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<br /> r �;� r� eho g�ymoa¢ cE junio= Truot DaQdo; moregngao, or other ��_-
<br /> � � lioriholdornt =�
<br /> . . •:. �F (4)• Tihe baleaco� i� auy, to the pereoa os poroona lagally QaEitla�4 �.:-
<br /> . .� ..� ,..
<br /> Ehoreto. • �_::
<br />. "�-�,r� E. L1pon tha occurrence oP a►ny 8��ault he,reusider, B�F'�CIALZi88 alvall have, iA =
<br /> ,; �,; addition ta ouch other optioau un may be grtinEed haxein, the tusther
<br /> aption to EorecloQe thin Deed oE Trupt i�a the ma�sner psovided by luw Por _
<br />�""."'�`� foraclaeurea oY martgageo on real praperty.
<br /> �Tr ��
<br /> . ._ _. .�. �, BFNEDiCIAREI33 may from timfl to tima subetiCute A euccseooX or euceeaaora
<br /> �.,�.,.� ; , to raaY TROSTF� nr�med ha�oia or ucting hereunder. tTpoa c�uch nppoiaemeat�
<br />''-•�>.;�:,� and wiEhout convayance to the esucaessor TRUBTSb, tha la�eer shall ba
<br /> `4��"� vosted with all zitle, powero, and duties con�erred upon atsy TRUBT&P
<br /> `'�,`.,
<br />-°,:,�,�,�'� � herein nc►med or acting herc�under. Eacki auch appointmant arrd aubetitut oa
<br /> �-=�y<, ehall be ma�io by writtea iastsvment and exeauted Yry B�BxCT1►�3I88,
<br /> :'���y 1Y�_�� coatAiaing xeEar�ace to thio Dee� of �ruoe and ito place o� record, ahiah,
<br /> --"�'"`-`=^� when recorde�l ia tha oYfiae of the Regieter of Deeds of the county or
<br />-����°�- couaties in which oaid property ie situaead, shall be concgueive o��= of
<br /> -'-`�_:� propsr appoir►tmeat oE the au�ceesor TRIIB�BE. The foze oiag p
<br /> ^=:-?n:,;:� eubstitutioa aad the pzocednre tharePor �ha].1 not b� euelus�ve of thn
<br /> �.-.,,T=�;°-�- }�o�rer and procedure �rovidad for E�y law Poz the subotl.tiutipa o� a TRiJeTEs
<br /> _y,�slivJ�.�"� in the place oE ehe TAUSTSE named heroia. _
<br /> :._,����� a. `TRUSTOR coveaants and agzeeo that upo�a aay attemptQd conveyaace.
<br /> ,�,:.�.-� uoaignment, pledge or traaefer oE any of itia intereet ia ttio premises
<br /> __._,�� during the term of the loan secured herehy, tha BBNSF=CZEIRI$8 sh.all hava
<br /> '=-���'"' the opeion of declari�g tlae unpaid balaneo immediately due an.d payable,
<br />�_;;�� and if eaid sum re►aainB uupaid Yar fifteen t15) dt►ya thereaYtaz.
<br /> -_- BBNBFICIARiSB caa cauec Notic� of Deta�lt to 2�e givea �nd the premiseo bo
<br /> __ ---�"��=� sold aa provided hesein.
<br />_ - -,
<br /> H, as additional and coalateral security for the lean, aad ���eciivo
<br /> f�orthwith upon Eiiing ci a idocico v� �fau=�. �f- �tri'-"10-'�'¢ °�1 oezvo r
<br /> � ae an Aosi9nment by the T8Q8TOR to the TRUEiT8k2, of a11 x�ate r�xad xevenucse
<br /> reeultiag from the pxzrperty, aad TRUSTFB is authorised to tt�Ice �fleeeesiom
<br /> of the property� raut or lease tha name on terma he deomr� �st �uud �� -
<br /> tax�acartPorrmaiat nan�v�d�preaesv�ationog ehe�premiso Pa�d gm�ncipaZ,
<br /> �, Tha waiver by TRUt3TB8 or HBNBFLCIE�RIgs of any def�u3t oE TRiJBTOR uade�t
<br /> _--- waiver of a�r otlhar er s tn�lar deEavlts subsequeatiy o aurriag d to be �
<br /> —� �. Yf t�t1e to aay 8a� og th° P�ODe�Y hez°iu sha11 be Laken i:a condemnation
<br /> --.._-_=— pso�addiuga, by right oP �sminen.r dlemain, ��r aimilar action, or ohtall be
<br /> nold under thxeat of coademaatioa, al]. as���g, damtt�oe and pro�Gede ase
<br /> - hereby a�eign�d aad ehe� h reoP,�inttheix�sole c9igorebioa, B oltho8oum
<br /> __. _ __._.� auch paymeat, or any p�
<br /> -- - ----- balance above the amoust due�he:euuder p�yab s t BtheeTFtUSTOR. wi�t► t�ny
<br /> _ - --� . K. Tlie 9BN6FICIARIEB� the�i.r agants or zapreoez�tAtives, ase lterek�Y'aszLhoriaed
<br /> ---- tha pnzgoaes ofyi.nspecti�ag the eam�aadafpz�he pur�o�eta �r�oPsmiug a9ay
<br /> - of the acte they are authorized to perfosm uader the.t��nne of thia Deed oP
<br /> �'n+.pt ar.!� �tAwr acaomsranyiaQ docwaents. _
<br /> � ��:� L. construeCe�Qand go eraed by th.��a��ofi the St te oE Nobraekai for all �
<br /> � -- purpoaee.
<br /> ,��� . M, In the ovoat any one or moxe of tha provioione conta3ned in t,hia tleed of
<br /> --�� Tzu�t. Tru�s� Dned Note, ar aay other in�strument givea i.n aonaection with
<br /> N�,,,.,.� tt�ia traneactioa, oha11 for any zeaeon be held to be iavalid, illegal or
<br /> �_, �,,f,;.�;;� uuongorceable ia any roRpect, such iavalidity, 111egality, or waersforca-
<br /> _n.:_�;,� nlaility etuill, at the optioa o� �he SSNj3FZCIARI86, not affect auy o�3aex
<br /> � �`����:�� provioioaa of thte Desd of Tr�asc or T=uet Deed Nofi.�e, bu� thie Deed m�
<br /> _- Truot aad Trust Deed Note ahull bo construad ae if �a�ch invalid, illeg�l
<br /> --� ~ or uaettforceable provieion ha8 aever been coatttinr�d thereia, ie beiag the
<br /> -�=""=� inteation o£ the partiea that thQ provi�3orne of thia Deed o� �suat arc�
<br /> �-�-�•���y= dQCinred to bo soverabie.
<br />._'?sa.owr...:��
<br />