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<br /> ' TOOETHER WITH nil the improvcmente now or hereufter erectcd on thc propeny,and�Il eASements,appurtenancc9,nnd :��,._�.
<br /> flxtures now on c�rcnttcr n pn�t of the property. Ail repincements and AddIl�QIIB BIi(111 1t16Q bc�overcd �y this Security _ � ,;,
<br /> � In�tcuinent. All of the fareaah��is referced tn ln thia Security lnstrumrnt a9 thc"P�apeny." '_.y`"
<br /> ° 130RROWEEt GOV�iVANTS timt�iorra►wcr la Intv�tlly sclRCQ aP thc estatc hcretry convcy��d nnd hns tlt�rigD►t to grant nnd ��;��.
<br /> �� �`-=
<br /> • - c:onvoy Qio Prop�ny cmd tttiat thc Pcu{urty fa uncncumhercd, cxcept fnr cncumbennccs af record. eunawcr wnrrants wui will :4i,�.'`�
<br /> dutend grnernily the tiUe ta the Praperty agninet�tl claims nn�i demands.subJcti�tu nny ancumbmndc�af rrcatd. ���b`
<br /> THlS SF.CURt7'Y INSTRIJM�NT combines unifurm covcnants for nmionnl u�c nncl nan•uniform auvennnts wtth 1lmited k"�
<br /> - - , F�-.:,_..�:
<br /> .. ;;� voria�lane by Judsdictlon ta conadw�e n uniform s�wurhy lnatrume�it covedng renl�ropercy. _
<br /> U NIFORM COVBMANTS.Borrower nnd Lender covennnt and a�ree ne foltowa: �;,,�___
<br /> ;;�;s�'' 1. Paymcnt oP 1'rtneipnl und Iatcrest; Prepnyment and Late Churges. Bonower shult promptly pay �vhen due thc G_=__��
<br /> „- �'''` princlpal of aad interest on the debt evidenced by the Note aad eny prepuymeat end late chergce due under the Note. _
<br /> • � t. �nds for Tuxes ond[asuranee.Subject to applicable law or w a wcitten waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to �_�?'�
<br /> ° ,:; Lender on the day iuontWy payments arB due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a swn("Funds")for:(a)yeucly ttucea ti1F---
<br /> . �, and essessments wbich mny attain ptiorIty over this Security Inatrument as a lien on the Pruperry: (b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> or groamd rents oa the Property,if aay;(c)yeacly hazrud or property iasutance premiwns;(d)yearly flood insuraace premlums. _
<br /> :; if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any;aad(�any sums payable by Boaower to l.�sader, in accordt+nce with
<br /> ' � the provietona of paragraph B.in lieu of the paymenc of mortgage insurauce premiwns•7'hese Itern�are called"Escraw Items." __
<br />- � Lender may, at aay time. collect and hold Funds W an amouat aot to exceed the max(mum amount a lender for a federally _._
<br /> • `,�� related mortgage loan may require for Bonower's escmw Accouat ander the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of _._
<br /> 1970 as ai�ended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seg. ("RESPA").uNess another law tbst appites to the Funds
<br /> a
<br /> � seta a lesser eaiouat. If so. Lender may, at any time, collect aad hold Funds in an amount not to axceod the lesser amount. �_
<br /> '� LeAder may eaclmate thc amount of Funds due on the bnais of curreat data and ressonable estimates of expenditures uf ft►ture _,
<br /> ' � Escro�:v Itexns or otherwise ia accordance wlth applicable faw. '--
<br /> f;•'��':';;';�� .�-. '�'hc fl►ads ahall be held in an inadtudon whose depoaits are iasured by a foderal agency, instrumentality, or enUty ;
<br /> .5:��:,. �I�
<br /> � �r�'��t r (i n d u d i n g I..e a d e r,i f L e a d e r l s s i i c h a a i n s t i t u d o n)or in an y Federal Home I.oan Bank.I.onder shall apply the Funds to pay the �,��
<br />`����"'�`' ' � Esauw Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holdiag aad applyinII the Funds, annually analyzing the esemw account.or -_
<br /> .°`;�,�,
<br /> ti��..:�.. % verltying the Escrow Items.unless I.ender pays Bonower interest oa the Fuads and applicable law pez�nits Lender to make such _
<br /> ,:�,;�,,,��,'``. a charge.However, Lender may require Aonower to pay a ane-time charge for an lndependent real�state ta�c reportiag service _
<br />"" �•,ti��J,� � used by Lender in connection with this loan, uniess appl9caUle law peovides otherwise. IJNess an agrcement is mad6 or
<br /> z;;�.;,.s •
<br /> �};�����y;!_, applicable law requires interest to be paid,i.ender ah�ll not bc requiced to pay Bortower any iatercet or earain�s an the Funds.
<br /> ^ ��.�`� ,._ �����a��r��gg����t}na;however,that interest shall be paid oa the Funds. Lend�r shall give to Eorrower, _
<br /> ` without charge. an annual accouadng af the Funds, showing Credits and debits to the Funds and the puipose for whiCA each
<br /> '`d't����s;7i,'� debit to the Fuads was made.'me Fuuds are pledged as uddidonal securlry for aU sums secured by tht�Securlty Tnstturaent. __
<br />,y.H,.i•�:;�:�'�.;
<br /> �'>'�i�u..•' If the Fuads held b l�end�r rxexed tho a�nounts perm�tted to ba held by applicable law,Lender shall account to 8orcower
<br />�''�'�"^:ac�� for thc excese Funds in uccurdance u+ith the re4uirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Fuads held by Lender at any
<br />=�=:�.t,:,.;.
<br /> .="_�b,ti�a,� ttme is not aufficient to pay the L�scrow Items when due,Lender may so nodfy Borrower in wrltiag,and.in such case Sorrawer
<br /> °'--'•'�s�,�' r� sh�l pay to Lender the amount necessary to roake up the deflclency. Bortower shall make ap tue dettciency in ao more Waa
<br />-=L�=;�—� twclve monthly payments.at Leader's sole dlscretlon.
<br /> '�-���=�'�'+� Upon payment in full af nll sums secured by this Securlry Is�strument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> '`" "'�''�"�° Funds held by I.ender.If.uader para�raph 21,Lender shall acquire or eell the Property,Leader.pdor to the acquisition or sale
<br />���
<br /> __;x.,�� of thc Property,ahall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisldon or sale as a credit agatnst the sums secured by __
<br />——�..._. thie S�cut�ty In�uument.
<br /> -�-� 3.Appltcatton of Paymeats.Unless applicable law pmvides otherwise,all payenents ceceived by Lender under pnragraphs -
<br />-�-�� 1 aad 2 ehsill be applied: first,to any prepayraent charIIes due uader the Note; second,to amounu payuble uuder paragraph 2: --
<br />�;�;;;� Wird. to intemist due;fourth,to��lacipal due;and last,to siny late charges due under the Note. -
<br /> = 4.Chnrgesi Liens.Borrower shnll pay all taxes,assessments,cl�erges� flnes and im�wsition�atutbutable to the Property
<br /> y:;;�.�;�X�� which muy attain prlority over this Se�urlty instrwnent� and leasehold paymeats or ground renu, if eny. Bonower sha11 puy .—-_
<br />-.�:�;�,� th¢ae abligations fa tLe manner�rovidcd in pAragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bornower shail pay them ou time dtrecdY
<br />_,�;;;;;;1�°��� to the person owed payment.Borrower shNl promptly futasish to Leader aU nouces of amounts to be pald under this para�raph.
<br /> �•:-�; II+iBorcower mulces these paymFnts direetly,Bnrrower shull prompdy fumish to I.ender receipts evldeneing the payments.
<br /> - ---�:,� �oc��:�cr sha=1�Smmpilp d3sc}s�e say l:en ti:�hfch!�s p�inrlty�v�r thia Securit3+Insisument unies8 Aornaw6t:4p)88cees i�► _
<br /> ---_-=_----° writi„g t�tt►a��yu�Gnt of thc ahltgatioa secviced by We lien iu a�}snaer acceptable to Lender:t�o)contests iu Sood fuith the ltea =
<br /> --M��.r�'�� by,or defeads against enfom,ement of the Iten in, legal procePdin�s which in the Lertder's opiraion operate co prevent the
<br /> °��i:���
<br />�,'_����3� �.mtorccaient of the liea;or(c)secures from the holder of the Iten an agreemeat satisf8ctory w Lender subor�inttting the lien to
<br />-„�:�``%�`'"y'i-'`�� c�ia Securlty Insmunent. if I�nder detemil�►es th�t�ury p�e of the Property is subjec�to a lien whtch muy attaln�riority over ---
<br /> = �-'W��-- tbia Secu¢ity Instniment,I.Ender a�ay�ive�3orrower a notice identifying We Iten.Boaower shall sntiafy the lien or take one o� __
<br />?°.. .i. ;;�:"..�
<br /> ,�. . ..• �,� more ot tYio actions set forth aUove wtthia 10 Qays of the gtving of aotice. _
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