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<br /> . • 9�° �1����� OM00916 �
<br /> ` 8. Har,ued osr FTURcety lnsuec+nce. aorrowc� ehnll kccp thc improvem�nte nuw cxisting an c�rcnRer cccctcd an thc '_
<br /> {'tnperty bisuced n�atnst lase by flre, hau�rde ineiudcd within the term "exiertded caveroge" c►nd any mher Sicu,n�lo, includlnII �
<br /> tlaade or tlnadinp. fat which l.ender rcquires insurancc.TNte inaurancc Khnll bo mnintnincd 1n tNc iu�iuunte nnd 1'nr thc{icrt�di►
<br /> thnt l.cndcr requhtis.The lnauranco cordcr pravi�dlnB thc insurcuicc ehnll hc chuscn by Eiarrowcr eub��n��rL.cnnyc i►t l.cnd r'�s '.1=
<br /> which shnll nnt be unrc�,annbly wlthhcld. IP liurrawcr inlle tu maintain covcra�c dcscribcd nbovc, � t..
<br /> „ . o ptian,obta{n covcrnge ta pratect l.�nder's rlphte tn thc P[openy tn au;ordnncc with parugruph 7. �;.�_
<br /> . All ineurance policirs u�id rencw a ls s h u l i be acce p t a b l e w l.e n d e r u n d s h n l l i n c l u d c u e t c u t c l a r d moit ga Be clause. l.ender C�;.�
<br /> ' '''` ehall have the dght to held the polic`n�@�nt f loas.9onawer sh�ll giv prompthnoticer aphe jneurance cnarder�s+nd l.ender` _
<br /> ° ••�,� , paid premiums and maewal notices
<br /> �"'�`�,,;w,,�. Lender may make pmof of losa if not made pmmptly by Borrowcr. _ _-
<br /> ' Unlesa Lender end Bonower otherwise agre�s in wdtiag.insuraace pmceeda shall be Applied to restoration or repair of the -•'`
<br /> Property damaged, if the restaratian or repair is economiwould be less ned,the insurance procceda hall b applicd t�thei sums ���
<br /> � ` � repair is not economlcally feasible or Leader's secudry �-
<br /> secured by this Securtty Instrument+ whethet oT not then due, wlth any excess Pa{d�A Horrower. lf Horro�ver abandona tue -
<br /> ' Properry,or does not answer witbin 30 days a aottce from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to aet or to� am�sums
<br /> Leader may caUect the insurence proceeds. Leader �aay ase the pmceeds�wli�be in when thc notice is�iven. P y —
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nos then due.The 30•day�tion of roceeds to principal ehall not extend or --
<br /> „ � � Ualess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writiug, aay app P
<br /> postpone the due data of tha monthly payments refened to in paraBcsiphe 1 and 2 or chaage the amount of the gayments. If
<br /> �r� ` uader paragraph xl�g p�o to thie�cqu3s�on shal passBo Le der to the extent oftheswns secured by this S�urityullnstnunent -_
<br />- � damage w the Propeny p q
<br /> ;':,,:;f .= immediately prior to the acqnisition.
<br /> :,�.,��;ri: . 6.p�up��y,Preser+�atton,lVdaiatenanso and Frotestto�of thr 1'ro�erty;BorrawPr's Loau Application;LeASS.holds. [:_
<br /> � "�`'��`��' -
<br /> �`�. Borruwer ahall occupy.establish,and use the Property as Borrower's princlpal residence wi�1a sixty daYB afier the execudon of -
<br /> ,f:iff�l'�-.
<br /> , .�l;,u;,... ' this Security Instrument and sd�ll continue to occupy the Property as B onower's p r i n c i p a l r e sidence for at least one year after �
<br />;'f,�„•+ tb,e date of occupancy.untuss I..ender otherwise agrees in wrltin8.Whicb wnsent shall aot be unreasona'bly witWield,or uulesa ___
<br /> � ;:,,,,;��. extenuatiug circumstances exise which are beyond Borrower's control.Horrower shall not desuoy, dama�e or impair ttie
<br />_ ,; �� , Pcoperty. allo�v tho Aroperty to deteriornte,or commit waste on the Praperty. Borrower shall be in d�fautt if any farFeiture -
<br /> :�,�r•r� sction or procxedin8� whether civil oz crimtna�l,is beSun that in Lender's good faitb judgment could result tn forfeinire of the
<br /> ' '' PropercY or oWerwlse tnaterIally lmpair the lien created by this Security Instnunent or l.ender's securlty interest.Bort+�wer u�ay
<br /> - .�' �'�•r` cure such a default and reinstete,as providc�i u��3a�-a�raPh 28.b�csnsiug+he nMton or proceed�nR to be dlsml O othetr macerlal `
<br />~,11;..:,,,,;. that� in I,ender's gaod faith detern�►adon,prealudes forfe.iture of the Borrower's interest in the Property
<br /> rn
<br />-ti� .•� � impaimient of the Ifen created by thia Security Instrument or LendBr's aeaurlry iuterest. Borroaor ahalt also be in default 1
<br />��•"'} li�ation racess.gave materiall false or inaccurate infora�atlon or statemeats to I.ender(or failed
<br />_,.r.�t:� �:� Y
<br /> �;�, Bonower.durla�the loan app P
<br />=_�.r�,�'-,. to provide Lender wlth any roator[al iaform�cl��1�COnII�tton with the loan evidenced by the Note�includ{ng,but aot 1 t
<br /> �;;x�� to�represeatattons con�raiag Aorrower s cecu��acy of the Property es a Principal residence.If tttis Securlry instivment is on a
<br /> � �'•`�� � leasehold, Borrower shall complY v�►ith ali th�provtsions of the lease.If Borrower acquGres fee dde to the Property. the
<br /> F •' �
<br /> �"-j�'=� leasehold and the fee ado shalt not znerge unleos Lender agrees co the m$rger in g.
<br /> �� 7.Protecti4n of I.eader's Righte in th�8wpertY•If Borrower faile to perform th�covenants nnd agreeiaents conteiued 1n
<br />_�� this Security instrument, or there is a leBc+l pnoceedi�►g that au►Y S�BniflcenuY affect Lender's dghte in the P�operty(such as a
<br />�,� pmceedias�in bs�nkiuptay.probntc. for coud:c�a�lon�r forfeitur�or to enforce laws or regulations).then[,emder tnay do and
<br /> ��°"� pay for what�ver !s nocess�uY to protect the v�tue of the Pcoperty aad Leader's rights ln the PcopertY. 1�endienr'��°P �
<br />���'°� lncludo ppying c+ny sums serured by a Iten �vh�ch h o P�e�Y ����o���der mnyetake actiP on�iiader this paragraph
<br /> :"""�� reasonable attameys' fces end entering on the�Ptoperty �P -
<br />�„� 7.Lendet daes not have to do so.
<br />�:M,w_,�„_„� pny tu�nnts diebursed by Lender undt� tt►ia ptvabrcxph 7 shdl become additIonai debt of Bormwer secured by thle
<br /> '''�i�=`���,�� gecurjty Insuumeat. Unless Borrov+er and Ltuder a�ree to other tcm�s of payncent,these amouats ahull h�r interest from the
<br /> -��"""' dnte of'dtabacsement at tho Note rate attd sliall be payuble. with interest. upon notite from I.ender to Bonower cequesting
<br /> •�`��<.r� .
<br /> . �.��-,�
<br />=�;��-� pa�°�t. e Wsurance as a coadition of makin8 the loan secured by tLis Seeu ty
<br />��a�a 8.Mortgogc Lv�urance. If Lender reyl.itod mort�ag
<br />--�=�-�,�-.��:�._*�,+i� inatru�nent. Borrnwer shutl PaY t�� prei;vu�ns rcquircd ta muintniu 4ie r�tt��gc ittstsr�..a�4ti effix�t. if, for any eeason. the `
<br />��.�-�-�-
<br /> -=�..m�� mortgaIIe insuranoE oovernge requtred by Lesi�er lapses or ceases�co i�in ct[ix:t�Bo;roucr slt�lt gsy the gremit+mc required so
<br />-�,��,;.:;��,".;�° : obtain wverage substaad�lly eyuivaieat to t1��mortgage insurance prevfously in effect,at a cost substnntlnlly equivalent to the
<br />_'';;?'K;'r`,�..�.,, ;; cost to Borrower of the mortgnge it�auraBa: prevlously in effect, frvmaa altemate mortgage lnsurex app�oved by Lender. If
<br /> =__�:::�:- :� substantially eqt�iv�lent mortga(se insiuu�ca�avereIIe is ain av�a 1B�Bomo ci wh nl the tinsurnnce�coevernBe lapsed o�r ceased t
<br /> a� .r. . .. . �� one-twelfth of the yc,�,rly mortIIage insusau�s�s Prcmium be 8 P 9
<br /> . ..,....
<br /> . . :�1 be in effect.I.ender will accept,use aad tot�.�th�se PaYments as a loss re�Prve in lieu of mortgage insurau�t�� �e a
<br />- '%•`>:�;.. �;
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