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„ , , •.,: . , <br /> ` . { ' ' � . ...s. .. .. �:' <br /> , � ' <br /> � ' .�.. <br /> s • ..�,�,J .... <br /> ..� .. <br /> . .. • <br /> :��u: - ... <br /> . _ . -._._•- -- - - ---- -- - - -- -- <br /> , ..�„�... �.V , , • . ._. . �• ,. ` <br /> , <br /> , <br /> r,' • ._ �� . ..s.r���: <br /> . . ., .�”'`Yfr'YM"�... �. _.. •• . � .. .. _.._.. . _.1��) . <br /> . <br /> . �. ._ .. .,. �. . , _ � .x <br /> .. <br /> �MLf1�A� ..... .. .._......._._. . �_.. ... .,.„ . ......... <br /> , ,..- � <br />. . iy�. .L:..n._.............._....._.._......�.._..... . . �._. <br /> ... `x" <br /> .. • .. ��.:: <br /> •�... <br /> ��. . � �99 ������ � <br /> � A. Re2ain poeooeoion oP the groporty ut nii tinton� cucapic aa mtiy bo othoxwioo ` � <br /> �;_. <br /> , ugreed by tho partioe ia c�riting. G <br /> 1;, <br /> ,� - <br /> • B. 1Nay mll geaeral �d apecial tuxor� gnd ull apeciul aeneunrrcentp of every --__ <br /> kind lavind os uanoaoed ugniaat o� duo ispon the cV�ove-c�en�x�:tbed pr�perty [=- <br /> ,'� before dal.inquc+ncy, saad to provi.dr� ��NSFlCiARiEB copiaa oE ouoh rees�ipta ` <br /> � ehowing paymemt o� auch taxeo 1E sa r�queated. in the�oveak Trustar faile �. <br /> -'"y or negiecte to ptly tFUCes, tho 8i3N'fd9=CiAIiIEB may pay auch teueea ar.d all _ <br /> ;��„�� such eume expended aad advancad f�y the BSNBFiC1ARtss as pxovided heraia - <br />-__ are secured hereby and wiChout demand, ahall be immediately due And - <br /> " ° ;�,.� payablo by �he TRUBTOR and ehall �ear intoreet at the hi,qheat legal rate �?= <br /> � uatil paid. . <br /> "�`�r"! `�� TRUBTOR covon+�ste and agreon tlnnt a failure to aetxka payrt�eat of the <br />• :�,;�° ;. principal due hareunder, oa the Tsuat� Y�eed Nota aecured hereby whea due and <br />;;;,�:°"�,°;, pt►yablo, or a tailuro ta comply with arsy of the envonante and agreemeato hereia <br /> contaiaed ehall cause the �rhole aum af�auey horeby eecured to becomo immediately <br /> ��fc.:�!'.1�r` " due and collec�ible at the option of tha BENBFICT.�RIES, aad a�gacu�tsa ohaii <br />:�•��;��, have the right to cause Notice of Dofaulti to be given aad tk�pramieea to be eold <br />=���Z�:.� es providecl hexein. . <br /> �:,::v:..•:� <br /> °:=�:kl�� The paztiea mutually agree as fallawe: <br /> _;�•, -'' A. At aay �ime and from tima t� tirn,� upau writtea regu�st of BBNEFiCiARiSB, _ <br /> -' paym�uut of fees aad preseatat�aYS �f thi.s Doed of Trust and tha Note for <br />•,-';��� endoreement tin aaoQ of full reco:aveyaaee, for cancell�tioa and <br /> _ ,�-�:� retention), without afEecting �he liabilita► of aay peraon for tkie payment <br />--�'=��� of the indebtedaesa, TlZUSTBE taay (a) consQnt to the makiag of any map ar <br />,,,Y� plat of eaid propertyj (b) jaita in grantiag aay eaee�neat or creatiag aay <br /> -- restriction thoreon; tc) jain in aay euboxdinat�on or other agreement <br /> -=�_� affeeting thie Deed of Truat or tho lien or charc,��, ther�oEt t8) racomvey <br /> this Daed of TruBt oX the lioa� or aharge thereof� (d) recoavey, wi�hQUt <br /> warraaty, all or any pArt of eald property upon requeat of B�NSFICiAR2Ee. <br /> �-� 8. The grautpa in ariy Deecl of Roco�vcoyance r.iay be deoaribed as "the peraon or <br /> persone e�axil�led theseto°, ax�d the recitals tlxereia of any mattera or - <br /> ;:;,.t.�'� faots e11�t11 Daa conclt��ive proof of the txuthfultaess �hereof. <br /> � C. Upan default by TRt18�it ia tlie y�ayment of iudebt�dn�es aeaused hereby or - � <br /> - ' ' in the p�rfosmasice of aay agr.eeeaeat D�sesetucs�er, S�NErTCiARISB may <br /> accelerate paymQat aad deciarc A],l eums securad h��'eby immediate2y due aad <br /> _- payable by delivery to TRUBTft1E oP writtesa declAra�.ion of dePault. I� <br /> HSNSFICIA1�258 deeirea said pro�i�.tty to be aold, �hey ahall deposit with <br /> TRtJSTB� rhi� De�d of Trur�t aud all pr�misaoxy notee aad doaumeats <br /> - evideaa3ag expandltures Qecured hereby, flssd ahall deliver to TRUSTBE a <br /> wr.itCaa NoCi.ce o� D:Pau2t �ad el.ection te �auRe aR�G7 nrey�t+'ty tCl i?A r�ox� <br /> �— in the Yoan required by laa, which e1�11 be duly Eiled f4r record by <br /> �xus�BS. <br /> (i) Aftor the lapee of auch time as may be zegaaired by law (presently - <br /> � boiag ono (i? montli Eo13.�wing the recorltatian af aaid Notice oE <br /> � Degault), NoticQ of Dagoult aad Ne�tice of Sale having beea giveu ae <br /> reguired by law, TRUSTF3fa, cvithout �emand on �'RR179TOR, ahc�il sell oaid <br /> ----__-� propsrty on the date ax�� at the time aad place dQaigntited ia eaid <br /> Natico of eale, at puL�lic auction to th9 higkaeat bidder, the <br /> ---- purchase price payablc� in laorful moaQy of the United 8tatee at the <br /> time of. aale. The peranca conduct�q the eale may, for any cause he <br />_--__- deemp ex}�ci�tent, F►e�ozpaua �c cal� ft� ti.� *v t_ecr ►�it31 �t r3��?t. . <br /> �-�' bo completed aad ia evory c�uvl, ca�e, aotica af poatponemont nhall be � <br /> givEen by public deci�ra�..ton thereo4 by �ucra�as�oa at the time aad <br /> � poetpo ed forPi nger th�..'s oae(1) day hey:ta� 'the day deeigaated ia <br /> '�' the Notice of Salo, ao�iae thereof ehal�. be givea ia tha eama m�,naer <br /> -�°°�-° -- � ae thQ original Notieo �f Sale. TRUSTBE ehall cxecute aa9 dellver <br /> �-T�_��� to th� purchasex hie 1C�ed conveyiag said property so sold, but <br /> _^r � c�ithout any covennnt or warraaty, expreso Ar implied. Thes recitais - <br /> ---�-�-=-�-- in tAe DQed og ony mnetaxa or fctcte eball ba conclusive preof of tcho <br /> _ --==� trut.�iEulnQee thereof. Any peraon, includiag B�if.FiCtAR=89, may <br /> -���=��r°l� purchaea at the oal�s. TRUaTOA hereby covcr�aatis to warranti aad <br /> --===•� defend t}io ti�le of CP��a above pr��2sty to the purch3ser c+t eale. <br /> _.=��a=,.,�.� . <br /> -=rtr=" D. When the TRtJBTBB selle tPi� esvet property puraua�at to the powero grarite� <br /> -�,�_�. �� <br /> :?;i�.��; horein, the TRUBTCB ahall n�a81y the praceedr3 from ehQ anle oP such <br /> "�.=- '�s'•�' proE�orty 3a tha followiag ordFr af priosity: <br /> _�'��-_., <br /> :::,P;,,,z�""T�:�� (i� To thn cos� nnd expeaoe of exeYCisi:sg tho g�ow�r of �csle aad of the _ <br /> ���;�-;;_:.��,;,.��; sale. iacluding a►ttorney �eee, evideace oi title and oLhnr sule _ <br /> _''_� <<;�.•�• ezcg�nseo, oad a truytee�s fe4 not to exceed thrno porcesnt (3!f og <br /> � :'�.s- �.�. tho groas eale ��rice; <br /> ;;i;l '� + •� ' (2) To the paymeat o� the obl3gt�Cion eecured by tLia Deed of Truot uad <br /> •�•• Trust Deed No�o; = <br /> .�`'_•��;��r .. —2- - <br /> .s�'� . <br /> �� . <br /> . �,. — _ _ <br />