nivalent to t�e uauri�c insw�sscc p:�eviausly ia effest.r!u cvat saGstartia{Iy c�uivai�t co taa , c-
<br /> �t��, cost ta Bormwer of the mortgs�ta iasuraace ptevlously ia effea. from an alternate martgage insnrer approved by�nder. If
<br /> _"z��"��;•'��;, substamtaUy equlvalent mortgt+,�e insurauce coverage is not nvailable.Bormwer shfill pay to Ixnder e� month a sum equsi�to
<br /> :-:�.",�:�.�•
<br /> ` ,�:�._a one-twelfth of the yearly mort�age insurance pre�iu�n being paid by BorrowEt avh�n thc iasumnce coveragz nu.ps�d or to
<br /> ` be in effeci.Lender wilt accept,use and retuin these paya�ents as a loss reserve ia lieu of mo��pge {asurnace. E.vss resseive
<br /> _- ...r r _
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