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<br /> ' � S. Hazard Of• i'roperty Yasurance. Bonowur ah�fl kce�the impsoversicnts now"exlsting or hereARer crectcd on the _ -
<br /> � • Propcay in9ured Agulnst losa by firc. hazards included within the terca"�xiended coveruIIe'and nny other hoz�rds,lRCludina ��`•-.
<br /> flooda or flooding.for wh(ch I.eader requirea lnsurauce. Thie ii�aurance shdl be mutnt�ined In tho umounts and for the perl�tde m -
<br /> thac Lender requires. The insurnnce currler providing the inaurunce ahatt be chosen by Borrower subJect to I.ender'a npprovnl -��:-
<br /> �� which ehall nat ba unreasanably withheld. If�onower fntls to maintaln coveraBo desarlbed ubove. Lender may. nt Lender'a �'°;;,`-
<br /> " option,obtain coverugo to protect Lender's righta tn the Property In accordance wlth p�raPh 7• •�°-
<br /> . [� Ail insurnnce policlec nad renawula shnil be ucceptabld to Lender r�nd shalt includo n etnndnrd mongage clause. Lcnder �'�•�::
<br /> shWt have Ihe right to hald the pollcles c►nd renewale. lf l.,endcr rcquirce,P�orrower ehuii proniptiy givo to G:ndce aU rccsiptu of f''' �
<br /> . ` = pnW premiums and senewnl notices.in tho event oP losa, Borrower ahull givoprompt nodce ro tho ipsumnco currier cuid L.endcr. _
<br /> . ._._•-�: �",._
<br /> l.endcr may mukc proof of Ioss if not mndc promptly by Borrowcr. ��•
<br /> °"`"t'�s Unleea Lcnder cuid aarrawer othonvlae c►grca ia writing,insuranco psaeeda ahull be applted to teatoratian ot repolr of tho =
<br /> , "., °: Praperry dmm�ged.if the restorntion or repair is economlcully feuatbl�and Lend�r's aecurfty ia not lessoned.If the resrorutton or .•;..--
<br /> " rcpnir ia nat cconomlculiy fcustble or l.endur'e security wowd bo lessened,the tasurance pracsedn shnll be appltcd to the sums �-
<br /> � secared by this Securlty Instcument. whcther or not ttieu due. with eay e�cess pstid to �iorrower. If Borrower nbandona tbe • -
<br /> � Proporty.or doca not anawur within 3Q duys a aotice from Lender thnt tho insuraace curricr has offered to settle u ctaim,then =
<br /> � Lender n�ay colleot tho inAUrnnce preceeds. I.ender mny use the ptoceed+to rcpsdr or restare the Property or to pay suma �_
<br /> ' secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not thea due.1'�e 30-duy perbd wUl be�in whem the notice is given. -__
<br /> �. UiUess Lender und Borrower otherwise ugree �n wrlting, any appli�tton of proceeds to principal shail nat extend or -_
<br /> postpona the duo datc of the monthly puyme�te referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or cbange tUe aiaount of tbe puymenta. If
<br /> c
<br /> ; � undar pnragraph 2t the Property is acquired by I.endeq Borrower's r3ght to aray iasurance policles and pmceeds resulting from _
<br /> � dumnge to the Property pdor to the ucquisition ahall pass to Lender to the euent of the sums secuced by this Security Insttwaent •
<br /> � immediutely prior to the acquisltioa.
<br /> " ` � 6.�scu urtc ,D'reservatton,Matntennnce nnd protecQon of the Y�roperly;Bo�wcr's boaa�Applicntion; Leaseholds�
<br /> p Y
<br /> 4. +" Borcowor sh�ll occupy,eseablish,and use the Froperty as Boaower's principal residence withia sixry days aftet the executioa of
<br /> " this Securlty Inst�umant and ehull contiaue to�ccupy the Property as Borrower's prineipal residenee for nt least one year�fter
<br /> � � � the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherwise agrees in wrlting,wWch cous�nt shell not be unreason�bly wlthbeld,or ualess
<br /> �';• '� extenuattng ciccurrtstuncea exist �vhich are beyand Borrower's conuol. Borrower ahalt not deatroy, damage or impair the
<br /> °�<°;';?�� Pmperty� ullow the Property to detariorate. or commit weste oa the Prap�rty.Sorrower s6a11 be 3n default If uny fodeituce
<br /> � � � .. action or proceed�ng, whether civU or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result ia forfoiture of the
<br /> n
<br /> . .w Property or otherwisc matesially impatr the lten created by thls Securtry Instnnsuent or Lender's securlty interest.Bo�rower may
<br /> cure such a default tsncl relnatate,as pmvided in paragraph 18,by cauaia� the�ctioa or pmcceding co be dismtssed wlth a tuling
<br />_`���--:::� -���.� - = that. la Leader's good faith determination, precIudes forfeimre of ibo �orcuwoi'a ia.e��-t I� ths �ragr°stY ar asher m�rlsl �
<br />_-__. .,' ' impairment of the lien creuted by tbis Securiry IustrumESnt or H.ender's searity interest. Borrower shall also be in defuult tf
<br /> --•�,���`;;�.,;� Borrower.during the loan applfcation procesa.gave matedally falae or inaceurate luformation or atatemcnts to L.ender(or falted
<br /> -�"°�_�±•:�:::i` ta provlde Lender with sny mntedal informatfoa)lu connectio�with the 19sn evidenced by tAe NoYe.including.but not Iimited
<br /> v. :,�::;:�� to.representnttona conceming Borrower's occupAncy of tho Property es a principal residence.If this Sacurity Insuumeat ia on a
<br />=�^-``�=�"`°" leasehold� Bormwer shall com 1 wiu► all the rovlsiona of the lease. If�orrower �cqufres fee tlt�E to the Properry, the
<br />"=i��.,�=!+„ P Y P
<br /> ,.:*y;.N.,�_ leusehold and the fee title shall not merge unless I.ender agrees w�he mergeria wcitin�. ,
<br /> �='TM:?�;" 7.Protection 4f Lender's Rights in the Property.If Borrower feils m��rform the covenaats+3nd ngreeniente conmined ia
<br /> __..,_..__. this 5ecudty Instrumrut,or there is a legel proceeding th�t may significanAy affect Lender's rlghte in tho Pi+operty(such as a
<br /> proceeding in banlm�ptcy. probate.for candemnation or forfe[ture or to eniosce luws or regulatlons).then Lender mny do and
<br /> r'''��.�� puy for whatever is necessary to pmtect the vnluo of the Progetty and E..ender's eigbts in the Pcoperty. Lender's acQons may
<br />--�- '`�"-�-�== includc PaylnB ar►Y sums se�urcd by a lien whtch has prioriry over tl� Security Insuument� c+�pessrInB in Gourt. PaYlaB
<br />?���� masonnble attorn�ys' fees and entering on the Property to make tepafra.Although Lender may te�lcce uednn under this pzragraph
<br /> ����°L-'�'�'+� 7.Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> � _:o:� Any �mounts dlsburs�xl by Lender under this pssragraph 7 shell bao�rne udditioaal debt of Borrower secured by tbis
<br /> -=��.��,,n-,�',� Securlry Inatnuaent. Unless Boreower nnd Lender agcee to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear int�+cst trora tha
<br /> ��';���� � dute of dlsbursement at thc Note rato and shull be payable, with iuteres�,upon notice frora Lender to Borrower requesti�g
<br /> {�t„':.
<br /> _ payment. --
<br /> ?==�� 8.Mortg�e Ie�surance.[f Lender requiced mortgoge iasurance es a condittoa of maldu6 the toan seourttl by tbis S�urlry
<br /> - _� u•� � �, gQr�tyEx�ketl pny the gremiunos required to naainmin tha mortgage insuraac�[n effect. If. for aay res�on. the
<br /> .;,,�_-j� mcttgage ia;uraace wter�e requirM by LPn�IRr tapauw or ce�ses tu i�a in�eftect,t3�nower ahait pay thc picmiums req',iiicd to T_
<br />�-�:� obtain covernge substaattally equivalent to the mortaage ittsuraace previomly !a effert.at a cost substnntiolly equivalent to the
<br /> --�;��..� cost to Horrower of the mortgage insuranca pnwtously in effect, from an aitemate mortgage lnsurer appmved by Lender. If
<br />-:;�;;;:�;;;�. - subawntIally cquivatlent mortgo�e insurnace coverage ia not available,Bmrrower sh�ll pay to Lender euch month a sura equal to
<br /> -_ : +- one•twelfth of the yearly mortgage lnsurance premium betug paid by Borzotiver when the insurance coverngo lapsed or ceused to
<br /> --- �� ���-'� �e in effect.I.ender wUl accept.use uad retaia thesc payments rss a lou raerve in lieu of mortgnge inournuce. Losa resen+e
<br /> - �yr-
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