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T� . <br /> �` ' , <br /> ...0•f <br /> ' — � . jf � - , " _"____'_'_"__"_ ' _' <br /> " � J.�r-.'�'(�'n'+°... "' . . � <br /> � .. . ;.�_•,s t.�Gxo <br /> , ,. .. _ _ .. ...... . .... ._...�.....--�---- •. <br /> . .-.. - , .._......_._._�_._.__�___. ..__.......__�_._._ - <br /> . ._. .. ........ . .... <br /> . er•: <br /> � � TOaBTHBR�iIITH all the improvementa now ar herenfter erected oa the propecry,and all eusementa. appuen�nnnces.s�nd t,:._. <br /> � 8xtures now on c�m,after o psrt af �e P�►P��Y• A�� repince�nencs and addittons ahull ulso bP covered by this Secudty �;�:- <br /> Instrument.All ot tlta foeeEoing is referred to�tdis Seeudry Instrument ns the"Pmpeny." g� �:_;; <br /> "' BORRAIA►BR COVBNANTS that Borrower is lawfully sei�ect oP tbe estate hereby conveyed and hns the dIIht to gmnt und � `,�,r <br /> convey the Property ond thnt the Proparry is unencum�Ered. except for encumbrnnces of re�ord. Bonower wurrants nnd will e ��:' <br /> defend generally the dtle to thc P�reperty ugaiast ull claims and demsmndn,subject to any encumbrances of rer.ord. �, ' <br /> � THI5 SECURII Y INSxttUMENT comblaes uniform covenants for nattanal use and non-unifonn covenn�►ts�vith Iimital <br /> �,:,,: <br /> � vurintiona by jurtsQiction to constitute u uuiform securlry insuument covering reai propeny• <br /> ., <br /> °.., - UN1FOttM CUVENANTS.Bortower and Lender covenant and agree as fo owa: e <br /> �����` 1. Faymeut o!�eirtripml a�d InteresQ; Prepayment nrtd I.nte Charges. Sorrower shall prompdv p�y when due the �._: <br /> :z�'''F,'� �.. <br /> ,;,�,�_.,;ag��. principal of and�uterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymeat and late charges due urtder We Note, <br /> u <br /> `.� <br /> 2.F�nds for Toxes nad Insurunce. Subject to applicable laa or to a wdtten waiver by Lender.Bormwer shat p�y ro �. <br /> � l.ender on tbe day uconthly payments tire due under the Note,until the Note is paid in tull.a sum("Euads')Y'or:(a)yearly taxes __ <br /> and pssessments which may atttdin priority over thls Securiry Instmment es a lien on the Froperty;(b)Ycaziy leasehold paymen[s � <br /> • ;; or grouad renta on the Property�if any;(o)YearlY ha7aM or property insurance premiums:(d)Yearly flood insurana prcmiums. <br /> If any;(e)yearly�noctgage insurance preaniva�,if atry; and (�any sums payable by Borro�ver to Lender. in accotdance with <br /> "� the provisions of paragtuph lieu of the payment of mon�age insurance pmmtums•These ltems are called"F.sccow lusu►v." <br /> . �r • <br /> Leader may, ut any dme,oollect anm hold Flutds in axa aatount aot w exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federnl y <br /> '?`.� r�isted mortgage loan may require for Borrower's esci+e�w account uadcr the federal Real Estate Settlemeat Pcaadw+es Aa of _ <br /> 1974 as amended from ti�ae to ttme, 12 iJ.S.C.S�ection 26U1 et seq. ('R�SPA"),unless another law tdat applies ro the Fuaais <br /> sets a lesser amount. If ro.Under maY, at anY�ime� co��ecY and hotd Fwids iu rsn cuaunt aot to excee�d tAe laser nnro�uis. <br /> ;;�� � " � Lender may estimate the amouat of Fands due oa the basts of current data and reasoan3le estimates of ezpendinues of thtur� <br /> ` ` Bscrow Items or othenvise ia accoxdaAce with applicable law. - <br /> insuvmeatalfry �! <br /> _-� • "���`#;' > 1he Fuadc shall be held ia aa �nstitudon whos�deposlta tue insured by a federnl agency. . or ensi � <br /> � '�' (including Lender,if Lender i�srach an Institudon)or ia any Fe�eral Home Loan Ban�s•L�nder shall apply the F�w pay t1�� <br /> �`''`�`�� � Escrow Items.I.ender muy u�i c'h�r8e Bomower for holding and applyiag the Funds.anawilly analYzinB the escrow�ccount�or <br />�,,°.__,,, .... ., — <br /> i,::',�. "'''� � o vertfyiag the 6scrow[tems,unl�.vs lender pays Borroweriaterest on We Funds and�licable law permita I.endetto make such -- <br />-_.����y� a eharge.Howecer.L�nder may require Br�rrower to pay a one-time c6arge for an independent real estate t,u cepoKnnB sen+t�ee <br /> :sP°�,-° ..� used by Lender in counection with this loan. unless applicable law�pTavldes othenvlse. Unless an e�+eement is mnde ax <br /> .-'`:'��'"�-'�'T` ap�9tsable law roquires intcrest to be paid. Lender shall not be req�ired ta FaY Bornower any interest or earnings oa the Funds. <br />._,.,�..:.._c <br />-'-��M��a`.;,� g�.���1�ender may ag�in writia�t.howover,tt�at 6aaterest shall be Qs►id on the�ads. Lender shall giva to Borrower. <br /> =-,r�t.. ?�; <br /> -;,�;.�;��,r; without ennual axaunti�g of che Funds�ahowlag credits nr�l debits to che runds and the pw-pus� .`�r zvtslds = <br />-_-:�.,":���'���� debit to the Fuads was made.'lhe Funds are pledged as additional securie�j got all sums securcid by this Securlty Insin�saent. <br /> ---=°""'"'"���' If the F�nda held by I.ender eaceed the amounta petmitted to be he5�t by apPlicable law.Lender ahall ecaount w Bomowe3r , <br /> _-�::�..r.,�: <br /> fur the e�ccESS Funda in acooYdance with the re9ui�ementa of epplfcable Ilaw.xf the amouat of the Funds held by Lender at aay <br />-,�;E;�,.� w--- tjrae is aot sufftcient to pay�a Fscrow Items when Eue.L,endeT may su nod�►Bo�vstier in writing�ertd,ia such cese Borrower =_ <br />"°:`:;;;;� sha11 pay to Lender the amu�+ti maess�►r�► to make up the deficiency.Borrower slear!m►�ke up tha deficiency in ao more than _ <br /> __ _-�-- twelve monthly payments,at Iander's sole discretian. �der shall pcompdy refuud to Borrower a..�ry <br /> _.�.= Upa�n ps�yment in flull of all sums sac�ured by this Sesurity lnsuu�nent� - <br /> -__��='"'� Funds held by Leader.•Parn�raPh 21.Lender shall acqulre or sell the Progerty. Lender.prior to the acqulsitioa or�E <br />,;�;.�.;;;� �� of the Property,sha11 ePP1Y unY Fu�ds held by I.ender at the dme of acquisidon or sale as a credit agafnst the sums secured by <br /> ==�"� tLls ac�curlty fnstrumant. �_ <br /> 3.Appitcat�on oi Pnymeate.Uitless npplicablo Iaw provides oWeawlse,all payments cooeived by L�eader under par�grt�p�s <br /> -_-==:�,:a� 1 and 2 shall be apgited:flrst�to anY PrePaYarent charge�due under the amounts payable under parngraph 2: <br /> ,�;:� third�to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last. w any[ate cherges due under the Note. <br /> _- '•''�� 4.Charges:Ums.�r�?xer shali pay all taxes. auessments.charges,fines and imposidona amihuta6le ro the Pcoperty <br /> '�� � ahich may attain prlority mv��rr�thia Security Inatnunent,and leasehold�Sayments oar gaonnd rents. if any. Bnx�cower shall pay =_ <br /> __y� these obIigations im the mnnner pmvidEd in paraSraPh 2.or if not paid in that mann�t,lfbnnuwer shall pay than an dme dizectly <br /> _=-� to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promp8y fumish to Leuder till norice.s of amouuta to be paid uadcr td[s paraBca��., <br />—,._ —__-_ — If Sarrower maices these payments dlrectly,Borrower shall pmmptly ft►mish w i.ender receipts'evideneing trie payments. �. <br /> �:...e:� <br /> ..�J.�.� Bomnwer shall pmmvtlY d�►sir8e aay lien which 6as priorlry over tlile Sera�rlty Inst�untent unless Boirowa:(a)a8c+ees'�a <br />"-`_•�*�-=�� ��it�m rhe paya�ec►t of Q�e obligation sccnrcd by the lica in n u�uuter Accc�abie w I�a,�foi:(b3�stG;ts�s ced f.h L-e tien c <br /> �—��.- - -_— by, or defends againat enforoement of tTae tiea in,legal PmoeedinSs wDtch in the t.eader's opiniuu u�►a��a to prcvcat 1he <br />