� ' -• y�.�,;, . — p ��nEi'��`y� • .�:. •;t;.�r�„ �::r���.;
<br /> � - "5;rbi f.�44 �� i.'1��� I g I I I , t,.����t1r'�
<br /> 1
<br /> -- - . � r� • "!.. . ;. .�•�. � ,;,,.. , tA .
<br /> �' . � • ��
<br /> ., . � � . . 93- 1�2 � --- 0221�3
<br /> - f:,..�
<br /> -___ —_ - ••. Lot• No. 1. 2. s aad 7. ii► s.ceioa a� rawn.bip 8 Noreh. Ran�� 1�, N.•e o!
<br /> " — ' , ' tb� S�th P.M.. suffalo Cownt�. N�brs�ka. aAd laad� acartttd th�r�to.
<br /> iko�ptia� T!►�r�fca� Zh��� L�ad�� A tract� o� l�ad locst�d iu said LotN 6
<br /> - aad 7, cantaiain� 25.86 acr��. iooc� os l��o. aad �1�� a tract o! laad
<br /> _ -- aacr�t�d to �aid Lot• d �nd 7, contai�ain� aZ.lA aar��� �wr� or 1���. M�icb
<br /> . �w� d�rd�d b� th� ��id Johu C. ailt� �nd ldatti� M. Iliity a� grantor� to
<br /> . ,'�,�,�;;���F:�; tA� 8tst� of p�eraNc� a• graa�N, b� a d��d containiu� ebs d��cripti4n o!
<br /> s. th� iaad in �t�� �ad bound�� �fiich �ra• daL�d March 19th. 1�62. aud
<br /> ;�,_-�,• r�card�d upon Marcp lOth. 1�62 in tha Dead rec4rd� oP tba ltegise�r of +
<br /> - — DoQdo a! �id Cowtty iR 8odk 178. Kt P�ge 58�. ia�ludiag 138 acr4s. mora
<br /> .. .. , or l�t�.
<br /> � , :,.;;�:�,.�
<br /> � � :x:,,�: ,�;,
<br />"T rt r� �� AND ttt� i�ollanLng d��csib�d r�ai pcopert� located ia th� Couaty of
<br /> =�°�%� .h:�'�:,,'.�.�".;��, � 8hsr�aa. Stae� of N�bsatkse 'Pti� Soutlua�t Quart�r (SEl/4� oP S�ctiaa
<br /> ��%�!••�� hraaty (20) �ad th� North�s�t Quart�r (!B1/ij of S�ctioa Sev�nt�on (17).
<br />_.�:► .�..�=.�,�..'
<br /> wn,�. �. � e:cepC th� tract conv�y�d to the State of N�bcaaks. b� d�od r�corded fn
<br />-- � `i�`'•�� - , 800k �7. Page 274 0£ Deod Racorda of Sharnw County. tiabr��ira. and esc�pt
<br /> ��.a tract coavey�d to the 8tate of Nebrasloa b� Warrant� D�ed record�d Augu�t
<br />- � ���.�� 16, 1�72� in Book SS� P�g� 352 of DQerl Rscords of �aid Caunty. all in
<br /> � . "�*•;•�,,� ToMndtip Thirt��n (19) Nostb. �e Fouzrasn (14) Vi�! of th� 6th. P.N.�
<br /> p' Sh�rrn Couaty. Nebradu�. �
<br /> .,
<br /> LJ !_� .
<br /> i
<br />� ,��,�.�• i�� [�'l.. •.'_�.
<br /> •'���.t. /�ww`+
<br />�`:J��• VYNM�� 666.86 aare�� mor� or l000• , �
<br /> __"��.I���� ��_� �T� A
<br />- �111��.i1� � • "����n�^,}�w'
<br /> •:- . , FOA VALUABI.� CONBIDSbtATION. see�ipt of vhich i• ackaoorl�dg�d, Truat�r. aa
<br />;�: :` �.:};���,.
<br /> �t,;4: d�btos� irr�vocably granto and aa�i�as ta Batuficiar�. a• •ecur�d pact�, s
<br /> ., ,,; .
<br /> - . �.;i`�ij;.., r±f�;•' ��curit� iat�reat in all of th� folla►ia� collatoral ahich ia �ersa�qal
<br /> � � � .���;�'���a�'r� ro rt nar or h�raaft�r arned b Trsst�r or in �fi.tch �'rustor nanv � or
<br /> �. ���.:� �:�3 P Pe Y Y �fi
<br /> f����� heraafter h�� aa� righta and vbich i� aow mr her�after locatad oa ox �as� or
<br />• ��� . ,..�:�t:;- •f���, affiz�d or attach�d to. or produc�d fran� or u��d in aanaection Mith aaid real
<br /> •� ���" �. �,,;���.4�r%`�:;,,;z,,. {' prop�sty. and all �abttitutioas. replaaea�sats. addition�• scce�sl.w�v,• praductv
<br /> , ;�:,�; .,� i' aad proc��dt� of or to asid collateral.� to-vi.ts .
<br /> ��y�`;,,�� ,�
<br /> 4�' ::� �;'"�:.'"'���� �0 !�P Amarillo fisarhe�d Serial Nwnmes :i��716�9
<br /> � i� ',.,nrs.•��' �
<br /> �k+�.� • �y,� -�slr�.:.,r. .•" 6' Turbin� WLB Puoip Sesi�l Numbas �E768S9
<br /> . . ; °+"
<br />_ .'• V• . . Y' yC.;': 8' Turbine NLR Pwnp Ser�al �lumber 456174
<br /> ' �;+ �. • 8' Turbine iiLit Pump Ser3w1 Number 873
<br /> . { ..., .' ::�„�... .
<br />_'' � ' :.;;;.:: .. :•>>.� . 10 HP Eloctric Blektriu► Motor Sarial Numbar 129038
<br />��;-. � ,,,�:::. �'•°'""� ,�` 13 HP Elactric Elektria Motor Serial Numbor 8100496
<br /> , , � � , ,r;r:, Perkine Di�oel Motor Serial Number 51002911�
<br /> '"` � �` � 8' Turbine WLR Pum Sarial N�r 26Z39
<br />-- ,���;•.�� p _
<br /> ��''- 8• Turbine iiL�t Pump �erial N�r 877485 -
<br /> t :�"`'� .:,;�-.,
<br />`..�'"'fu • '+'�;;.';'� ".`''•'; :'� 20 HP Electiric Vanguard Motos Serinl tiambor 2140497
<br /> �+;<<`�;;.� '" ;�•• y ;���� �� 15 �� Slectric U.S. !lotoro Motor Ser3a3 Number R89S9-04-591
<br /> "'�'�� "���' ` ��y� A2� !!P 0.8. Motora GQarhead Serian Number NS002706
<br />:��.�w, t ,;�t.,..��... �.•:r;: _
<br /> .. Y r»�:�,�.�•.�. '����''-�� Pull Size T i L Pivot SysEem Serial Nnmber UNcaoam
<br /> 1,
<br /> ��. . ��: .'�';:�;• ?.'�'�. 8' Turbine Wit.& P�mp 5erial Num6er tlakaoWn
<br /> � �`'�` Perkino Di��el Motor Serial Numb�x �Taknoaa •
<br /> ,.; . . _, � : umb
<br />. � ,: . (�!..4•.; ,���t4
<br />'-�. `C!. "��x�'.Ij„-. �'
<br /> . �.\.' . . �5`.�:llr�-.:.':; •
<br /> .�.�;� ;: ��>�Y'- ,"�� ;''-`^� � , � �ogether �aiths all eguipmernt, fasm producta� cropo groMiag or to be
<br /> 1., • ,.�;�.
<br /> _: r N , ; �grown. timber. all fisturee. im�rovements. building�. and ti�e plumbing�
<br /> ``�''`� � r�'�" ,�� t►eatia v�entilatin nnd li mtin e atemo and e ui ea� therein= all barn
<br /> ;���'.,fi, ,:��',v�� " 8 B � � Y 4 P�
<br /> " �•�^ �' eq u:ipm e n t i a n d a l i p u mp e� p u mp i n g �t a t i o n o. m o t o r�. e a g i n Q O. m s c h i n e ry.
<br />�'•��;�':.,;' :'�.�`,.�'.; '�`'.�;:.'` xes�ervoire. Pipeo. flumeo� fences. e�i�! other machinary or equipaaeat.
<br /> :��;�:. ,
<br /> �..:'riii2i:.:i,',a��:: eYCOpt tractoro. uted for the production of water oa �aid premisea or for
<br /> �Y 1" � �,� the irrigation or drainage t�:ereof, all of which ohall bo coa�trueol aad
<br /> .° ' . coneiderQd ao sffisod to aad port of the resl eatste. -
<br />"_ - �.�. �i,;�". :,Ix_ ' -
<br /> . .�: =.. ;>•,,;:�
<br /> ��!ir:r .;�`":' . ;�:..�.
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<br /> � ii�-.� � ( y���/� S �f,�'r'• .�,I . f l�' .5;f� ti�5.a-. �`�' v —
<br /> ' � '��":�!. �,�,f';,5�,'+� �t�; �`�!P''�"F1i.r�yc�.s,:,. �•.�:� r., ..:;�,�i'1�:r��J• r '� , P,.? , c'� r, , ,.T - - �_.. -
<br /> . - � j �\ . ' �'er;'�t .��, �. t � , . .. �1 � (- 11 .� . .r�' . . • _ . .
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<br /> �yy��, s_� � •.�'��t.i`�ti�„�.:!�t�1. . - .��� - �� .
<br /> ... ' .
<br /> 2tU_' '
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