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<br /> ---- -- •. ��lpi� i� a ��aurit a r�a�n� od �����
<br /> � . 7 � punwae to th� ihiilort� Comn�raisl C • a•
<br /> • �qact�d by th� Stae� of li�bra�ks �ad Ma�lic4�r� �d�ll hav� •11 ri4ht� aad
<br /> r�wdi�• o� • *�aur�d parcy Mi.th r��p�ct tb �sid collae�r�l und�r ttu Vailorw
<br /> Ca�rcial Cod� •• �at�d b� tb� BtaR� o! p�bra�iu�. Tru�tor Mar;ant• ta
<br /> B�t1�i'ici�r� t.hat. �za�pt for th� �ocurit� iat�r��t ar�at�d h�r�bp. Tsu�toc
<br /> - -- — �a� aaod titl� to ��id noll�t�c�i �Ad� a• to �sid collat�sal h�r�aft�s
<br /> - — acquir�d� Tcu�tor �►i.i� oMn good title to �aid aollat�ral. lr�� and ciesr of
<br /> all li�n�. ��curit� int�r��t�. �na�bc�aa�� �nd �dv�s�� alaia� of aa� kind
<br /> - �at�wv�r. No fiztur�� or �quipa�at (includia�. withouL l�al.t�tioa.
<br /> '^•�—t-- -- �ae�siag. irrig�ticm oad frd�t �Ydto@C�.Oii qquipaant and rppasaeu�) obriil t»
<br /> r�sov�d fraao �aid r�al propssti� Mir.boue tb� pcior vcitt�a con�aat of
<br /> , �wficiRry� �xc�pt tltat Tru�tor dull hav� tb� sight� Ml.thout ouch coa��nt.
<br /> '--'- � to r+vow and dl.�po�� of fr�� £sam th� ��aurit� int�r�ot h�r�oP •ucb fixkur�•
<br /> �- ------ aai! �quipauat a• ma� from ti.a� to ti.a� b�caar Moza out oc ob�ol�te. provided
<br /> _— --- -- �bat Tru�tor �iull, �:tawltan�ou�ly �ith or prior to �uch ranoval. replac� such
<br />` — "`��` reawved Pistuse• or �quipm�at With r�placm�nt fisture� or �quipoNnt luvin� a
<br /> ��F:� •`��� v�lne. quality and utility at lesst �qwl to th� r�aavQd firtur�� or
<br /> ��,� equipm�at. Trustor �ball. at Tru�tor•• e�cp�a�e. ex�cute �ad d�lfv��r to
<br />�': h. � BQnef�eiar� �aeh ginaacing and continuatiom •tatem�nt• cov�ring ��id
<br /> _'� kr` �i� collateral a� B�naficinry t�y Eroa tioN to tiai� reqw�t, All asr��msnt4 o�E
<br /> ��"� Trustor her�in. and all righta of Bon�ficiary h�rein. r�lating to �sid r�al
<br />_ _ ���:; �, ��tst� �hsll appl� to u�id coilat�ral Mluth�r or noe �spre��l� r�f�s�ac�d
<br /> ,1, . hor�ta.
<br /> •~ �3r
<br /> _- --` . :-,en- - atat,ja��k�rt �rieh and includiu� aIi aad atagular ttie ten�meat�, hereditamente.
<br /> . __" mppurtecuncao aad prAvilegea thereunto b�loaging o� ia au�y�rl.�• appereaiait�.
<br /> ;�,��' . w'he�er aa�► or hore�fter acquirad, wt�9.ch 91u11 include. a9.thoue limitit� tk�
<br />_-=>>_- . ,��u�rality o€ tho fora�oinQ, tl►� followfng�
<br />__,�_�' ,_
<br />__��?{�, t':�,
<br /> -h::� , All oE the raata. ioeuea snd profite� inab�uding all reata. roq�ltio�.
<br />-�_^-;��, bonuoQa. aad beaefiLw uader aay �ziotiag or futurQ ofl. gaa or mineral or
<br />'_��?'* .-'p,a,. other leao�ot all eaoamanto and righto of s+ay= all righto of haao�otead aad
<br /> -- ����{t�%'' , ha��toad Qsemptfon and �ay aurvivin� �pouoQ'a marit.Ri or di.otributive
<br /> __��, r`.,:�.,.
<br /> � j;���° , oAare. and ail other coatingeat righte i�n and to asid premivesi e�ll aa1:�r. .
<br /> _ �"`,�� ?�.1,. -�, , �+atar righto. ahotber rigiasiaa. appropriate ar othQrvioe and whether or
<br /> __+�:��t `` x',, �Y,4•;r-��t'�'`j ; • aot appurtoaant� ail diC�D� right�. and any e&�roo of •tock ovideuoin� any
<br /> _ '• •��, ,>' �uch .►at�r or ditch riaht�7 abd n�
<br /> = •., l ��f:� , .
<br /> _s , �,:r ���.�,' �
<br /> _� y Al1 of the fosegoing ootate� propQrty and interest hereby conveyed to the oaid
<br />`�,�•`.;, ;.� ' , Trwta� ia hereinafter collecti��ly referred to as the •Property•.
<br /> _= . a.:,. . � .
<br /> -��� TO HA1/6 AND TO 80LD tho osme uato the aaid Truatee. bie ouccaoaoro and
<br /> -� � " 4��iga�. forever. IN xRUBT HOYEVSR, aad iTITH POii86t OF S�1LIE hQreby e:preo�ly
<br />" �� � f-•w�'� � granted uato th� �aid Truotee. hi� �accoQOOro. aad •ooigime Eor tho purpote of
<br />':�y!� ' 4 -x�.t,t�4Y'� .
<br />'__�!f. � ��C��ng�
<br />' r y . `�`k :`�F. �,.. .
<br /> r',.- ,,.$ . (a) ThQ psyawat of Tr�t�tas'e �uat iadabtedae9s to �enoficiary in th�
<br /> - � � "`���' ��"; � � r.xn�i al oum af Tbree H
<br /> °- • , ;��.,�, �,:: . p p �grt�sed T4Cire�-Fivg Thoueand and NO/1,Q,Q DolAar�
<br /> �"' ' � .qy�33S.000.00) for moasq borrawed, with a�toreot thereon. all ao eviale�xecl by
<br />°�`��" �� � ' � � nnd in etr3�t accordance v£th the tarma of ttw2 certain promiesory note. �� �
<br /> ' "� "'�' •`+ herainafter called the 'Note" , bearia evea date �erewith made �
<br /> = � ?.�•�,•. :� • g psyable to the
<br />- '�;�
<br /> �°,��`.. .,��;'���;��.l; ' order of Boaeficiasy, e:ecuted by ed � -
<br />`;:Y �:` �- ":�;;5�;:,;rr,`�� aad providia g for the pa y ment of a+��d , indebtedneao ia � g '
<br /> ' ��-`���`�""' installmonta the last of aitich io due and '
<br /> ;.�',�: . �t l,��• ' . payable T�a,gu�rv i,,,,200�, sub ject to
<br /> = ;'�;'�;'L�,,:, � acceleratioa of maturity an default in the payaient of ar�y �A�LA�la�nt of ,
<br /> A��'�' � � ;�,7�' psincipal or intereat or im tha performsacQ of amy covensnt. a�r�eement or
<br /> 3.°-�. _ k'. ; ,•;;;�•.
<br /> ;,,�,._. aarraaty contaiaed in tbe Deed of Truat=
<br /> _ �---:��c�, -
<br /> �` .°,,. .; ',.; , .
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