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_.. i . ,�: �;fr`� <br /> ,...� �.� �, ,�. .. <br /> _ i�:'':`;i! ..- -� . ... <br /> . n ' �aMd��.n,, <br /> .:� , ...�a.�:�...rk.y►��. <br /> .. <br /> � � . .." .._..........._.._..._._._ u ._.... _.. . .. .., . .... .. . ......._.. ..... .._ . . . ... <br /> , .. . �...,.__..._._._..__..._._'_'._..._._._ <br /> _._�- ..... ......__.....,.. ___.._.. ,.. _ . ..._ ._.-...... . <br /> � �:�. � .: 0 9�- ����� ����������� - <br /> '�OOBTHER'WITH nq ths Improvements now or hereafteccrected an the prope�Ky,und all easementa,nppurtenancea, and <br /> ' • fixturea now'or hereuftor n pnrt of the property. Ail rcplaccmente nnd udditiui�s shalt also bc covcrcd by thls Sccur3ty ';�;;,;�; <br /> '. Instrument.All of the foregolnn ls referred to In this Securiry Instrument as thc"Properry." ,. � <br /> �.. BORROV'JLR COVENANTS diut Borrower is lawtblly seised of the estate hereby conveyed nnd has the rigdt to grant and -�P <br /> :",..... <br /> canvey the Aroperty nnd that the Propeny ia unencumbered, cxcept for encumbruncea of recard. BorrowQr wnnAnts aad wtlt <br /> dufond nenernlly the titie to tha['ropeny a�ufast nll clatms and demaada�subject to any encunlbrauces of record. ,�:::=°' <br /> • THiS SFCURITY 1NSTRUMFiNT combinea uniform covcnants for national usc nnd non-uniform cuvensints with limitcd <br /> vnriationa by Juri�dlction to constftute auniFatm secutity inswment covadnB reul property. _�° <br /> �._., UNIFORM WVENANTS. Bore4�ves und I.cader covcanrtt and unrco na followa: � — <br /> _=��;�_�°t l. ['nyni4nt of Pciizcipal and Hutou�:t; P��epuyment and I.ntQ Charges. IIarrowoc ahnll promptly pny when duo the L�n;. <br /> •""'` prinoipai af nnd intcn:et on tha dsbt oviden r.e d by c he Note and any pmpnyment und late char gea due uader tho Notc. ��- <br /> 2. Cunde for Tuxcs and In.gurnnce. SubJect to npplicnblc!nw or�o a written wnfvcr by L,ender. Bonowcr ehuQ pny to <br /> . , ' [..cndcr on thc day monthty pnymcnts nroduoundcr thc Natc,untU tho Note ie pnid in t�tl.n aum('Funds')for:(a)yctuly tnx�s �'�"_ <br /> ' � � i�nd nasca8monin which mny ntt�in prlod�y avcr thte SccuMty Instrumcnt n9 a Iten on Iho Fraperty;(b)yonrly tea�ehold pqyments ._. <br /> ur graund tcnt�an tho Ptupeny. it any;(c)ycnrly har,�rd ar prnperty htauennco pnmtums;(d)ycnrly flapd inauranco pi�cmiume, __ <br /> � if any;(e)ycarly mort�ago Inaurnncu prcmfumx.if nny; c�nd(�nny aums pnynblQ by Borrower to lrendcr. in uccordnnce v�ith u- <br /> : tho pr�vl�{lunK uf pu�nttmpb N,fn Iteu otthv pnymcnt of inan�ago lnsurnncu premiuma.Thceo itcros nrc cnlled "Escrow Items." _ <br /> ' �� L.endor�rioy. At tu�y timo, coltect ancf hola Funda in nn amount not to excccd tho maximura umaunt u lender for n feder�ily _� <br /> a �� rQiated man;�t�}o lonn may rcquiro fur Borrower's escrow acrount undor tho fcdcral ReW Sstutcr Settiement Procedures Act of <br /> � � ���`=• t�T4 ns amonacA from tlme to timo, it U.S,C. Sectton 2601 etseq.("RESPA").unless another luw that uppltes to the Funds <br /> 4 sets u lessor anount. IP so� I.onder may, ut uny tirto,coliect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the leaser amount. � <br /> '� l.endor mny e3timate the nmaunt of F�ads due an the basle of current daut nnd reasonable estimates of expeadttui+es of thture _ <br /> � • Escrow itoms or otherwise ln uccordnna with applicuble Yaw. �'� <br /> • �' �f,�� Tho Fundc ahull be heid in an inetitudan whoae deposits nre ias�ued by n federal agency, iaeuumentaliry. ar endty <br /> - ' (includinII Lender.if Lender ia such an lastttution)or in aay Federal Home I.oaa Benk.L.ender sh�l1 npply the Funds to puy the <br /> � ,<<� <br /> Escrow Items.I.ender mny not charge Horaower for holding and applyIng tha Fuads�aanuatly aaalyzing the escrow acrouat.or <br /> , ,: � vedfying the Escmw[tems.unleas Leaider pays Bonrower iatereat on the Funda ead npplicable!aw permits I.ender to raake auch <br /> . � a charge. However�Leader may cequire Boreower to pay a one•time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> ' . .,�- used by Lender in connectioa with t6lF Loan, unless appiicable law provtdes otherwfse. UNess an agreement is made or <br /> ,. . �';(.i{,,;;, applicables luw mquims interest to be paid. I.eader shall not be required to pay Borrower any inter�st or earninga ou th�F�da. <br /> �y w,TmwPr and l.ender may nacee in writinA.however,that laterst shall be paid on the Fwnds. Lender shall give to Barrower� <br /> � lr�l.� S�� _ � . . <br /> t . ;;,�� without chsrge. an nnuual accounting of the Funds�showin� credits aad debits to We Funds and tho puzpose for whicD each <br /> �tiy;:�"sf�t:�:.-•�';!� debit to the Funda was made.Tk►e Fuazds are pl�dged es addidonel secuclty for ell sums secured by this Security Insuunnent. <br />°,;�,i -�,�•.'?'•._�!;; <br /> •;- ',�•;�,-,f�,,., If the Funds Qeld by Lender exceed a�e aznounts permltted to bc held by applicuble Iaw,I�nder shall account to gomower <br /> "°��'3�����'��_ for the excess Funds ia accordaace wit6 e��e requlrements ot applicuble lnw.If thQ amount of tt+e�unds held by Lender ut any <br /> :-i;,.•:�: ., . <br /> ��;;^�,,;,,.,�; ttme is not sufficient to pny We Fscrow itaem+whea due. I.eader muy so aotlty Borrower ia wridn�,and,in such ct�se Borrowcr <br /> -''''='��''�;���� shall puy to Lender the amount necesancy to make up thede�ie3ency. Borrower shall rnake up thes defictoncy in no more Waa <br /> '„ry���� '�•�`• , twelve montiily Lender's sole disoretton. <br />-;=�.•`�` 8°°r� :; Upoa payment in full oP�ll smms secured by this Securiry Instruraent, Lender shall promptly refUnd to Borrower any <br />_ ,;.. : <br /> - �—`�'"'6 '�- Funds held by t.ender.If,under para�raph 21. Lender shall acquia�or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acqutaitioA ot sale <br /> .,,,.Y,;; -,: <br /> w°.°?;.��••.���' of the Property.shutt apply any Funda held by Leader at�he tlme of ucquisltion or sele as a aredit ugainat the sums secured by <br />-,�:;r° :'•'•+�••" thlS SCC11iiIy IRS�culriBAi. -- <br /> ��� 3.Appticatlon oP AQyeu4yaYs.Uxiless applicable Iaw provides otheiwise,all paymeata cpceived by Lender uadar parngraphs _.. <br /> _,���� ,. ..:�: <br /> ....;��.;,�-,�t�..;� 1 aad 2 shall be applied: tirst, cn an}�prepaytnent charges due uader the Nota;second,to amc►unts paynble under purograph 2; <br /> — ""'''� tldrd,to interest dne;fourth,to priaaipal due;aad last,ta nny late cbarges due under the Note. <br /> �...m...,��:..�,.�� <br /> _, „ <br /> ��,n�c��.. � A. Chursesi Liens. Borrower s�aU pay all taues.assessments�char�es,fiaes and imposidons attrlbutable to t�e Proporty <br /> �° -�°'� which mny uttaln prlority nvcr thia Sauriry Inatrument, aad leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower ahni!pay <br /> �=-'=--"'�. e these obllIIatIons in the manner provided In puragrnph 2, or if not putd in t�at mnrmer.Borrower r,hAll pay them on time dincdy . <br />-;�;:�;;���:: to the persan owed payment.Borro�er shull prompdy furaish to L.euder all aottcea of amoun[s to be paid under this psiragraph. - - <br /> ��'' I f B o r ro w e r m a k e s t h e s e p a y m e n t s d i�c Q y,B orrower shalt prom ptl y ftirnish to Lender receipts evideaclag the paymente. <br /> .xrtAa,�4� <br /> -=-� t;c�rcower snaii pmmPriy di.,cnsagc auy lica��hittt�as};�ar�ty a,;r.r ti:��°.c�rity Ia�truat�nt ttaless L�rrQ!'rer:{a� o�_r_n in ___ <br /> .:r�:;;;��.�'�'`'� wr�t[ng to the payment or the o�ligation seeured by the Iiru iu o w�uier acctptabtc to L�;ndcr;(bj contcst�ia geod faith thc llea � <br /> .,.�-� <br /> °�=�';,;;.,: by. or defenda againat�nforceinent d the lten in. legui proxediu�s whtch in the Lsnder's opWon opernte to pravent e __ <br /> ;'.;';"�'',°":�, � enfonement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holdcr of the ilen an agreemenc satisfactary to Lender sulsardinnt[ag the lien to <br /> �- �his Security Instcument. If Lender determlaea that any part of tho Property ia subJeet to a lien tivhich may uttain prlority over <br /> � = this Secudty Insnvment, Lcndar atay glve Borrower a nodce identifying the lien.Borrower shall sat[sfy the lien or take one or _ <br /> � � �' morc of tha uctions set forth above within 10 duys of tbo �ivii�g of not[re. lx,���_ <br /> :. <br /> fottn 3028 8180 =- <br /> •• ;� �yBRINEl�o1�z►.os Pap�2ot0 wuai.. � <br /> a' <br />- �.. - :. <br /> _ �, _ ., °'^""'._ . "'""" .. _., , `� . _ : TM - <br /> ,... . . <br /> .. , . _ - <br /> . <br /> _ .--- - -- -- - ----- - - - ---- ----- _ �--- ' ,_ _�_ � . <br /> -- ..� � .,.. <br /> - ---- - =----- -- -�------ -'� <br /> . . . ,__._ <br /> ----- --� -- -- _--_--- - - - - — - ---- - ---- r ---•- - --- --—---- -_--- - --, _ - - - - <br /> _ i . ' • - `— :°' - <br /> � � '• , . . ;� . , . -�� . <br /> .. , . , .. . <br /> + � � ! � . , ° , � �ilr�� � ' l Yi'; , ,� <br /> , . .. . . ' .. • . - �-. " , ri�,� , Inhiv... ' , j: <br />�. .. - .' . •ItS;:,-�'„� � _ .. • ::'�•:9' <br /> - , .. � , . �4;' ,�� .,. ' .. .� n . .il:r���';.:'^^', <br /> . , � ., ��« <br /> -_ � • � � � �� ' , ' , � .�?{G <br /> . <br /> ' . <br /> , , • �, <br /> , , ' , ' " , "° . , �.� <br /> . , , „ . <br /> � . . <br /> :. .� , . �. <br /> � <br />,. - . <br /> �, ". ., ., ; , <br /> � <br /> ., ., .. � �. <br />