,, ,' ,
<br /> .., ., . . .,....._.
<br /> ,. ..., .:,.-, . ._ .. . . _ . -
<br /> ,, ,
<br /> . � -.. .. .
<br /> . .... ..._._ .,.. ..... _... . f
<br /> ........._ . �.. ...._. . , „
<br /> � • � 02=91�9889 - DEED OF TRU�T ��� '.Q���� Pag�� „
<br /> . �oon�o (Co�tlnu0d) T
<br /> ._---y
<br /> � �—� ,.
<br /> saMcas ronderod or mntednl turnishod to tho Proporly. Trustor shep mnlntatn tho Proporly hoo of ail�fena haNng prlo�ity ovor or equai to tha .,,
<br /> Intorosi o!Londnr undar this Ocod ol Trusf,ox�pt lar tt�a Ilon of tnxos n�d asSGSSmontn nol duo and oxcept ns olhorv�iso proNdod in fhls Dood
<br /> o}Tnpt.
<br /> Rtaht Yo ContoM. 7runtor may e�lihhoid pnymont ot aryr tox,as^�mflnt,or clnim In connocUon vtllh n good tallh disputo ovor thn obUgntlon
<br /> " to pay,eo tong as Londm'a latsrost in the ProparK+ts rtot eoperdisod. If a Iten crisns or Is fited ao a resutt ot nonRay►r�unt,Trustor sha��wuhln
<br /> � fl(toon(18)day�after tho Ilsn erisos or,it a Ilon Is Ned,wl�hin Aftoen(tb)deys attor Trustor ha9 notice af tho fiilnp,GOOUrA lhe dl3ph8rge of tha
<br /> �� ilan,a�M rcqur'tcd by t,onder,daposlt with Lortder cnoh aa a outtklon!corpomto aurnly bond or olhor soourily nGtistaotory to LondCr In an
<br /> �� amount BuiP,clent to dlschflrge Ihe Ilen ptus any eesta und attomey3'teos or ather ohargos ihut coutQ accruo ns a re�ult of e twaclosure or cnto __ _
<br /> � undor tho Iion. In any contast,Trustor ehall0etend Ilsalf and Lendar and ahatl Batlsry any edvertto judpmont betore entorcemenl agninst the �_.
<br /> -��_:�, Froporty. Yrustor ghdl nurtse Lertder as an addillonat obitpoo undor am+auroty bond turnlshnd in the contost procoadings.
<br /> • � :.,, . Ev idenee o f Payman t. Tru s ta s h a l i upon d e m a n d t u r n i s A t o L o n d e r t s a tl s f e c t o ry o N d o n c o o t p n y m o n t o f t h e N x e�or essossmonb ond shatl �;;`��
<br /> . e sa
<br /> authnda�th�cipproprinte govcmmontol otttciN to dolWar to londar nt nrry timo a wdtton 8tatomont of the taxos and ossossmonts agalnst the �-;_.
<br /> P�e�y R
<br /> ���ti�:
<br /> Not=ce o4 Conahuatlan.Tniator shnu noBy Lender at leaat fifloan(16)dnys botore uny work Is commonced,any seMCea aro fumt�hed,or any ��-
<br /> matsrials are supptled to the PropoAy,A any mechanio's tion,matertalmen's Ilen,or othor ilon could be asseAod on account of tha t�lork, �?�+•�
<br /> sorvtaos,or matartnts aad the eost exceads 36,000.00. Tnr�tor wlll upon roquost ot Lendor tumish to Lendnr advanca assu�artcas sadsfactary to =�-
<br /> ' . Lendar tAat Truster e,�e�and wia pay tho cast of suah Improvemonts. ��='"
<br /> .; PROPc7iTY ttAMAGE INSURANC& Tha Q�qawing prmdsions retaUng to MsudnO the PropoAy aro n paR ot thls Oaed of Trust. �=�L�
<br /> ��
<br /> Mctrltananca o!InsuranCe.Uuntor shall procuro and maintNn pollcias ot flre insurance wilh stnndard extondod covoatge endcnomant�on a �.
<br /> ' reptaeement basb tor the tult I�urablo vatue covoring a�l Improvements on ihe Reui Property fn an omount sutflclant to svofd appllcatinn af any �,.�
<br /> ��� colnsuranoo dause.and with a standard mo�tgagoo ct�usa In favot ot lender. Ttustor shnll Nso proouro nrtd metntain comprehen0lve pen0ra! �y
<br /> IIablUty fnsurertCe In euoh cdverage emounts as Londer may raquest with Wstee nnd Lender betng named as additlonnl insureds in suoh Uabtlity �.
<br /> " insurAnoe polteles. Addi�oneily.Yrustar shaA mal�tain suah other Insurance,InGuding but not tfmlted to fiarard,buslness lnterrupUan,und tr.,_-
<br /> ` , r� , botier insurance,as Lendar may reasonebly requtro. Paiidos shafl ba wd►ten tn form,amounts,covereges and basis r�nsonabiy eax�ptabto to r-.�
<br /> Lender and issued by a cemAany or v�ompanlos reasanaEiy nxeptsblu to Lender. Trustor,upon request o}Lendor,wt11 dellver to Lender irom -
<br /> Uma to time lhe policles or catHtaates ot Insurance in torm sat�taotay to Londar,Including sNpulntlom3 that coveragos v�ID not bo anncel►ed or
<br /> � diminished wltho�t at leest ten(t0)days'prtar w►itten notice 4o Lender. Eeoh In9uranco poUay Nso shnli i�iude an endoreement provldi�that ������
<br /> � �� , coverago U tavot of Lender wi[I�o!bo tmpaired tn eny way by nny act,omisslon or dofiutt of TNSta or any other pNson. Shoutd the RsN � V4
<br /> • 1., Propsrty at any tlme bocome tocated In are nren desi0naled by the�trector ot tha Federel Emergenoy Managemnnt.Agenay as e spaclei 800d
<br /> hezard area,Tnrstot agrse�to obtaln end maintain Federet Flood I�uranai for�he fu1�unpNd pdrtdpal baianoe ot fhe latn,up to the ma�dmum
<br /> ' na
<br /> ., .,,:,Y�, po l l c y N m l t s s e t u n d e r t h o N a U o n a t Fl o o d I n s u r a n c e P r o g r a m.a r[is othervdse re qulred b y landar,and to malntain suoA ir�3utartc8 tOr th0 term o? —
<br /> •;4��� tho loan.
<br /> • Appiicatlon o!P�aoemda. Trustor shan promptty notlry Lender ot any�oss or damape to lho PropeAy it tha esUmatod cost of repar or __
<br /> ceplaoement exoBed9 51.000.00. Wnder may meke proof ot loss If Trustar[alis to do so wlthin flfteen(/S)days ot ifiB Casualty. Whe'ft�t ot not
<br /> � Lenderb seeurily Is Impalred,Lende�may.et Iffi eleatlon. �eaitvve and�etain the Pioceeds of any Insuranco and appN t�Or��to tho
<br /> reduaBon�!the Irtdebtedne^�s,paymeM of anY Ilon affectlng the Properiy,or the rostoraflon and repah ot the Properq►. It lsnder ebats to epph
<br /> ' � �' �, the groceeds to restoreEOn arta repaur.Ttustor ahafi repair a ropinco it�a�ana�3 At�raftd!sn=xoyss�ssfls 4rt p rtt?nn?��s��
<br /> •;',:ti`rt; • lendor. lemder aAall.upon satlsteatory proot ot suoh expeeedture,pny a rolmburse Trustor trom the proceeds tor lhe reasonab!e co9t of ropalr -
<br /> ;f.1` pr�BStoration i}'iwstor b not In dafault und�r tRts Qeed o!T�ust. Any prooeeds whiah havo not b9en disbur�ed wtthin t80 da,ya�atter their
<br /> � und p thb Daed!Ttust,t1�en t paYme�ca ntter�t pand ttre retrno►ndor,!f any.shati i�e��p Iled o the prhidpai ba�ance of the Indabtedness. -
<br /> .� ' �If�yL♦e�Ifn�d�er hdds 4m1 prcceeds atter peyment In fuU a!the Indebtedness,auoh pr000eds shall be pald to Trustor as Trusto�"s Intaesffi maY
<br /> _ r ..A�. �l�I�VO�r
<br /> '�'� �,. ' ' IJnexptred InauranCa at Sa►e. Any unoxptred Usuranao shaU inuro to tho baneflt ot,und pass to.the purohasor ot tha Property covered by thb
<br /> � � De�d ot Trust nt smr trusteo's eate or other sale held under the proNslamr of fhis Oeed ot Tniat,w at eey torc�clasure sete ot euah PtopBAy.
<br /> , �ti 4n��'tor'a RmpoA on Inaurenee. Upon roquest qt Lendor.however not more tAan ence a year,Tastor ahaD turoish to Lnnder a eeporl on each
<br /> . . • Mogti�n euront ropino�smenf va�ue�o tneuch P 3�Ytand kre �mane of detettnlning�thet�value;�and�(A thpe explraUOn dato�i Poltey.
<br /> •� �;,.�'�'` Trusta shall,upon request ot Lender,have an intlopandont apprnlssr saUstactory to Lendar detertn�ne tAo cash v�a1u9 replROOment cost o!thp
<br /> :q,�=��.;,..,.; p�qPertY•
<br /> _ :,�.., .
<br /> -`'r"''''"�'t'C p(pp,Ip1T1lqEg gT{.E71DF3i, It Trus!or tails to compfy with a�y proWlon of thto Deed of Trust,or tf any eotlon or pioCOadlim is oommencod thal
<br /> -�� :i��`��4� .. wp�id mntarlally attect�onders interesta In the PropeAy,Lender on Trusta's baha�t rttny.but ahAli not ba requlrod to.take eny ectlon'�Ytat Lender
<br /> `--^�'•• `"'�� deerra spproprlete.Any amount Ihat Isnda oxponds in so doing wlu ba�r intorost at tho�ata prarided ta in the Hoto irom the datu irtourre0 or Pald
<br />-;,.,-r;r;'�(},i�%�
<br /> y by Lendor t0 lho date ot repayment by T�ar. AU suoh expenses,et Lendera optlon,wi:i (a)be Payabte M demand, (b)be addod to tne batanoe
<br />_r''y'''�a ;;��,. ot tho Note and bo eppor�toned amonp and be pay8bin�vltD aay Insttanment paymont�to bocomo duo dudnQ eithet (!)the term of nrry app1i6101e
<br /> ,^ ,,:.,.S.�yS, �r�surtnce poliay or(�i)!he rem�inl�torm at the Noto,or {o)be trestod as a bnitoon�nyrr.ont which wiU qo duo and puynbt�at the Nots's maturtty.
<br /> _...;_ .��a�y�: � Thb Oeed of Trust�so wfU secure pnymont of tt�sso umourte. The rtghts�roNdod for{n tAls paragmPh aha!t 48 ln eddliton!o any otitOr dght�ar�3ny -
<br /> �- ��,kU�J remedles to whicti lender may be Ar�UVo�3 on naouM ot the datgNG Any�uch ection by Landor shail rtot bD construed as ou�inp!ho Qa�ult so as to
<br /> ° . bar Londor trom nrry rerr�dy that It oihenrdae would heve had.
<br /> '.= _.:-�. 1yAqRAMY;IbFFEN3g GF TIi�F. The fdiowing pravis►orfs retatlnp to owcttxship ot tho Proporly eJe a paA ot thts Dead a!7h�s1.
<br /> -,�,.�-::;�--�- b
<br /> -_—"�'":•,•"�„' t!L':. 'Tn��.sn�it 11++�+b �w�Trusta holdo aood und marketabto dtlo of record to tho Propsrty tn fae simplo.iree and oteer o!all Uens and _
<br /> ?"�:"�"N�.v=: .,;;,: er�tumt+mnrss ether lhan lhose set toAh In tt��tflal i�roperiy d�:�fption or in er►yr riifs ir�caursc��yr.6fI�re,i+o+;.�Rnat�egl�.�sa�..;�!n ==-
<br /> �..:r"�°`' ' tavor of.nnd nocepted by.Londer In connaodon wnn tnts�seou of 7nu1�ar�J �►y Ti��tar isac t�sa tuu r�.�ht,pa::�:.arut csAh�!!ty tn.rc�cu�a end �_
<br /> _� :� .�'� � de�iv�er Mts tf�sd of Tnist to lunder. - -
<br /> ' R: Detents ot TIUs. SubJect to Ure exoepUOe In tho paragmph above,Tcustor werranb and w!►i torever detead the UUe to the Propertye��tnst the
<br /> ..;,, : , �� IawtN aialms of ell persorq. In the ovont nny RcUon a prn�ee�ng ta commenood:hat quostlo�Tnisto�s UUe or Me Interest of Trwtee a
<br /> Lender under thts Osed of Tnist,Trustor shcu d�:'and the acUon atTrusta's mrpo�►. Trustor may be tho nomlrtat parly in auch prooeeQkrp.but
<br /> " ,�;;�,;,; ��• Landor shall Do entitfed to participate In the proceedlr�g and to bo wpras9Mt►d In Me prooeedinp by coum'.s1 0!Lo rt d e�'S o w n c h o k k�,8nd -
<br /> ..,,,,C r�` 1 , T�tor wIJ dd(vt�r,ar eau�o to bo dollvered,to Lander suah Im�Srumonta ao lortdw may request trom timo to tlmo to pc+rmit euoh paAidpaUon. _^
<br /> ��'�'':�".�:'. � mDmpihutCe WltZt Lawa. Trustcr v�trm�ffi ihnt tho PropeAy 6nd Ttustor's t�e ot the MropGrly complios with nll oxisNng eppllcubls t8wo, �
<br /> � •.i�a;;�,'' �!": andlrtancos,c►ndroOtnaUoroatgavammentatauthaitles. ��
<br /> 89. �``
<br /> � � CONDEMNA'ftON.TRa tolbwing proulslans relatln8 to coadmm�nuon praceeding9 are a part ot th►s Oucd ot Truu4 �;i__
<br /> AppliCalbn ot Net Procee9a. It flG or any parl o?th� Proporyl is condomned by eminont domain pra�Dine�s or by any proo00d►ep a �._,.
<br /> � � � purchase 1n Ileu ot condamncdan,Londor may nt ib eteaHon rc34uke thot aU or n^Y PorUOn ot!he net pr000e9s o7 Uho n�vard boappibd to tho ��_:�:
<br /> � .,� lndobteGne�s or thB repatr or rsstosaUon ot tho Propenty. TNB rtot proovods ot the awerd shaU rnean the award 6Rer paymont of nll rotSOnabb
<br /> ' ' cpyts,expensss.end attomo�'�ues Ucurrod by Trustoe or Loa�w In cannocUOn wltD tho condomnntlon. �=�
<br /> -- ------
<br /> � o......�... u.�..,,....,mu„��.eendamnnunn 1�6ted.Tn�sia shsU ororMtiN notity Lender tn wdUng,und Trustor shnll prompUy tnke st�h �.��
<br /> . . ._. . ._.,_.- - ••�..�...�• .....�r�__-.�..._ . ._�_.
<br /> - steps e,s m�y bo�sary to dotend Ihe acxam m�d obtntn the award.Tn�to�mny Do tho nominat parry m sucn�.bvi i.e�o�o�
<br /> 3 , be eMitled M purttot¢atn In the prooeedin9 und to Oo reprasent¢d tn tha praoasoding ny couns�t ot Ib own�holcu.and Trustor wifl dolhnsr� �::�
<br /> rao
<br /> � ' cnuco to bo deUvarcr�d to Londor such Instrt�mcrris ae mny bo mquostod by[t trom tlmo to timo to pomdt n�cch p:utloipatlon.
<br /> - 1lAP08fTtOH QF TAkEB,FE'88�XD CHARR�BC�30VERNMf7d�AL AUrttORiTtEB. Tho toltowing Rrovfstons retatq�g to povorrtmoMN to�cas.
<br /> � ' te�s and cD.nrgos ero e paA o!1Ns Cootl ot Tn�ck
<br /> Cttmnt Taes.Feea u�d Cha�qtta. Upon reRuesl by Lendor,Trustar sha0 oxo�uto such dxumont9ln addlUOn to tNS Oeed of Trust and tako
<br /> whetever otha aclton is requestad by londcr ta purtect[t�d continttt►londors Iton on tho Roal Proporty. "Sntstot shntl rttlmbureo ltsndor tw ntl
<br /> ' Iim�itatlon ell fazes,tool,dxutmoott�l y cfnmps,n d othor eharg�tor roCOrd!nB o progis oring thi OeeO of Ttu���T��inoludinp wlthou!
<br /> ' .. ' Taxas. TRO foilowlnp shaA coe�sUtuto taxos to which tMs eacrion appl�s: (a)u aAocll�o tox uDan this ty�se ot Oeed of Tnrst a upan a9 or any
<br /> � paA of the Inde�tadnos3 sxurod by Ihts Oaod ot Trush. @)n opoNRO tnu on Tru3tor whtch Tntstor ts authorited or requ!red to deduCt trom .
<br /> p oyhotdnr of t o�No�,nnd�(dj n epealt c�to�c on eulo�r�nny�pailori o¢tho ndobtodrto�or}on paymon�of p�pai an0 intorast mando by
<br />